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SpaceX launches Starship “hopper” on dramatic test flight This is must-watch nerdgasm stuff for any true space boffin.3 points
Yeah, I agree. Josh reacted to the Joker trailer in a tweet saying he found this sort of approach better than the "embodiment of chaos" he's portrayed as in The Dark Knight and I strongly disagree because of what you say above - the uncertainty might make the character less of a character, but it also makes him more effective and interesting as an element of its respective film. It also frees the character from the constraints of being his own singular crazy and act more as a symbol or part of a myth instead, to go back to what you were discussing relating to Tolkien and the likes. It reminds me somewhat of the overwhelming tendency there is today amidst audiences to desire for the rational explanation even when there is no need of one that Lindsay Ellis talks about and mocks in the likes of the following: So probably I spoke too soon about not having any problems with the conceit itself. That said, appealing to that setting and character's iconography to tell this Falling Down story in a day and age where radical sentiments and hate crimes seem to be on the rise and where these franchises are such a major part of the cultural mainstream could yield interesting results, though as you put it, the bigger concern is how, the "tad soapy" was a cheeky understatement on my part, and given both what we've seen so far as well as the director's track record and so on, I'm not particularly confident.2 points
it's an origin film, so yeah, is gonna be 'bout origin. while we kinda do mind the premise, am more concerned with how part o' the origin. am gonna admit, do a joker origin is, in our mind, inherent flawed. has been a few dc joker origins over the years, and they has all been justifiably unsatisfactory. just one bad day schtick? then there would be a whole lotta jokers, and there ain't. everybody is a joker? then character ain't genuine unique. the joker is an improbable and elemental monster and trying to humanize is a mistake. don't need an origin and provide origin is gonna disappoint a significant % of audience regardless o' what happens in the movie. sure, everybody who ever read more than a few batman joker stories wonders 'bout origin, but is best to leave up to audience imagination. joker is grendel. bigger concern is the how. a tad soapy is understatement, but how do you avoid? if you start with a monster, then there is no movie. gotta find some way to break arthur fleck beyond reason. am not seeing a way to get to conclusion w/o resorting to contrived and soapy and trailers has not relieved our concerns so much as amplified 'em. inventing the abbotts and we own the night are just a couple j. phoenix stinker performances... not just bad direction but bad acting. the weird quasi-english accent for commodus in gladiator were more than a little distracting. am not sure what he were doing in the village. admitted, the dialogue as written were terrible in the village, but phoenix weren't even trying. etc. j phoenix is so beloved by critics, but am a bit more ambivalent. HA! Good Fun!2 points
****. I'm a "bit" drunk, and I have reached the conclusion that I'm most definetly not going to have any alcohol on my friends birthdayparty this weekend. Fukcing hell there are alot of dark angry thoughts in my head right about now, crazy angry and bitter abotu ervything as it as xD Still got taht crazy Wheel of Time craving though. Thanks so very much Raithe!!1 point
So far Rey has lost the fight she tried to pick with Snoke, didn't get the training she was looking for from Luke, and got saddled with Kylo Ren and Finn. So I'd argue she's on trajectory to be just as much a loser as Anakin (lost the fight he tried to pick with Dooku and Obi-Wan, didn't get the relationship he wanted with Padme, was saddled with Jar Jar Binks) and Luke (lost the fight he tried to pick with Vader and Palpatine, didn't get the training he wanted from Yoda and didn't get the relationship he wanted with the Princess because she turned out to be his sister, and was saddled with C-3P0, the biggest buzzkill droid in the galaxy). All she needs really at this point is to pick another losing fight and to make a bad relationship choice, and they've given her three good candidates for the later, if not the former (Finn, Po, Ren).1 point
1 point
Wait, you... have been... LYING TO US? This WHOLE TIME? I thought we could trust you... I thought we were friends...1 point
If you shot the ring to mordor with a trebuchet, the eagles might just knock it out of the air. I hear they are unionized and are entitled to some of the labor of destroying the ring.1 point
