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  2. I suppose they will be tried in absentia. It will be interesting to see if that does anything to change perception.
  3. Today
  4. I haven't been able to get into a Larian game since Dragon Commander. I wish them the best but something about their games doesn't click with me. There's a lot of combat in the game, maybe too much, but for me it doesn't grate like it does in a game like DA2 where almost every single fight is against waves from multiple directions. Which also why I loathed MechWarrior 5. Another part of the fun for me is taking terrible classes and figuring out how to make them not just viable but OP. I also like tinkering with stuff, modding in some custom archetypes and doing my own tweaks. I know I'm weird.
  5. I'm hoping there can be some kind of agreement made for Obsidian to assist in creating another Fallout game. Make it a small story related to the current timeline. Maybe a distant brotherhood group or a defected enclave unit. Or how about a different perspective on the events of Vault 0 and Vault 99? Maybe even help produce a part in a Netflix series connecting the story of BIGMT. (Which we all will happily pay for).
  6. Given the US will not stand for this, I would wage they could visit any signatory and nothing'll be done. Especially in a state as servile to the US as Canada is. Well he's not calling for airstrikes yet.
  7. Larian has opened yet another studio, this time in Warsaw Poland. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/larians-new-polish-studio-is-a-match-made-in-heaven-for-the-baldurs-gate-3-developers-upcoming-rpgs
  8. Unfortunately, we stopped controlling the weather in Y2015. High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program - Wikipedia
  9. You dont think the US lent the weather control machine to Israel and then Israel used it to target the Iranian flight? You JUST never know
  10. Malc you know what this means? Canada is a signatory to the Rome Statute which means if you see the 3 x Hamas leaders walking down a street then you can make a citizens arrest ...you would be famous The reality is these warrants will be the same as the Putin warrant, the 5 people will just avoid going to any country that is part of the ICC Its a significant ICC decision but I cant see anyone being arrested and ending up at The Hague
  11. Y'all convinced me to load up Darkest Dungeon as well. I just beat the Sonorous Prophet. I have like 18 poor souls on my roster, but only a couple are good for anything. My arbalest was pretty useful in that boss battle.
  12. ICC is going to be applying for warrants for the top 3 Hamas leaders and Netanyahu and the Israeli defence minister Interesting developments
  13. Ah, good point! You know I really like to play monks because they are a lot of fun. What I like about Mike is that her Rogue subclass is Streetfighter. This makes for an awesome Monk/Streetfighter blunderbuss/mortar build.
  14. Yeah, one commonly overlooked thing is how good the Occultist is at the front. People tend to have the impression he's a standard RPG wizard and hide him at the back, but he's got the most reliable single-target stun in the game (Hands from the Abyss) and his melee attack has both a high crit chance and bonus damage against Eldritch (the most common enemy type in the game). Accuracy isn't great, but the general rule for every class is one accuracy trinket, except Leper where you take two accuracy trinkets. Don't forget Houndmaster who has the best Mark skill, with a big Prot debuff on the target. And of course he's the only one of the four Mark classes with a stress heal. That said, Mark isn't a universal solution to boss fights because of how the duration ticks down. When bosses have two or even three moves a turn, that means the Mark wears off two or three times faster.
  15. You can access them from The Narrows (when from The Gullet you try to reach Dereo), this page explains hot to get them (see Neighborhood path and then Neighborhood map below): https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/The_Narrows
  16. Yes, Spine of Thicket Green seems just a staff made for Druids For party composition, I didn't explain well: with Aloth and above all Tehenu the party works very good and it is strong, maybe sometimes you can switch some characters for a monk or a barbarian, I think these classes are more fun sometimes compared to casters
  17. How about they make a brand new Pinecone Turret where you combine stems, pinecone bits, and fill the machine with Gunpowder as a fuel source. Then you can fire giant spikes at your enemies, impaling them if you hit a weak spot, and One Shot obliterating any small enemies like ants or Mosquitoes.
  18. Sorry Shady, but go Timberwolves! Second ever conference championship appearance, and did it while beating the reigning champs and MVP.
  19. Yesterday
  20. The next goose/goat game? ...I don't think I'd have interest in it myself (never tried goose/goat game either), but the trailer made me giggle.
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