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Everything posted by Kalfear

  1. err which guy? The kid that asks if his father is ok and you can answer "yes" no gain or loss or "hes in town cowarding like the useless blah blah blah blah that he is?" (and get the closed fist increase) Maybe I dont get it, but ragging on the kid serves what purpose towards your disipline? A simple yes, hes alive, is all thats required for either the open palm or closed fist followers. There is no reason or gain to insult the father. Its something a thug would do, a bully. OR Here my favorite example (one of first encounters in game, the student training in the gazebo). You come up to this student and hes in AWE of you. Everything he says just bloats your ego. So how do you reply to get your closed fist increase "you insult him and his abilities!!!!" I dont know, but why (evil or not) would you insult someone who looks to you like a god? It makes no sence. Again its saying something hurtful just for the sake of saying it. It doesnt have any other reason to it. Common Thuggery, nothing else.
  2. You shopped in an expensive store. My roomie paid $68.98 for his (59.99 plus the 15% tax). I know, not a big difference, but he was also able to buy a slice of pizza as well with his leftover money. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL, $69-72, still pretty harsh for 25 hours of content!
  3. Sarjahurmaaja: Here your example (only 1 but many available) In part 2 you goto Teins Landing, they have been hurt by having a dam opened and you face a choice of leaving it open or closing it. If you close it you get open palm increase. If you leave it open you get closed fist increase. Leaving it open ensures the entire town will die off as boats cant get to them. YET, a intellegent evil could in fact see the profit and advantage to closeing the dam to increase trade route. since you have saved the town anyways (curing the forest regardless which choice you make and killing the pirates) you are in a position to PROFIT from the town being profitable. Yet once again you have to do the stupid act so you can get the closed palm increase. Or anouther one is you end up saving this guy from thugs. There is a REALLY STUPID EXCHANGE in the boat house and you are faced with (to get the closed palm increase) forceing the guy to marry one of two women. One is obsessed and coo coo, the other is a good person but you can take all her money for doing the act. WoW, talk about smart, intellegent evils there!!!!!
  4. Mainly because Closed Fist isnt suppose to be EVIL/Disgusting/ect. Closed Fist is where you beleive in str over all other things. Early in a game you speak to a trainer that explains the differences. Closed Fist is evil but its a THINKING persons evil. Yet the game play only allows you to become closed fist by doing thugish non intellegent acts. There is no reasoning behind the acts other then to hurt others. And that is NOT the way the philosophy is presented. I cant really go into specifics as I started this thread as a non spoiler thread, but ill post a example for you in Volos thread as that has spoilers Basically you just become a zombie who says the most hurtful thing and does the most hurtful act regardless of reason or intent. (as I said, my opinion) but thats BORING. Its just lazy design to be honest.
  5. aye, Canadian so price + GST + PST (IE Taxes) worked out to around 72.00 for limited edition Jade Empire.
  6. Sure, you can play as open palm or closed fist. Just at 25 hours to complete either you want to play both to get your monies worth is all.
