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***Create a button than removes all items from the shash within a group [weapons or armors for example] and places them in the main character's inventory. Thios would be so comfortable.

***Create a bit more variety in itemization, i.e. a blue sabre providing + X max. endurance or +1 dex might be found. Improve the unique items a little bit. They should not be super OP though.

Posted (edited)

Advanced Start: After beating game once we can start new game in advanced start, which shows cinematic instead prologue maps and fast forwards us to open world stage. In PoE it would be Gilden Valley. It also starts at higher level (like level 5) and gives us some ok (but not superrior) gear based on class. The idea is to allow skipping early levels which are easy to be fed up (especially if someone tries different characters). And generally it is better to allow players play their way.


Black Islands Exploration

Assuming PoE2 will be in Deadifre Archipelago

Story: Add Daring Captain in main port which want to hire hero to explore some unknown islands for him for loot and glory.

Gameplay: Player Created Content editor. Players could make islands and using BlackIslands menu we could visit for potencially infinite world.


It seems the location for PoE2 is Deadfire, but Valian Republics was also high on wishlist, and i think that 5 cities would make good expansion material. That would be mostly city maps, so something different from exploration of archipelago. And it could be more focused about court intrigues.

Also Republics are positive about animancy, so landscape could be more soulpank, more crazy inventions, maybe some animated armours guarding streets. Different style. Could involve some stealth mechanic to really make it different.


Legendary crafting: If there is epic item (not souldbound) we could recreate it using crafting and some helpfull smith. We could use any enhantment existing in the game, and even cross them (using many special enchantment at once)


Origin starts, we can start at one of few locations making prologue a bit different, so if we are altoholic we dont get fed up so fast with gilden dale.

Edited by evilcat

PoE 2 as a fantasy naval setting.


Valian Republic as main location but possibility to travel around the world.

Raautai sounds fsntastic.

Sunken ruins from a forgotten past where an old civilisation did know where Adra came from. Something older than the gods themselves.


And a battleship as Stronghold !


But building an empire could be awesome too.


Seems like not that far from truth ^^


Please, dear RPG fans, support me on this one!

I wish to get interesting quests, based on the character background. Why do players chose to be a mercenary/ slave / aristocrat, etc. ? It is not enough to get a +2 survival bonus or something, right...

It would be very logical /and not so hard to make/ to include background related quests. I have already seen someone who talked about this around the forum.

The ways I see there should be +1 quest, related to this feature in every act. Those quest ofc cannot be and should not be as important and as rich in content compared to the main quests BUT they have to be in there. For example if you are a mercenary it might lead to something like: "You meet an old friend of yours - a crossbowman for hire who is drinking beer outside an inn and then he offers you to.............................. " You got the idea. It would be nice to get an item as a reward in such quests.
Also, there have to be more options regarding the country you are from + a minor quest depending on that country.


enrich itemization, we want more helms, more boots and more gloves - I could not get enough of them. :)


When you open a door with a key, get the XP for it. In PoE 1, I let the keys lying around to unlock the doors with a pick for the XP. Not very RP I guess.   

  • Like 1

When you open a door with a key, get the XP for it. In PoE 1, I let the keys lying around to unlock the doors with a pick for the XP. Not very RP I guess.   


True story ! 

Posted (edited)


Here is my wish list for PoE 2.  (It will be re-posted on PoE 2 official forums when the game is officially announced)



  • All the talents need to be revamped...no more useless talents or talents that don't noticeably change gameplay. In summary get rid of trash talents 


  • Developers need to play and tune the game on the highest PoTD difficulty. This is to ensure no challenges are impossible to overcome. (I could not kill Adra Dragon on PoTD)


  • No more random addition of immunities that unbalance the game. If you are going to give immunities please balance the other talents in the game to accommodate them,


  • Reduce the number of party members to four


  • Per rest attribute bonuses are immersion breaking and frustrating. No one should have to trace their way out of a dungeon to reinstate attribute bonuses


  • Let us customize companions from the start of the game. Do not give us random stat distribution NPCs to salvage from their miserable attributes (Sorry Pallegina...)


  • Take advantage of Amazon's free game engine to give us some better graphics. I want to see the armor I put on my toon, heck I want to see their face


  • Please figure out how I can spend my money as it accumulates. 200,000 pands and nothing to spend it on is insane. 


