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Fallout 4 is coming soon.. is there a new OB Fallout Scheduled?


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And once again I really don't feel motivated to explore the open world. This is because of two things: 1. I am not much a fan of such open world games. I need a story to occupy me and give a sense to the exploration. Randomly walking around is - most of the time - really not my thing and 2. there is really nothing that feels rewarding to me. It's random level-scaled loot. Stimpaks, Rad Away, Buffout (I have so much Buffout by now), ammo everywhere and sometimes a rare item drop from a legendary critter. It's all level-scaled, though, so why even bother...

Pretty much how i feel too. It's the same style of design we've already seen from Bethesda. Very well crafted world, but a completely dead one filled with thousands of faceless enemies waiting to be killed by the player. People in the game keep talking about the Commonwealth, but i'm like "where is it?". I'm running around the map and all i keep seeing is raiders, mutants, ghouls and stuff like that. No signs of life at all. And basically, this video applies to F4 too. 

Edited by Sakai
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Things like this make me really not interested in the game, not that I want to be a completely evil bastard in-game but it sounds like you're not really given a lot of choice about what person you ultimately want to be and that annoys me (I'd much rather be able to tell both sides to bugger off and/or sit back and watch the battle than be forced to help either side). 

Edited by Deadly_Nightshade

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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So when it's Christmas, decorations appear in Diamond City.


I haven't seen anything like this in a game since Shenmue.

Halloween too.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I was very disappointed to discover this (heavy spoilers):



So I've watched clips here and there about the main plot, and I could NOT find motivations for the Institute to make synths. It's their primary focus with all their tech and research, they drop them all over the place in communities to function like people. FFS they even have synths acting like Brotherhood of Steel members that are fully ready to shoot the Institute. There's no "ok now you betray the Brotherhood," no, they're loyal and will ****ing shoot the Institute.


Why? Why would they do this? I've been trying to make sense of this for ages, trying to figure out if I missed details in the playthroughs I watched or if these are blatant plotholes and Bethesda's typical lazy writing where they fail to explain motivations. I mean researching AI to such a degree that a robot becomes as sentient as a human being is more or less theoretical stuff. A University has interest in studying this for the sake of testing potential and testing boundaries, but if I were to create a robotics company and sell products, no one in their right mind has any interest in their robotic slave being sentient. Why burden ourselves with those moral dilemmas and those imperfect slaves when we could have a perfect slave as an alternative with no moral issues since the slave in question cannot feel pain or suffer since it lacks emotional understanding of it's situation? And nevermind that, why are super smart robotics taking precendence over things like medicine and agriculture, which would be absolutely key when it comes to trying to rebuild society?



Well, today I discovered it's the latter. There is no explanation. The Institute, for some mysterious reason, is convinced the best way for humanity to survive is to build toasters that are sentient enough to bitch and complain about being forced to make toast. They also seem to actively sabotage communities by sending synths to pose as them and kill them or whatever. Listen, I get they have no faith in the Commonwealth communities, but that's ridiculous. That right there is akin to if House decided to slaughter Primm for no other reason than "they were not earning as much money as they potentially could've been earning." And not in a "they failed to meet my quota I set for them and earn enough money for me" sort of way, but in a "HA UR SO INFERIOR I KILL U LOL" sort of way. Why not, yknow, ****ing help them? This is moustache-twirling levels of evil to just openly mock and assault a community because you don't think they're strong enough to survive. Even if you've no interest in trying to help them, then wtf, leave them alone...? They're actually going out of their way and spending resources and man hours to be **** to other societies. That's insane.

Something that was pointed out on reddit is that if you look at who is the most technologically advanced in the Fallout Universe thusfar, the Institute has abysmally failed to even hold a candle to the current crown-holders, the Think Tank. The Think Tank and the Shi have both made great strides for humanity. The Shi have a flower they created that absorbs radiation to help clean the environment, the Think Tank are responsible for agriculture that with some tweaking to make it NOT ****ING DEADLY, can mass produce food on an insane scale. Likewise, the Think Tank are responsible for Fallout's version of 3D printers, though their version is superior to our real world counterpart in that it can produce medicine and food, too, at much cheaper resource costs.

Let's put this in perspective: The Think Tank live alone. They seem to be under the impression there's nothing out there and humanity is lost. They've lost all hope in humanity rebuilding or existing. They themselves are simply trying to carry on. The only thing that helps them carry on is knowledge for knowledge's sake. They experiment and learn because it's the only thing they're passionate about to keep them pre-occupied and somewhat sane through all the years. They do not have any goals in what they do, they just sit around and wonder "DUDE what if were crossbred a cow with an ear of corn???" and then they do it for no other reason other than seeing what happens. They've been cut off from humanity for so long that many would argue they aren't even sane anymore. Mobius himself purposefully keeps them in the dark because he believes the Think Tank re-establishing a connection with humanity would be dangerous, as they're so out-of-touch with reality and lacking in empathy that they'd view humankind as little more than test subjects. The Think Tank, granted, are still geniuses and scientists, but they're so god damned lost and lacking in a purpose that their research is oftentimes downright comical.

