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Dragon Age: Inquisition


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"Wish the ability bar was bigger though, 8 seems a bit too small considering you should have around 12 near the endgame."


Should be unlimited. People blame it on consoles but I don't. This is a silly BIO choice to limit. It's a silly MMO bull.



"No, it isn't, it's lower than Skyrim and ES crap"


No. Hell no. Hell to the no.


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you are arking at the wrong tree.


1) I did not see any praise in regards to the quests, so I just share my point of view. If there is, I'd like to get a link to some, other than Bioware forum.


2) I don't even have a facebook account, because my past experience of working as in financial forensic made me to delete all the accounts of this nature, so don't assume things you don't know. I guess things like XCOM, EU4, Heroes games, deungeon crawlers or on line games like DotA 2, CS:Go or Arma 3 are beyond the scope of your perception?




No things happen without a reason, same like in physics, every action has a reaction. Apparently Bioware worked good enough on turning their opinion to what it is.


I actually enjoy playing games, even now having fun with M:SoM(ordor) but the game has to do the thing it claims to be and do it on high quality.


I will probably try the DA:I, but only if it will hit some -75% or free status like EA has done occasionally with their other games on Origin (for example I got Battlefield 3 for free, but so far I did not even play it -.-). That way I will not regret wasting money on **** product, which the recent past experiences with Bioware made me think what the game is. If somehow the game will prove otherwise, then they will win back some points, but from what I've seen in gameplay videos, it only reinforces my bad opinion of their current product, both on combat and writing side.

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"1) I did not see any praise in regards to the quests, so I just share my point of view. If there is, I'd like to get a link to some, other than Bioware forum."


Check the Codex. I don't do your work for you.




"I guess things like XCOM, EU4, Heroes games, deungeon crawlers or on line games like DotA 2, CS:Go or Arma 3 are beyond the scope of your perception?"


All shallow crap. No better than facebook games. Tell me when you play REAL games that are DEEP.



"I will probably try the DA:I, but only if it will hit some -75% or free status like EA has done occasionally with their other games on Origin (for example I got Battlefield 3 for free, but so far I did not even play it -.-). That way I will not regret wasting money on **** product, which the recent past experiences with Bioware made me think what the game is. If somehow the game will prove otherwise, then they will win back some points, but from what I've seen in gameplay videos, it only reinforces my bad opinion of their current product, both on combat and writing side."


Good for you. Now go play games and talk about games you have actually experienced.


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It's not even silly MMO bull, just bad UI design in general. Displays today have about four times the display area and ten times more pixels than a comparable one twenty years ago, but most game designers have utterly failed to actually leverage the extra space. MMOs are actually one of the genres most likely to buck the trend, you can have hundreds of buttons in WoW for example, all with individual keybinds if so desired. (Sure, you may need mods to be able to display them all on screen at once, but the necessary UI hooks are there)


Obviously there's no real use case for 100 buttons - typically a player might have 30-40 total including utility functions like opening a crafting menu. But I suppose the flexibility is there if an obsessive person might want a separate button to summon a black horse, one to summon a white horse, one to summon a motorcycle, and so forth.


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"1) I did not see any praise in regards to the quests, so I just share my point of view. If there is, I'd like to get a link to some, other than Bioware forum."


Check the Codex. I don't do your work for you.




"I guess things like XCOM, EU4, Heroes games, deungeon crawlers or on line games like DotA 2, CS:Go or Arma 3 are beyond the scope of your perception?"


All shallow crap. No better than facebook games. Tell me when you play REAL games that are DEEP.



"I will probably try the DA:I, but only if it will hit some -75% or free status like EA has done occasionally with their other games on Origin (for example I got Battlefield 3 for free, but so far I did not even play it -.-). That way I will not regret wasting money on **** product, which the recent past experiences with Bioware made me think what the game is. If somehow the game will prove otherwise, then they will win back some points, but from what I've seen in gameplay videos, it only reinforces my bad opinion of their current product, both on combat and writing side."


Good for you. Now go play games and talk about games you have actually experienced.


I forgot how trollish you can be, oh well, keep barking bro.

