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TL;DW: Ballpark of the usual 10-30% faster than the not-super 4070, in line with, well, every other nVidia release this generation. Steve's insinuations throughout the video would put AMD's 9070 XT somewhere in the ballpark of the 9700 XT, right where I "extrapolated" (lol) it to be from AMD's marketing claims. Which, assuming it is available for the MSRP and doesn't die whenever you turn on RT, might be decent value compared to the 5070 TI, but probably not good enough to dissuade anyone from buying nVidia.2 points
https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2025/03/04/congress/gop-town-halls-richard-hudson-00210024 No more in-person town halls, NRCC chief tells House Republicans "If you’re running in fear of your own voters, there is nothing America can do for you" - JD Vance I didn't understood at first that he was speaking about his own government2 points
*stares suspiciously* But for real, that made me laugh.2 points
Frankly, I wouldn't change any. BDD is unbalanced only in hard long fights if you can keep it forever, but if you can't prolong it for the entire encounter it will make little difference in the end. Dawnstar's Blessing I really don't understand why you want to change it, I don't see how it breaks the game. Avenging Storm isn't that common and I think there are other abilities/spells at least as good. As for Unbending, it's comparable to BDD - it's good but if it can be used only for limited time it won't make a big difference in the end. If I remember well it was due to other "melee" effects looping and triggering the proc from Boltcatchers. The problem with the procs from accessories/armors is their penetration at end game, especially on PotD. Melee crit builds (high accuracy/hit to crit) can trigger rather often crits from Boltcatchers too which makes them a little more viable (because it helps also their penetration), while with your change you will do 25% dmg vs almost all high level enemies. In other words a penetration increase would have been probably a better buff overall than a simple damage increase. Yes, many accessories were badly overnerfed, but that was not my point. I think there are some interactions that make the game interesting and it bothers me that in an attempt to make the game "fair", sometimes we forget the fun. Here's an example - the trick with Grave Calling looks great on paper but in practice it's very hard to use effectively - using a berserker makes the Chillfogs damage your party too, you can't control very well the number of procs and the game crashes/freezes all the time. If you don't use a berserker then you have to kill every skelly by yourself which in the long run becomes rather tedious and counter productive; in other words it hardly makes a difference in the big picture and personally I consider it very difficult to abuse - but if some people want to put the time and effort to make it work I would say let them enjoy it. Hehe... On the other hand, weapons that proc melee hits with spells is obviously not intended and it should probably be fixed, however for some people it can be fun and maybe it can be treated like a feature - just remove the loops and make the procs break stealth/invisibility.2 points
Actually you can do this exploit when you charm an ally (combat) , then switch his weapon to Modwyr (combat clear) and restart the "manip" again and again -- but it is reaaally teadious.2 points
Wow man thank you ! That was super helpful and sorry for all the spell mistakes. I was looking for the edit button but could not find it. I take your advice to heart ! And thanks fo all the great info about the skills. Glad i understood the basics as it seems makes me doubt my choices less. I thought i need super high Perception for ACC to always hit stuf otherwise no focus. But i went a bit far. Gonna correct that. Cant wait to switch 3 Different gun sets and blast hard Good to know that Dex also helps with reload speed was not sure about it. I went with guns using the Arquebus from Kana then switched to the Dissapointer Pistol i found. +Cheap Enchant. Then switchtched that with a Pistol found in the castle putting a Fine enchantment on it. So ofc i picked gunner early. Guns are so cool in this game cant wait to get into Deadfire. Also Priests seem to be crazy good. So Kana as Off Tank is probably possible - gave him Sword and Shield + the skill and Durance is a bit behind with the Arquebus but mostly buffing the group winning fights. Anyway thanks for the massive help and yeah i keep trying different things. Only Lvl 5 now but Pillarsis a stellar game i love it already.1 point
