chaunh Posted September 8, 2015 Posted September 8, 2015 First, I feel she's overpower my team : tanker paladin (>1000HP), druid, cleric, rogue and the paladin NPC (join at Defian Bay) focus on dps.I try to kill her many time, but just one hit she could clear my team, only tanker surviceI just slow down and read her attribute, wow, she's imm fire and cold, very hight slash resistent... that's mean I need pierce with hight dam to get through her armor, and spell with poison, corrodor damage or raw dam.Look at deflection, fortitution and will too hight, only reflex is lower that mean spells with AOE will more effective on her but Our spells usually miss her. -------------------------- and there's my stragety: very easy ( I play at hard mode) - kill all her mobs first, she won't fight if u don't get the way to her treasure where xtraurip guard. - my tanker need dragon meat, potion of elemental, and potion of enduration (regen) - sent tanker to her, she will survice dragon breath easy, only lose 1/3 hp. After that, she can survice alone, with lay on hand and some potions regen . - all remain team go behind the dragon - first use skill learn from dragoslayer on her, then all cleric, druid, winzard cast spells that low her attriubte while rogue use ranger weapon with high pierce damage. - look at her resistent and attribute, it's only half of normal, about 60--->80, yeah, our skill will effected on her now. - cast all aoe damage skils, spells, scrolls on her, she going die in 30 second
spardeous Posted September 8, 2015 Posted September 8, 2015 (edited) I beat it after several tries on POTD without Dragonslayer. My party consisted of PC(Wizard) Aloth Eder Pellegrina Kana Durance.I started the battle in the top right corner, picking off the adradragons, there's a spot there where the dragon won't pursue you unless it spots you. A single xaurip priest runs up and engages you, I killed it without incident and had my main run down the right wall and pull the rest of the xaurips. Once the xaurips are taken care of, I had my wizards cast essential phantom and buffed the holy hell out of both of them. Had Durance start with the +INT AoE to maximize their spells and just buffed all of them together at once. Summoned a few creatures to act as sacrificial lambs and moved to engage him after the first breath.After all the buffing, saves, accuracy and deflection were all very high - Deep Slumber + Gaze of the Adragon and they just wrecked it. I think Pellegrina had around 170 Will, lol. Edited September 8, 2015 by spardeous
sledgefang Posted September 9, 2015 Posted September 9, 2015 I beat the Adra dragon on hard without any cheese but with pure strategy (and possibly dumb luck). My main character is a paladin. My team is kana, durance, eder, the mage elf i forgot his name, and padellina (the paladin bird person). I had everyone eat something that gave them constitution and gave everyone just one potion. everyone was level 12. I had the scalebreaker talent. I first sent my mage to confuse the dragon, which worked and he began to attack the adragans. I immediately made my team run straight towards the lizard folk and casted confuse on them too to prevent engagements, of which i ran past them into the treasure room. From there i summoned a drake and pulled the lizard folk and murdered them as fast as possible. In my case, two adragans came with them and i took them out fast. The dragon was closing in so i immediately summoned another drake and casted confuse on the dragon. I kept the drake near the dragon and ran back into the wide open area and finished off any adragan that was still there while my drake kept the dragon occupied. From there i healed everyone, and used an AOE spell of any sort just to loook for the dragon while on pause. This works because even in the fog of war the dragons circle will appear once the target area is over the dragon, giving me his location. From there, i summoned a drake and sent the drake and eder alone to the dragon to get aggro. Then, i sent my char and the other paladin to the SIDE of the dragon, not the back, and proceeded to fight him. My priest, chanter, and mage stayed far back to the side to avoid the AOE breath. The dragon threw a monkey wrench to my plan by switching his target to my paladin so my paladin had to tank, supprisingly worked well. I kept the pallies healed while using spells to whittle down his mental resistance. I began using Prone from the priest to prone the dragon, which works almost always, and putting him to sleeep wit hthe mage. Gaze of the adragaon never freaking worked so i gave up on that. I kept putting him to sleep, prone, and any other status spell i had. All of that worked and i killed the dragon.
maglalosus Posted September 21, 2015 Posted September 21, 2015 SPOILER... If you get the ability from the Dragon Slayer by crushing the Amulet the dragon gives you... pretty easy then!
