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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/24 in all areas

  1. A poll conducted in France, before Macron’s remarks about French troops in UA says that 51% of French youth are ready to defend French interests in Ukraine, if needs emerge. 62% of them are in favour to reintroduce the compulsory military service. Study was published in Le Parisien. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/04/14/7451168/ For the french speaking, link in the article above.
    2 points
  2. Well this was...painful... It may not have been worth reading it even for the story. I already knew the story, but I thought the book would connect the dots and add transitions between story points. Sadly I didn't find any of that. The books seem like a kid playing in his fathers garage with tools he doesn't know anything about. Maybe it's because I was skimming through it that something was lost on me, but I mostly skimmed through the Murbella pov, so that I doubt that explains Duncan's story at all. Teg's ending was, first of all a spit in the eye of the reader and second of all so unimaginative. So much words spent on characters that did not matter at all and so little spent on the one who is the supposed epicenter of the story. I don't know what to say, maybe the son should have tried some shrooms, but I doubt that could have helped any with this train wreck.... This book is basically a fanfick novel.
    1 point
  3. Ive been looking to buy a crystal skull off Amazon but the biggest one I can find is only 5". I want a human size crystal skull. My wife and I were drinking Espolon Anejo yesterday. Good times.
    1 point
  4. Patron - "My CPU might tank at 2000 total population." I was wrong. It's getting close to 3k now with close to half of the map covered and if fully zoomed out it's at 28-30fps (still very playable, a little sluggish if scrolling quickly), at middleish zoom it's 45-50fps. So maybe at ... 4.5-5K then? I can't get any good pictures of whole thing tho because even with photomode, the draw distance is so limited that if you fly upward to try to include more than 1/4 of current spread, everything undraws/disappears. Should be noted that I use a small Steam workshop mod that massively increases warehouse storage. Otherwise you'd end up covering half the map just with stupid warehouses. Pfft. The gold mines/mints are broken if you make tons of them - at this point I could delete all the farms for more houses and just buy all food and stuff.
    1 point
  5. Until they start conscripting, or calling people to service.
    1 point
  6. While I might occasionally enjoy seeing things burn, in CRPGs the feeling that the party's actions were not in vain and led to the results desired by the player is somewhat important. Not necessarily hugging the xenos and singing kumbaya together, but leaving the world less ****, than it was at the start of the game. That, and the combat system, which I am ambivalent about - a bit too many encounters for a turn-based one. I suppose, I would not mind a Souls-like in the WH40K universe, though.
    1 point
  7. why did anyone thought bomb embassy was a good idea if usa and uk are stupid enough to back this people need to start checking if their city build any nuclear shelter during cold war era
    1 point
  8. Took my mountain bike out on some hiking trails for a bit. Cursed my state when the cold whipping wind made me asthmatic and my vision started going red because I couldn't breathe after like just half an hour. I'm not allergic to anything (I've done one of those allergy test panels and nothing triggered), but exercising in the cold does tend to do me in. A small but athletic lady at the local bike shop that I was at recently was telling me how I should really get a steel mountain bike because sure, the bike is a lot heavier, but you can crash all you want and the bike will be fine, and if she can ride everywhere and carry her steel bike across streams and into her apartment without no issue, there's no way "somebody like you" couldn't handle a steel bike as well. Lady, while I may look young and in shape, I'm fairly confident that my moderately cripppled body would crumple and tear like tissue paper if I crashed all the time like you apparently do. I was both very envious of her and also felt like a million years old.
    1 point
  9. The series starts at 3. It's an artistic decision.
    1 point
  10. "The Top 10 Reasons I left gaming and became a withered husk of my former self - number 3 will surprise you!" Maybe break it into parts and pitch each part? Nothing in Fio's post indicates you couldn't have multiple bites at the blog (cue Fio clarification). Based on Fio's wording, I think they'd want a blog post to tie into Obsidian's games in some way.
    1 point
  11. Huh, maybe I'll try to read Dune. I don't like Villeneuve's movies because they very much feel too mechanistic and don't have the weird psychedelica that is in Lynch's Dune and apparently the books. Anyway I read Raw Dog - a book about hot dogs, the labor to make them, and a breakup happening over a road trip. It's pretty good tbh. Next up is After the Revolution.
    0 points
  12. Well this explains why the sons books were not that good. 2:03:05 timestamp
    0 points
  13. I thought it an appropriate reply to the question of having a hopeful story set in the Warhammer 40000 universe. One might as well ask for warm ice cream or dry water. Edit: For clarification, I am aware that it is possible to create hot "ice", i.e. solid water at room temperatures or well above that.
    0 points
  14. How to summarize 40 years of video gaming in a single blog post...
    0 points
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