  7. lol, saying that doesnt make it true. Back it up! with such limited amount of content for initial play through, Bioware needs to make sure the game has replay value. With as distasteful as closed fist is, many players (as proven on biowares own boards) who prefer being the hero can not stomach the closed fist game. So the replay value ruined. Thats NOT good game design, RPG or not when the price tag for game so heavy and the initial play through content so limited and short! *snickers* how would you know what a TRUE RPG fan likes
  8. Just finished multiple play throughs of Jade Empire so here it is. 1) This game is enjoyable from start to finish, However its not on par with KotOR1 or 2. Both KotOR games are still the market standard for RPGs IMO. The Good! - Bioware has made a great looking world for Jade Empire - The martial arts are very fun and interesting to use - The story line is compelling and interesting - There is DIFFERENCES in storyline when you play open palm (Lightside) or Closed Fist (Dark side) which makes replay value better The Bad! -Game is far to short! 25 hours to COMPLETELY finish game (all quests, all mini quests, all everything) in initial play through. This makes the price tag on JE kinda hard to justify or swallow. - Lack of Influence system. Influence ONLY matters to the love stories. All other characters you can get full and complete story from by just remembering to speak to them often. -Game is VERY LINEAR. Unlike KotOR2, you do not actuall have to read anything or even really pay attention to conversations. Yes you will miss a ton of content but the game is so linear that you can NOT mess up its path or get stuck at any time. Many players have played this game like you would Halo and finished it in 12 hours. - Game is predictable (which is to be expected as its so linear). There is no ground breaking surprises. The clues (if you read them) are very obvious as to what their meaning is. Forshadowing doesnt exist in this game Im sad to say. -Mini games are top down arcade style ship fights (like Galaga nad other shooter games). Appeals to some people but not to me as I bought a RPG not a top down out of date arcade game. -Bioware boards. Once again Bioware shows it has the most fanatical fans out there (them or Blizzard, its a real toss up). If you have any complaints or concerns about the game, do NOT use bioware boards. even the Moderaters will bad mouth you! Just go there, post Rah Rah Rah, and leave! -Closed Fist. Playing closed fist makes you feel dirty! For any player out there that prefers playing a HERO, you will find playing closed fist distasteful to the point that many players have not been able to complete it. I personally think this is a draw back and poor design. All in all I would put JE as my 3rd favorite RPG in last decade. Above fallout and games like that but not in the league of KotOR1 or 2. Game play: Excellent Storyline: Above average Content Design: Excellent Content amount: Below Average Value: Poor (sorry, for a $72.00 price tag, 25 hours just doesnt cut the mustard) Overall score: C+ (would be much much higher with even 10 more hours of content in initial play through)
  9. Nah, she's just being a patriotic Canadian! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL naaa, IM a Patriotic Canadian <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't know there was a species called "a Patriotic Canadian"..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL we a rare bred! heheh Most Canadians seem to be Liberals so they dont understand the word Patriotic
  10. Before Volo replies I should say that like Jade empire, Bioware again made 3 different endings to the game which was nice. And there is some stuff in game that drastically changes depending if you go open palm (light side) or closed fist (dark side), including the addition of new party member. Lastly, their is a (not a surprise) but (tries to think of word) unexpected turn regarding a key party member in the final encounter for the closed fist. So please no one read that I hate JE, its a fun game, just not up to snuff when compared to KotOR1 or 2 is all. PS: Closed fist is completely unenjoyable to play as well, you actually feel DIRTY doing the deeds, some might say this is great but I personally find this to be one of its draw backs. Course Im a hero at heart in RPGs anyways.
  11. Nah, she's just being a patriotic Canadian! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL naaa, IM a Patriotic Canadian
  12. (w00t) That sounds as a great influence system...but the game doesn't seem to be liked by all...I just read some Codex comments <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just finished multiple play throughs of JE (Im assuming that what your speaking of with the comment about mysterious fact to her father). JE is a great and fun game but doesnt come close to comparing to KotOR1 or 2. -It lacks the group interaction found in KotOR, -Is way to short (25 hours to completely finish initial play through, -Group NPC storys are less complelling then the KotOR1/2 group NPC stories. -VERY LINEAR even more so then KotOR1 was, Some folks have been playing it like Halo, ignore the conversations and mini quests and rush to the end and win (12-14 hours front to start) - VERY PREDICTABLE, There is no surprises in JE. Even the father thing I guessed at in stage 1 of story. -Influence system is only for romances, everything else regarding party members can be learned by just talking to them after key events (much like KotOR1). Still a great RPG but its not in the quality of a KotOR2 or 1, not by a long short!
