Zoraptor Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 On 4/7/2015 at 4:20 PM, Godfather101 said: Thats why i asked how many copys at GoG PoE sold. GOG doesn't usually release actual figures (exc Twitcher 2 and some companies have for specific titles, eg Legends of Grimrock), and since it's drm free with private profiles there is no way to get them via 3rd parties like steamspy- but they do order titles by historic sales rank, so you can tell how well they are doing relative to one another. At present PoE (Hero Ed) is just behind Div:OS and ahead of Wasteland 2 which suggest pretty good sales, at least relative to the other two high profile RPG kickstarters despite their head start in sales. All three are on page 2 of the list though, so well behind the Planescape Torments and the like.
Volourn Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 "Fear leads to anger, and anger leads to hate. That's one degree of separation; this is dark side 101 here, come on." Quoting SW = EPIC FAIL. The fact i know you are quoting SW = sad panda. 2 DWARVES IN PROJECT ETERNITY = VOLOURN HAS PLEDGED $250.
Varana Posted April 7, 2015 Posted April 7, 2015 This has so much to do with PoE's sales figures on Steam. Therefore I have sailed the seas and come To the holy city of Byzantium. -W.B. Yeats Χριστός ἀνέστη!
Zazzaro Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 (edited) I'd like to see them use PoE money on future PoE projects. The rich new world deserves the money they have already made as guaranteed funding for future projects. That being said I'd like to see them go to kickstarter to fund another game in this engine but as a brand new IP. Maybe a Sci-Story or space opera but I'd be way more than willing to back Obsidians next project on kickstarter if they choose to go that route, PoE project or new IP. After the PoE expansion, all the kinks in the engine should be worked out and their next games in this engine I'd assume will be excellent seeing what we got and what they have to build/improve on for future titles with PoE as the base. Things are def looking up. Edited April 8, 2015 by Zazzaro
Cantousent Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 All in all, this thread isn't as bad as I had feared. Nevertheless, a lot of reports have come in about this thread, so... Look, guys, stop poking each other in the eye over removed or modified content. It's not like we've been blanket shutting down discussion, banning people, or stealing your eggos. All's we ask is that you don't non-stop troll each other. Be charitable with one another. See each other as people, not as screen names. Try to discuss the issue and not attack one another. Use the Force! 7 Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community: Happy Holidays Join the revelry at the Obsidian Plays channel:Obsidian Plays Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris. Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!
Kveldulf Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 (edited) If there is one thing I see out of the limerick fiasco that's troubling, it's that I see a company siding with the SJWs. I see that as an indicator as to issues with any future content, as there will be a filter to content that's more political than about taste. Obsidian may now have a very promising future due to PoE's success, but if they keep filtering content/development with this 'politically safe' business mentality, they'll suffer in indirect ways; what could be a 9.5 game, will be a 9.0 game - for example. I heard the writer of the poem came to obsidian after the debacle, but I also heard that obsidian mentioned the poem 'missed the vetting process' or something to that effect. So, one way or another, they were going to remove a cleverly written nuance in their game. Edited April 8, 2015 by Kveldulf 1
Pegasus Organs Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 (edited) On 4/4/2015 at 5:30 PM, Shargrath said: On 4/4/2015 at 5:04 PM, Cantousent said: On 4/4/2015 at 3:18 PM, Shargrath said: I truly wish I had waited to buy this. Instead, I was so excited that I decided to pre-order, and then Obsidian had to reveal their true face of censorship by censoring the you know what poem. Now I have a game that I bought but will never play...serves me right for not waiting. That's why the smart people wait, not only do they get it for less, but they can also avoid situations like this.I'm not commenting on the politics of any particular discussion, but if you think a third party created an injustice, don't let them create another one by denying you the enjoyment of the game on top of it. Whatever politics abound, it's still a game, you own it, and it would be a shame if you let someone else deprive you of its use. I know tempers are running hot on this issue, but I just hope you reconsider and at least give the game a shot. Hell, even if you really love it, I'm not saying come back and praise the game. Keep complaining if you want, but at least get the use of the product you've purchased. :Cant's Dutch uncle icon: It wasn't a third party that created the "injustice" though. It was Obsidian, who decided, to pursue a policy of censorship and displayed themselves as anti-free speech. It feels wrong for me that my money has gone to a company, whose values, are