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Movies You've Seen Recently Thread


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First reactions for Cap 3: Civil War are hitting from test/review screenings. Reaction seems to be that Winter Soldier's story was better, Civil War's action is better, Tom Holland's Spider-Man is the best so far, and Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther is amazing. Reaction's are split on whether it was better than Winter Soldier or not, but looks like it's better than Age of Ultron.


Now I only have to wait a month to see it

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Am taking a break Sunday, tomorrow, mainly to witness Jordan Spieth complete only the fourth back-to-back win in Masters' history, first-ever consecutive wire-to-wire outright lead at Augusta. Or not ... the golf gods are fickle.   


Then I'll watch VII again. The only thing more expressive in the history of film besides the face of Daisy Ridley, is her voice. 

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All Stop. On Screen.

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That shot with all the moving cityscapes at the end I thought was really cool

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Gizmodo - First look at Scarlett Johansson as Ghost in the Shell





The Western adaptation of the iconic cyberpunk manga and anime series Ghost in the Shell has entered production—and with that news, we have our first look at Scarlett Johansson in the lead role as Major Matoko Kusanagi.


The star of Masamune Shirow’s smash hit manga—translated into an iconic animated series by Production I.G. in serveral series and OVAs over the past 20 years—Kusanagi is the cybernetically-enhanced head of counter-terrorist organization Public Security Section 9, operating in a dystopic 21st century Japan.


It still bothers us a lot that this role isn’t being played by an Asian actor—but at least the the shot released of Johansson captures the vibe of Shirow’s dark world pretty decently. Hey the ethnicity of the lead character doesn’t matter as long as they got the hairstyle right, right? Ugh.


Directed by Snow White and the Huntsman’s Rupert Sanders, Ghost in the Shell is expected to release on March 31st, 2017.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Hardcore Henry

9.5/10 on the action flick rating scale.


If you like action flicks, do yourself a favor: Don't watch any previews and just go see it.

I didn't know what I was in for and was very pleasantly surprised.




It's got almost non-stop action, a good amount of humor (some of it quite dark; I laughed more watching this than during most comedies I've seen in the last decade), a superb soundtrack, a good amount of gratuitous eye candy, just the right amount of cocaine,  and a really good ending.


Edited by Valsuelm
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I would have preferred that they kept the lead Japanese. I don't much care for it when studious divert from the source. If the ethnicity/gender/whatever is not supposed to matter, then why depart from it? Are we supposed to believe that there was not a single ethnically Japanese female actress that could capture Kusanagi? Why change the formula that was a success? It was like when the DragonBall Z film announced the actor for Goku. As soon as I found out it was a white boy, I knew the rest was going to be garbage. That Scarlett Johannes doesn't encourage me, as I find her to be so much mediocrity in nice packaging. As a related tangent, that a creepy bald eunuch playing either Wong or The Ancient One is a mark of confidence lost in Dr. Strange, which is a film I am greatly anticipating.

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I would have preferred that they kept the lead Japanese. I don't much care for it when studious divert from the source. If the ethnicity/gender/whatever is not supposed to matter, then why depart from it? Are we supposed to believe that there was not a single ethnically Japanese female actress that could capture Kusanagi? Why change the formula that was a success? It was like when the DragonBall Z film announced the actor for Goku. As soon as I found out it was a white boy, I knew the rest was going to be garbage. That Scarlett Johannes doesn't encourage me, as I find her to be so much mediocrity in nice packaging. As a related tangent, that a creepy bald eunuch playing either Wong or The Ancient One is a mark of confidence lost in Dr. Strange, which is a film I am greatly anticipating.

Tilda Swinton is playing the Ancient One. Something about the ancient one being a spirit that inhabits bodies, so Tilda is the current host. They did it to avoid the "mystical asian" trope apparently.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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It rarely bothers me with anime adaptations because everyone in anime looks western. I know they're not supposed to be western, but they look it. Goku doesn't look Japanese. Now when the Avatar movie made all the ambiguously dark skinned good guys white and the ambiguously light skinned bad guys dark colored, that bothered me.

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It rarely bothers me with anime adaptations because everyone in anime looks western. I know they're not supposed to be western, but they look it. Goku doesn't look Japanese. Now when the Avatar movie made all the ambiguously dark skinned good guys white and the ambiguously light skinned bad guys dark colored, that bothered me.