  13. WOW, I was going to reply seriously to you but then read rest of thread. Obvious your only trolling here, I havent seen you make one valid comment yet. If you hated K2 so much why dont you just leave? nuff said! PS: Regarding mature, you will understand when you yourself become mature, until then you will just have to take others word for it
  14. Totally satisfied Hopefully part 3 will tie up the loose ends but I found KotOR2 to be even more enjoyable then part 1 (which is saying ALOT). Just finished playing Jade Empire and that reenforces how much I loved KotOR2. My top 3 RPG titles for last decade are: #1- KotOR2 (awsome characters, awsome story, more detailed and mature storyline with twists) #2- KotOR1 (mix of good and bad characters, great over all story, linear storyline that was pretty straight forward and predictable but still enjoyable, teen and under orientated storyline) #3- Jade Empire (Awsome characters, Awsome story, lacking content (20 hours play time from start to finish). Honestly all 3 were to small content wise but KotOR2 was the best of the 3 for initial play through.
  15. heh, welp posted my thoughts on matter already In a nut shell part three should pick up where part 2 ended. Exile should be the PC for part 3 (sorry, no alien Exiles as already been established) old group members from part 1 and 2 should be the selction for part 3 group (to finish off their stories) Should have to revisit all the star Map planets (and maybe even the planet by where the star forge use to be) plus new planets. Ending should be you find Revan and togather you and him face the true sith completeing the KotOR series. Then part 4 can start a whole new storyline with all new characters
  16. heh Kali, Thats what drives me nuts about the complaints regarding storyline and influence. If people paid attention and played through more then once they would see and find out they missed alot. I know the entire story didnt truely fall togather for me until about the 6th play through. After that you should have pretty much explored all the paths and learned all there is to learn really
  17. as stated above, yuppers it possible. You get a nice chunk of XP but otherwise its kinda a let down. To beat them, what I do is focus on hand to hand skills from the start to the encounter. The Handmaidens are tough when doing Hand to Hand and your not allowed to use FS powers. Once your allowed to use FS powers, thats the way to go to defeat the rest. hehe, save before you start a fight and after you win a fight! No idea on module, but if you come to the end of your influence, you can useually increase that influence by exploring the other conversation paths. Kreia pretty easy to influence once you know what shes looking for in terms of answers. Yes, but as other poster mentioned, if you pay to much attention to Visas, Handmaiden clams up on you outta jealousy. I think you are on track here, she never really reveals her reasons for her reasoning behind this but I think she feels if you become attacted to either of them her hold over you will lessen. hehe, after all, if one thing holds true, Kriea is all about having power over others
  18. Now yas getting the picture heheh Aye some games are made for council and some are made for computers. For example, The civ line of games or rollercoaster tycoon games, those are DEFINATELY computer games requireing keyboard and mouse. Really same goes for MMORPGs. BUT, and Ill admit when I first got XBox it was strictly for my sports games (as computers suck for those and xbox gets all the great titles) but got KotOR1 as a gift. IT WAS AWSOME!!! I honestly groaned when I got it figureing it would be a hassle with the controls but truth is, it was a ton easier to use then mouse keyboard for the RPG offline genre. Oh, for other poster about hooking computer up to tv. Yes you can do that but if your TV is not specifically designed for it your increasing your chances of burning it out and it WONT be covered by warrenty. If you purchase a tv designed for it, your looking at a addition 10 grand U.S. just for the availablity option. Not sure about you, but I dont have 10k laying around for the upgrade
  19. LOL, well it must be t rue as spooky said it! ROFL! Truth is, for games like KotOR, Xbox kicks the hell outta pc in everything but graphics. PC graphics are definately crisper. Controller wise, xbox has keyboard/mouse beat hands down. But even if you ignore all that, I have a 17" Computer screen vrs a 54' Television screen. You do the math of which is better
  20. Master of Orion ]I[ has been modded by the community to be much better than it was upon release. As for legal issues... Theoretically, they are using LA's own files in the game to restore content whilst adding their own (presumably), the downloads aren't for sale, they're not using the content to make or mod another game, so I don't see any copyright infringement. IANAL, but I handle software permission contracts at my job, so some knowledge of copyright law is kinda required. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope, over at http://www.forgottenworld.com/ they have recreated the original NWN (first ever MMORPG) that was closed down many many years ago and added new areas and stuff to upgrade it Gotta give all these folks real credit for their ability and dedication (any and all that undertake projects like this outta their love for the games)
  21. Not meant as a flame or insult Mas, But back when game first released this was one of the BIGGEST issues. People are so use to linear games they race through the game to reach the end and then complain when everything wasnt handed to them. KotOR2 is a return top traditional style of RPGs, you have to focus on the characters and story just as much (if not more) then the action sequences. Replay the game, spend time learning your party members stories and you will be rewarded with a rich and wonderfully written story. Yes the end is somewhat a let down, but the end is more like a "to be continued" message then anything else! There is more yet to come!