Hi and welcome! MIG and DEX do the same things for bows or guns: more dmg per hit or faster hits. Because DEX - unlike other general speed bonuses - also does shorten reloading time (as well as recovery time). MIG has an additive effect, DEX has a multiplicative effect on dps. Usually DEX is better BUT if you don't do enough dmg per hit you will struggle against enemies with thick(er) armor. Since reloading weapons usually have the higher base damage it's actually a bit better to invest in DEX than in MIG - and for bows it's the other way round. But on the other hand: if you concentrate on shooting the "softer" enemies in combat anyways (casters of example) then high DEX/not so high MIG on a bow is still great. Having both reasonably high is best, like you did below. Yes, that will totally work. I personally would go for a bit more DEX (17) and take those points from PER (16), but that's not making a big difference. Whisper of Treason is very impactful - but you have to get relatively close. In general Mind Control (confuse, charm, dominate) is the most impactful stuff a Cipher can do. What's also very good is Amplified Wave. Borrowed Instincts and Time Parasite are also very good. "Marksman" is good. Weapon Focus, too. Over the course of the game imo the best ranged weapon for a Cipher is the warbow. But the differences in "power" are almost negligible. It's more important imo what feels cool (and is still valid and good). You only need "Gunner" when you use a reloading weapon (obviously) - but then it's very good. Just note: Time Parasite is a really good dps tool because it allows a Cipher to shoot much faster with bows, but it doesn't do anything for reloading time, only for recovery time. If you do not plan to pick up Time Parasite but prefer to cast CC stuff instead (which is a totally valid approach) then guns/crossbow types for Ciphers are fine. A single shot grants a nice bunch of focus. Usually not recommended often, but don't dismiss arbalests: they have a feature that knocks enemies prone on crit - and that can be very helpful in addition to the damage they cause. They also share the Weapon Focus with arquebuses, so you can always switch between those (if you find let's say a better quality arquebus than your current arbalest for example). There's also a superearly unique arbalest in the game. I do not recommend blunderbusses by the way. On paper they do a lot of damage per shot - but they are really bad against foes with thick armor. And that means that your cipher will really struggle against most bosses and other tough enemies. And that can be frustrating. Other talents you might want to have: Weapon Focus (best impact if it's picked up asap in the early game) Outlander's Frenzy (instead of Time Parasite, only bows) Heart of the Storm (if you pick up the soulbound bow Stormcaller, not before) Shot on the Run (with additional recovery bonuses/speed the recovery when running is actually shorter than when standing, only bows) Arms Bearer & Quick Switch (you can cycle through 3 gun sets at the start of combat and shoot 3 times in quick succession and thus gain a ton of focus, only guns/crossbows) Apprentice's Sneak Attack (always useful for a Cipher who can apply afflictions to enemies easily himself) Cheers!1 point
Almost coming to heel.1 point
'Fighter Drone' Designations Officially Assigned To Collaborative Combat Aircraft By USAF1 point
Yup, I'm reviewing it now. This is a vast subject. I like the general intent, although I really think all cheese shall not be addressed. The type of questions I asked myself about it for my own mod were : - Is it gamebreaking ? - Is it a cheese or a gammechanching feature ? Unlimited duration DoT (with low damages) for example are a feature for me (though they can be indirectly gamebreaking, this is another topic) - If a player is going to use the ability, does it feels wasted just by using it or does he require to intentionally use the ability in a "perverse" way to abuse it ? Example : Grimoire Imprint, as cheesy as it could be, almost require you to swap grimoire intentionally to break the game. The average player may just have fun using it and nothing will happen. Same for outworn buckler swapping again and again. Recasting Salavation of Time again and again on the other end, is a kind of logical combo which allow to break the game just by using way in a very intuitive way. Note this this can be a bit subjective. - (minor) Is it fun ? (this might cause to reconsider a tweak) - (minor) is it difficult to correct ? Frankly, I don't see the point. It is hard to get and hardly make you OP by using it. Good but honnestly minor. I went to the cast time reduction myself. It makes perfect sense balance wise. I'm actually happy with BPM implementation on this : Unbending: <Version 1.4.3> (basically) Unbending & Unbending Shield returns a base 50% of damages taken. Unbending Trunk returns a base to 75% of damages taken. Health is restored over 12s (fixed) per tick of 1s Duration was increased so you can still be killed by spike damages. A fixed percentage on 3+ preprogrammed ticks could be a good alternative though. I would strongly advise against a big nerf to unbending as it could be described as THE selling feature of Fighters a whole. 