entirely against my own. I am a strong proponent and believer in free speech and dislike censorship, which is a polar opposite to the values Obsidian displayed in this situation. It feels wrong for me to play a game, knowing that it was produced by a developer who does not believe in the right of free speech and easily caves in to special interests just to make a quick buck. Go to the top of this page, read the name. WHY in god's green hell are you posting on Obsidian's forum if you hate them so much? Honestly, your complaint is rediculous on the grounds that in general, games do not feature material from fans/customers ever, and if they do, the company chooses and edits exactly what they allow in their game. Not to mention that products in a capitalist society are not under any requirement to allow the words/statements of the public in their product. I think you completely fail to understand what "freedom of speech" actually means. When's the last time you read someone's angry tirade about "the coloureds" on the back of your breakfast box? You haven't, and won't because cereal companies have full control over their products and freedom of speech doesn't apply to the packaging of their products! Now, if Obsidian got a court order to prevent this poem from ever being read or seen, you'd have a point, but otherwise you just look like a young kid who has heard terms recently and uses them despite fully understanding. I would love it if you could point out a triple A game that features your poetry. Go on, name one. Also, you hate Obsidian? Why post on their forum? You kids just overreact to every little thing these days. Like you just eagerly await any little excuse to rage and pretend you're rightious warriors for TRUTH!! All the while good developers feel the financial brunt of your teenage angst. Edited April 8, 2015 by Pegasus Organs 1
Bryy Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 (edited) On 4/8/2015 at 3:37 AM, Kveldulf said: I heard the writer came to obsidian after the debacle, but also, obsidian I heard mentioned that the poem 'missed the vetting process' or something to that effect. So, one way or another, they were going to remove a cleverly written nuance in their game. So, you're upset that Obsidian removed some content that you admit they forgot to check? It's their game. Their product. They get the final say. You don't like their decision? Guess what: that doesn't make them bad people. It just means they have different ideals than you. Edited April 8, 2015 by Bryy 2
sparklecat Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 On 4/8/2015 at 3:37 AM, Kveldulf said: If there is one thing I see out of the limerick fiasco that's troubling, it's that I see a company siding with the SJWs. I see that as an indicator as to issues with any future content, as there will be a filter to content that's more political than about taste. Obsidian may now have a very promising future due to PoE's success, but if they keep filtering content/development with this 'politically safe' business mentality, they'll suffer in indirect ways; what could be a 9.5 game, will be a 9.0 game - for example. I heard the writer came to obsidian after the debacle, but also, obsidian I heard mentioned that the poem 'missed the vetting process' or something to that effect. So, one way or another, they were going to remove a cleverly written nuance in their game. Perhaps their criteria for what to include or not is less "is this politically correct" and more "is this hurtful to people." The Obsidian people strike me as pretty nice; seems like something they might care about. 1
Pegasus Organs Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 BTW, on the subject at hand. My goodness what a great game!!! I'd love it if they did what Divinity:OS did, which it fund the game themselves but do a Kickstarter for extra features. I love my collectors box and would eagerly help get another game made. I really hope this nonsense didn't affect Obsidian like it did DoubleBear. Too many devs are being butchered by impudent twerps... Here's to hoping PoE jumps back up the sales list. BTw 2, what are we at, sales-wise? Anyone know?
Bryy Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 It's really depressing how many people on this forum are saying they wouldn't fund a second kickstarter or buy future Obsidian products all because of a few lines of text being changed (by the original author, no less). 12
Kveldulf Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 On 4/8/2015 at 3:52 AM, sparklecat said: Perhaps their criteria for what to include or not is less "is this politically correct" and more "is this hurtful to people." The Obsidian people strike me as pretty nice; seems like something they might care about. Well, I don't see them either as being intentionally hurtful. Rather, what I'm saying, is a matter which would be more ideal for a company: content, particularly fiction, shouldn't be perceived as politically real, or a matter that needs to address whose feelings will be hurt; it is fake after all. Really though, those within the company concerned about the feelings of a certain group, are more concerned about siding with a perceived safest bet. In this case, I think it has some diminishing returns regarding the quality of the product.
