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The only weird thing I've had is that after dealing with the infected village and such post Ag Center, only to return to hand in that completed quest and found that for some reason the West Airlock had shut. According to the computer in the basement all doors were open, but it wouldn't let me through.


Ah well. For the sake of one minor sub-quest, I couldn't be arsed restarting it all. So I just carried on.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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"D:OS is still being actively patched."


Irrelevant. It was playable from the start. Just like WL2.


No it wasn't playable for everyone, that's the point. Like the fact CoM_Solaufein game keeps crashing?


Your own personal experience doesn't apply to everyone

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I just encountered a weird bug, which makes something that says it's curable not curable at all. After some googling, I found a quick and dirty solution.



At the Ag Center, I really took my time. And one of my NPC hirelings, and later one of my characters, got a worse pod infection than the normal one: Acute pod infection. It says it's curable, it's a matter of thousands of secs, like other diseases. However, I even used up one of a very few precious quest items in order to remove this Acute version. Warning! The serum doesn't work. Even worse, when googling about the Acute version it is actually uncurable, and your affected party members will turn into pod persons and permanently die. My solution was quick and dirty, courtesy to a stranger over the Internetz: Edit the .xml-fine in the save Game folder. Windows notepad will do. You are searching for the active status references in your individual characters section. These are all at the bottom of the file. These sections all include the characters name. They are not too difficult to find but it is a wall of text so look carefully.
Delete the section starting with <active status> all the way to the next different bit. It ends with "/StatusEffects>" and then follows stuff you shouldnät remove "HotkeyData" etc. You will be deleting things like duration, time left, start time, end time of the status effect, the term 'Acute Pod Infection' and so on. It isn't hard. I hope this helps someone out there.


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*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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List of NPCs including their locations and stats. *Huge Spoilers.*


That list was created during the beta. Most of the companions have since had their stats changed in the final release. Many rather dramatically.

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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My post above is incorrect with Magnum taking Computer Science. I ended up not taking it as I was taking Rose for my companion. On the other hand, I'm glad I did put a point in heavy weapons for Magnum. I just found a Bazooka called the Mangler in a safe in the Ag Centre. 25m range. 100 points of damage. woot!






Save it for when it counts. You only get to fire it once.

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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I just encountered a weird bug, which makes something that says it's curable not curable at all. After some googling, I found a quick and dirty solution.



At the Ag Center, I really took my time. And one of my NPC hirelings, and later one of my characters, got a worse pod infection than the normal one: Acute pod infection. It says it's curable, it's a matter of thousands of secs, like other diseases. However, I even used up one of a very few precious quest items in order to remove this Acute version. Warning! The serum doesn't work. Even worse, when googling about the Acute version it is actually uncurable, and your affected party members will turn into pod persons and permanently die. My solution was quick and dirty, courtesy to a stranger over the Internetz: Edit the .xml-fine in the save Game folder. Windows notepad will do. You are searching for the active status references in your individual characters section. These are all at the bottom of the file. These sections all include the characters name. They are not too difficult to find but it is a wall of text so look carefully.

Delete the section starting with <active status> all the way to the next different bit. It ends with "/StatusEffects>" and then follows stuff you shouldnät remove "HotkeyData" etc. You will be deleting things like duration, time left, start time, end time of the status effect, the term 'Acute Pod Infection' and so on. It isn't hard. I hope this helps someone out there.




I just encountered a weird bug, which makes something that says it's curable not curable at all. After some googling, I found a quick and dirty solution.



At the Ag Center, I really took my time. And one of my NPC hirelings, and later one of my characters, got a worse pod infection than the normal one: Acute pod infection. It says it's curable, it's a matter of thousands of secs, like other diseases. However, I even used up one of a very few precious quest items in order to remove this Acute version. Warning! The serum doesn't work. Even worse, when googling about the Acute version it is actually uncurable, and your affected party members will turn into pod persons and permanently die. My solution was quick and dirty, courtesy to a stranger over the Internetz: Edit the .xml-fine in the save Game folder. Windows notepad will do. You are searching for the active status references in your individual characters section. These are all at the bottom of the file. These sections all include the characters name. They are not too difficult to find but it is a wall of text so look carefully.