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Says the guy who spams in a game thread he has hasn't played, has no real intention of playing, and just bashes it over and over as well as bashing those who like it just to get a reaction.


Don't get mad that your trolling gets a reaction. That's obviously what you want. Don't get butthurt over it.



BACK ON TOPIC: DA3 has flaws. It also has good things. *shrug*


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Says the guy who spams in a game thread he has hasn't played, has no real intention of playing, and just bashes it over and over as well as bashing those who like it just to get a reaction.


Don't get mad that your trolling gets a reaction. That's obviously what you want. Don't get butthurt over it.



BACK ON TOPIC: DA3 has flaws. It also has good things. *shrug*


I did not realize that the topic of the thread is "Dragon Age: Inquisition gamer review", my bad... oh wait...


I hardly get butthurt over anything, and a computer game is one of the last things to get me there. Bring on some examples of good things, then we can talk. I told you what I do not like about the game based on videos and opinions which I've seen. I don't deny that it has good things too, I even said that it's probably a good game on the console, for the PC however I do not see why would I waste money, when there are a lot of better choices for this platform. I also say that it's subpar to my expectations of a Dragon Age game. I am not forcing you to hate the game, am I?


So go ahead, keep writing, I might even find it entertaining.

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Lost in the dregs, this will be, but for once, the compulsion to read everything legible in an RPG is paying dividends. All the notes and pages and whatnot make me feel like I know what's going on. The Chantry hierarchy title rundown, for instance, grounds the strange names and gives them weight, just by reading a few paragraphs.  

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All Stop. On Screen.

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"Bring on some examples of good things, then we can talk."


Not my job to convince you anything. I'd rather discuss thing with people who aren't trolling this thread for reactions but read people's thoughts on the actual game.  You made up your mind. It won't be changed. It's useless to try to change a troll's mind.Don't get butthurt because people called you out.


BACK ON TOPIC: DA3 > Better than all of the crappy games you listed above but if you love them go post in those threads and better yet go play them. You'd have less time to troll that way.


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so in other words you don't provide any point on the good sides and yet try to bait me into some flame war by the trollish claim that DA3 is better than all the games I listed (why limit yourself, just say that DA3 is the best game ever made!)... yea right... keep trying though bro... keep trying... you'll need to try harder though.

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You want me to give reason why the game is better yet you have provided no reason why those other games are better. Double standard. Not surprising by a troll. Don't bother now  as it's too late.


BACK ON TOPIC: DA3 is better than you think it is and worse than the fanboys think it is. :)


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Beat my first run at about 40 hours. Killed 1 dragon in the western approach, never got a prestige class because I totally skipped the content in the Exalted Plains (heading straight to the Western Approach). I was a 2h warrior who romanced Josaphine. And I'm thinking that the next round I'm going to do is going to be a Mage run with a dalish given a few things that pop up near the end.


Overall I feel like they needed to do SOMETHING more with the War Table. I can understand the idea behind it but it's implementation just feels like it's something that you could do at the requisition table rather than needing a political war council to pull it off. Overall the highlight of the game, for me, was the judgment you passed on those who'd done stuff wrong. It was used by the writers as a way to lighten the mood a bit (The flying goat gif that I posted is from one of those judgements), but it also made you feel like a leader rather than just a powerful apparatus. But it's not used that much (just once per zone I think).


Now to go back to the Keep and reset a few things in "previous saves" to figure out how they change the world. I do wish Alister was more than a 30 second cameo early in the game.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I tried the Keep, hoping it'd be some sort of nicely guided thing with context to potentially allow an reasonable in-character import into DA3 if and when I get around to it. But it didn't really work out, because it gives me all these names that mean nothing to me, like "Nathaniel? Who the hell is Nathaniel?". Then I have to look up a wiki to even make a decision, so the whole thing becomes a fruitless pursuit. Ah well.


(For context, I only played about half of DA1 and nothing at all of the expansion and sequel)


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Ran into another problem. The upgrade for mind blast doesn't seem to be working as described, I've used it when surrounded by 3 enemies and it hasn't boosted my barrier at all. In addition to the barrier for my mage decaying about twice as fast as for companions, this really makes playing a Spirit focused mage bad.


