It's a good thing you didn't post about all the other games you've probably received since the last time you updated this thread three years ago - I wasn't necessarily looking forward to looking up approximately 500 different games, .
Pretty sure I've played Children of Silentown, but it was on GOG. I remember thinking that it was totally going to be up my alley, but then it was know, alright. It didn't really, uh, hit me like I thought it was going to. I'm not particularly keen on games that I've actually played through but the only thing I remember is that the title sounded familiar before having to look them up to figure out why.
When I took a glance at Otxo just now, I was like "I have a friend that seems to always like this kind of game", and so I was very unsurprised to see that it was actually already sitting on their wishlist. If nobody else ever claims it, feel free to send it my way and I'll gift it to them and tell them that it was from you.