Delete the section starting with <active status> all the way to the next different bit. It ends with "/StatusEffects>" and then follows stuff you shouldnät remove "HotkeyData" etc. You will be deleting things like duration, time left, start time, end time of the status effect, the term 'Acute Pod Infection' and so on. It isn't hard. I hope this helps someone out there.



Come now Indira, don't be lazy. Can't you just quickly  write a script that makes all the changes for us? :sorcerer:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I've put a little time into this now, and I'm enjoying it a lot.  Didn't play the beta. 


Picked Highpool instead of the Ag Center (I figure that a threat to the region's water supply was the more pressing of the two), and my group is now shooting roaches in basement.  I wanted to turn around and try to help the Ag Center after I'd neutralized the immediate raider threat, but the game wouldn't let me ride the lift back down.  Feels like a gamey way of making me deal with the consequences my decision, but I suppose it's also true that the damage to the water system is just as imminent a threat as were the attacking raiders. 



Melee gal:  Blunt and Demolitions, mostly.  She took some points in Hardass and Brute Force, but with how slowly she's gaining skillpoints, those skills will probably fall by the wayside.


Leader/Doctor:  Leadership, Kissass, Medic, Doctor, with a point in ARs.


Sniper:  SRs and Perception, mostly, but also a little Mech Repair and Alarms.


Tech/Access:  CompSci, Locks, Safes, Smartass, Toasters, and a point in SMGs. 



I feel a bit like I'm spreading them a bit too thin, but the fact that skill ranks start costing more at rank 4 is daunting.  Combat-wise, the melee gal is disappointing so far.  I might have invested a bit too heavily in her strength, at the cost of initiative/speed/AP.  I also probably need to upgrade the default melee weapon she started with.  Oh, and she's had a concussion since early in the Highpool assault that I can't seem to get rid of.  (I seem to need a med-supply item that I don't presently have.  Or are there NPC doctors who can heal these things?) 

Edited by Enoch
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That's neat. Now that I got the game to work, I'll have do a television series run in a future game. A-Team, La Femme Nikita, BSG, so many possibilities.


Couldn't help myself metagame and been going over my Magnum P.I. party, tweaking all the characters and finally came up with the following, taking into account what NPCs I'll be taking through the game. Also, trying to stay as close as possible to their TV persona's with their skills. 


Magnum: Smart Ass 1, Computer Science 1 (will be replaced by Rose at the Ag centre), Lockpicking 1, Safecracking 1, Assault Rifle 2, Heavy Weapons 1

TC: Demolitions 1, Mechanical Repair 1, Toaster Repair 1, Weaponsmithing 1, Blunt Weapons 1, Shotguns 1

Rick: Kiss Ass 2, Leadership 1, Alarm Disarming 1, Assault Rifles 1, Submachine Guns 1

Higgins: Hard Ass 1, Animal Whisperer 1, Perception 1, Field Medic 1, Hand Guns 1, Sniper Rifle 1


All the knowledge skills are covered. All the weapon skills except for brawling are covered. And General Skills are covered except for Barter and Outdoorsman. Although Angela covers Outdoorsman for the time being.


Having done this, I immediately received a weapon right at the start of the game from the guy outside the citadel. Good times.




You need Kiss Ass 2 to get the Mississippi Mule gun from the guy at the Citadel door.





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For all the A-teamers out there:



inXile beat you to the punch. Just wait until you meet Ranger Team Able



By the way, glad to hear you're up and running now CoM_Solaufein.

Edited by Marceror
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"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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I've put a little time into this now, and I'm enjoying it a lot.  Didn't play the beta. 


Picked Highpool instead of the Ag Center (I figure that a threat to the region's water supply was the more pressing of the two), and my group is now shooting roaches in basement.  I wanted to turn around and try to help the Ag Center after I'd neutralized the immediate raider threat, but the game wouldn't let me ride the lift back down.  Feels like a gamey way of making me deal with the consequences my decision, but I suppose it's also true that the damage to the water system is just as imminent a threat as were the attacking raiders. 