  • All classes should have natural regeneration of health, even if some classes have more than others. Natural regeneration should be upgrade-able with talents


  • Be brave...let us experience some Divine level or epic gameplay. (Motb did just fine)


  • Plan for expansions from the start including the maximum level cap and talents. Scaling an area up because the player's level is too high  breaks the flow of the game and really is an odd way to implement an expansion


  • Players should be rewarded for designing good character builds. Remove the over dependence of classes on gear to be viable. (Forgemaster Gloves I am looking at you)


  • After a trap is detected, there is no reason for companions to run into them. Bonus against traps should increase upon detection


  • A single attribute like Resolve should not dominate when it comes to dialog options. A resolve of 18 in PoE was enough to get the PC through most of the dialog options. Dialog options should be distributed better among the attributes



  • The bounties seemed 'tacked on' to me. the XP gain for those missions did not match overall game balance



  • I would like the level cap removed...but that's just my opinion



  • There should be more opportunities for people to gain attribute points through questing. The three in PoE (heritage hill, Council of Stars, Skaen Temple) were not enough



  • I personally like min maxing. i like to see what I can squeeze out of a build. There are those who do not like to play that way and that is fine as well. PoE 2 should pay off for both types of play style



Hi Anaeme,


At my 3rd play through with my ultimate super commando, with using scrolls and potions properly, mainly scrolls. I killed all, Top bosses on PoTd trial of iron, which means I killed them at first try. Especially at the Adra, was on level 13. All I needed is a rouge, (main character) Pallegina, Kana, Grieving Mother, Durance and Aloth. Plus I needed food A bunch of Accuracy boosting spells (Scroll of valor + priest ones) and healing scrolls at almost all characters + paralyzing spell at 3 of my magic users. And the Adra was dead. At other cases the positioning was important ( at Concelhaut for example)


The game has a wide range of varieties of using things together and if you combine things properly you easily slice yourself through at any enemies in the game. and you do not need the strongest characters at all. What I am trying now is having Hiravias on the left front, Kana in the mid, My rouge on the right front. Grieving mother on the left back, durance is on mid back and Aloth is on the right back. Everyone is full of with scroll and potions. What they do is a killing spree....


So What I would ask is to harden Potd, and not make it easier. If someone can't do that level, finish the game on an easier option.




Edited by Kpista

I also think that PoTD is too easy, but it's a good step from hard. They should just add an additional diff. option.


There are some encounters which are pretty tough on upscaled PoTD, but nothing you can't handle with a party of six (or five).


But maybe you should discuss this in the PoE:Deadfire forum.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


It would be supercool if the "higher than PoTD" difficulty wouldn't mean better stats, but would mean that enemies are "meaner" and smarter. So basically that they use tactics that are really difficult to counter - like kiting for example. I would love if a monk suddenly casts The Long Pain and starts to fire at my party and retreating with +5 move speed from Boots of Speed + THe Long Stride. Or if a fighter would instantly charge to my priest and knock him down. Things like that.


I know this is hard to achieve. 


How would I call such an option? Path of the Pwned? March of the Masochists? Hehe - no idea! :lol:

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

Posted (edited)

So in the end it's smarter AI...

If that was only stats or bonus acc/defenses I could probably mod that. Or at least try.

But AI, especially making enemies act like a group, like a unit is a goal as reachable as the end of that gauntlet run)


At best it's possible to make enemies to almost ignore incoming engagement and increase their target preference towards squishy, low-endurance/defense party members. But would that be pleasant to get focus-fired by Ogre Druids, Oozes and everyone with ranged nuke? :)

Edited by MaxQuest
Guest FlorianGh

I would love to see random encounters like in BG series, Fallout, Arcanum. I was so let down when I noticed we don't have that in Pillars one, also low IN dialogue would really make for an interesting play.


I wish to play somekind of more chaotic character or perhaps insane. Good example would be Malkavian in Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Quests and dialog should have more options for chaotic deeds your character can do. Id love to play cipher who is mentally insane/unstable, heh imagine possibilities. "Arguing with your weapon and claiming to merchant that this weapon is magical, it can talk. When in reality..." :yes:


Interesting Wish List and I have to be honest I don't agree with many of them?


Reduce Party as someone said you could just take 4 members you are not forced to fill all 6?


No level cap nah that would be pointless as you would get to a stage where you are untouchable unless monster level with you but I fail to see the point even then.


Removing rubbish traits agreed 


No romancing mate you clearly been playing to much Dragon Age where the romances where forced In BG2 they where perfect as the interaction was there from even other NPCs like Aerie and Viconia who I had in my party for the conversations alone during talk to aerie I mean just from this small bit of text you get the idea of 2 contrasting personalty in a instant and it's even kinda funny that why romancing should be in for a interaction tool to help bring the NPC characters to life.


