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Politics Thread: Silicon Valley Edition


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Imo, taxes need to be greatly increased. Not for the lowest earners of course, but middle class and up should be taxed more heavily. We cant run a deficit for eternity. Plus, we have a drone army to build. :yes:


It's always "tax the middle class" isn't it?

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Trump administration officials are forbidding officials at the nation’s top public health agency from using a list of seven words or phrases — including “fetus” and “transgender” — in any official documents being prepared for next year’s budget.

Policy analysts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta were told of the list of forbidden words at a meeting Thursday with senior CDC officials who oversee the budget, according to an analyst who took part in the 90-minute briefing. The forbidden words are: “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based” and “science-based.”



And the left is the thought police who will censor you.


Q: Missed the news, there was a radicalized Trump supporter shooting up a school in New Mexico this week?

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I would like to find this a post for the funny thread but...


The Hill - Trump administration bans CDC from using terms such as "evidence-based" and "science-based" on official documentation


Edit: And yes, I'm posting late. THis is what happens when you spend all night writing research papers and haven't had enough tea in the morning....

Edited by Raithe

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I didn't say they should be charged.

If you are arguing that an ID should be required to vote, your are arguing that people should be charged by the state to vote because state IDs cost money. It might not seem like a lot of money to you, but for families living close to poverty, which is half of America factoring out welfare, it's a lot of money. This is compounded when you factor in that places to get IDs are open during the normal working hours these people are working, which further prevents them from getting their IDs. This would be a non-issue if IDs were easy to get and free, but that isn't the case.

just find it ironic that the left leaning folks who have no problem imposing the indignities of a heavy handed government on people waffle on this one minor thing. After all if you think the government should be our God and master in all other things why not this too?

I assume it's because we freedom hating commies consider citizens being able to participate in elections more important than ISPs being able to throttle sites and charge higher prices for the same stuff.


I was arguing (poorly) that an ID should be required to vote. That ID should be any form, student IS, employee IS, whatever. And if none of that is acceptable then why not a voter ID issued for free in lieu if a voters registration card which is already being sent to everyone.  


As for your other snide remark... 

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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I was arguing (poorly) that an ID should be required to vote. That ID should be any form, student IS, employee IS, whatever. And if none of that is acceptable then why not a voter ID issued for free in lieu if a voters registration card which is already being sent to everyone.

That's nice, but as introduced required ID is going to be a DL or State ID, which aren't free or universally possessed by voters. While a free id that is easy to get would be fine, it isn't what actually is and as such we have to consider the effects a required ID would have in present conditions.


As for your other snide remark...


It seems it won't post unless you purchase the WebWarrior forum poster pack for 9.99.

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I could discuss the actual tax plan and perhaps even address such cheap tactics as opposing it tooth and nail and then claiming it will be a massive tax increase on the middle class because it's set to expire in ten years. Yeah congress won't vote to extend popular tax cuts? Look at your history, people. Even if it didn't you're raising people's tax by giving them a ten year decrease before it returns to current levels? First of all, that's very unlikely for the majority of the tax cuts. Second of all, the net result is still several years of lower taxes followed by a return to the same level. The shamelessness! I actually admire the chutzpah.


Anyhow, this is pointless. The first year people file a full return, which should be 2019, the amount extra people will get back will be substantial for virtually everyone in the middle class. That's simply going by the numbers for someone who's been reading the tax information and has been taking the hours necessary to do his own taxes for years. I run the numbers both ways most of the time because sometimes I can get a slight amount extra by itemizing, but after this goes into effect I can't imagine I'll need anything other than the standard deduction. With the actual rate decreases and the doubling of the standard deduction, this is going to give the vast majority of Americans a tax cut and virtually everyone in the middle class will see a direct benefit.


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I would like to find this a post for the funny thread but...


The Hill - Trump administration bans CDC from using terms such as "evidence-based" and "science-based" on official documentation


Edit: And yes, I'm posting late. THis is what happens when you spend all night writing research papers and haven't had enough tea in the morning....

Good thing these people aren't subtle.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Maybe the government just needs to start putting microchips in everyone when they turn 18.


No, mandatory DNA samples at birth. And I'm not joking about this.


On that day we stop being citizens and become livestock.