Also finding Shield Wall not very useful as Cassandra seems to keep breaking out of it.


EDIT: Looks like the barrier decay increase is due to Mind Blast. Hope this gets fixed soon.

Edited by KaineParker

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Did some digging and it turns out that Alistair is in the game more... but only if he wasn't made King and remained with the Grey Wardens. The slot he fills can also be filled by Loghain, or if neither of them is alive/grey Warden it's filled by Stroud.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Cassandra walks like a centaur.  I don't know what it is about her walking animations, but her ass sticks out so much and she walks with a bent over/knees bent appearance.  She looks like she's Kim Kardassian.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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"I guess things like XCOM, EU4, Heroes games, deungeon crawlers or on line games like DotA 2, CS:Go or Arma 3 are beyond the scope of your perception?"


All shallow crap. No better than facebook games. Tell me when you play REAL games that are DEEP.

This is most hilarious **** I have heard in a long time. Haha, DAI a deep game. LOL.

Try Xcom with Long War mode if you want a deep game. Facebook games LOL LOL

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Did some digging and it turns out that Alistair is in the game more... but only if he wasn't made King and remained with the Grey Wardens. The slot he fills can also be filled by Loghain, or if neither of them is alive/grey Warden it's filled by Stroud.

Alistair also makes an appearance if he is the king and you do the mage quest. He also has two War Table missions.

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*Not reading, not reading*

Nice. As a happy Radeon owner since years back, I just got some in-game items for DA:I via my AMD_Gaming Evolved: A con+2 necklace, which I still had use for on a character and a Steed with an AMD logo on it. How bizarre is that? :facepalm:  :ban:  :no:  Still, it looks pretty cool, at least when moving, the red and white version of the war paint of the Picts or Braveheart or something similar.

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*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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*Not reading, not reading*

Nice. As a happy Radeon owner since years back, I just got some in-game items for DA:I via my AMD_Gaming Evolved: A con+2 necklace, which I still had use for on a character and a Steed with an AMD logo on it. How bizarre is that? :facepalm:  :ban:  :no:  Still, it looks pretty cool, at least when moving, the red and white version of the war paint of the Picts or Braveheart or something similar.


I also have Gaming Involved installed, I must see what benefits it gives me

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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It's a silly MMO bull.

I don't know the last time I saw an MMO that had a low limit on the number of abilities. They tend, at least currently, to give you a ton of bars and let you go to town.


Sometimes I think people just like to throw random words at things to be an insult. I thought you were above that. For shame.


For shame.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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The age of RPG have ended....


Well, maybe in the US-Canada-Europe...most of us in the east still playing older games and like them so much, most of us don't really mind about western gamers issues...DotA is so popular here, it even become a cult...


So, games like that (DotA) can become boom here, i think Pillar of Eternity might become popular with wise marketing...most of us here still playing games with PC...play station and such are not popular (because it's expensive and most of us have no requirement to buy it in the first place, not a priority thing to buy, only the rich kids likely to have them)...between computer and consoles, people will buy computer because computer is more useful, consoles are only for playing games


Games like DA:I will not have large market here, Skyrim is popular here because it can be played with PC, and is tolerated even though it's not designed for PC

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Games like DA:I will not have large market here, Skyrim is popular here because it can be played with PC, and is tolerated even though it's not designed for PC


There are several excellent mods that fix that awful X-Box look and interface and make Skyrim much more PC friendly. I don't think I'd ever play a vanilla (unmodded) Elder Scrolls game.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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So from what I'm reading, here and elsewhere, Bioware may have swung and missed on DA:I in a big way. That would be a shame. I never played DA II but I was a fan for the most part of DA:O. Not so much for the story or the terribly repetitive combat but the interaction with the characters made that game. It looks like DA:I didn't do so well on that.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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A friend described it as Dragon Age + Witcher 2 + Assassins Creed 2 + an MMO = DA:I.. in essence trying to appeal to too many. Independently they've done all the elements well, but the mix is not as great as they hope. (Something I feel is true for all too many AAA titles these days.)


Is that the consensus? 

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Fortune favors the bald.

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