Larlenoyc7 Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 GOD was very Gracious, when He said, deliver them from going down to the pit (eternal hell), I have found a ransom. That ransom was Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ said that I will give eternal life to anyone who believes on me. (Just ask Him) Awesome! ANYONE!!!!
Cantousent Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 Ah, I was going to wrap this into the previous thread, but I just saw that my neutral friend closed it for length. Well then, Larlenoyc7, it's all yours. Thank God and Jesus as you see fit, but also save some love and gratitude for Bethesda. After all, God helps those who help themselves! :Cant's wink and nod icon: Of course, I'm assuming hell was being without Fallout 4 and that's why the effusion of gratitude. <.< Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community: Happy Holidays Join the revelry at the Obsidian Plays channel:Obsidian Plays Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris. Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!
Vaeliorin Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 On 8/10/2015 at 5:47 AM, Cantousent said: Ah, I was going to wrap this into the previous thread, but I just saw that my neutral friend closed it for length. Well then, Larlenoyc7, it's all yours. Thank God and Jesus as you see fit, but also save some love and gratitude for Bethesda. After all, God helps those who help themselves! :Cant's wink and nod icon: Of course, I'm assuming hell was being without Fallout 4 and that's why the effusion of gratitude. <.< I'm pretty sure hell is being forced to play Bethesda games for eternity. 1
Aoyagi Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 On 8/10/2015 at 7:44 AM, Vaeliorin said: I'm pretty sure hell is being forced to play Bethesda games for eternity. Unreleased games, such as Pillars of the Elder Scrolls.
Gizmo Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 Odd chance... This is both related to heaven & hell, and indicative of all that's wrong with FO3 & FO4 and Bethesda games in general... and it's from the 1950's. Or
Longknife Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 (edited) Curious as to how many of you have already pre-ordered/plan to buy first day. Given the no level cap news and Pete's implication SPECIAL can be raised (if not maxed), I have no desire to buy this game unless it somehow blows everyone away with revolutionary gameplay or a suprise quality storyline, which of course the realist in me knows won't happen.Also, minor rant? Stop ****ing pre-ordering games, you idiots. What is the purpose of pre-ordering? The purpose is....or was...that back before digital copies, if the title was expected to be insanely popular, you'd reserve a copy so that there'd be no disappointment on release day when the store tells you they've got no CDs left. For example, the Wii was stupidly popular. Was pre-ordering the Wii a wise idea? Yes. Is pre-ordering Fallout 4 a wise idea? No. Why? Because these are digital copies. If Bethesda so desired, they could give everyone in the entire country of China with internet access a copy of Fallout 4. There is no shortage on it because it's no longer physical.So let's pretend for a minute that, one week before release, Bethesda drops a bomb on us and it's crystal clear that Fallout 4 will be the most revolutionary game of all time, and it'll house some revolutionary feature that makes it an obvious must-have. Here I am, wrong as hell about every suspicion I've had that the game will suck, and now I wanna buy it. I do so. Where is the difference between my pre-ordered-one-week-before-release copy and your "I pre-ordered in July before they even released PC system requirements" copy? Unless you bought the glorified Iphone case version, there is no difference between my purchase and yours. We both get to play the game immediately once it's released. So why the HELL did you go ahead and pre-order with the limited info you had...? Grats on getting hit by the hype train...idiot. Edited August 10, 2015 by Longknife "The Courier was the worst of all of them. The worst by far. When he died the first time, he must have met the devil, and then killed him." On 10/30/2014 at 11:04 AM, BruceVC said: Is your mom hot? It may explain why guys were following her ?
