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Romance & Companions wishes (NON-SPOILERS)

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is this some kind of joke thread or something? lmao the game could done without? yeah the game could done without combat and killing too. those are totally unnecessary and corrupt mind of the young and encourage them to be violent!  :biggrin:  tell me what is necessary TS? if you ask me, better you not waste time playing a game too. there's much more things in life you can do than being playing this game which is could really do without

Edited by Archaven
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I think the problem is that Obsidian has formerly said that romances weren’t worth doing if they weren’t done well. I think if people feel the romances are cheap, then it’s a commentary on the change of standards rather than prudishness. My 2 cents.

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There is no such thing as too much sex. ;)

Eh. In real life maybe, but in a game it can get to *really* distracting levels. I don't find that to be true about PoE 2, but I *did* find it to be true of Witcher 3.

Ah, before I forget it - the cryo-clinic called: your humor is done with its hibernation and wants a reunion.


"What war was it, Roland?"

"What do you mean?"

"The one where you got your sense of humor shot off."

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I think the problem is that Obsidian has formerly said that romances weren’t worth doing if they weren’t done well. I think if people feel the romances are cheap, then it’s a commentary on the change of standards rather than prudishness. My 2 cents.

I agree with this.


A) It's pretty cheap. I still don't understand how or why it triggers. It has happened twice out of the blue. Also a couple of times I've avoided it like the plague, obvious dialogue choices that obviously lead down the romance path. Only time I actively went down the path was with "lovesome" ;) although, it was more of a "flirt in the moment". Probably leads to third base if I had gone to her without a party.

B) The whole idea about companion reptuations seemed to me was going to be expanded upon and how companions felt about each other, about factions, about you. Not romance (Because it's "expensive"). When a forced dialogue starts I always think "Oh this is going to juicy! We're going to delve deeper into the character!" or "We're going to discuss the tasks at hand!" and instead it's all "Wink wink, subliminal messages, flirt flirt, cryptic cryptic, wink wink".

C) It's distracting and awkward. Pops out of the blue. Remember folks, you're on a boat. You're close at a lot of times. Even if you'd dismiss someone from the adventuring group, they'd still be there on that boat for weeks and months sailing the seas. Or even if you keep someone in the group. If the love is mutual, you're like 10-15 people, on a boat. Where do you go to conduct your business? It just feels awkward (*cough* then again, thinking about, I've been in such situations... it's only awkward for everybody else, not for the couple. But that's sort of the point I'm trying to get across here too).


And speaking of dismissing or rejecting someone, the options to do so feels wkward and feels a bit inconsiderate, maybe even inappropriate at times*. I won't say who, but I think mid-dialogue I was starting to realize what was going on and was realizing it was cryptic flirting, "Wait, this is a romance dialogue branch, how did this happen?", and I didn't have the heart to choose the "Nope" options because we were so far along. I felt somewhat manipulated by the writers to go down a path I didn't want to go down. Take into consideration that whenever a dialogue triggers, I expect broader story elements so I will always investigate them.


* Where is the "How did this happen?" dialogue option? Because I (The Player) get confused how the romantic option even triggered to begin with. Tooltip, please? "Based on your previous X actions you are now here"~gamified. 4th Wall breaking. I don't care. I want to know what I did to get there so I can choose the best approach to handle it.


E.g. "You slayed X beast which Y hated and because you did she thought you were more attractive" or "You chose option X at location Z which Y aligned with" or "You really like X food" etc. etc. or whatever. There's a lot of background processes that we don't see that triggers these romantic options that I don't have a clue about. If I know about them, then maybe the romantic options are more appropriate, AND ALSO easier to divert in a natural way.

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There is no such thing as too much sex. ;)

Eh. In real life maybe, but in a game it can get to *really* distracting levels. I don't find that to be true about PoE 2, but I *did* find it to be true of Witcher 3.


Never played Witcher 1 did you :p?  Truthfully Witcher 1 turning having sex with characters into a card collecting game was a tad bit tasteless.  Witcher 3 was not nearly as bad.


As far as POE 2 goes I don't see it?  A few companion romance triggers did happen for no apparent reason, but it was easy to shut them down right then right there if you wanted to.  Outside of your companions (and maybe a few hookers?), I don't recall anyone wanting to have sex with you.


I guess there is one pirate who flirts a lot but I don't think it actually ever goes anywhere.

Edited by Karkarov
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There is no such thing as too much sex. ;)

Eh. In real life maybe, but in a game it can get to *really* distracting levels. I don't find that to be true about PoE 2, but I *did* find it to be true of Witcher 3.


Never played Witcher 1 did you :p?  Truthfully Witcher 1 turning having sex with characters into a card collecting game was a tad bit tasteless.  Witcher 3 was not nearly as bad.


No, I didn't, but that sounds....bad lmao


To be fair I am also considerably less interested in sex and nudity than seems to be the average in our culture, so it's pretty easy for me to get tired of/be bored by/be generally dismissive of it in games, and my threshold for that is therefore somewhat lower than normal.

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Concelhaut. He keeps following you around Eora, obviously he's got a major crush on you.

yeah this one xD He followed you even with only skull...

He complains about you ruining his schemes, but he's just being tsundere. Secretly he follows you hoping you'll cut off his skull and carry it around as a pet for another game.

Aloth massages his temples, shaking his head.

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How about like in BG 2, where you had to work for it??  It took a while, you had to help the companion resolve personal issues, and you couldn't do too many things which they disagreed with... you know, like in real life...  Make some characters "sluts", who really don't care about serious commitments, and only want loose, informal relationships.  Basically, don't make it cookie cutter the same for every character.


