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  3. Maybe it is 3.07-etc., perhaps it should be 3.0.7.etc. so 3.4 > 3.0.7. Weird numeration, indeed.
  4. https://www.eisa.org/sa-2024-election-brief-one-of-deposits-and-signatures-what-unrepresented-political-parties-need-to-qualify-for-the-ballot/ Our national election is on Wednesday, we have over 100 political parties who are submitting candidates. Its a ridiculous number of political parties and its a waste of votes and political campaigning resources but we a new Democracy so most South Africans still need to understand that " less is better " when it comes to available political parties and voting choices. We should only have 5-7 political parties at the national level What is significant about this election is there is a very good chance the ANC will get less than 50% of the national vote, I predict they will get 40-45%, for the first time in the last 30 years So they will need a coalition party to govern the country and that is where it gets interesting, who will the ANC choose and what will they have to compromise on if anything at all? End of the day not much is going to change after this election because until we see a new political party running the country, like my party the DA, our main structural government problems, economic problems and lack of governance and accountability on the national level are going to continue But as I mentioned this election is still significant because the ANC will more than likely lose its majority for the first time in 30 years A bigger concern for me is the emergence and strength of radical left parties that espouse socialist nationalization policies like the EFF and the new MK party But Wednesday is going to be an exciting voting day around final outcomes
  5. After activating the SPAC.R, it says I need to collect more milk molars but I have collected every milk molar I can and the ASL terminal is maxed out. I'm not sure if I need more but as of right now I have collected all of the ones that have loaded into my world
  6. Must the chosen one choose? AI Overview Absolutely! It's totally normal, too. The chosen one chooses because it must choose and that's their choice.
  7. Was a great IM tool, still recall my UIN, sadly 8 digits so not cool
  8. Is he that big of a deal though? I mean, he's got a pretty small catalogue. He's not Guillermo Del Toro. I say that because I've gotten the two confused before. He's got like 5 movies in his library, and Sicario is the only one that I think I can give full credit to the director for. Blade Runner and Dune were both established worlds. Sure, he brought the visuals of those to fruition, but it wasn't exactly a creative vision. I'm pretty sure he watched Arrival, but all I remember thinking was Jodi Foster did this movie better already. Screw you on James Cameron though. I love his stuff.
  9. Doing the Pandaria Remix even in WoW, is nice to be a little bit OP, although not as much as I'd like. Raid bosses getting dropped in 30 seconds by LFR morons is pretty ideal though.
  10. I worry what an AI would do to us once it's done scanning these pages for information about humans
  11. Yesterday
  12. Hey, we should be thankful our new AI overlords deign to educate us in these important matters!
  13. https://www.iclarified.com/93724/icq-to-shut-down-on-june-26-after-28-years Well, there goes a part of 'net history.
  14. We're All Going To The World's Fair (2021) A brilliant exposition of isolation and loneliness in the always online world. It's very disturbing and low-key, and doesn't commit the cardinal KP movie sin of explaining itself in a way that feels unnatural/solely for the benefit of the audience. You pick up enough from each character to know who they are while still not really knowing who they are, which is very fitting given that it is a film about online engagement. Highly reccomend, can't wait to see the director's next film tonight. There's just a hollowness to his films that all the spectacle in the world can't compensate for. I don't think he can understand the human element(s) of storytelling to make a film that is compelling
  15. I guess is a precedent, not like the US - the one they're really begging - is going to cave on that pressure.
  16. Bioware started it with a bull, Larian responded with a bear, so the next logical escalation would be something like a hippo or elephant.
  17. It was a joke scene, though. With Larian's usual type of humour. Well, the usual is more gory. Nonetheless, it did increase the game's visibility, and probably even more than Fox did for Mass Effect.
  18. Finished Ghost Song. A very good Metroidvania in a sci-fi setting. Highly recommended. Review: Somehow amusingly, my playthrough have taken about 14 hours, while there is an achievement for beating the game within 3 hours. I am really curious how one could do so. --- Continuing with There is no Light. The combat became reasonably enjoyable, though the encounter design ("lol, ambush") is not. I also have realised what was bothering me about the story (aside from the part where every nice place was turning grimdark very quickly) - everything felt like descriptions of the actual dialogues or notes. Like something you give to the writer to start with, not the final script. On another note, I have discovered the health-increasing NPC on the last of the 3 available paths (which I could have taken as the first). Then again, I did not gather enough McGuffins for the NPC to increase my HP by much at that point either way (~16.6%, if I read the progress bar correctly). On a positive note, the locations differ from each other quite a lot, there are a lot of enemy types, and the visual style is quite lovely. Also, the inventory screen slightly changes as the optional quests are completed. Which supposedly unlock something and show the MC's background story. --- Downloaded a bunch of demos and have not played them yet. There is a good chance that by the time I have done so, the games themselves will be released, patched, and discounted.
  19. Of the top of my head, some random titles in a couple of different directions Bakemonogatari Code Geass Based on you liking the slime isekai: Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
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