Gfted1 Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 Oooookaaaay.... I wont buy it on first day but Ill pick it up eventually. I dont have the same "issues" as you, I just get vertigo from first person perspective so Ill probably wait and get it on the cheap. I got ~10 hours out of FO:NV before I ran into a quest killing bug so thats when I generally throw in the towel.,Gfted1,black,red.png
Cantousent Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 To be fair, sometimes the developer will offer incentives on Steam for achieving pre-order goals. I don't know that it's enough of a reason, but it's an argument for those who are already inclined to purchase the game from a developer they trust. Also, kickstarters pre-fund a game, although I would argue that is substantially different from pre-ordering. I'm not going to pre-order FO4 and, in fact, will probably wait to buy it for at least several weeks, not because I don't anticipate making the purchase, but because that's how I tend to buy most games these days. If I hadn't had to push the OP through, I imagine I wouldn't even have read this thread. First Fallout 4 thread I've read and so far the only post that actually gives any information about the game is Longknife's, and I don't even understand the part about SPECIAL being raised. There were ways in all the FO games to raise SPECIAL attributes through various means, so what exactly does that mean for someone who hasn't been following the development? Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community: Happy Holidays Join the revelry at the Obsidian Plays channel:Obsidian Plays Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris. Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!
Gizmo Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 On 8/10/2015 at 4:23 PM, Longknife said: The purpose is....or was...that back before digital copies, if the title was expected to be insanely popular, you'd reserve a copy so that there'd be no disappointment on release day when the store tells you they've got no CDs left. For example, the Wii was stupidly popular. Was pre-ordering the Wii a wise idea? Yes. Is pre-ordering Fallout 4 a wise idea? The purpose now is wholly to support the company early. This only makes sense for an 'indie' developer that you trust. *There is also the limited collectors editions though, and those do sell out.
Longknife Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 On 8/10/2015 at 4:45 PM, Cantousent said: To be fair, sometimes the developer will offer incentives on Steam for achieving pre-order goals. I don't know that it's enough of a reason, but it's an argument for those who are already inclined to purchase the game from a developer they trust. Also, kickstarters pre-fund a game, although I would argue that is substantially different from pre-ordering. I'm not going to pre-order FO4 and, in fact, will probably wait to buy it for at least several weeks, not because I don't anticipate making the purchase, but because that's how I tend to buy most games these days. If I hadn't had to push the OP through, I imagine I wouldn't even have read this thread. First Fallout 4 thread I've read and so far the only post that actually gives any information about the game is Longknife's, and I don't even understand the part about SPECIAL being raised. There were ways in all the FO games to raise SPECIAL attributes through various means, so what exactly does that mean for someone who hasn't been following the development? Just for clarity, there's still no official confirmation on SPECIAL being something you can raise. However, it's heavily implied because: 1) SPECIAL starts incredibly low 2) No level cap would be pretty moot unless there's more perks to take, and if SPECIAL is capped then perks will be limited 3) Pete's quote implied you'll get more points later "The Courier was the worst of all of them. The worst by far. When he died the first time, he must have met the devil, and then killed him." On 10/30/2014 at 11:04 AM, BruceVC said: Is your mom hot? It may explain why guys were following her ?
Longknife Posted August 10, 2015 Posted August 10, 2015 Mfw I can't go on the Bethesda forums to tell all those "ur just being negative n u haet bethesda and that's just baseless speculation, ur wrong hater" people "I told you so" because LITERALLY ALL OF MY PREDICTIONS ARE COMING TRUE. "The Courier was the worst of all of them. The worst by far. When he died the first time, he must have met the devil, and then killed him." On 10/30/2014 at 11:04 AM, BruceVC said: Is your mom hot? It may explain why guys were following her ?
Rosveen Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 Purpose of pre-ordering digital games: pre-loading. If you had very slow internet, you might appreciate it. Also, looking at your posts above, no wonder you were banned. Bethesda forum became so sanitized it's suffocating, I will readily agree, but you're just a ball of uncontrollable rage sometimes. No skin off your nose if other people do things you consider pointless, so stop seething like a hormonal teenager. 1
Hurlshort Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 Sometimes I pre-order stuff because then I don't need to worry about the release date, it just shows up in my queue when it is released. But that is more handy with books and music.
