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Dev Diary #6 – Barik



Hello, everyone! In our last dev update, I talked a bit about combat mechanics for Tyranny. For today’s update, I wanted to introduce you to one of the Companions who can join you on your adventures in the world of Terratus – Barik of the Stone Shields.





Barik is the quintessential Disfavored soldier. He embodies all of the rigid and uncompromising values that Graven Ashe’s iron legion holds dear. He’s polite, respectful of authority, and doggedly intolerant of anyone born outside of the Overlord’s long shadow.


He began his career with the Disfavored in the phalanx – his size and strength made him a perfect addition to the shield wall. His strong nerve and unwavering obedience quickly drew the eye of his superiors. Barik received several battlefield promotions before drawing the eye of Archon Graven Ashe, leader of the Disfavored. Once the Great General knew his name, Barik quickly ascended to the ranks of the Iron Guard – Ashe’s select group of advisors and lieutenants.


It was one desperate mission that led to Barik’s undoing. During the war against the Tiers, Barik did not retreat with the rest of the Disfavored when word came that the Overlord Kyros was about to proclaim an Edict upon the realm of Stalwart. Instead, he joined a select group that embarked on a daring rescue mission to the heart of Sentinel Stand Keep. When the Edict struck and ruined any chance of success, Barik faced a harsher punishment than disgrace. Unlike the rest of his squad, he survived to witness Kyros’ judgment on Stalwart.


As Kyros’ Edict of Storms swept across the land, Barik was caught in the magical winds – winds that bore the weapons and armor of Barik’s phalanx and the enemies they fought. When the initial onslaught of the Edict subsided, Barik was found still alive, but trapped in a prison of twisted blades. To this day, Barik wears his armor of fused iron and bronze – durable protection, yet an unyielding mark of his failure. No one has been able to free him from the armor he was sealed into by Kyros’ Edict.


Combat Role


We designed Barik to serve as a much-needed shield to protect the party from danger. Barik stands in the front line, engaging enemies, taunting them into attacking him, and being a damage sink to keep the rest of the party alive.


When designing his talent trees, we looked at a couple of different themes that players could use to specialize him. His ‘Sentinel’ tree focuses on allowing him to maintain control on the battlefield while increasing the amount of damage he can absorb. His ‘Punisher’ tree transforms him into a warrior of retribution, excelling at slaying foes that dare to stand against him.


A few of his notable abilities:


Striking Iron: A strong slashing attack that deals increased damage if the target is actively engaging Barik in combat.


Stance: Phalanx: Barik ‘hunkers down’ into a defensive stance, hiding his body behind his shield. While in this stance, Barik gains a bonus to Armor making him significantly more capable of weathering damage from enemy attacks.


Engagement Attack: A passive ability that grants Barik a free attack on any enemy who engages him.


Defender’s Charge: Barik leaps to an ally’s side, taunting nearby enemies into attacking him.


Blade’s Embrace: As Barik adventures with the Fatebinder, he gains control over the bronze and iron prison that confines him. With this ability, Barik is able to command the weapons in his armor to strike out at nearby targets, dealing increased damage to anyone who is activately engaging him.


We wanted players to see Barik as a protector in battle, but also as a tactical asset. Barik’s Defender’s Charge and Striking Iron abilities are powerful, but they excel the most when players find the right moment to take action. Striking Iron incentivizes standing toe-to-toe with enemy melee units, but isn’t as effective when targeting an enemy archer or spellcaster. Defender’s Charge can move Barik to any ally on the battlefield, effectively saving them, but his relocation may leave his previous position unprotected.


By making strong choices and careful tactical decisions, players can use Barik as a powerful commanding presence, emphasizing his strengths to shift the tide of battle.


I hope you enjoyed this first look at one of Tyranny’s companion characters. Stay tuned for our next update, where we reveal our next companion: Verse!



Edited by Infinitron
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Mikey D. just said Obs will live-stream a Tyranny session this Thursday with Brian Heins directing a poor hapless intern on the keyboard.


Not sure where, should be the Obsidian Twitch TV. 


*oh, noon Thursday PDT on Paradox Twitch. ehhh ...

Where did he announce that?



Last night during #ObsidianPlays.