   The Institute? Actively wants to rebuild humanity. They saw the bombs, they saw the aftermath, they're alive and wish to carry on. Their very goal is to rebuild humanity and help it flourish once again.


Fast forward 210 years, guess which one of these groups has created more helpful technological advances for humanity. Would you ****ing believe it's the brains in jars who wanted to know what happens if a deathclaw has sex with a molerat? Meanwhile the PRESTIGIOUS INSTITUTE whose very goal it is to rescue humanity has created a toaster that will scream at you about respecting it's rights before it either runs away from home to become an actor or shoots you in the face.


What the flying ****. 




That to me is the biggest disappointment and the biggest writing blemish on FO4. I have seen individual scenes in random side quests where the writing has been better than what I'd normally expect from Bethesda, but it's not enough to cover up for the fact that their overall story and continuity is still so abysmally disjointed and nonsensical. A real shame to see that, though not too surprising.

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"The Courier was the worst of all of them. The worst by far. When he died the first time, he must have met the devil, and then killed him."



Is your mom hot? It may explain why guys were following her ?

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Actually I had the same thoughts. There is just no point in it.


Also a spoilery question:


There is a group of people living in the glowing sea. Are they androids too?


Was too lazy to try to find a random terminal and nobody wanted to talk to me about this issue... the dialogues simply don't allow for that. First time I got there, I was like "lol what the hell" because I needed a crapton of anti-rad stuff and a power armor, meanwhile they walk around in the glowing sea as if nothing ever happened.


"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Actually I had the same thoughts. There is just no point in it.


Also a spoilery question:


There is a group of people living in the glowing sea. Are they androids too?


Was too lazy to try to find a random terminal and nobody wanted to talk to me about this issue... the dialogues simply don't allow for that. First time I got there, I was like "lol what the hell" because I needed a crapton of anti-rad stuff and a power armor, meanwhile they walk around in the glowing sea as if nothing ever happened.




I'm not too familiar with your spoiler, this is all I've HEARD being discussed around it:



I believe those guys are Children of the Atom, aka the same church spawned by that guy worshipping the nuke in Megaton. My assumption would be that they're out there like the nutjobs they are purposefully embracing the harsh irradiated conditions and considering it "holy ground." Again, this is partly speculation on my part, but I distinctly remember hearing it mentioned that Children of the Atom live within the Glowing Sea.


"The Courier was the worst of all of them. The worst by far. When he died the first time, he must have met the devil, and then killed him."



Is your mom hot? It may explain why guys were following her ?

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Actually I had the same thoughts. There is just no point in it.


Also a spoilery question:


There is a group of people living in the glowing sea. Are they androids too?


Was too lazy to try to find a random terminal and nobody wanted to talk to me about this issue... the dialogues simply don't allow for that. First time I got there, I was like "lol what the hell" because I needed a crapton of anti-rad stuff and a power armor, meanwhile they walk around in the glowing sea as if nothing ever happened.




I'm not too familiar with your spoiler, this is all I've HEARD being discussed around it:



I believe those guys are Children of the Atom, aka the same church spawned by that guy worshipping the nuke in Megaton. My assumption would be that they're out there like the nutjobs they are purposefully embracing the harsh irradiated conditions and considering it "holy ground." Again, this is partly speculation on my part, but I distinctly remember hearing it mentioned that Children of the Atom live within the Glowing Sea.



Yes, this is pretty much what they are. 

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Actually I had the same thoughts. There is just no point in it.


Also a spoilery question:


There is a group of people living in the glowing sea. Are they androids too?


Was too lazy to try to find a random terminal and nobody wanted to talk to me about this issue... the dialogues simply don't allow for that. First time I got there, I was like "lol what the hell" because I needed a crapton of anti-rad stuff and a power armor, meanwhile they walk around in the glowing sea as if nothing ever happened.




I'm not too familiar with your spoiler, this is all I've HEARD being discussed around it:



I believe those guys are Children of the Atom, aka the same church spawned by that guy worshipping the nuke in Megaton. My assumption would be that they're out there like the nutjobs they are purposefully embracing the harsh irradiated conditions and considering it "holy ground." Again, this is partly speculation on my part, but I distinctly remember hearing it mentioned that Children of the Atom live within the Glowing Sea.



Yes, this is pretty much what they are. 




But this is dumb as hell. If they are still humans, then why the heck do *I* need power armor and stuff. Just because I don't hug a stupid atom bomb?


Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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But this is dumb as hell. If they are still humans, then why the heck do *I* need power armor and stuff. Just because I don't hug a stupid atom bomb?


Trying to find logic in a Bethesda game is futile. :) Doesn't seem like they bother themselves with it all that much. 

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So after the Deathclaw incident, I went ahead and made a beeline for Diamond City in a bid to avoid the general opinion that the early part of the game kinda sucks, and ...I dunno really, it's still a game I kind of have to convince myself to sit down and play a bit, rather than one I can say I'm genuinely enjoying. I mean, I've only just finished wandering the city, talking to everyone, doing minor quests, and it's okay, but it's not holding my attention and I'm tabbing out to take breaks frequently (like I am right now). Guess the big test is coming up where I step outside town, not as a lost, desperate vault-dweller but as someone with a firm purpose with the whole gameworld open proper - let's see how that goes.