Vaeliorin Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 I'll pre-order games I know I want, but it's always a physical copy, which I pre-order because you'll often get it a day or two before release. I always get physical copies of games that are important to me. I'm old. Never pre-ordered a digital game (I'm pretty sure I've never bought a digital game that was less than 50% off, honestly.)
redneckdevil Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 Some things I will preorder even if there's a chance it will be crap. I'm not gonna be preordering fallout 4 but I will be getting it. I'm gonna try my hardest not to spoil myself with anything and go in expecting to be disappointed that way I won't be let down )
ManifestedISO Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 No need to pre-order, my local GS always has plenty of copies, and I'm a Power-Up Pro Rewards Member, so I get magic points for every dollar I spend, redeemable in the future for stuff I don't need. Tell you what, this Fall is going to be expensive ... Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, Oct. 9, Halo 5: Guardians, Oct. 27, Fallout 4 and Tomb Raider on the same day, two weeks later, then Star Wars Battlefront the week after that. I might have to call in sick for December. 1 All Stop. On Screen.
Longknife Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 (edited) On 8/11/2015 at 12:04 AM, Rosveen said: Purpose of pre-ordering digital games: pre-loading. If you had very slow internet, you might appreciate it. Also, looking at your posts above, no wonder you were banned. Bethesda forum became so sanitized it's suffocating, I will readily agree, but you're just a ball of uncontrollable rage sometimes. No skin off your nose if other people do things you consider pointless, so stop seething like a hormonal teenager. Which as I said with my above example, nothing is stopping you from pre-ordering a week before release. There's no purpose or motivation to pre-ordering so early. Listen, please don't be offended because of lines like "good job getting hit by the hype train...idiot" because I don't mean anything by it and I'd talk this way to myself, but if we're being as objective as possible here, then have I not highlighted a severe ****ing flaw in pre-ordering a game the MOMENT it's pre-order button is up, when you have the option to wait several months, get more information, and then decide ~1 week in advance if you wanna pre-load and purchase that game or not?? Rage is a bit strong, though not gonna fault you for interpreting it that way since yeah, internet and text. Am I maybe a bit bitter? Perhaps. Does it frustrate me to watch? Oh yeah. And it frustrates me because I get to sit here, make logical conclusions about what to expect from a game, fast forward and hot damn the very same logical conclusions and predictions I was making that were met with "stfu hater ur just mad cuz FO3 is better than new vegas" or "if u dun like it then leave u clearly just hate bethesda" or "u just need something to complain about" turn out to be 100% right. And each time it's "u just got lucky u were right" and this has been going on since the days leading up to the release of Skyrim, where I accurately highlighted how prerequisite perks for example will seriously hinder character variety since everyone will take EVERY perk leading to the badass level 100 ones, and how that could mean we might see a lot of garbage perks that are validated only by being neccesary to unlock the level 100 ones. It frustrates me because games keep getting stupider and stupider and stupider. Why? This picture sums it up pretty well for me: Removed cartoon of Winnie the Pooh eating something unsavory from his honey jar, Tigger begging him to stop, and Winnie exclaiming: "Don't worry, mods will fix it!" By no means am I saying "omg terrible game is terrible and screw you if you buy it." By all means, if this looks like a title that interests you, keep an eye on it and buy it. I've no beef with people legitimately wanting to buy and play a game like Fallout 4. I do however have quite a bone to pick with people who are sooooo loyal to the brand that any criticism or observation I make must be shut down or ignored because criticism is not allowed (not talking Beth forums btw here, that's not the cause of my ban) because criticism - even when valid - is a big no no. It's very painful to follow games like Fallout 4 from announcement up to release and see how my opponents shift from "stfu, you're speculating about something we barely know anything about. What kind of idiot does that? Bethesda would never implement what you're describing" to "yeah and? These features sound amazing, I'm hyped. This is what everyone wanted. Level and SPECIAL caps were poor game design and needed to be fixed" to whatever the hell the next step will be. Probably "the people complaining about the lack of character diversity are the vocal minority. They're here b****ing on the forums while the vast majority are actually playing the game and TRYING to enjoy themselves." Here's a study I find faaaar too relevant to games these days: I feel like I've done this