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How much DLC is planned for POE 2?

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divinity OS2 was entirely voice acted.


If they want Deadfire to be a genuine contender with with DOS2 they should have alot of voice acting


that was one thing i noticed in the BETA was that there was alot of non voice acted boring script that I usually just skipped through because i couldnt be bothered reading it

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There was some rumour going around that said they hadn't made much money from bigger "White March" sized DLC for the original, which was pretty disappointing considering how White March was so much better than the base game.  Hopefully the $10 DLC are reasonably chunky at least.

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Consumers don't know what they want. Survey data says people playing POE want big old school expansions DLC but in reality everyone has ADHD and 100 games on their steam library they never played, so if you don't blitz them with horse armor the day after release they won't buy crap. Sad really.

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Yeah that's pretty much the market.  The attachment rate of DLC is sadly a small fraction of what it should be and one of the hardest things to get right, and every knows larger contiguos pieces of content are ultimately higher quality than "bite sized" DLC that don't scale up fully. 


The only reason it breaks even is because game development on a stable engine with a full suite of tools and your entire pipeline 100% created is much, much easier than spending 4 years making a game, of which 3 years was preproduction and infrastructure and QA at the end, and probably 1 year was actual content production.  

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I would say the White March did not help itself being split up into two parts. That kind of puts people off from the start feeling compelled to pick up both halves to get the fully story and if people don't find that much enjoyment in the first half they aren't likely to pick up the second half when it drops to see it to completion. Plus if they did find the scenario of Pt. 2 interesting they would still need to buy Pt. 1 to get to it.


While I'd generally prefer one big expansion I'm still fine with three smaller, independent, but varied ones as well. I'm guessing it worked out well for NV and I was happy with that approach then. It gives Obsidian a better chance of enticing players to pick one up if the specifics theme/scenario entices them rather than being instantly put off of all three parts because they're connected. 


That said I would very much like it if there was an subnarrative that connected all three together much like the NV DLC had even if the core of each ultimately stands alone from the others. 

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The description on GOG for The Obsidian Edition shows, it comes with 3 DLC content expansions. Just hoping


those are going to be something similar to how White March part 1 and 2 where for the first Pillars Of Eternity.

Edited by wolfrider100

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3 have been confirmed, if you got the add-on for the season pass on the Fig funder (like me), you only paid $15 or $20 for all the dlc but if you're buying after lauch, the dlc packs will "probably" be around $15 each. I don't know. It's a guess.

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


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Well people first bought PoE on 2015 myself included for 45€ going blind and the game at release wasn't too good imo, at that point having beaten the game and with no sight of any DLC on the near future why bother replaying it when it launched, moreso having 2 parts?


Also the game improved a lot outside the DLC but again I feel they should focus to polish the game before release, cause at launch the game was very hyped for PoE but now for deadfire it's not. If it wasn't because I love the genre I would wait first for the complete version years later. 

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divinity OS2 was entirely voice acted.


If they want Deadfire to be a genuine contender with with DOS2 they should have alot of voice acting


that was one thing i noticed in the BETA was that there was alot of non voice acted boring script that I usually just skipped through because i couldnt be bothered reading it

If Divinity wants to be a genuine contender with Deadfire, it’s needs to put at least some effort into writing, characters and quest design.


See, Deadfire should use as much voice acting as it needs to have - it won’t make it any worse or any better. Personally, don’t care for Divinity and I doubt that people who love it, love it because of the full VO. Even if that was the case, saying “hey, we have a full VO” hardly makes Deadfire an instaseller. Focus on stuff Divinity doesnt have rather than trying to match the title that many people already bought and probably never came close to finishing. I doubt they are hungry for more just yet. Not to mention that Divinity and PoE are nothing alike - I don’t believe they fight for the same space.

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Divinity will be talked for the decades to come because of its design. Deadfire will always be the nostalgia gem, because, let's face it: it doesen't add that much to either the genre or the medium. It's just gonna be an awsome crpg, a great adventure and will be remebered by the fans, not the industry (hoping to be proved wrong, though). Not that we care; just saying :p


That said, I doubt any dlc is gonna be "more voice acting" and, tbh, unless it is free, I wouldn't like it either. I'd like to see continuation of the story in at least one of them, so, if the others are side stuff, I can check them out as I continue my storyline. In short, no White March this time around please :)

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that was one thing i noticed in the BETA was that there was alot of non voice acted boring script that I usually just skipped through because i couldnt be bothered reading it

Because listening to boring scripts is much more enjoyable...