An anecdote about the best and worst moment so far: there's confrontation at a bar, and I'm the supposed mediator, but as I walk in, the game engine is happy to let me walk and sit down on the couch while the confrontation occurs. It's a trivial thing, but it feels cool for you to sit there lounging comfortably and occasionally chiming in in a relaxed way as the camera cuts to me while two other people have a tense stand-up conversation a good distance away. It's wonderfully organic in a way a Bethesda game has never been before. It plays out almost like a cutscene. Then the conversation suddenly breaks off for some reason. They're still in talk range so I restart it. It breaks again at the same point, and this time I know the NPCs haven't moved out of range or anything. So I have to get up, walk up to the characters involved, and restart the conversation yet again to finally complete it. Goddammit Bethesda.


Still, to be positive for once, the strides they've made in dialogue have been pretty impressive, in that I haven't found one where I absolutely hated the manner and delivery of the NPCs - a very common thing in their games past. If an NPC is a jerk it's okay because I can respond in kind, and that makes a big difference.


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Longknife, I thought you weren't going to bother with Fallout 4?  Why are you reading over all this plot stuff?



I'll answer that if you answer me this: why do you care?

"The Courier was the worst of all of them. The worst by far. When he died the first time, he must have met the devil, and then killed him."



Is your mom hot? It may explain why guys were following her ?

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so, I am watching this let's play on YouTube, and the Brotherhood of Steel appears for the first time. It's the BoS from Fallout Tactics, but they somehow became even worse. the next episode starts with a BoS vertibird crashing down under heavy fire from the raiders. my brow goes up, but I let it slide. then, in the next episode I see another vertibird crash. then another one...


and this just sealed the deal. this isn't Fallout. BoS cares so much about their stuff, even parting with a single Plasma Rifle would be hard, but in FO4 they just waste precious fuel on sending out vertibird patrols (even the flippin' US Army doesn't use transport helicopters for that kind of tasks, and they have fuel coming out of their ears). then they are OK with losing a vertibird every now and again? this is BS.


one other thing that makes me uneasy (aside from the stupidly named guns, taken straight from Borderlands - even some gun models look exactly the same) is the way certain enemies "mutate" into stronger versions of themselves right in front of you (you know, like those Juggernauts from Borderlands 2). this says a lot about Bethesda's real intentions. 


I think, what's happened was Zenimax/Bethesda realized Rage was going nowhere, but the prospect of having their own Bordelands game was so tempting they just couldn't help themselves and decided to turn Fallout into Rage. so, my prediction: the next Fallout game from Bethesda will have a 2-person coop.


EDIT: just witnessed another vertibird crash and realized, that the Knights it carried all had Power Armor equipped. a few veritibird crashes in FO4 would be equal to a complete wipeout of a BoS chapter in FO1... what a joke

Edited by sorophx
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Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Yeah, Vertibirds are crashing left and right. I was blaming the stupid enemy respawn system (it seems everything including container with and without locks are respawning after a certain amount of time), but it still feel real bad.



/Edit: Oh and wow, who here honestly likes the Diamond City radio dude? I was listening to him for like 5 minutes and he is so, so much worse than Three Dawg. It's almost like Bethesda tried to make the radio even more annoying than it was in Fo3. Or maybe they want the players to find ways to kill him without turning the whole Diamond City into aggressive-mode.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I think FO3's interpretation of the BoS as lawful good paladins is even less true to the source, so in a way, the way FO4 has them is an improvement. :p


I haven't really listened to the ingame radio yet so I kind of did the quest to help the DJ with no prior context. The game is like "I'm sure you know him", and I had no idea he was actually someone you could meet. You couldn't meet Mr New Vegas after all.


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/Edit: Oh and wow, who here honestly likes the Diamond City radio dude? I was listening to him for like 5 minutes and he is so, so much worse than Three Dawg. It's almost like Bethesda tried to make the radio even more annoying than it was in Fo3. Or maybe they want the players to find ways to kill him without turning the whole Diamond City into aggressive-mode.


There's actually a quest line that ends up building up the DJ's confidence and totally changes how he talks/acts on the radio. So that irritation value is technically intended in the beginning...


Well, unless you're being irritated by how he talks and acts after that...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I talked with him a few times, but he doesn't even initiate a dialogue. I thought he is meaned to be like that forever and ever.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I talked with him a few times, but he doesn't even initiate a dialogue. I thought he is meaned to be like that forever and ever.


Yeah, it gets initiated by the Russians in the bar who are friends with him.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Longknife, I thought you weren't going to bother with Fallout 4?  Why are you reading over all this plot stuff?



I'll answer that if you answer me this: why do you care?





Probably because this thread has people playing the game and discussing both the good and the bad, and then this thread has people who are not playing the game but seem obsessed with nitpicking all the bad stuff.  It's a weird mix and a bit hard to navigate. 

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