song and dance several times now. Skyrim, Sims 4, Fallout 4....I listen to the info I'm provided with, try my best to imagine what it might be like from a gameplay perspective, then post some criticisms and highlight some potential problem areas I see. Within minutes I've got 20 people lining up to tell me I'm a loser and I suck the D because how dare I criticize their amazing anticipated game which is obviously set to be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior? Then they all go off to pre-order a title that they're in absolutely zero rush or obligation to pre-order immediately, then some big-named company takes their money, runs, and several months down the line, half of the very people who were so loyal are complaining about what a lackluster experience the game was in retrospect. Then the next shiny game comes out and the cycle repeats. And not to sound arrogant, but so far I'm batting a thousand. Every prediction I've made with the above titles listed turned out correct; I don't think it's much an accomplishment really anyways, as it's somewhat easy to try and imagine the implications of a gameplay feature. (for example they've bragged about the hundreds of weapons you can make via modding, I rationalize that I have severe doubts that the vast majority of those have any semblance of balance and that many will be near worthless or inferior to counterparts by a clear margin. This one's yet to be seen of course, but I honestly don't think we need to wait on this; not bashing on Bethesda here either, as I don't think ANYONE could properly balance that many weapon mod combos. Only way I'm bashing them is for choosing to have that many to begin with. That's like rushing down a Polar bear with a spoon.) I only mention that because yeah I would definitely be more humble and less aggressive if I was hitting and missing, but no, I made these exact predictions a day or so after watching the trailer. Inb4 Deathclaws are dragons 2.0 and nothing but glorified bullet sponges that only tickle a power-armored player and provide the illusion of "scurry enemy" just by having a crapton of HP, cause that was my prediction on the list. So yeah, it is frustrating to do that and to repeatedly be lambasted for thinking critically simply on the grounds of daring to think critically. And just for clarity, none of you here have done this. I only post the above because you sounded curious as to what my beef is. There's my explanation. Cant EDIT: Removed cartoon because of language filter... and it was really nasty. lol ...But it did make the point my Mack the Knife friend was trying to convey. Edited August 11, 2015 by Cantousent "The Courier was the worst of all of them. The worst by far. When he died the first time, he must have met the devil, and then killed him." On 10/30/2014 at 11:04 AM, BruceVC said: Is your mom hot? It may explain why guys were following her ?
Hurlshort Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 You are way too worked up about this. The odds are Fallout 4 will be about as good as Fallout 3. Expecting it to be vastly better or worse would be folly. A lot of the stuff you seem to be complaining about is simpler minor on the grand scheme of things. Also, games are definitely not getting stupider. Before the whole indie and kickstarter movement of the last few years, I would have agreed with you, but we are in a huge golden age right now thanks to all the different financing options available to developers.
Lexx Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 I really, really like how much I don't care about Fo4. I am not even carving for any bit of information. This is good news, because it means I am over that and probably over with the Fallout franchise as a good rpg. Besides, by now I know what type of games Bethesda makes and how they will turn out / how much I will like them, so... The only thing left to do would be trying to teach other people about it on the internet, but I feel way too lazy for doing that. Can do better with the little free time I have. 2 "only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."
Undecaf Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 (edited) On 8/11/2015 at 4:24 AM, Lexx said: I really, really like how much I don't care about Fo4. I am not even carving for any bit of information. This is good news, because it means I am over that and probably over with the Fallout franchise as a good rpg. Besides, by now I know what type of games Bethesda makes and how they will turn out / how much I will like them, so...That about sums up my stance too. I'm a hypocrite in that I still like to occasionally take a **** on what I view as bad decisions, but generally I've lost all meaningful interest. The bad thing is that I might not care anymore even if Obsidian gets to make something over the Fallout 4 base; not unless the gameplay takes a hefty departure from it, or does something unpredictably incredible. I'm just quite done with the sandbox FPS gameplay. Edited August 11, 2015 by Undecaf Perkele, tiädäksää tuanoini!"It's easier to tolerate idiots if you do not consider them as stupid people, but exceptionally gifted monkeys."