Turns out it's pretty trivial to modify Assembly-CSharp.dll to do this, if you're up for that kind of thing. It took me all of like 15 minutes to figure out how to do it, including finding and downloading dnspy to decompile it, but not including the 20 years I've spent as a professional software developer. For those brave enough to try: 1) download and extract dnspy (just search google for the github and go to the download section) 2) Make a safe backup copy of PillarsOfEternityII_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll 3) No, really, make a safe backup copy before you do anything! 4) Open it up in dnspy, and search assemblies for UIRecruitAdventurersPopulator. 5) In that module, change the loop that goes "for (int i = 1; i < num; i++), changing "i < num" to "i < num + 1". Also change the line "base.Populate(num-1)" to "base.Populate(num)" 6) Save the change to the module. 7) Restart and verify you can now recruit adventurers equal to your level. Honestly, having broken the seal here, I'm excited to poke around and see what other kinds of interesting changes can be made.1 point
Not really what I'm talking about regarding traditional story telling with respect to serials and heroic adventure, but since you've went with comparing my statements to portrayals of character with respect to race and gender and poor/disrespectful portrayals of same, I'm done trying. With respect I never said that anyone couldn't dislike those elements in Star Wars, I was trying to state why they didn't bother me. The stories are pure pulp. Expecting Shakespeare is folly. IMO.1 point
Oh man, the Eagle rescues always bothered me on LotR. I don't remember it being well explained in the books, either. Why didn't they just jump on an eagle at the beginning of the journey? Also Frodo is an unreliable narrator who passes out at the most important parts.1 point
OK first of all I have never cuckolded a chair, you take that back right away. Second of all, it's due out on 25 Oct 19, but not on Steam. 25 Oct 20 on Steam. Some people are upset about this.1 point
I'm in two games right now and no time for either. If online works for you, go for it! I personally hate playing tabletop online. As to the campaigns: I'm playing a character in pathfinder. Monty Hall. Module run. GM determined not to kill any characters. Tons of gold and buy what you want without restriction. I'm running a 5th edition that I've turned into a bastard 5th/3.x campaign. I'm really enjoying that one. I have four new players, my wife, and myself. The new players are catching on. We've played... I think 7 times so far? Something like that. They've been pretty gungho.1 point
I had to get a whole bunch of tests for some stomach issues I was having a while back and lately my stomach has started to feel off again so that's been on my mind. Anyways, I had a dream a bunch of doctors, nurses, and whatnot were running even more tests on me but they had to stop because I had too much radiation from all the scans and barium and some new experimental thingamajig. Later on that night I was sleeping in my bedroom upstairs and I heard a scream from downstairs in the kitchen, my wife was at the table doing homework or work work or something and there was a huge spider running across the floor. I grabbed something to take it outside and just as I stepped out of the door it jumped up towards my face and mouthy areas and I somehow bit it. This miraculously turned it into Man-Spider and it turned around and bit me back and then I turned into Man-Spider-Man.1 point
Drove up to Frisco. Passed by it many times but never actually stopped there until today. A little crooked, just like me1 point
OK I've been thinking about this. To put it in terms a modern audience might understand: The Eothasian temple is Twitter, the spirits are Trump supporters and you wanna be slaying and dragging all day but you only have three Concelhaut's clapbacks, two Llengrath's lesser sassy gifs, and one Crowns of the Sanctimonious. you wanna be here for it all day don't you? so you gotta pace yourself. ~man pointing at head meme~1 point
Another minor bug—I'm sure Dimitri's loving me right now—for the aesthetics bitches out there (I know I'm one). Llengrath, in all the magnificence of her character model, seems to be holding her grimoire sideways: Also, please make her drop that gorgeous armor! :D1 point
By the way, does anyone know what armor Llengrath is wearing? Anyone know what the item id code is? It's such a unique looking piece that I would love to get my hands on it, strange that it doesn't drop when you kill her. Also, I believe she is a nature godlike, but she has a very nice head model with those long horns that isn't available to the player. Why must you tease me so Obsidian?1 point
But here's the real kicker: you can't tell if he's lying about no longer telling lies, or maybe the lie was that he was telling lies to begin with. #LiesNotEvenOnce0 points