Ekkyo Posted September 23, 2015 Posted September 23, 2015 (edited) On 5/1/2015 at 6:20 PM, Anonymous1924 said: My tactic was straightforward, but it took me at least 10 attempts to do it right, at lvl 12. I put different heal pots on tank, but other fancy stuff is also highly desirable because it helps A LOT - scrolls, crit pots, attack speed pots, traps, food, summoned pets, etc. I had no idea what to expect there so I didn't plan the party composition but I think it should work in general. Here's what I did. - tank starts dialogue alone - straight to fighting, no cheating the dragon - everyone else waits at the very edge of the cliff near the stairs (to the right) - tank runs to the party - priest buffs party with charm protection - tank runs to the left and moves so that dragon faces the stairs - adds need to have enough space to pass behind the dragons tail - some tanky character stays near the dragon to agro adds - burn adds with all you've got - tank and spank Sometimes things went wrong because the adds are stuck on the other side of the dragon which wouldn't be a big deal if it didn't mean that they eventually land a hit on the tank with their mind control and then it's all over. Sometimes the dragon orients itself towards my melee dps and lands a breath (which crits everyone else) if I don't move fast enough. Here's an image of what I'm talking about: It's exactly my tactic... For the moment, my party are level 11 - Hard Mode, it is not a success because of AOE dragon damages. Did you try with Bulwar's potion against elements ? I will try this night. Edited September 23, 2015 by Ekkyo
ImMcGyverLOL Posted November 2, 2015 Posted November 2, 2015 (edited) Alright (tl;dr at the bottom) I tried the dragon a few times and ended up having my ass handed to me every time. That breath attack or whatever it is just murdered my entire party. So, I read a few strategies and thought to give them a twirl and that was about as successful as charging a rhino armed with a toothpick. My party consists of my warrior PC, Aloth, Durance, Edér, Kana and a custom rogue which, while her mech and stealth skills are sufficiently high (11 and 5) and she's got a nice bow allowing her to pick off enemies from a safe and comfortable distance, has about as much health and endurance as a raspberry, and a rather small one at that. Xaurips can kill her. With one arm tied behind their back. The good hand. You get my point. I did the whole "go-trick-the-dragon-hunter-and-double-cross-the-dragon-for-the-kill-dragon-skill" thing but that didn't help much since the dragon, even while wounded and exposed, would simply huff and puff and blow my entire party into next week. But it did help some. I managed to get the dragon down to about 50% HP. My final attempt went anything but well. I did the "sneak-past-dragon-and-kill-Xaurips" thing, dragon comes stomping, party runs away like Arthur and his kniggets, Kana summons Drake the drake (I named it Drake), party spreads out and the dragon finally catches up. the first few seconds went according to plan which is to say everyone started running around like morons doing anything except what I instructed them to while the dragon was having Drake the drake for an appetizer. My PC landed the scale attack on the dragon, Durance and Aloth both hurled their strongest spells, Edér was lining up as main course and the rogue was hanging back slinging arrows at the scaly beast and then the inevitable retaliation happened. Left standing was Kana and the rogue so now a merry game of ping pong ensued where Kana would kite the dragon north towards the hoard and then the rogue would kit it back south again and this went on for a while while I pondered my alternatives (which were, to be honest, not great and most of which included reload and retry) since neither Kana nor the rogue even attempted at wounding the dragon. And now, of course, chance intervened and Kana in a brief moment of brilliance and skill chose to summon skeletons which meant that the dragon could catch up and roast him and his weight watcher friends like kebabs. Lest standing was my dear rogue, the scourge of nothing and feared by none. But that aside and with boots of speed, kite she can do very well. So well in fact that she kited the dragon all the way back up to the wider cavern where you first encounter it all the while shooting at it and scoring the odd hit every now and then. Here I briefly considered returning down the path to the hoard but though better of it since I wasn't sure I would be able to wheel around the dragon and return without suffering the same charbroiled fate as Kana did so instead the little rogue began running circles around the nasty dragon. Truly, a David vs. Goliath "fight" ensued with the rogues running in circles taking potshots and missing probably 7 out of 10 shots (thank goodness for Deep Wounds) and the dumb dragon stupidly turning on the spot trying to, honestly I don't know what, but attack it didn't. So heart pounding and hands shaking