Kveldulf Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 (edited) On 4/8/2015 at 4:04 AM, Bryy said: It's really depressing how many people on this forum are saying they wouldn't fund a second kickstarter or buy future Obsidian products all because of a few lines of text being changed (by the original author, no less).Well, there's always going to be that fringe minority that has a knee jerk reaction. I myself don't agree with Obsidian on it but wouldn't swear off the company - unless they make some sort of persecution simulator, then I might. I think the biggest underlying concern is that if this will be a trend with development... in which case, we won't know the better. With what little ethics revealed from the company, we are left facing a notion that doesn't look truly consistent, plural and tasteful for future fictions (Or at least, as well as it could be). I myself found the PoE storyline at times a bit redundant and shoe horned. I fear the reason for this shortcoming may have something in relation to the mindset/people as to the limerick thing. Edited April 8, 2015 by Kveldulf
Volourn Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 "Go to the top of this page, read the name. WHY in god's green hell are you posting on Obsidian's forum if you hate them so much? Honestly, your complaint is rediculous on the grounds that in general, games do not feature material from fans/customers ever, and if they do, the company chooses and edits exactly what they allow in their game. Not to mention that products in a capitalist society are not under any requirement to allow the words/statements of the public in their product. I think you completely fail to understand what "freedom of speech" actually means. When's the last time you read someone's angry tirade about "the coloureds" on the back of your breakfast box? You haven't, and won't because cereal companies have full control over their products and freedom of speech doesn't apply to the packaging of their products!Now, if Obsidian got a court order to prevent this poem from ever being read or seen, you'd have a point, but otherwise you just look like a young kid who has heard terms recently and uses them despite fully understanding. I would love it if you could point out a triple A game that features your poetry. Go on, name one. Also, you hate Obsidian? Why post on their forum? You kids just overreact to every little thing these days. Like you just eagerly await any little excuse to rage and pretend you're rightious warriors for TRUTH!!All the while good developers feel the financial brunt of your teenage angst." L0L @ this post accusing others of overreacting. "(by the original author, no less)." He had no choice. They were changing it no matter what. This was just the polite way of doing it. But, trust me, the decision was made the moment Sawyer agreed with the twitter person who wants to kill Sawyer. DWARVES IN PROJECT ETERNITY = VOLOURN HAS PLEDGED $250.
barakav Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 (edited) On 4/8/2015 at 4:04 AM, Bryy said: It's really depressing how many people on this forum are saying they wouldn't fund a second kickstarter or buy future Obsidian products all because of a few lines of text being changed (by the original author, no less). And it seemed like a while ago the forums were full with people hating this game ,until someone did that poll... It is only a vocal minority thats all. And I don't think that Obsidian will need another kickstarter ,compared to other titles' first week this game did very well. Maybe for a new IP but then they will probably get new blood to back them anyway... To those who those who think the Freedom of free speech does not apply to this case ,the freedom of speech does actually apply to this case and they would have never!! ever!! have gotten a court order at least in the US unless it was anti-constitutional . This is very similar to the case of the Mohammad cartoons a while ago. If the devs really wanted to have an anti trans/gay message in their game there wouldn't have been any legal way to prevent them to do so ,but that is not the case here. They probably changed it because they wanted to appeal to a larger audience and it was a minor thing that wasn't related to the actual game or was connected to Obsidians' view on the matter in any way ,and they had the freedom to do so under the same right of free speech that would have allowed them to be anti-gay in the first place (hypothetically of course they obviously aren't). And for the guys that says this isn't art, in the middle of the Louvre there was an empty room with a urinal inside it and it is still considered as one of the most influential art works of all time. This art work showed that everything could be considered art as long as it had some context related to it. This gravestone writing is a little bit out of context in this game but it still gave a little bit of substance to the world so IMO this is debatable. The quest that allowed you to kill a child on the other hand is definitely art. Edited April 8, 2015 by barakav An ex-biophysicist but currently Studying Schwarzschild singularities' black holes' Hawking radiation using LAZORS and hypersonic sound wave models. My main objective is to use my results to take over the world!
Concordance Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 On 4/8/2015 at 7:16 AM, barakav said: And it seemed like a while ago the forums were full with people hating this game ,until someone did that poll... It is only a vocal minority thats all. We're talking about a CRPG with 50+ hours of gameplay and hundreds of pages of script, set in a brand new universe, with mechanics complex enough to warrant heated 10+ page arguments about builds and optimal walkthroughs. I think most people are reasonable enough to recognize that the self-censorship incident, while highly unfortunate, is not nearly enough to condemn such a high-effort and content-rich product. It is also not nearly enough to claim "Obsidian doesn't care about fans", especially after seeing the sheer amount of dev forum posts over the last two weeks (and weekends!) and reading 1.03 patch notes. 2
vilverin Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 (edited) On 4/8/2015 at 11:40 AM, Concordance said: It is also not nearly enough to claim "Obsidian doesn't care about fans", especially after seeing the sheer amount of dev forum posts over the last two weeks (and weekends!) and reading 1.03 patch notes. The notion that "Obsidian doesn't care" is indeed delusional. In fact, the whole "poem issue" is just another piece of evidence that Obsidian does care about their customers. They cared too much about the feedback of a certain group of people in this case - and they may not have reacted the way some people wanted them to - but no one in their right mind can claim that they don't care. This is also why it aggravates me that people see this as censorship. Go read up on what censorship means. People giving feedback (even when expressed in a very egotistical, ridiculous manner) on content that leads to a voluntary change in the content with full consent by the content creator is not censorship. Not at all. It's a freaking regular feedback mechanism. Edited April 8, 2015 by vilverin
srb Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 I suppose people will have a hard decision to make: Buy and support CRPGs from one of the few developers still making them because you are a fan of CRPGs, or don't. Because of a silly poem.As for me, the #1 reason as for why I am hesitant to support any future Obsidian products was the absence of setting someone on fire and stealing their lute, the hallmark of a quality game. Keep that in mind next time.