  22. aye, force affinity was one of my favorite jedi powers
  23. have you ever kissed a girl <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WHY? Are you looking for someone to explain to you what its like?
  24. Yeah disappointing that mira didnt say squat to the mandies on dxun. Manderous was very 2 dimensional in this game. How did you take hk47 for an encounter with the hk50s? there are a finite number of encounters with the 50s and the last one occurs b4 you can activate hk47. You been cheatin? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope, no cheating After playing the game from start to finish a few times over, I figured out how to get HK up and running before ever having to hit Dunx or Onderon. Geting HK active for the HK meetings on Telos is impossible unless you cheat (as you said), and I refuse to cheat in games So thats what I did because I was POSITIVE he would say something regarding the HK units on Dunx. Boy was I wrong!!!!!! IF I remember correctly (its been like 6 months since I last played) What you need is 1) Part from Telos 2) BUY part from droid merchant on Narshaddar 3) BUY part from Droid merchant on Dantoine 4) Get HK part from the Warehouse on Narshaddar So basically what I did was 1) Do Telos 2) Hit Dant fast and buy part 3) Then head to Nar Shaddar and do that planet 4) Completely build HK unit! heheh other weird thing I did in game was, I wanted to see what type of influence I could get for Mira from the Refugee sector AND those apts in the Docking area AND the Cantina area. So by now your thinking its impossible right? WRONG!!!!!! heheh, if you are very carefull, you can in fact get invited to the Bar and do Nar shaddar end fight (blowing up the yauht) with out ever actually completeing any quests found in the Refugee or other areas (you do have to complete all the quests in landing area zone tho). Its really quite a challenge 1) Land and kill the exchange agents beating up on old man 2) Do the retrieve droid quest BUT go back on your word and kill the droid merchant who has the T4 unit (he actually works for the exchange). 3) Kill the 2 exchange agents collecting money from the peasent 4) Do the 2 merchant quest in landing area and side with the female alien (the male works for exchange) 5) Pay the little freak standing at the entrance of the catina zone (the pazakk champ) 2000 credits to get the exchange to hate you 6) Finally refuse to give back the ebon hawk to the guy that approachs you about returning it 7) Zone in and out of zones (no encounters, just zone out and back in) Congrats, you have built up enough exchange hatred that they will contact you about meeting you! LOL, sadly Not a single encounter/quest builds Mira influence on Nar Shaddar so it doesnt really matter after its all said and done. However if your interested in leveling her there is some nice xp to be had to help her level anyways! Other trick I do now is, once I get handmaiden I NEVER Level her up until I change her to jedi. This way defeating her in hand to hand combat is alot easier AND she has none of those usless non jedi levels! You can do the same with Mira but its really hard to do as she has to fight in the arena and then make it to the exit door. So its a real challenge but can be done LOL, yas know, after you play the game so much your just looking for ways to do things way outta the ordinary If your like me (I hate cheaters and refuse to cheat in games as defeats the purpose of playing) maximizing the characters with out breaking any rules is quite the challenge
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