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European Refugee Crisis


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Canada now faces the problem of figuring out which single male Syrian refugees are telling the truth about being gay... :p



"Some ideas are so stupid that only an intellectual could believe them." -- attributed to George Orwell

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Wait, weve had direct access to ME oil (Iraq) for ~25 years yet somehow we haven't gotten around to taking it over for our own business. Weird. I wish the Illuminati Jews would get moving on this project. I'm tired of my GOD given right to free gasoline being ignored.


I mean... sure you can make fun of it with labaling some outragous conspiracy theory, but you probably are aware that politics and big business go hand in hand, right?


I doubt it was 25 years, but are you sure that non hedge funds from "Cayman" have their money invested in the oil business there? Who are those companies trading with? on what conditions, etc? You do not have to stamp a big US trademark logo to own a business there...


Lets be honest, while consipracy theories are ridiculous, we should acknowledge that there is a link between big business and politics. I mean, politcs need sometimes support and this co-operation is usually beneficial for a given country, if the big business can make extra money, it is also extra money in the pocket of the government, plus the political party running the government will surely get the support of the big business in their next election campaign...


While it is not some evil organization bend on enslaving humanity, the pragmatism of this political-economic link can sometimes be brutal for the average joe.

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Canada now faces the problem of figuring out which single male Syrian refugees are telling the truth about being gay... :p




I am sure all will say they are gay...



Send them Milo Yannopolous. He can cross-check them all personally and write a snarky article about it to boot.


If you can't go gay for Milo, then you cannot go gay at all.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I am sure all will say they are gay...



Send them Milo Yannopolous. He can cross-check them all personally and write a snarky article about it to boot.


If you can't go gay for Milo, then you cannot go gay at all.





Just... no.

Edited by aluminiumtrioxid
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"Lulz is not the highest aspiration of art and mankind, no matter what the Encyclopedia Dramatica says."


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I am sure all will say they are gay...



Send them Milo Yannopolous. He can cross-check them all personally and write a snarky article about it to boot.


If you can't go gay for Milo, then you cannot go gay at all.





Just... no.



What? No "I banged 10 000 Syrian males and now all them are my bitches" or "Why are muslims so gay for ass? An introspective article on the hyper-macho culture of the Levenant"



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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I am sure all will say they are gay...



Send them Milo Yannopolous. He can cross-check them all personally and write a snarky article about it to boot.


If you can't go gay for Milo, then you cannot go gay at all.




Just... no.


What? No "I banged 10 000 Syrian males and now all them are my bitches" or "Why are muslims so gay for ass? An introspective article on the hyper-macho culture of the Levenant"



I'm sorry to break this to you, but I'm pretty sure he's a bottom.


"How 10,000 horny Syrians crossed my border" is the most likely outcome.

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"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

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"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

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"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

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Riiiiight... because US cares so much about environment...


And why would you not want to cut off the biggest source of income in the easiest way other than persevering it for own business to take over?


Because it would piss the Turks off, mostly, since they're making money from the trade too. The financial information from the abu Sayyaf raid made the links between Turkey and ISIS explicit. It doesn't have anything to do with direct US economic interests, just not wanting to annoy an ally and the belief that with limited attacks ISIS could be funnelled to attack the right people, ie Assad and pro Iran Shia in Iraq. Russia started bombing the oil infrastructure in a big way a week or so ago, and I think it's fair to say that Turkey has shown some annoyance in their response.

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Well Trudeau backed away from his 25k promise, now is 10k by end of year. More manageable.


People still expecting terrorists. Coincides with people that call them ragheads or sand ****, too, heh.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I'm surprised Merkel didn't cave in before. Inertia or stupidity, can't tell with the euro left anymore.

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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Wow, even Sweden makes cuts:




Although i laughed a bit when saw the woman cry over this :D


Here is statement about Sweden's decision to add board control and lessen refugees ability to get permanent residency in Sweden by Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden (the woman that cried over this as you put it)




Here translation by Google because I am too lazy to do it myself

The last few days have been tough. I and the government has taken tough decisions and made important choices that, despite the effort of Sweden as a result of the refugee situation remained clear of safeguarding children and for Sweden to stand up for the fundamental right of asylum.