Also, as "controversial" as it might be, sexual preferences DO exist... so how about everyone isn't automatically bisexual (which, statistically speaking, is pretty uncommon)? You want to "romance" character _ but they aren't interested (or are even offended)?  Well, that's life.  Don't try to please everyone.  That sword bites both ways- maybe I'll end up with a character I would like to romance, but they "just aren't interested".  Very well, carry on.

"1 is 1"

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How about like in BG 2, where you had to work for it?? It took a while, you had to help the companion resolve personal issues, and you couldn't do too many things which they disagreed with... you know, like in real life...

You call BG's take "more realistic," I call it the same checklist with a patina of nostalgia. :p

Aloth massages his temples, shaking his head.

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How about like in BG 2, where you had to work for it??  It took a while, you had to help the companion resolve personal issues, and you couldn't do too many things which they disagreed with... you know, like in real life...  Make some characters "sluts", who really don't care about serious commitments, and only want loose, informal relationships.  Basically, don't make it cookie cutter the same for every character.


Also, as "controversial" as it might be, sexual preferences DO exist... so how about everyone isn't automatically bisexual (which, statistically speaking, is pretty uncommon)? You want to "romance" character _ but they aren't interested (or are even offended)?  Well, that's life.  Don't try to please everyone.  That sword bites both ways- maybe I'll end up with a character I would like to romance, but they "just aren't interested".  Very well, carry on.

BG2 romance sucked . 


Everyone seemed like they needed therapy , group support and a trip to Jerry Springer  :lol:


I mean , Annoymen was Bipolére . Aerie whining had so many echo ! Viconia lie with every breath and Jaheira..well I loved Jaheira . But honestly , it was weird to get in a romance when her husband just died . 


You can do companions quest in this game as well , but the difference is that..they still can ditch you if you are or against the faction they are aligned with . 


everyone is Bi is great . Game is filled with no realistic stuff....so should the romance be . 

Edited by E.RedMark
I'll bet ye've got all sorts o' barmy questions! (She mimics your heroic stance) Greetin's, I have some questions... can ye tell me about this place? Who's the Lady o' Pain? I'm lookin' fer the magic Girdle of Swank Iron, have ye seen it? Do ye know where a portal ta the 2,817th Plane o' the Abyss might be? Do ye know where the Holy Flamin' Frost-Brand Gronk-Slayin' Vorpal Hammer o' Woundin' an' Returnin' an' Shootin'-Lightnin'-Out-Yer-Bum is?


Elderly Hive Dweller

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How about like in BG 2, where you had to work for it?? It took a while, you had to help the companion resolve personal issues, and you couldn't do too many things which they disagreed with... you know, like in real life...

You call BG's take "more realistic," I call it the same checklist with a patina of nostalgia. :p



I don't concur.  I replayed it late last year.  It seemed like a real evolution of a relationship, to me.  No romance there is "easy", or fast (though, like I said, there should be "easy" and fast ones, since that does happen in real life, obviously).  I romanced Aerie, Viconia and Jaheira at one point or another (and Viconia twice). 


As to it "seeming like therapy", I don't know about you, but most people have flaws of some sort.  Most people have insecurity about those flaws or weaknesses.  Most healthy romantic relationships are about helping your partner recognize and overcome their flaws, and become better, more complete and whole people.  So, that doesn't strike me as being "abnormal".  The opposite, actually.

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"1 is 1"

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The threads have been combined. What sorcery is this!?


@anathanielh, several threads on the same topic or companion romance/sex and like/dislike or wished were merged into the existing thread during a forum cleanup.

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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The threads have been combined. What sorcery is this!?

@anathanielh, several threads on the same topic or companion romance/sex and like/dislike or wished were merged into the existing thread during a forum cleanup.

Oh well. The reason I kept my thread separate was to distance it from the arguments about other games and keep it civil and about PoE2. I understand though.

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How about like in BG 2, where you had to work for it??  It took a while, you had to help the companion resolve personal issues, and you couldn't do too many things which they disagreed with... you know, like in real life...  Make some characters "sluts", who really don't care about serious commitments, and only want loose, informal relationships.  Basically, don't make it cookie cutter the same for every character.


Also, as "controversial" as it might be, sexual preferences DO exist... so how about everyone isn't automatically bisexual (which, statistically speaking, is pretty uncommon)? You want to "romance" character _ but they aren't interested (or are even offended)?  Well, that's life.  Don't try to please everyone.  That sword bites both ways- maybe I'll end up with a character I would like to romance, but they "just aren't interested".  Very well, carry on.


Where is this you had to work for it coming from? No you didn't. Every single LI would jump down your pants if you met the requirements unless you picked the really obvious piss them off options. Maybe Jaheria and Aerie left you alone if you played the obviously lunatic character or Viconia if you played the extreme super guy but managing your Rep in BG enough not to piss them off was a joke. Jaheria and Aerie had like one trap option but if you thought about the characters it made sense why those were no goes for them. That said being dumped for getting raped was a bit of a wut moment.


And sometimes characters can be bi without having to justify it via backstory or having a horde of both gendered lovers.

Edited by Ryz009
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And sometimes characters can be bi without having to justify it via backstory or having a horde of both gendered lovers.

Where's the "like this thirty times" button?

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If I'm typing in red, it means I'm being sarcastic. But not this time.

Dark green, on the other hand, is for jokes and irony in general.

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IIRC from the days of Infinity Engine console commands, all of the romance dialogue in BG2 were based on demographics and a timer (and Jaheria's timer was slightly mistimed).  So it was, literally, only a matter of time in BG2 before you'd get the available dialogue to launch the romance if you met the demographic (as if anyone playing a human, elf, half-elf or halfling female PC needed another reason to make sure that Anomen wasn't in their party). 


It seems like PoEII tried to gate it through dispositions but that it not triggering as intended atm since its easier to trigger the thresholds than intended.

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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