I led the rogue in clockwise roundabouts and, taking great care to fire only when the cooldown was 0, firing once every half-lap. It took about 10 minutes or so but finally the dragon succumbed to the deep wounds cause by the relentless hail of arrows and died. And what do you get? Dragon scale. I mean, seriously, there's a giant hoard of gold not 100 yards away and the only things you get are scales? Come on! Anyway, in conclusion, I would not recommend this (lack of) tactic but it was too fun not to share. tl;dr: The dragon kept pwning my party but finally I managed to kite the dragon in a great big circle with my last (wo)man standing, a tiny, weak puny rogue who sniped the dragon while running and managed to kill it, lulz all around Edited November 2, 2015 by ImMcGyverLOL 3
Raven Darkholme Posted November 2, 2015 Posted November 2, 2015 Lol your description of the fight made my day. If you totally don't know how to kill the dragon, you can always be cheesy, like I was here: The trick ist to not kill the two xaurip skirmishers and be in a position, that the two of them, block the middle of the path, so the dragon won't come through. As long as shes not charmed, she's not gonna attack her two companions, so she dumbly tries to walk towards you. Don't know whether this got fixed with the A.I. changes, made in 2.0, but I highly doubt it. 1 My twitch: My youtube:
alexis13 Posted January 5, 2016 Posted January 5, 2016 (edited) Solo'd it on my Wizard on Hard =D My wizard is an extreme tank in all forms, I focused completely on durability and any way to obtain it the whole game. Axe and Most powerful form of shield, weapon and shield style, as much resolve as i could get and perception and constitution. Llengraths safeguard, Llengraths displaced image. Items buffing these things and ect, and stoneskin to make sure the first wing buffet never kills me as its really the only thing that can hit me out of all her followers and her, herself. Try to start the fight just south of her, it usually places all her followers below you and she just wing buffets and kills them all for you. After that I just throw all my spells at her and all my item charges until she dies, usually takes like what 4-10 minutes if I remember? but its a very safe fight as I never really get hit by anything because of obscene deflection and ect. You just lay down all those walls of force/fire, basically all those mage effects that damage over time for ages (even though they are low damage shes got high DR anyhow so it still does 20% of the dmg, so you really want to do tons of low dmg, waste spells on big attacks that arn't gonna do much) + some raw dmg if you got it to penetrate her defenses. So yeah basically i just buffed up to Dragon-like durability and threw all the proper spells, items, summons at her and it eventually kills her. Edited January 5, 2016 by alexis13 1
robar63 Posted January 7, 2016 Posted January 7, 2016 it's possible to kill the Dragon with 2 desintegrates. The downside is that you don't get the loot from the dragon. Quite difficult strategy though, you need to distract the dragon so that you cipher won't get in the way of dragon breath (desintegrate has very short range)
scottii Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 (edited) Cheddar cheesy way to do it. Stuff took me awhile to figure out, but flawless victory! Edited February 19, 2016 by scottii 1 Gaming is meant to be fun.
ojaiike Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 Luckily with the white March all you have to do is get to lvl 13 and kill it easily with the op skills, I am sure it would be even easier with lvl 15 stuff. 1
Raven Darkholme Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 Just have a paladin tank it and you don't need cheesy strats.^^ My twitch: My youtube:
jackblaks Posted February 19, 2016 Posted February 19, 2016 aw man, that's pretty cool. thanks for posting. now I can do my iron man run. =) On 2/19/2016 at 5:36 AM, scottii said: Cheddar cheesy way to do it. Stuff took me awhile to figure out, but flawless victory!
alexis13 Posted March 9, 2016 Posted March 9, 2016 On 1/7/2016 at 8:32 PM, robar63 said: it's possible to kill the Dragon with 2 desintegrates. The downside is that you don't get the loot from the dragon. Quite difficult strategy though, you need to distract the dragon so that you cipher won't get in the way of dragon breath (desintegrate has very short range) Desintegrate?
ojaiike Posted March 29, 2016 Posted March 29, 2016 On 3/9/2016 at 8:33 PM, alexis13 said: On 1/7/2016 at 8:32 PM, robar63 said: it's possible to kill the Dragon with 2 desintegrates. The downside is that you don't get the loot from the dragon. Quite difficult strategy though, you need to distract the dragon so that you cipher won't get in the way of dragon breath (desintegrate has very short range) Desintegrate? Cypher ****, is really really hard now that focus cost was doubled, and it destroys the main reason to kill the dragon, and you cant get superb armor ever .
