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  1. I feel like I'm often defending things I don't care much for or about just because someone is so badly misrepresenting it or making outrageous and often easily debunked claims. I was raised to challenge ignorance wherever I see it especially if it's my own ignorance but that obviously can't apply to the internet. Believe it or not the main reason I go back and forth with Bruce so much is because I honestly like him. Otherwise I wouldn't bother. And with that I'm probably done with this particular thread for a bit. Toodles.
    2 points
  2. I assume we need to know Taylor Swift songs to get that joke.
    2 points
  3. For anyone who hasn't seen it before. The sync is great. I would like one as a pet. Best top comment (imo): As a hobby electrical engineer, I can say that this is the exact reason why most chips are usually soldered in.
    1 point
  4. Thanks a lot Kvellen, it worked great Una is back, and it's retroactive.
    1 point
  5. What about Scourge of Bezzelo? Ok it's super endgame, but I think it worth mentionning at least for the ooze mega boss. Triple roll to interrupt, digging into any concentration in the process feels really in line with the logic of the build. Also fits the Lore!
    1 point
  6. You are indeed a brave man... I lasted for all of 20 seconds before hitting the stop button Different people obviously have different tastes. Must be lots of other people out there who dig it Back to browsing cats in Springfield memes on the internet...
    1 point
  7. Back to DS2:SotFS. Two more bosses down. The no phantom attempts work so far. I have started out with Belfry Gargoyles. The interesting thing, I have found out, that summoned phantoms boost up elemental resistances more, than I have expected. In NG, the lightning bolt did almost insignificant damage to them, so I have tried to go full melee on them in my first failed attempt. Unfortunately the only non-infused weapon, which I had was Grand Lance+10, which was not the best choice for the encounter, so in the second one, I have tried lightning spells again. And to my surprise, two casts of great one and one cast of basic one were enough to defeat single Gargoyle. I have used that to my advantage and won the second attempt. Now that I got Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+2 from them, I went to Forest of the Fallen Giants, so I tried my luck again with a rare Hollow Soldier Shield drop. Aaand I got two of them In the meanwhile, I have visited the Last Giant as well. The next goal is to get to Mytha as soon as possible, to get the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+2 from her. So I will have to get through Skeletal Lords and one Red Phantom with rare drop, which I would love to have as well. Probably, I will have to grind a little bit for the rare Lizard Staff in Chariot arena as well.
    1 point
  8. Despite being someone who dislikes her voice and who especially dislikes her lyrics most every time I listen to a new song of hers, I've contrarily had the misfortune of having to be the one to defend her a number of times over the years. It's become especially bad recently as of the last year because of her new fandom and subsequent media presence with regards to American football and how much impotent rage there is directed towards her because she merely exists and the TV networks want to capitalize on showing her off. It's not a position that I love being in, but I guess at least she's tried to be helpful with recent elections.
    1 point
  9. True Swifties won't vote. They'll just leave a Blank Space. I'll get my coat.
    1 point
  10. This was bound to happen... after all, the internet was created to share cat pics!
    1 point
  11. A lot of people are just that ignorant of the world around them, and not in the conspiracy rabbit hole sense. They are ignorant of things just because they are for the most part entirely uninterested in things that are consequential.
    1 point
  12. I guess that about seals this election.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Yup, "Final Maneuverer" being in the quest log is what is causing all 3 of these NPCs to disappear. Essentially the NPCs have a flag that deactivate them upon entering Serpent's Crown with quest in your journal (this is done to prevent them being killed during the quest proper). While it's not possible to remove or modify this flag, I've put together a script that will at least reactivate them. You can download the zip attached that contains this script. This just needs to be unzipped and the "Unhide SC NPCs" folder placed into the "override" folder. deadfire_missing_npcs_fix.zip The "override" folder can be found inside the "PillarsOfEternityII_Data" directory located somewhere like: Steam: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\" GoG: "C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Games\Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\" or create it by opening a new Notepad file, and copy & paste the following into it: Save it as: "reactivate_npcs.gamedatabundle" (make sure there is no ".txt" at the end of the file when you save it) and put it inside of a new folder within the "Override" folder. Alternatively you can reactivate these NPCs using console commands. Though it should be noted that this route requires activating cheats, which prevents unlocking achievements! Instructions for using the console are inside the spoiler box: Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread!
    1 point
  15. i found the onderon one the easiest for me... only took me 2 tries to complete course with no crashes
    1 point
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