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divinity OS2 was entirely voice acted.


If they want Deadfire to be a genuine contender with with DOS2 they should have alot of voice acting


that was one thing i noticed in the BETA was that there was alot of non voice acted boring script that I usually just skipped through because i couldnt be bothered reading it

If Divinity wants to be a genuine contender with Deadfire, it’s needs to put at least some effort into writing, characters and quest design.

See, Deadfire should use as much voice acting as it needs to have - it won’t make it any worse or any better. Personally, don’t care for Divinity and I doubt that people who love it, love it because of the full VO. Even if that was the case, saying “hey, we have a full VO” hardly makes Deadfire an instaseller. Focus on stuff Divinity doesnt have rather than trying to match the title that many people already bought and probably never came close to finishing. I doubt they are hungry for more just yet. Not to mention that Divinity and PoE are nothing alike - I don’t believe they fight for the same space.

I think D:OS2 already contends with Deadfire in it's own way. I wouldn't say it's writing it awful (it's not like a kid wrote it when you stack it up against Deadfire), it's jut very silly and full of immature comedy but the game calls for it. As far as sales go, sales of the first Original Sin blew Pillars 1 away in every respect. I'm guessing it's because people enjoy the combat being one of the reasons, that said, I'm betting D:OS2 will always remain ahead of Deadfire sales for the same reason (besids the fact of releasing earlier). The games are completely different but I always thought they complimented each other well.
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Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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that was one thing i noticed in the BETA was that there was alot of non voice acted boring script that I usually just skipped through because i couldnt be bothered reading it

Because listening to boring scripts is much more enjoyable...

To be fair I like good voice acting for most of the script. At least, for the first couple of play throughs. THEN it becomes boring and gets in the way of rapid build advancement.

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I think the first few lines of a dialog should be voiced. After that we can *hear* everything else in our heads


EDIT: with exception for key conversations, ie Maerwald, Thaos, the dwarf woman, etc

Edited by Achilles
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divinity OS2 was entirely voice acted.


If they want Deadfire to be a genuine contender with with DOS2 they should have alot of voice acting


that was one thing i noticed in the BETA was that there was alot of non voice acted boring script that I usually just skipped through because i couldnt be bothered reading it


That's nice. What does this have to do with the thread again?


Regarding DLC content, I suspect the open world exploration element to sailing through the archipelago and bumping into stuff along the way is bound to make it easier to add new DLC content into this map - I feel it's probably fairly easy to add an island or group of islands to an ever-expanding chain of them if there is demand for more content still. Here's hoping the DLCs are as "beefy" as the White March DLCs were at least, but if they are more bite-sized (as the price tag may suggest) I hope we might still get to see a meatier expansion later as well.

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I think the first few lines of a dialog should be voiced. After that we can *hear* everything else in our heads


EDIT: with exception for key conversations, ie Maerwald, Thaos, the dwarf woman, etc


This is my ideal too. Voice acting distracts me from reading and (like most people I imagine) I read faster than people talk. I'm okay listening to the likes of Irenicus monologue but I really don't need (or want) fully voiced subquest givers, shopkeepers or lore dumpers.

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That'd be because their dialogue is usually boring and even a great va can't make "and here's why I need ten xaurip anuses" interesting.


Not really no. I'd prefer to read most the dialogue regardless of how well written it is because, as I said in my post, I read faster than voice actors speak.

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It depends on a number of factors.

1: Budget.
2: Theme of the game.

3: Just how much dialog is there?

Deadfire makes no sense to be fully voiced cause they don't have the budget, the theme of the game is slower paced story/exploration heavy RPG, and there is a metric crap ton of dialog.


Notice how Original Sin most dialog was short and to the point?  The game was not that story/exploration focused, all the effort went into the multiplayer and combat?  Notice their budget was a lot bigger?

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