Junker Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 PoE isn't even in the top 10 best sellers right now. I remember D:OS was in the top 3 for about a month? Maybe people got their fill with D:OS or maybe it was just an unfortunate time to release PoE with so many AAA titles hitting the market. Personally I feel like PoE might be saddled with a notion of mediocrity and the $45 price tag isn't helping matters. D:OS had a grand coop experience and an acclaimed, innovative combat system. PoE, while praised by most media outlets as an excellent game, offers a solid single player experience but little else. This can be found all over the place and a lot cheaper to boot. I'm glad they have the sales they do and I hope it's enough to warrant future PoE content. A sale will definitely raise those numbers quite a bit but, unfortunately, I think it's going to have to happen a lot sooner than it did for D:OS.
osea101 Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 On 4/8/2015 at 4:04 AM, Bryy said: It's really depressing how many people on this forum are saying they wouldn't fund a second kickstarter or buy future Obsidian products all because of a few lines of text being changed (by the original author, no less). You obviously have no idea how offensive this is to people with a more conservative political orientation. The left is dictating too much in this so called "democratic" society.
huang Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 On 4/8/2015 at 4:40 PM, Junker said: This can be found all over the place and a lot cheaper to boot. Uhm no, it can't... There is no other game like PoE right now. Not even close. 1
pstone Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 (edited) On 4/8/2015 at 4:40 PM, Junker said: PoE isn't even in the top 10 best sellers right now. I remember D:OS was in the top 3 for about a month? Maybe people got their fill with D:OS or maybe it was just an unfortunate time to release PoE with so many AAA titles hitting the market. If i remember correctly D:OS was released during the summer holidays and there was basically no competition, so total sales might be a better comparison. Also like you said, several AAA titles are currently released/about to be released: GTA5, Bloodbourne, The Witcher 3 are just the ones on my personal list. Edited April 8, 2015 by pstone
BruceVC Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 On 4/8/2015 at 4:04 AM, Bryy said: It's really depressing how many people on this forum are saying they wouldn't fund a second kickstarter or buy future Obsidian products all because of a few lines of text being changed (by the original author, no less). For me its more annoying, the reality is its a game that offers massive entertainment value...so what if some tombstone has been changed to avoid perceived offense? Lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater and now not support Obsidian. If people want to stop supporting Obsidian because of this I say let them go ....I'm sure they will find Bioware games more to there liking ( and for the record I like Bioware games ) In fact every time I see someone say " they wont support Obsidian because of this " I'll buy an additional copy of PoE 2 "Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss” John Milton "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw "What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela
huang Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 On 4/8/2015 at 4:04 AM, Bryy said: It's really depressing how many people on this forum are saying they wouldn't fund a second kickstarter or buy future Obsidian products all because of a few lines of text being changed (by the original author, no less). Not really. As soon as you realize that these fringe elements don't matter, it becomes clear that there's no problem. These people always show up and talk of boycotting and whatnot, but the reality of it is, that only a minority of them would have bought it anyway, while a majority of them only shows up to try and spread their message. They only come to attack other people and dump their crap, that's it. There wasn't one occasion where their garbage has made a difference. It's negligible. I've backed many KS projects and there are always some of them in the mix, but it's like below 5%, the rest of the people are still enthusiastic and happy about the project. It's again the same with PoE. The game is a huge hit and people who have actually played it, like it a lot, as they should, because it's a brilliant masterpiece. It's just that the screaming idiots are also the loudest. The majority is silent. 2
Gfted1 Posted April 8, 2015 Posted April 8, 2015 On 4/8/2015 at 5:03 PM, BruceVC said: In fact every time I see someone say " they wont support Obsidian because of this " I'll buy an additional copy of PoE Store receipt or it didn't happen. 2 "I'm your biggest fan, Ill follow you until you love me, Papa"
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