Avatar was so bad I didn't even notice the skin changes.

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L0L The people who whine about x race being turned into white are the same people who love it when white characters get turned into x race.   LMAO


For me, it does not matter.  As long as the actor9actress) does good and the movie/story/tv show is good that is ALL that matters.


Racism is evil. When you whine about  this stuff you are racist. No matter which side you are on. PERIOD.


The loathesome is when race is changed simply for political reasons. Why? Because it isn't being characterd for actual creative reasons but  just because. LMAE


Perry White (lol) being black is good because a) it didn't seem to be done out of some PC bullcrap and b) the actor is doing great in limited screen time.


GB being women is bad because a) the actresses they picked are questionable at best and b) it is done for verys exist SJW Nazi nonsense.

Edited by Volourn


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Well, the reason it bothered me in Avatar is because the skin color was tied with the real life cultures that informed their culture. The Fire Nation was Japan, Earth Kingdom was China, Water Tribe was Inuit and Air Nomads was Tibet. It didn't help that the entire culture aspect felt absent for the entire film. Fire Nation stuff just looked like random evil guy architecture and outfits. M Night tried to make up his own cultures entirely which is a rotten shame since there is so much rich background and real life inspiration to draw from. I guess if they had done a good job otherwise, it might not have bothered me so much, but none of the actors could even pronounce their OWN character's names!


EDIT: Apparently Jungle Book is really cool. If it makes a lot of money, maybe we can get a Talespin flick with the same cast. :D

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It rarely bothers me with anime adaptations because everyone in anime looks western. I know they're not supposed to be western, but they look it. Goku doesn't look Japanese. Now when the Avatar movie made all the ambiguously dark skinned good guys white and the ambiguously light skinned bad guys dark colored, that bothered me.



not that you are wrong but... of all possible examples you chose Goku who isn't even human?   :getlost:

Edited by teknoman2

The words freedom and liberty, are diminishing the true meaning of the abstract concept they try to explain. The true nature of freedom is such, that the human mind is unable to comprehend it, so we make a cage and name it freedom in order to give a tangible meaning to what we dont understand, just as our ancestors made gods like Thor or Zeus to explain thunder.



What? You thought it was a quote from some well known wise guy from the past?


Stupidity leads to willful ignorance - willful ignorance leads to hope - hope leads to sex - and that is how a new generation of fools is born!

We are hardcore role players... When we go to bed with a girl, we roll a D20 to see if we hit the target and a D6 to see how much penetration damage we did.


Modern democracy is: the sheep voting for which dog will be the shepherd's right hand.

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No, I was using him since he was an example given in the discussion before.


"It was like when the DragonBall Z film announced the actor for Goku. As soon as I found out it was a white boy, I knew the rest was going to be garbage."


I woulda gone for my aryan boy Naruto if that hadn't been mentioned. :lol: But even in the classics, does Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop look asian? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure he's drawn to look latino or something.

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So Marvel seems to have cast black girls as Brunhilde/Valkyrie and Mary Jane Watson. Just rumors so far, as the roles haven't been announced, but those are the best guesses based on role descriptions. Being celebrated by peoole who rage against cultural appropriation.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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So Marvel seems to have cast black girls as Brunhilde/Valkyrie and Mary Jane Watson. Just rumors so far, as the roles haven't been announced, but those are the best guesses based on role descriptions. Being celebrated by peoole who rage against cultural appropriation.


Seeing as the real world inspiration for Brunhilde was a Spanish Visigoth, I don't really see the problem - she's clearly already changed colour before. Spider-Man himself and his support characters are also pretty racial neutral. The characters could work in basically any racial setting.


Casting Thor as black however would be a bit weird - as they did with Heimdal. But the Marvel universe is pretty diverse as it is and since the Norse gods are a race of aliens, I guess skin color is the lesser detour :)

Fortune favors the bald.

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Not sure about that casting being for Mary-Jane, but if it is I do care a little. She's pretty much the fiery redhead trope at her core, there isn't all that much else to her, but more than that I like redheads and I was looking forward to them finding and casting a new hot redhead actress for me to ogle. :lol:

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