33% damages reduction for 2 Discipline for 15s base isn't enough IMHO. Already OK OK A bit too complex IMHO. I just increased its cost to 7 wounds with BPM. "It's not a cheese, it's a feature." More seriously, I feel it is a bit complex. Also it changes mostly vs those pesky Megaboss. These fights are already tedious enough, having a little infinite DoT joker on your side is super satisfying. I won't change anything. My own stuff so My own stuff so Same as above. "It's not a cheese, it's a feature." More seriously, I feel it is a bit complex. Also it changes mostly vs those pesky Megaboss. These fights are already tedious enough, having a little infinite DoT joker on your side is super satisfying. I won't change anything. Why in the cheese package ? Ohohoh. I like this new idea. But it will make it more situational and kills a lots of builds. Consider a better effect if you prevent the infinite duration bug. It would have to work when it works. Annoying. I've never found a satisfying idea to deal with it. As stated above, I think it might be considered to just ignore the issue. Or we should find a status cleaner effect that works at the end of encounter. Encapsulating a status within a status is in my experience a good way to "cut it from the source" so adding a layer of ApplyOnApply status may enable the cleaning at the end of encounter to work properly. I have just reviewed my implementation. The weapon damages have been reduced but the character gets a one time bonus that goes away with the weapon and that the phantoms don't get. I have probably not addressed the Grimoire Swapping properly. I'll try to think about making my solution cleaner rather removing it from Grimoire altogether. To be faire, this was YOUR Impementation initially, but it only lasted for 60s brillliant. I just made it cleaner by removing the time limit. Overall OK Same as other infinite DoT. OK ! Well, this was added because of the Addition of Potion of Enlightenment in BPM. This Potion allow to get 1 ressource per 30s of combat, strenghtening the party vs Megabosses. Other Megabosses have infinite uses of their abilities, but not Auranic. That's the reason why I buffed her to compensate. I would have ignored since it is uber tedious to even use. Change below kind of make sense Change below kind of make sense. Maybe 6-10s would be enough though. The combo is endgame and feel legit. It doesn't always work as well as in @Boeroer videos with clumped Drowned Corpses This isn't really cheesy. ranged weapon (bar possibly mortars) are usually weaker than melee's. Mortar is a minor annoyance in this case. This can be indeed an issue. BPM made it 3s cooldown and stop any healing for 6s fixed. Maybe you can find a better idea though. Let's see your ideas ! There is no way to make Heart of Fury / Clear Out / Whisper of the Wind work only with melee weapons. The best to my knowledge is to make it like Whirling Strikes which require at least one melee weapons. As stated above, I don't consider it a big issue, outside of very favorable conditions with mortars (cough cough pull of Eora). Could work. Not infinite duration but long ones (~120s), and stacking.1 point
I can't believe PoE is 10 years old already... and I still can't be bothered to play it when I remember it's that game with no xp for stuff you kill.1 point
i think i agree with kaylon in general broad strokes. it might be worth just having a SoT/WoD/SoF nerf on its own and let it simmer for a while. I don't think we've done that before, incl with Elric's stuff. Nerfing indefinite buffs might do a lot to rein in the extreme cheese. It's true that something like Unbending can be powerful w/out indefinite duration extension, but something like that is actually symmetrical with enemies, whereas enemies are incapable of abusing Brilliant or SoT/WoD/SoF. Beyond that, while balance is an admirable goal, there should still be opportunities to find interesting interactions for power, and it may be without indefinite durations the really powerful interactions aren't really that powerful. BDD with 2x duration from a nerfed Salvation of Time would be situationally good, but no longer the centerpiece for Ultimate runs, for example.1 point
