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Everything posted by huang

  1. Yeah I said this numerous times. Don't get it why that position is so hard to understand. I wouldn't even have said anything, if people weren't so determined to make this about something it's not. It's weird. Also there's always the thing that this file doesn't necessarily have to work forever. Every patch brings a chance that it stops working. That's why an official thing is just a more elegant (and permanent) solution. The items aren't even that important, what bugs me more than a lack of them, is the fragmentation of the various stores, it's always a bad idea. They managed to make the price the same everywhere.
  2. No I'm not. Because I never said that. But you'd know that I've you'd read (and understood) anything I said.
  3. Yeah it's not DLC currently, but it could be - that's what it was about from the first post, weren't you paying attention? Hell, it could be simply added via a patch. It's not a big deal to do it. And there are zero things on GOG preventing any of this. Obs could simply officially add the file that's floating around here anyway. And yeah, it would take them barely 30 minutes to do it. Probably less though.
  4. How is a DLC "non-game content", if all the other DLCs are not an issue? Doesn't sound very believable.
  5. Has Obsidian stated anywhere, that GOG is to blame? Honest question, if so, I have missed it. If Obsidian didn't state that, then this is as much a conspiracy theory, as any other attempt at an explanation. Because it's news to me, that GOG stops a dev from publishing a DLC on their platform. Furthermore, if that was the case, then why does Obsidian have zero problems with releasing all these other DLCs on GOG, like Mirke or the hair stuff? :D Na man, that doesn't add up.
  6. Well they mention POTD in almost every video they do, so I'm going to say yes.
  7. I like my explanation more. Because the people who make games like Pillars II can't possibly be stupid. Especially not too stupid to dump a DLC on GOG. They can probably get this done in 30 minutes or less. So there must be another explanation.
  8. Kind of? I'm gonna say the reason is most likely that the scavenger hunt is a versus evil publisher thing. They (Obsidian) are probably contractually obliged to only have this on Steam. That might also explain why some Obs dev once talked about MAYBE putting this on GOG, because they just weren't aware of the legal stuff (not their area of expertise). If you check out the Steam and GOG store pages, then you'll notice that GOG lists Obsidian as both publisher and developer, while Steam has versus evil as publisher. I even remember remember the tweets from versus evil, promoting Pillars II before release. They exclusively talked about buying the game on Steam, as if GOG didn't exist. I'm guessing versus evil only gets money if people buy the game on Steam and the game is only on GOG because Obsidian themselves put it there too. Releasing these items as an extra DLC on GOG is so simple, that Obsidian would have done it by now, if there wasn't another reason stopping them to do so.
  9. The problem with that is, it could stop working at any time. Every patch/update could kill it. And it's less elegant to put in extra files each time.
  10. Yeah I hoped a fix would be in 1.1 but it isn't. Probably more complex or they found out about it too late.
  11. Honestly I'd feel better about this if they just had said they wouldn't do it.
  12. Yeah, I honestly feel like they should have gotten this working by now.
  13. What's weirding me out more, than the fact that it can only be equipped in the off hand, is that the stash stores it in "other" instead of weapons.
  14. I have the exact same problem. And yes, I think this is at least one of the conditions that break this quest. I too found the soul in Delver's Row first because I was there for another quest. I was actually surprised that the soul was already there although I hadn't gone to The Hole yet.
  15. Probably yeah. I mean, strictly speaking all RPGs are competing to a degree. This isn't just about a player's money, but also their time. Many people play like 1 bigger RPG a year, because they don't have the time to play all of them, even if they can afford them. So unless you manage to make your game this one pick, you don't have a sale. And even if someone buys an RPG years later, games are much cheaper by then.
  16. LOL. "Here is how it works". Good one. Actually, if you spend more than you get back, then it's not profit at all. That's automatically a loss. Also, no yo don't just "win". It actually does matter a lot how much profit you make. Businesses cancel products all the time, if their are even more lucrative ones on the horizon.
  17. Wasn't the boon something they only granted temporarily for the fight against Thaos?
  18. You might not "win" it like a lottery, but making more is definitely better, you would agree to that, right? Even if they aren't greedy, it still means more projects become possible or they can make fewer projects bigger (which in turn might lead to more sales again and so on) and they won't go bankrupt nearly as easily, if one of their releases shouldn't sell well. JS talked a while ago about all the games he would like to make, but good luck financing them. A huge sales hit would definitely help with that. Isn't that obvious?!?
  19. In the latest stream https://www.twitch.tv/videos/254486517 JS said that the achievements will be easier this time, so people can get 100% without having to do extremely hard challenges. They'll include extra challenges in the game for that, which come without achievements.
  20. I've seen comparisons between Pillars 1 and Witcher 3. And these RPGs have even less in common. I mean, I personally don't really do it, because I only care about a game being good or not, but the thing is, that there are maybe 3-4 bigger RPGs coming out each year (it's not that much really). So those usually end up being compared to each other, for no other reason than being in the same genre. Reading more than 1 gaming site usually does the trick.
  21. That has precious little to do with "everyone" really being stunned by full VO and praising it left and right. I haven't played this game either and yet I have read about it having full VO so often, it almost sounds as if this is the game's best feature. Which is a little weird to me, but that changes nothing. Overall it seems as if these RPGs have crossed a corner and a high enough margin of players just expects this now.
  22. Yeah, it's truly insane to assume that a company would try to be as good (or better) as their competition.
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