Volourn Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 "This only makes sense for an 'indie' developer that you trust." Your point doesn't even make sense. Why just 'indie' developer? Why not a AAA developer/ Also, people claiming they 'don't care about a game' yet spam said game's thread to talk about how they 'don't care' is hilarious. It is either self delusional or trolling. YOUR CHOICE. DWARVES IN PROJECT ETERNITY = VOLOURN HAS PLEDGED $250.
HoonDing Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 Fallout is boring i watn new Elder scrolls! The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
Gizmo Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 (edited) On 8/11/2015 at 5:10 AM, Volourn said: "This only makes sense for an 'indie' developer that you trust." Your point doesn't even make sense. Why just 'indie' developer? Why not a AAA developer/ Do you say that just for the hell of it, or do you truthfully not see the point? Quote Also, people claiming they 'don't care about a game' yet spam said game's thread to talk about how they 'don't care' is hilarious. It is either self delusional or trolling. YOUR CHOICE.Your quotes are malformed, so one can't tell if that's said towards someone else... If it's said to me, I'm not sure why; but I am sure that it's meant to whomever ~as an insult, and accusation. Edited August 11, 2015 by Gizmo
Undecaf Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 (edited) On 8/11/2015 at 6:50 AM, Gizmo said: Your quotes are malformed, so one can't tell if that's said towards someone else... If it's said to me, I'm not sure why; but I am sure that it's meant to whomever ~as an insult, and accusation.You need to learn to read 'volo'. He referred to Lexx and me and whoever else claimed disinterest. Edited August 11, 2015 by Undecaf Perkele, tiädäksää tuanoini!"It's easier to tolerate idiots if you do not consider them as stupid people, but exceptionally gifted monkeys."
Rosveen Posted August 11, 2015 Posted August 11, 2015 (edited) First off, I share your dislike for pre-orders. I'm nowhere near as passionate about this matter as you, but I do feel the decision often isn't smart and it brought some negative practices into the industry, like chopping up content to sell as pre-order bonuses and selling a promise of a promise in form of season passes. But if I got so worked up about stupid **** people do with their money, I'd be raging all day long and ain't nobody got time for that. Anyhow, there is also no disadvantage to pre-ordering early. If you know you want to play the game on day 1 for sure, then it doesn't matter (to you) if you order in April or September. You might even be lucky and find a better price if you look early, as I did with ESO - $15 less on GMG before Jan 31, you wouldn't get that a week before launch. Collector's Editions must be ordered early as well. Additionally, Steam allows you to cancel your pre-order (pre-purchase, actually) and refund the price to your Steam Wallet. Honestly, I feel you're more bitter about people not listening to you than about the game itself. But it's... life, just so much. Internet rabble gonna be internet rabble and if it frustrates you, try to move away for a time instead of diving in head on. The comic you linked? Stop eating poop, Longknife. Or rather prodding people who fling poop at you when they disagree with you. If it's been this way for four games as you said, you should know better by now. As for Fallout 4. After playing Bethesda games for a decade and watching the direction they've been going, I think I can predict quite accurately what kind of game they're going to make next. And you know what? Some people actually like what they see. I don't because I didn't enjoy Fallout 3 very much and wasn't moved by Fallout 4 promo material. That's fine, I guess I just don't like Bethesda's vision. I'll maybe pick it up during a Steam sale in 2017. But I'm worried about TES VI: voiced protagonist, no lesson learned with skills... I hoped they'd rebound after Skyrim, now I'm not so sure. But even if the worst comes to pass and it is not even a shallow puddle, but a glass of water spilled on my favorite carpet, I need to see it for myself. I love the franchise too much to skip the new entry just like that. I don't leave pre-emptively. So I'm going to buy TES VI no matter what, pre-order it for convenience the moment I can afford it and that's that. No amount of forum negativity can discourage me because my reasons for pre-ordering don't hinge on an internet stranger's opinion. I can imagine this is how some people feel about Fallout 4, though from what I've seen, most seem to be genuinely excited (including the typical locust that frustrates you so much). Will they get burned? Will I? Maybe, but that's not for anyone else to decide. Edited August 11, 2015 by Rosveen
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