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I might have just pre-ordered Battlefront for the Darth Vader theme.


Does this make me a horrible person? Yes or yes.


Is it true there's no single player campaign?  What's the online play like, anyway?  CoD-esque, but third person view?


I got about 2:30 of play last night and the early verdict is not bad.


I haven't played CoD since World War II, so I can't compare. But this is really a first person shooter with a third person option. There's no bunnyhopping, people aren't sniping your spawn from max draw distance (in fact, the only sniper looks to have a cooldown), grenades have a small radius unless you get one of the powerups.


Right now gameplay is mainly people taking potshots at one another from long range, only getting kills when someone stands out in the open too long. Eventually everyone gets to a chokepoint and just starts suppressing the crap out of it (which looks very impressive with all the lasers flying about) until someone gets blown up or their capture point flanked.


If I had to compare it to something, it would be the earlier Battlefront games from Pandemic. Only instead of classes you have weapon unlocks and power cards. And with a whole lot less content.


The lack of content is the only real negative for me. I played the 40 player game mode last night and only saw 4 maps doing it.



Also the aerial component of the game is completely pointless. Might be better in Walker Assault. But the arena is too small and the aircraft don't interact with the guys on the ground at all.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I remember buying one of the Battlefronts for the ... was it PS2?  Or maybe it was the XBox 360?  Can't remember now.  I wasn't a fan.  Which is why I'm a bit on the fence with this newest edition.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Due to a certain someone constantly posting rather awesome tales from a dead city I picked up Mordheim...


Of course I dived in without reading the manual (watched a bit of some youtube videos though), picked the Sisters for my first attempts (figured that not having to deal with ranged attacks and the likes might provide for a less steep learning curve)


My first warband got slaughtered, chopped up and curbstomped after winning the first mission, though my second one is doing much better now (realizing that I can place my warband before starting massively increased my chances of survival :p). It already three consecutive victories under its belt, though my Hero lost a leg in the last game (given how early in I am I guess it might be best to fire her?). That entire situation was a bit odd though, I got the enemy routed message and then another round started. Ended up having to beat down every single hostile in that game, if the match had ended there and then I'd have gotten out pretty much without a scratch, oh well...


Anyway, my focus on survival and beating the opposition to pulp seems to have left my Wyrdstone acquiry rate a bit...wanting. Gonna take some time to figure out the right balance between things.


Also according to Steam I played an online game, wasn't really planning on that, so I guess they just show up on the campaign map then, which seems odd (or the achievement is kinda buggy).


Anyway, next available missions seem to be of the "hard" variety, this could hurt. So far I'm having fun at least :)

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That fight not ending sounds like a bug. Never had it happen to me.

Firing the injured person... up to you. 5 days recovery is not so nice early on. Limb loss has been toned down. That injury used to be a lot nastier before (I think it no longer blocks charge and ambush actions, only climb and jump?).

Try to avoid missions deploying you in strike teams early on, or at least on harder difficulties. Those set ups can lead to disaster, with Skaven opponents rushing you in the first round.


Remember you can scout to get more missions. Though this early you may need to hold onto the cash.


Try playing around with these keys: L, B, Left Alt, Left Ctrl, Spacebar... probably some others I forget.



Online achievement bugged? They don't show up on the campaign map :)


They say Skaven are the easiest starting warband as they are stupidly fast.

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Popped in the Fallout 4 disc. It installed the first 5.2GB. Now I have to download another ~19GB. Goddammit Bethesda.


That seems to be the standard now.  I bought Lego Dimensions for the kids the other day, popped it in, and it then proceeded to download 16 gigs.  The kids were not amused.  

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I get that Blu-ray never achieved the market share to justify shipping games on them, but pressing DVDs is dirt-cheap: it's disappointing that they could only deign to give us one measly single-layer DVD. Indeed it seems almost more of an insult to provide one disc than it would be to provide none: "Hey you should totally thank us for including one-fifth of the game on disc". The previous PC game I bought a physical copy of, Witcher 3, was pretty much a full install, being a neat perk of DRM-free physical distribution.


It's sad that even when Steam isn't being a jerk, it is by its nature a permanent enabler of other companies being jerks. I get that a fair chunk of stuff isn't finalised before the physical copies are produced, but in cases like this it's going to be mostly static assets that have been in release state for months, so it's not a remotely plausible defense.


Fortunately my ISP provides unmetered Steam downloads so it's just wasting my time, but for the majority of users here, it's going to be a hefty chunk of their download quota for the month since the average is likely still some way short of triple-digits.

Edited by Humanoid


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Still Victor Vran, the game is starting to get significantly harder now, which is good.  Epic monsters are just ridiculously tough, as they should be.  I've come to rely on the scythe as my favorite weapon type, I favor it because of its wide sweeping attacks that can hit multiple enemies and its combination of decent attack speed and decent damage.  I also think it has the best combination of special attacks.  There is a forward blast with medium range and a very narrow cone that doesn't do any damage (without modifiers), but it stuns every enemy caught in it, it's extremely useful both offensively and defensively.  The other special is a a spin to win attack that's awesome for cutting through crowds of enemies (I've killed as many as a dozen enemies with that one attack).  I have a high lifesteal build, using several lifesteal cards and the scythe I'm currently using also has lifesteal and increased attack speed (an awesome combo).  I always have Hex of Pain turned on (it periodically damages you) because I can just lifesteal the damage I take back off weak mobs.  I usually can lifesteal enough to counter whatever damage I take during battle except when facing really tough enemies, which is happening a lot more often now.

