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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/23 in all areas

  1. Just to be clear, the "mods" in the title of the NFL thread is specifying modifications and not moderators. I think that's very important information to discern, because...well, if you read it the other way, that would mean I was calling the moderators [corrupted text], and boy, I tell you, that is not at all what I meant, and I'd be real broken up about it if anybody interpreted it that way. Gee, I might even have to apologize. But the key thing is, I really don't think I should be left with the critical responsibility of deciding the NFL thread's title, that's...that's just too much for me, I crack under pressure and make terrible decisions! So I'd strongly recommend...oh, I don't know, Donald Trump? I think he'd be a good fit for the position, certainly much better than me.
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Great news, now please kindly send me your billing address so I can bill you for my time spent testing, the time for writing the bill and the time for this joke post.
    2 points
  4. I like how we keep catch phrases alive here even when the poster who popularized it is gone. R00fles!
    1 point
  5. @Bartimaeus you tricksy trickster, making me think there was maybe something wrong with my PC. Then again...it's also rather
    1 point
  6. Heres what happened: 1) Tep started a new NFL thread and it just grabs the last poster and makes them the originator of the new thread. 2) This gave @Bartimaeus the power to get cute with the title. 3) The first revision had the thread title center justified instead of left justified. I foolishly thought it was an honest mistake so I fixed it. 4) Now we have this clownery. Ill let another mod deal with it.
    1 point
  7. In Deadfire I can lower the difficulty from PotD at any time:
    1 point
  8. Hi folks, long time no see. During the Christmas break I watched "Foundation" on Apple TV+, and while I had mixed feelings about the show there were couple interesting enough threads for me to start digging about stories it was based on. Aside from learning how poor of an adaptiation the show was, I came across the concept of "Sociopolitical fiction": Which made me think about Pillars of Eternity, which focus on politics, social structures, religion and it's impact on populace make me think that at the heart Pillars of Eternity tries to be Sociopolitical Fiction. In both games, the most player can do is tip scales in favour of one of local economical and political structures. Personally, In PoE1&2 the ususal hero heroics always rang fales to me - gaining power and becoming legendary hero capable of slaughtering endless masses of enemies, felt like "because it is a game" feature, rather than part of the narrative and themes. Especially in PoE2, where the games tries hard to elevate the player as a dragon slayer, herald of Berath, a legendary hero everyone relies on help - it feels hollow, as in the narratively we seem powerless to do anything about the ongoing conflicts. It seems to me that PoE1&2 are more interested in its nations and ideologies, than our adventures. They seem to me like Sociopolitical Structures, stuck using hero's journey tropes they inherited from Baldur's Gate series. Would you agree? If so, do you see a solution? In unlikely case PoE3 were created, do you think it is possible to avoid this inherent conflict? Or would the series either need to change their narrative focus, to better support a group of adventurers gameplay, or would the gameplay need to take some drastic changes to better reflect game's narrative interests?
    1 point
  9. According to this guy, who claims to track Wagner casualties in Russian media, there are daily 100-200 individual obituaries posted on Wagner social medias.
    1 point
  10. For some reason the StatusEffects that gives the stats for the blessing had a "MaxStack" amount set to 2, no idea why since it's supposed to give only 2 points each anyway, I changed all of them to 1 and it stopped the blessing from stacking for the Watcher.
    1 point
  11. Some of my favorite TV shows were anthologies (Outer Limits) and mostly episodic (X-Files, Andromeda was sort of a hybrid where the episodic content contained a clue or two or a storyline beat in between) in addition to the animes, that's fine. I just didn't really enjoy the episodic parts of Cowboy Bebop all that much, with or without Faye. Oh, you don't even have the annoying kid the other character on the crew yet, do you? I hope you keep watching to at least the episode with the space monster, because I'd like your opinion on that one. I'd rank it amongst the worst episodes of anything I've ever been subjected to.
    1 point
  12. I should have known your hate game would have prevented you from watching Breaking Bad tbh.
    1 point
  13. Slovakia, I don't have to do anything with Slovakian government xD
    1 point
  14. Suikoden I&II HD Remaster’s Release Date Potentially Leaked @Amentep
    1 point
  15. I agree completely! I posted something like this as well. Or at least a basket or lift that take them up to your base
    1 point
  16. I have built my base up high around the oak tree and I was thinking it would be really cool to be able to craft an item lift. Like a basket of some kind so you could place weed stems and grass planks in it and take it up to your base. That would make it super easy when expanding your towers or bases! Anybody agree?
    1 point
  17. Done, seems to be working fine. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/666
    1 point
  18. Same here, so much so that I thought you made a typo there. You naughty
    0 points
  19. Wth is that title. It's a font someone used for the title. I see it too but to a lesser degree, for me it's more bunched up so as the nazi is not seen, although I don't know why it doesn't scroll for you.
    0 points
  20. Didn't want to post it in the Forum Issues because it's likely something on my end, but is anyone else getting a weird image over the NFL thread? It's only over that thread title, static, it doesn't move up and down if I scroll down the page/s. Tried cookie and cache clearing etc, still there. Wasn't there yesterday. It also shows up in the url line if I mouse-hover over the thread link. ...maybe it's just time to reinstall the O/S. Meh.
    0 points
  21. 0 points
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