Aerie (to Viconia): Nobody deserves you, just like nobody deserves some horrid disease! You're like some affliction that should be cut off from the rest of the body!
Viconia (to Aerie): Like your wings? Oh, don't glare little girl. You have nothing to offer Charname, no matter how desperate you play. You cannot compete.
Aerie (to Viconia): I can't imagine what you think to accomplish. You think Charname doesn't see the saliva dripping from your fangs? You're not worthy of him, Viconia.
Viconia (to Aerie): And I suppose a mewling kitten like yourself is? Do not make me laugh, wingless one. You are not even worthy of licking Charname's bootheel.
Aerie (to Viconia): M-maybe Charname doesn't care for your lusts, drow. Evil like yours isn't seductive, it's just sick, and... and seeing you crawl all over Charname makes me retch.
Viconia (to Aerie): It takes strength in a man to gain my attention, little fool. I am sure he has no interest in one who can barely pull herself together to utter a sentence. 


Posted (edited)

This has probably already been brought up, but what I did not like about Pillars, and i liked a lot of it, was the fact that you could not choose whether to get experience from mobs or not. There should at least be an option, like some games have, whether you want experience from the quests themselves or from the mobs. Part of  my enjoyment in RPGs is to "grind", or else it feels pointless to kill things. It really kills some of the enojyment to feel like I save time by crouching past enemies, I want to want to kill them. If not pure experience then some kind of combat experience that makes me better at fighting to some extent. 

Anyways cheers!

Edited by Possyman

A logical wish:
larger maps and longer dungeons, not many small maps but the same amount of larger ones!


I would like to see more information in the summative journal entry.


When I returned to PoE after a long break (damn you, school!) it was hard to get back into the swing of things. The existing character history helped but it would be nice if it included more detail in the next PoE.


I rarely finish a game like this in one stretch. I usually dive in periodically over a year or two. A more detailed history would really help with that.



Posted (edited)

Updates to my original post included here for continuity...



The Talent System needs to be revamped. PoE featured too many awful talents that made little or no difference after you took them. The worst part of this problem is that some of these talents were then rendered worthless by gear. For instance why take Graceful Retreat (12 disengage defense) when there is in-game gear that will provide way more.



PoTD implementation is a problem. PoTD should emphasize more enemy variety per encounter instead of loading up bosses with infinite HP and one-shot damage. This poor implementation led to Dragons that cannot be killed. Can the developers please play the game on PoTD - or at least try.



No more random addition of immunities that unbalance the game. If you are going to implement immunities please balance the other talents in the game to accommodate them. Immunities rendered classes like the Barbarian (Threatening presence) and the Rogue weaker than intended in the original game. Immunities were a disaster in PoE



Players should be rewarded for designing good character builds. Remove the over dependence of classes on gear to be viable. (Forgemaster Gloves I am looking at you). There is something fundamentally wrong with gear overshadowing good character creation. It takes away the pay-off players get from constructing characters



After a trap is detected, there is no reason for companions to run into them. Bonus against traps should increase upon detection



A single attribute like Resolve should not dominate when it comes to dialog options. A resolve of 18 in PoE was enough to get the PC through most of the dialog options. Dialog options should be distributed better among the attributes



Six party members are too many in my opinion. Others may disagree



There should be more opportunities for people to gain attribute points through questing. The three in PoE (heritage hill, Council of Stars, Skaen Temple) were not enough




Per rest attribute bonuses are immersion breaking and frustrating. No one should have to trace their way out of a dungeon to reinstate attribute bonuses. Resting should give other benefits, but not attribute bonuses
I personally like min maxing. i like to see what I can squeeze out of a build. There are those who do not like to play that way and that is fine as well. PoE 2 should pay off for both types of play style
Let us customize companions from the start of the game. Do not give us random stat distribution NPCs to salvage from their miserable attributes (Sorry Pallegina...)
Please figure out how I can spend my money as it accumulates. 200,000 pands and nothing to spend it on is insane. 
All classes should have natural regeneration of health, even if some classes have more than others. Natural regeneration should be upgrade-able with talents
Be brave...let us experience some Divine level or epic gameplay. (Motb did just fine)
Plan for expansions from the start including the maximum level cap and talents. Scaling an area up because the player's level is too high  breaks the flow of the game and really is an odd way to implement an expansion
The bounties seemed 'tacked on' to me. the XP gain for those missions did not match overall game balance
I would like the level cap removed...but that's just my opinion
Edited by Anaeme
Posted (edited)

I hope that elderly Watchers will be taken into consideration in this game and the sequels. I really enjoyed playing as Granny and I hope she can continue her adventures without any immersion breaking moments!



Edited by Selky
  • 3 weeks later...

I really only have two wishes:


1. Faster load times.

2. I really hate it when a game takes over my characters and puts them in an order or arrangement that I never would have (such as the endgame battle).


Other than that, everything else I can chalk up to what makes the game unique.



  • Like 1

I hope that elderly Watchers will be taken into consideration in this game and the sequels. I really enjoyed playing as Granny and I hope she can continue her adventures without any immersion breaking moments!




Interesting. What kind of immersion breaking moments were there with granny?

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