Except now they're saying it's the demo from E3, which I think is old news? I thought they were going to stream previously unseen gameplay.

All Stop. On Screen.

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How does he go to the bathroom?



Stance: Deuce: Barik ‘hunkers down’ into a defensive bathroom stance, hiding his body behind his shield. While in this stance, Barik gains a bonus to Armor making him significantly more capable of weathering damage from enemy attacks.

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All Stop. On Screen.

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Can't say that I like the reference to Taunting.  I'd prefer the game avoid Dragon-Age-style aggro mechanics.  Hopefully they'll be logical (and liberal) with Taunt immunity, granting it to enemies who the lack the intelligence or comprehension to understand the Taunt, or who have enough training and discipline to know they should disregard it.  If we're running around taunting green slimes and iron golems, I'm going to be sad.

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I'm sorry but this just came to mind immediately when reading of the newly introduced companion:



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Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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How are you people so unimaginative? That guy is nothing like Vhailor. Alphonse Elric and Barry the Chopper are like Vhailor. The Devil of Caroc is like Vhailor. Barik isn't. He's still flesh and blood under the metal.

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How are you people so unimaginative? That guy is nothing like Vhailor. Alphonse Elric and Barry the Chopper are like Vhailor. The Devil of Caroc is like Vhailor. Barik isn't. He's still flesh and blood under the metal.

It has nothing to do with whether or not their is flesh under the armor or not. It was purely an art design thing. At least for me. Just did a PST play through a month or so back and it is fresh on the mind. Also, I think Devil is a bit more like HK47 than Vhailor, and HK was always Modron Cube 2.0 with a side of evil to me.


Also, on an unrelated PST observation, Morte and Bob the Skull have to be related.

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How are you people so unimaginative? That guy is nothing like Vhailor. Alphonse Elric and Barry the Chopper are like Vhailor. The Devil of Caroc is like Vhailor. Barik isn't. He's still flesh and blood under the metal.

It has nothing to do with whether or not their is flesh under the armor or not. It was purely an art design thing. At least for me. Just did a PST play through a month or so back and it is fresh on the mind. Also, I think Devil is a bit more like HK47 than Vhailor, and HK was always Modron Cube 2.0 with a side of evil to me.


Also, on an unrelated PST observation, Morte and Bob the Skull have to be related.



They are both cousins of Murray.


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How are you people so unimaginative? That guy is nothing like Vhailor. Alphonse Elric and Barry the Chopper are like Vhailor. The Devil of Caroc is like Vhailor. Barik isn't. He's still flesh and blood under the metal.

It has nothing to do with whether or not their is flesh under the armor or not. It was purely an art design thing. At least for me. Just did a PST play through a month or so back and it is fresh on the mind. Also, I think Devil is a bit more like HK47 than Vhailor, and HK was always Modron Cube 2.0 with a side of evil to me.


Also, on an unrelated PST observation, Morte and Bob the Skull have to be related.



They are both cousins of Murray.



"I shall stride through the gates of hell carrying your head on a pike!"

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"That rabbit's dynamite!" - King Arthur, Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail

"Space is big, really big." - Douglas Adams

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Have we heard anything about level/loot scaling? I was looking around the official forums and there was a thread where the OP was saying how much he regretted that Tyranny would get level and loot scaling. No one contested him in the replies, so I tried googling it and looking at the dev diaries but I found nothing about scaling. Was it mentioned in some live interview or something?


Scaling would actually completely ruin it for me, god damn.

I hate Unity.

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I like what I see in the video.

It really looks like you have a lot of choice and consequence so it feels a bit like a party based Age of Decadence.

Tyranny will have more combat but it will be much easier unless you try to solo it on the highest difficulty.


I really like that you have the option to betray everyone. In many games you have the option to choose between 2 (or more) groups but in the end the result is the same.

(I think of NWN2 where you have to choose between the guards or the thiefs or BG2 where you must choose between thiefs and vampires)



- I play games mostly because of the story, not to have the ultimate challenge. So I will mostly play with a full party and the companions I find most interesting. I leave PotD or even triple crown solo to other people.


- I liked Age of Decadence and I finished it twice as (very different) pacifist. But I had no chance to get past the first hard fight as a combat char and I think the game depended too much on meta gaming.

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