MaxQuest Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 (edited) On 3/29/2016 at 9:48 PM, ojaiike said: Cypher ****, is really really hard now that focus cost was doubled, and it destroys the main reason to kill the dragon, and you cant get superb armor ever .There is someone who tested it (on reddit) and claims that it doesn't destroy loot. Can't confirm or deny that through. I had used double disintegration on majority of dragons, but the DoT was 'never lucky' to deal the killing blow. (and I always had the loot) Edited March 30, 2016 by MaxQuest PoE1 useful stuff: attack speed calculator, unofficial patch mod, attack speed mechanics, dot mechanics, modals exclusivity rules PoE2 useful stuff: community patch, attack speed mechanics, enemy AR and defenses
Raven Darkholme Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 Disintegration doesn't destroy loot. I always kill dragons with it. My twitch: My youtube:
PeaceGuard Posted May 12, 2016 Posted May 12, 2016 Killed Adra Dragon at level 12 and with half life left on my party (Hard diff.). Two characters (my main cipher and Grieving Mother) with Mental Binding did the job by paralyzing the dragon through the whole fight, so in the end it wasn't very hard. Although I had to try probably 4 times, because of this dragon's high will my ciphers often only grazed him or missed with MB and once he got out of it he destroyed everyone apart from Eder & Pallegina with single dragon breath. But it would be good to wait until around level 14. I'm currently there and my party is so much stronger with both better stats and equipment, so I'm quite sure I would beat him with one try (just did it with Sky Dragon without even dropping a single endurance point; I know that the Sky one is a bit weaker, but still). Also Aloth's high-level spells are useful at lowering all dragons' endurance.
MaxQuest Posted May 12, 2016 Posted May 12, 2016 (edited) Interesting... at what lowest level a 6-man party can kill adra dragon (without killing xaurips before engaging the her; nor using cc-scrolls against the dragon herself; potd difficulty; and under 15 minutes)... Edited May 12, 2016 by MaxQuest PoE1 useful stuff: attack speed calculator, unofficial patch mod, attack speed mechanics, dot mechanics, modals exclusivity rules PoE2 useful stuff: community patch, attack speed mechanics, enemy AR and defenses
Mygaffer Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 (edited) I just killed the Adra Dragon a few minutes ago for the first time. I put off completing my early play throughs to wait for the White March and 2.0/3.0 patches which is why I'm only now killing the Adra Dragon. This was on Hard difficulty. Anyway, the fight was actually a lot of fun. I was worried I would party wipe and have to try multiple times but actually it wasn't too bad of a fight. I play with only the story companions and they were a mix of level 12 and 13. I had a pretty random party composition, as I like to swap out different characters periodically. My party was as follows: PC Monk, Edér, Sagani, Pallegina, Devil of Caroc, and Hiravias. The dragon's fear aura is a pain because of the debuffs and because I didn't bring a priest I was very limited to deal with it, basically only Pallegina's two uses of liberating exhortation. Furthermore the dragon can blind you, that was again something I couldn't really combat. The fight opened up terrible, literally everyone got hit with a prone, took a ton of damage, and Itumaak died. Then all the adragans and Xurips rushed over. The thing that saved this fight for me was Hiravias and the "hold beasts" spell, which paralyzed that dragon for 10 seconds a pop and only missed once. I definitely would have lost the fight otherwise. All in all a great fight, lots of fun and no one went down even once besides Itumaak. The treasure room at the end certainly had quite a few goodies in it too. Can't wait to do the other dragons now. Edited June 17, 2016 by Mygaffer 1
Boeroer Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 Hold beasts can be really nice against dragons. Why didn't you use some scrolls of Prayer against Fear?Besides that: killing dragons became a bit easier when OBS introduced the camping bonuses that the Survival skill can give you now. +15 ACC against a dragon is a great buff. Did you have those? Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods
Mygaffer Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 (edited) On 6/17/2016 at 7:52 AM, Boeroer said: Hold beasts can be really nice against dragons. Why didn't you use some scrolls of Prayer against Fear? Besides that: killing dragons became a bit easier when OBS introduced the camping bonuses that the Survival skill can give you now. +15 ACC against a dragon is a great buff. Did you have those? Honestly I thought I would die at least once so I just wanted to see what the fight was like and plan for it on the second attempt but then, mostly due to hold beasts, I survived the first time. I hadn't used camping bonuses either, just the +3 int keep resting bonus and +2 might +2 constitution from one of the prostitutes on my monk. Oh, and that the small shield from the treasure room stacks with the palladin's buckler that gives +5 defenses, so as of right now my whole party has +10 defenses from those two items. Pretty neat. Edited June 17, 2016 by Mygaffer 2
Boeroer Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 Ah, I see. Nice. Yes, weapon enchantments always stack with everything, so the two heraldic shields are a great combination. When you install all the patches you can get an item named "The Helwax Mold" from a stronghold quest named "The Wax Maker" - it lets you duplicate an non-soulbound item of your choice. You can fully enchant Little Savior and then duplicate it and give it to another guy. Then you'll have +15 to all defenses. If somebody stuns you or you're going prone there's also that medium shield that you can get from the Drake in the Endless Paths at lvl 5. It gives you +50 to all defenses when you are stunned or prone ("Preservation"). It also stacks with other items that have this enchantment - like Ring of Thorns, Blaidh Golan armor and so on. It means that you'll have +100 to all defenses when you get stunned or prone. It's immensely helpful to survive enemies who tend to do this to you - like Ogres and also dragons. You can even switch to that shield once you got afflicted - you don't have to use it all the time. By the way: Quote from one of the prostitutes on my monk ...really made my day. I just imagined your monk running around with some prostitutes on his back and shoulders. 1 Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods
Kaylon Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 On 6/17/2016 at 8:08 AM, Boeroer said: from one of the prostitutes on my monk...really made my day. I just imagined your monk running around with some prostitutes on his back and shoulders. Personally I found amusing the fact that a monk goes to the prostitutes... 2
Mygaffer Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 (edited) On 6/17/2016 at 8:08 AM, Boeroer said: Ah, I see. Nice. Yes, weapon enchantments always stack with everything, so the two heraldic shields are a great combination. When you install all the patches you can get an item named "The Helwax Mold" from a stronghold quest named "The Wax Maker" - it lets you duplicate an non-soulbound item of your choice. You can fully enchant Little Savior and then duplicate it and give it to another guy. Then you'll have +15 to all defenses. If somebody stuns you or you're going prone there's also that medium shield that you can get from the Drake in the Endless Paths at lvl 5. It gives you +50 to all defenses when you are stunned or prone ("Preservation"). It also stacks with other items that have this enchantment - like Ring of Thorns, Blaidh Golan armor and so on. It means that you'll have +100 to all defenses when you get stunned or prone. It's immensely helpful to survive enemies who tend to do this to you - like Ogres and also dragons. You can even switch to that shield once you got afflicted - you don't have to use it all the time. By the way: Quote from one of the prostitutes on my monk ...really made my day. I just imagined your monk running around with some prostitutes on his back and shoulders. Lots of opportunities for unique and fun tactics and strategies in this game. I have the White March expansions and I love how the quests are more well rounded out now, it is fun to read the stories and imagine my characters out in the world doing these things, as well some of the items are quite fun. My monk is a female and very into experiencing what the world has to offer, both the pleasure and the pain, so prostitutes are part of the deal. Of course perhaps if she were to lug one on her shoulders she could attack with an extra poison attack, "The harlot's pain" which spreads weakness in retaliation to any piercing attacks. I have noticed a weird bug now, I summoned a delegman during the battle and now on random maps that delegman's corpse is hanging around. Edited June 17, 2016 by Mygaffer 1
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