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Mass Effect Andromeda


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You guys are really making me want to delve into Mass Effect 2....


I love space pigs, interstellar travel and rpg's... sometimes I question myself to why I still haven't played it. No, seriously I question myself - as in talking to myself out loud.


Is it as good as Kotor 1&2? You can be honest, I can take it!


They're quite similar. In the broadest sense, specifics can be rather different.


That said Kotor 1 is much more playable as a game. I say that and I don't even like Star Wars. At all. Yet I played it 3 times. It doesn't have the floaty shooting, the driving sequences and the pacing is better. The locations tend to be much more believable because they weren't constrained by the tunnel like level design that was devised to make ME's pop shooter combat work. You just play it and enjoy the ride, even if much of it is on autopilot.


Mass Effect has more bling, more cinematics - more everything, but the core "let's make a well designed fun game" is really noticeable in KOTOR whereas Mass Effect really requires you to buy into the story to suspend everything else (empty super streamlined locations, little diversity in character models and levels, clunky mechanics, endless "cinematic" dialogue etc. etc.). Its a great game to showcase but a rather mediocre one to actually play. 


ME2 polished up the story, pacing, some of the mechanics to give a good experience - but I still think the dialogue>tunnel>dialogue>tunnel>dialogue>tunnel structure of the game makes for an on the rails action game rather than good roleplaying. 

Edited by Drowsy Emperor
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И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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Walking around the Tempest and it seems so poorly designed. There's so much wasted space while there is only one bathroom/shower (for 11 people) and the crew quarters only has four bunks and it poorly laid out. The Pathfinder's cabin is at least twice as big as it needs to be and yet it doesn't have its own facilities

Edited by ShadySands

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Walking around the Tempest and it seems so poorly designed. There's so much wasted space while there is only one bathroom/shower (for 11 people) and the crew quarters only has four bunks and it poorly laid out. The Pathfinder's cabin is at least twice as big as it needs to be and yet it doesn't have its own facilities


Don't you realise, the designers obviously knew everyone was going to hot-bunk, and also that any future crew would invariably set themselves up in the escape pod and the kitchen for sleeping quarters...


Edit: Also, since Pathfinders are obviously going to Kirk it up, they need the extra large sleeping quarters for the numerous romance interests to share together.

Edited by Raithe
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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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The game caps you at 19 (at Nexus level 20). At the end of the game I had tons of AVP but instead of unlocking the next level it just keeps going. It might be meant to make your decisions have some trade-offs or it could be a bug because I think it started showing negative. Still I don't think I would have gotten enough points to unlock them all even without the cap




In DA:I it wasn't possible to unlock every Inquisition perk so that players need to make some decisions. There's no real reason why Mass Effect: Inquisition should be any different. It's essentially the same mechanic, although in Inquisition it somewhat made more sense as it represented the Inquisitions influence in Thedas, not a numerical abstraction on how livable the Heleus cluster is. *shrug*

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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Don't be silly, this is the result of Bioware's social justice agenda. Not outsourcing, new tech nobody tried that much before or the garbage idea to transition from UE to the modified Frostbite garbage EA made for Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Also, LOL:

An interesting tidbit that Robertson mentioned was the speculation as to why the facial animations were also kept. One source believed that the reason the Cyberscans were not modified was due to internal pressure within both BioWare and Electronic Arts, pushing for more realistic-looking human characters. Robertson stated that an artist “suggested that there are “sensitivities” within the company about representing women in a certain way.”

Right, so that women are more realistic in this game they left the facial animations  on a first draft level on purpose. Because having goofy looking animations in many models and in dramatic cutscenes is realistic. And... of course, uhm, those eyes are pretty awesome as well. Because everyone in real life looks constantly surprised like that.


Sure, right. Source is legit fo' sho. But what do I know, I'm only a beta male who doesn't want to mate with pixels and thinks that the models don't look that bad in the game. As long as no animation is playing, that is.

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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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An interesting tidbit that Robertson mentioned was the speculation as to why the facial animations were also kept. One source believed...


My granny told me that her childhood friend had good sources on the fact that chicken are actually born from dirt, not from eggs.


Seriously, there are rumors worth spreading and then there's this :-P

Edited by Fenixp
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Not sure why people can't buy a mix of incompetence, inexperience and inadequate resources and have to think up grandiose BS.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Pretty awesome that companies outsource **** overseas to reduce costs, but if the end user tries circumventing regional pricing, that's a big no-no.


That's globalization for ya.

Edited by 213374U
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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Pretty awesome that companies outsource **** overseas to reduce costs, but if the end user tries circumventing regional pricing, that's a big no-no.


That's globalization for ya.



Except that outsourcing seldom never reduces costs in practice.

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After two terribly laggy multiplayer attempts to finish an APEX mission where I had to listen to two spanish speaking 10 year olds in one and a group of russians in the other because the mute button for some reason decided to do diddly squat I score a match with three high rating players the damned game crashes at the end of wave 6.


Boy am I glad Bioware is working on the neckbeard issue. *grunt*

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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After two terribly laggy multiplayer attempts to finish an APEX mission where I had to listen to two spanish speaking 10 year olds in one and a group of russians in the other because the mute button for some reason decided to do diddly squat I score a match with three high rating players the damned game crashes at the end of wave 6.


Boy am I glad Bioware is working on the neckbeard issue. *grunt*


The mute button works fine, but the interface is crap. The player you currently have highlighted doesn't change when hovering the cursor over others, and clicking on them brings up their Origin profile, but does NOT highlight them. I use the mouse wheel to select the correct player and then mute them. I generally just auto-mute everyone while in the lobby because I'd rather not have to do it if they decide to start yelling at mom or whatever, mid game.


The crashes are widespread, and worryingly enough, very frequent on consoles as well. After they canceled the MP open beta just weeks from launch, it's clear as day that no real testing was done and the released product *is* the beta. Hey, early access games do it all the time, why not BWEA?


Shoot me a PM if you want to run some games. At least if you crash, you can reconnect.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Yeah, the thing is, Early access games are advertised as such. I guess EA can stand for early access. Even matches in abbreviation.

You are saying this on Obsidian's discussion boards :-P

Lol very very true. I will give it to obsidian though, they will eventually get it alot better, but never perfect. Close, but never perfect

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After two terribly laggy multiplayer attempts to finish an APEX mission where I had to listen to two spanish speaking 10 year olds in one and a group of russians in the other because the mute button for some reason decided to do diddly squat I score a match with three high rating players the damned game crashes at the end of wave 6.


Boy am I glad Bioware is working on the neckbeard issue. *grunt*


The mute button works fine, but the interface is crap. The player you currently have highlighted doesn't change when hovering the cursor over others, and clicking on them brings up their Origin profile, but does NOT highlight them. I use the mouse wheel to select the correct player and then mute them. I generally just auto-mute everyone while in the lobby because I'd rather not have to do it if they decide to start yelling at mom or whatever, mid game.


The crashes are widespread, and worryingly enough, very frequent on consoles as well. After they canceled the MP open beta just weeks from launch, it's clear as day that no real testing was done and the released product *is* the beta. Hey, early access games do it all the time, why not BWEA?


Shoot me a PM if you want to run some games. At least if you crash, you can reconnect.



Okay, that explains it. I thought a mouseover and pressing the mute key would mute the player. Thanks for the offer by the by, should I venture into MP territory again I'll call on you to carry me. :p

Edited by majestic

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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I think it's also that no-one talks to coordinate or apply teamwork. They pretty much only do random commentary, heavy breathing, insults, or snark.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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