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"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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More Wasteland 2.  I picked up Scotchmo this time around.  And of course he just had to be a shotgun specialist.  I hate shotguns in this game.


It's not so bad, really. Scotchmo's combat initiative is so awful you'll only get one or two shots of per fight. ;)

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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He's currently carrying a two-shot shotgun.  So, there's that, too.


On the plus side, he makes some amusing comments when my party is strolling through the various towns and cities.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Playing more Mordheim, there are a couple of things I don't get though, when I have a downed warrior but I win anything they picked up is seemingly left behind and when I return it's treated as if I left those warriors behind. That seems rather harsh (also, if I win, why the hell would I leave Warband members behind?).


My Initiate that picked up 20 ducats got downed (but not looted) so it kinda seriously hurt that win or lose is treated the same as far as downed warriors go :(

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More Wasteland 2.  I picked up Scotchmo this time around.  And of course he just had to be a shotgun specialist.  I hate shotguns in this game.

You get Scotchmo quite early into the game, training him to use energy weapons could be a good idea to complement shotguns for soft targets (if you trust Scotchmo with delicate equipment that is)
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OK, ran into a bit of a game breaking bug in Mordheim. On a random deployment one of my heros got stuck behind rubble on the floor. Result: I was getting slaughtered (since in effect, I was playing with one unit less, one of my strongest ones to boot). Since there is no way to back out of a game without getting severely punished (and alt+f4 doesn't work, yay for "hardcore" and stuff) these kinds of bugs can really ruin your game (since there is only one save...).


Anyway, I reported it and I'm now going to wait for the patch to hit as that will mean my Warband should be reset to its pre-deployment state. After this I might sideline the game until it gets released though (or at least until these kinds of bugs are fixed) as hard as that's gonna be (game is damn addictive), but getting roflstomped due to bugs knowing there is no way to get out is *really* unfun. At the very least I'll avoid random deployments like the plague...

Edited by marelooke
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Those deployment bugs were supposed to have been ironed out in September :(

I think I saw your post in the steam forum about it today?



The alt+f4 thing was added recently because people were complaining about ALT+F4 being abused. I never understood what they care about how others play single player *shrug*

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Those deployment bugs were supposed to have been ironed out in September sad.png

I think I saw your post in the steam forum about it today?

Well, I guess I have some bad news then... wink.png


It might be the combination of debris with stairs that did it or something, I really couldn't say, but hopefully it's at least extremely rare (but then it might hit people when they least expect it, so maybe I should hope it's common, so it's easier to reproduce and fix...)


The alt+f4 thing was added recently because people were complaining about ALT+F4 being abused. I never understood what they care about how others play single player *shrug*

Yeah, it just puts you back in the match when you load. I wouldn't mind either way if the game was free of gamebreaking bugs (but can you ever be entirely sure...?), being severly punished for bugs (or stuff outside your control, like wonky networks or overloaded servers) is not my idea of a good time (hence why I never bothered with a hardcore chacater in Diablo 3, *something* outside my control is bound to go wrong sooner or later)

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If they know which map it was and the mission parameters,they can usually fix the specific problem spot pretty fast. For example if it was 3 strike teams vs spread out, merchant district 4, and you had the strike teams, then they know what to tweak

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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If they know which map it was and the mission parameters,they can usually fix the specific problem spot pretty fast. For example if it was 3 strike teams vs spread out, merchant district 4, and you had the strike teams, then they know what to tweak


Hmm, I provided a screenshot with the location on the map, does it matter that it was a scattered vs scattered one (both Warbands got scared by something and scattered around the area). If it does I'll add it to the report (if Steam will still let me edit it)

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If they know which map it was and the mission parameters,they can usually fix the specific problem spot pretty fast. For example if it was 3 strike teams vs spread out, merchant district 4, and you had the strike teams, then they know what to tweak


Hmm, I provided a screenshot with the location on the map, does it matter that it was a scattered vs scattered one (both Warbands got scared by something and scattered around the area). If it does I'll add it to the report (if Steam will still let me edit it)


Apparently it does. A report about a different issue I did the devs asked for that info. Not that they can't find it without it, it just cuts down on the time they need to spend searching. Basically what happens is that they'll try to find the nodes and alter them, move them or remove some, so that the map generation no longer creates such scenarios. In your instance they'd probably simply remove the offending barricade node.



For what it's worth, in over 100 hours I had this happen to me once.



Also, avoid being scattered or in strike teams on Brutal and Deadly. If a wandering monster spawns while you are all spread out, you are toast.

Edited by melkathi

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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With the full release of Mordheim the second Act and remaining four missions for the story of each warband unlocked.

I wish they hadn't. Act II Mission I for Sisters is some of the worst gameplay experience I had in a long time.



So I'm taking a break from the game to get over that.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Bought Tales of Zestiria for the PS4. I loled really hard when I heard that some butt hurt jrpg fan calling the series Tales of Generica. But what can I say, I like it when the japs make games. Period.

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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