Situation where 80,000 people sought asylum in Sweden over the past two months is a consequence of the terrible warfare and terror that are currently underway. There is a responsibility for countries like ours that in addition to work for peace also help and protect these people. If EU countries take joint responsibility would also work. But so many coming to Sweden has led to our receiving stretched to breaking point.

The Swedish Migration Board believes that it is not humanitarian sustainable to tens of thousands of children come to our country without registration. Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB, suggests that it is impossible to find adequate housing and to create new school places in a short time. And social services across the country warns that they can not take care of the most vulnerable in our society, the children. The capacity of the receiving system is simply not enough for the moment and it is the government's responsibility to act.

The government sees has to be done is to create the conditions for receipt so we can expand capacity. Sweden must be able to continue to help people fleeing and looking for a secure future.

Based on what is possible to get through in parliament to create the conditions to meet the shortage of capacity which is elected Green Party to negotiate and compromise.

Government proposals put does not mean closed borders. Continue, people will be able to apply for asylum in Sweden and the temporary legislation respects international refugee conventions and EU law. The many children and families who are already in Sweden, we saw that they are not subject to temporary restrictions so they can continue to have permanent residence permits.

This was a painful decision for both me and Stefan Löfven present. My eyes filled with tears at the thought of all the children in winter seek refuge in Sweden and can only hope for temporary residence permits with the insecurity it brings a child's life. These rules are nevertheless an important difference to the two main opposition parties who do not even want to respect international asylum law.

I am extremely hopeful and proud to hear municipality representatives, ecologists and others around the country stand tall stands up and says that they want and can accommodate more. Similarly, the Swedish Church, the Muslim communities and a lot of NGOs working on tirelessly. That is exactly what we need. Right now there are over 200 000 people waiting to get their asylum case tried by the Migration Board. There are women, men and children who will soon need housing and school functioning health and social services and opportunities to enter the labor market. The challenge we have only seen the beginning.

It is now our most important common task: to increase the capacity of receiving refugees and enable many new Swedes to build a part of his life here and together with us make society stronger. Sweden needs to be expanded and it needs to be done as quickly and forcefully as is humanly possible.

It makes me strong in these tough days is to represent a party whose combined membership fighting so tirelessly for human rights and asylum rights. I see that we needed more than ever. These values ​​are humanity's hope as our everyday life and our security is challenged.

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I'm surprised Merkel didn't cave in before. Inertia or stupidity, can't tell with the euro left anymore.


Merkel is on the left? If she is, it's only on the refugee issue, and then only because she wants to kick the can of Germany's impending demographic crisis further down the road instead of dealing with the issue.

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Regarding immigration and Islam, almost all european parties except those branded the "far right" (usually a single relevant party per pol system) have extreme leftist policies, aka cultural marxism.


Strictly speaking almost all parties in Europe are parties of the center, as neither the left nor the right is what they used to be. CDU is "center right", but the right part only manifests itself in issues I'd charitably describe as irrelevant.


As for German and other European demographic downward spiral, history will show that:

a) failing to deal with this problem regarding the native population is the greatest historical failure of those societies (human rights, culture, living standards - it all isn't worth **** if your population doesn't want to reproduce)

b) dealing with it by importing muslims was the worst of all possible solutions

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И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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US needs more immigrants, apparently own populace is most dangerous:



Whites do the most terrorist attacks in a white majority country!? What a shock!

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"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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In Islamic history, there was a time where Arab Muslims have to migrate to escape persecution in Makkah by the Pagans...Muslims go to Ethiopia by the order of the prophet, because Ethiopia have a good Orthodox Christian king...the king welcome and protect those Muslims...




But today the world is not the same isn't it...?

Edited by Qistina
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Whites do the most terrorist attacks in a white majority country!? What a shock!



Maybe not a shock to you, but generally public perception of the issue is skewed:


“Law enforcement agencies around the country have told us the threat from Muslim extremists is not as great as the threat from right-wing extremists,” [...] “There’s an acceptance now of the idea that the threat from jihadi terrorism in the United States has been overblown,” Dr. Horgan said. “And there’s a belief that the threat of right-wing, antigovernment violence has been underestimated.”



On several occasions since President Obama took office, efforts by government agencies to conduct research on right-wing extremism have run into resistance from Republicans, who suspected an attempt to smear conservatives.



It's hard to talk about any issue when folks instinctively go "cultural marxism!" at any argument that doesn't jibe with the current iteration of the xenophobic narrative, though.

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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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