I haven't played Veilgaurd, but I didn't know it had parkour. Avowed feels pretty solid for me as a ranger. I read someone compare it to Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, and I can see that, minus the kicking. I'm also playing in first person. I imagine it is less satisfying in 3rd person, as that seems like an afterthought. Other than that, I don't get what anyone else is talking about. The world is beautiful and lively, and the different hubs have a ton of history, engaging characters and personalities. But hey, I always thought Skyrim was pretty boring. I mean, sure, people wander around and go to bed. But they all come across as generic NPC's. I guess I prefer the Obsidian style of storytelling and character development.1 point
Re Combusting Wounds: is Elric's treatment not enough? Combusting Wounds : <Version 4.0> changed from 4 damages over 6s (+2 damages for initial tick) to 5 damages over 5s (+1 damage for initial tick). Ticks every 3s -> Ticks every 1s. The intended effect is that re-application of the burning effect will only cause 1 damage per active stack instead of 2 (and stacks last slightly less so there should be less stacks). This caused this spell to do too much damages when target was attacked in quick succession. Alternatively could do the same I did with Unbending. Have 3 delayed effects, instead of DoT. No extra 0s procs guaranteed. It's even worse with Wilting Wind from Amira's Wing) The way these spell procs are implemented make them considered as weapon sourced. And here is little we can do. Maybe some workaround with disabling focus gain and re-enabling after 1s. But that timer is not reliable. And there could be some regresion issue. If someone has some suggestions and they are implementable, I am open to hear them. Indeed. Dropping Shinning Beacon out of combat is one thing (since it will start combat). But dropping those AoEs that persist over some area (and luring enemies there) is another thing (since it can result in resource economy and especially stacking). I am ok with lasting pulsedAoEs to be made castable from combat only. Or maybe only damage dealing ones? Would be great to hear more opinions on this. For reference: AttackPulsedAOE that already are combatOnly: Sacred Immolation Repulsive Vissage Returning Storm Moonwell Consecrated Grounds Symbol_Of_Berath Symbol_Of_Eothas Symbol_Of_Skaen Symbol_Of_Wael Blessing_Of_Wael And AttackPulsedAOE that atm can be cast out of combat: Chill Fog Tanglefoot Wicked Briars Venomblood Symbol_Of_Magran Revenge_Of_Skaen Slicken Malignant_Cloud Ninagauths_Freezing_Pillar Pull_of_Eora Probably stacking of Symbol_Of_Magran, Revenge_Of_Skaen and Chill Fog are the biggest offenders here. Due to longer duration you can stack more of them out of combat. I like that friendly buffs don't break Invisibility. But having -80% recovery from stealth (for a long period) is kinda too good. Partially it is countered by the fact that investing in Stealth makes you miss on Alchemy/Arcana/Athletics. But still.. Ideally I would make "-80% recovery while stealthed" only last first 6s of combat. But will need to see if it is implementable1 point
Aa, you made the 1.5 damage multiplier to go away when you switch the from grimoire with Concelhaut's Draining Touch to another grimoire? But how? I would expect that damage multiplier to be added to those 4 grimoires. But you have added it to Concelhauts_Draining_Touch_MeleeCast. Also: if the wizard has learnt that spell on level and has a grimoire with it, how does it play out after he switches the grimoire? When you say buffs, you mean: BDD, Brilliant, Dawnstar Blessing, Avenging Storm and Unbending? If yes, which do you think should retain vanilla behaviour and cannot be cheesed? I am not sure yet if line-of-sight checks are implementable. It could take some time to investigate. But I wouldn't be surprised if such checkes could end up being workarounded via Martyr's Memories, path blocking or something else not taken into consideration. Re Scales of Justice: the idea of prolonging those effects when affected creature deals damage (instead of taking damage from melee weapon attacks) is an interesting one. But this way it can be prolonged indefinitely by chanter's skeleton chant. Or if the enemy deals some modest AoE, just sit in it in invis (if you have enough regen) That's a good suggestion. I will take a look if this is implementable. If someone knows how to trigger clear attack once MaxStackQuantity reaches 25 stacks that would be great. I vaguely remember some posts by Boeroer and Constentine Levine about Boltcatchers, and had the impresion they either could trigger HD and Swift Flurry (since it's proc is not just damage dealt via StatusEffect, but via AttackMeleeGameData); or because there were a lot of hits Boltcatchers proc could have a high chance to also crit, and contribute to some other onCrit effects. Btw, if it doesn't trigger HD and Swift Flurry, what I did is not a nerf, but a straight buff, since I've raised the base damage from 10-15 to 15-25. And that's a +60% damage increase ----- I do agree that many accessoires/armors procs were overnerfed in early patches, when game felt somewhat easy, so everything got a nerf hammer. Thank you) Corrected It does I have created a Belower and Berserker Belower summons 6 skellies. Berserker frenzies, hits the target and kills all skelies with Carnage. Bam you have 6 Chill Fogs. These Chill Fogs have "weapon source" and benefit from weapon quality enchantment; and can also summon new Chill Fogs if they kill any vessels. Plus iirc Chill Fog applications are considered weapon hits and I wouldn't get surprised if those could trigger Blade Cascade if you dual-wield with Scordeo's Edge. Or other weapons with onHit effects. Can make SoF work only in combat. Although would need to think if it is possible to start-and-reset combat in quick sequence. If it is, then setting it to combatOnly would not be enough. Btw, when you say "why nerf all items/status effect", could you list top 5 which you would want to retain the vanilla behaviour, and are not cheesable (after SoT/WoD are taken care of)?1 point
I recommend that all players who are experiencing this bug, send a support ticket to Obsidian.1 point
1 point
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/03/us/politics/doge-musk-contracts-wall.html Relevant xkcd, well, except these dudes aren't here to help.0 points
I haven't made up my mind about it. I mean, I'm enjoying or at least tolerating it enough to keep going through it, but would I actually recommend it to anyone else? I am at conflict with that, probably because it is, as previously mentioned, so all over the place in quality that it feels difficult to just be like "yep, go ahead and watch it" to anybody (and I am generally quite harsh on any media that can't be consistently at least okay, but I am being uncharacteristically forgiving here with Batman, for whatever reason - possibly because despite all its issues, and really the general issues of DC stuff at large, I still tend to like the characters and world). If you aren't at all into the central conceit and formula of Batman as a TV show, then no, it's probably not quite good enough to warrant starting, especially if you know that the first season is an incredibly daunting sixty half-hour episodes long (strangely, the rest of the show, i.e. the next five seasons combined, is only 49 episodes total). You can also typically tell pretty quickly if an episode was written by one of the good writers or one of the bad writers, usually within a few minutes, and I won't lie, I can kind of mentally check out when I detect that it's going to be one of the worse episodes, which softens the blow a little. I think the more character-introspective episodes tend to be the biggest hits and misses - when they're good, they're good, but when they're bad, oh boy are they bad. As I've mentioned some number of times before, I can handle a whole lot of nothing (e.g. Batman doing his thing and beating up the bad guys in a largely unmoving but inoffensive episodic plot) a lot better than I can handle a show or movie trying to get all serious on me and thinking that it's being big and important and emotional while actually instead falling on its face painfully. I will say that I am enjoying it more than The Big O, which I watched like ten episodes of some years back and which is clearly a ripoff of Batman: The Animated Series. Actually, I just noticed that The Big O was literally made by Sunrise, and Google results suggest that yes, they intended it to be their own mech-Batman show after their experiences with animating Batman: TAS. The only issue is that the addition of the mech elements were dumb as all get out and seemed to be as pointlessly formulaic as Sailor Moon monsters of the week (it seemed like each episode would always end in a completely shoehorned in giant mech fight no matter how irrelevant it actually was to the plot of the episode), and the main character is just a whiny manbaby instead of...well, you know, Batman. Batman might be badly and/or inconsistently written at times, but he is not a whiny manbaby at least. I also just noticed that the episode that I want to watch most, the episode that is probably primarily responsible for me starting to watch this at all after I went through the trouble of reading the original comic for it, is literally the very final episode of the whole series. Season 6, episode 11: Mad Love. So...that's great.0 points
Hot take: I had more fun with Veilguard - gameplay wise, I mean. Both the combat and the parcouring feels weightier and better in Veilguard than it does in Awoved, where everything is floaty and weightless.0 points
Top Ten Obsidian Games: 1. Avowed 2. Fallout:NV 3. KOTOR II 4. Alpha Protocol 5. PoE 2 6. PoE 1 7. Outer Worlds 8. NWN 2 9. South Park 10. Pentiment0 points