That's already effectively happened to a very large chunk of the populace, and quite awhile ago at that.

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Dishonest and/or delusional.


I'm no millionaire, and I'll have a good chunk more money in my account at the end of next year if the bill passes than I would under current rates. As will oodles of others.


If he or anyone else feels they are under taxed, they're free to voluntarily pay more.

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I would like to find this a post for the funny thread but...


The Hill - Trump administration bans CDC from using terms such as "evidence-based" and "science-based" on official documentation


Edit: And yes, I'm posting late. THis is what happens when you spend all night writing research papers and haven't had enough tea in the morning....


made me do a double-take whether i was reading something from the Onion


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The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Here's live footage of internet "muh free speech" warriors who freak out whenever someone points out that something might just be racist or sexist on the internet reacting to the government actually restricting speech and censoring an important agency from telling factual truths:




(Stolen from Twitter)




My man George on point as usual.


Edited by TrueNeutral
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Here's live footage of internet "muh free speech" warriors who freak out whenever someone points out that something might just be racist or sexist on the internet reacting to the government actually restricting speech and censoring an important agency from telling factual truths:




(Stolen from Twitter)




My man George on point as usual.


Well, for my part I expect nothing but stupidity from the collection of idiots that seem to find themselves in government service. So when we get stupidity like saying certain agencies can't say certain words it's hardly a surprise. In fact it's an excellent argument  on why government  agencies should not be allowed to have power over anything of consequence and be kept small enough they can be laughed at, ignored, or if needed drowned in a bucket of water. 

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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It's always "tax the middle class" isn't it?

In lieu of a tax increase, I would also accept freezing tax returns for 3-5(?) years, but I have no idea how much revenue that would generate. It would probably take a decade of sustained tax increase to right the national deficit.

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It's always "tax the middle class" isn't it?

In lieu of a tax increase, I would also accept freezing tax returns for 3-5(?) years, but I have no idea how much revenue that would generate. It would probably take a decade of sustained tax increase to right the national deficit.


Nah, we could do it in half that time. The key isn't to increase revenue. The key is to reduce spending. 

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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It's always "tax the middle class" isn't it?

In lieu of a tax increase, I would also accept freezing tax returns for 3-5(?) years, but I have no idea how much revenue that would generate. It would probably take a decade of sustained tax increase to right the national deficit.

Nah, we could do it in half that time. The key isn't to increase revenue. The key is to reduce spending.

What about shutting down the govt for a few days a month?

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Might as well, since with Trump in charge it doesn't work anyway.


Ah yes.... because the government was working flawlessly before he arrived at the White House....


... and because everything the government does can be laid at the feet of the President, for they are 'in charge'.

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Did you know the US Government :


  • Has a department to investigate UFOs with an annual budget of $22.8M
  • Pays almost $300k per year from the defense budget for bird watching trips for pentagon employees. And they are mandatory.
  • Paid over $400k for a study on the effects of smoking in Russia?
  • Paid MIT a half million dollars to study “Does media choice cause polarization, or does polarization cause media choice?”
  • $5k for a documentary on North Carolina's best fiddle player. 

  • $66k to study why bugs are attracted to light bulbs

That is just a few things from this past year. The real money the government wastes is not on big ticket items. It's the nickel and dime crap that adds up over 10 years. 

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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  • Paid over $400k for a study on the effects of smoking in Russia?
  • Paid MIT a half million dollars to study “Does media choice cause polarization, or does polarization cause media choice?”
  • $66k to study why bugs are attracted to light bulbs


why do you hate science

"Lulz is not the highest aspiration of art and mankind, no matter what the Encyclopedia Dramatica says."


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Did you know the US Government :


  • Has a department to investigate UFOs with an annual budget of $22.8M
  • Pays almost $300k per year from the defense budget for bird watching trips for pentagon employees. And they are mandatory.
  • Paid over $400k for a study on the effects of smoking in Russia?
  • Paid MIT a half million dollars to study “Does media choice cause polarization, or does polarization cause media choice?”
  • $5k for a documentary on North Carolina's best fiddle player. 

  • $66k to study why bugs are attracted to light bulbs

That is just a few things from this past year. The real money the government wastes is not on big ticket items. It's the nickel and dime crap that adds up over 10 years. 

How many of those do you think are a real and not skimming?

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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