Melee gal:  Blunt and Demolitions, mostly.  She took some points in Hardass and Brute Force, but with how slowly she's gaining skillpoints, those skills will probably fall by the wayside.


Leader/Doctor:  Leadership, Kissass, Medic, Doctor, with a point in ARs.


Sniper:  SRs and Perception, mostly, but also a little Mech Repair and Alarms.


Tech/Access:  CompSci, Locks, Safes, Smartass, Toasters, and a point in SMGs. 



I feel a bit like I'm spreading them a bit too thin, but the fact that skill ranks start costing more at rank 4 is daunting.  Combat-wise, the melee gal is disappointing so far.  I might have invested a bit too heavily in her strength, at the cost of initiative/speed/AP.  I also probably need to upgrade the default melee weapon she started with.  Oh, and she's had a concussion since early in the Highpool assault that I can't seem to get rid of.  (I seem to need a med-supply item that I don't presently have.  Or are there NPC doctors who can heal these things?) 

for any combat character, ranged or melee, you is gonna want at least 12 combat initiative. give your sniper at least 14 or 15 ci is likely a good idea. you cannot overvalue ci. am not kidding about ci.


"high combat initiative is actual more valuable than it were in the beta, but is also harder to acquire high ci... folks new to wasteland 2 might not realize that ci doesn't simple determine order of attacks in a turn, but will also decide how many turns you effective get in a combat encounter-- high ci = more attack opportunities."


strength is surprisingly less meaningful for melee characters than you would be likely to think based on previous similar games, but beyond awareness and coordination, speed is valuable. you still need str for crits damage, but you probably need prioritize ci and speed...  you can get some ci value from speed, and you will be needing to move around the battlefield far more with a melee character and your heals than with a sniper. 


case in point: am a few hours in and am considering restarting. the stats for our joinable heals npc is fantastic, save for the fact that she has poor speed. with a 10 intelligence, we will be able to boost her med skills, computer science and maybe even give her an assault rifle, but her speed is just awful. if you need move around during fights, and heals and melee need to do much moving, you will want at least decent speed. maybe we get fifteen hours in before we decide poor speed is too big a hurdle? dunno.



if we were to build a melee character, we might go with the min str to get combat armour, which is 5? 'course, we didn't build a melee for our initial 4 as there is a couple npc options that will suffice for that role, and we prefer guns. then again maybe there won't be a decent melee joinable npc-- much about the npcs has changed since beta.


HA! Good Fun!

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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Oh, and she's had a concussion since early in the Highpool assault that I can't seem to get rid of.  (I seem to need a med-supply item that I don't presently have.  Or are there NPC doctors who can heal these things?) 

Visit the doctor in Highpool or Ranger Center and they should be able to help you out.

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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"No it wasn't playable for everyone, that's the point. Like the fact CoM_Solaufein game keeps crashing?


Your own personal experience doesn't apply to everyone"


I don't care about 'everyone'.


I only care about my 'personal experience' BECAUSE it doesn't apply to everyone and just to me.


Why would I give a crap if Solaufein's game keeps crashing?  LMAO


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if we were to build a melee character, we might go with the min str to get combat armour, which is 5?

it's 4, I believe. 5 is for the other. poorer armor (the brown one)

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Finally found a full automatic shotgun. Rocks. Especially because shotguns are way more useful now than they had been in the beta.

Agreed, shotguns are finally worthwhile weapons to bring along.

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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if we were to build a melee character, we might go with the min str to get combat armour, which is 5?

it's 4, I believe. 5 is for the other. poorer armor (the brown one)


it was 4 in the beta. according to the boards, combat armor is now requiring 5 str.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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I will need to make a new team of rangers. My first attempt didn't go so well. All my members had a hit percent of around 40-60. I think I am just going to ignore the first encounters on the world map. The insects do more damage than I was expecting.

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Yeah, I'm tooling around with it a bit now, and STR does seem oddly weak for combat purposes.  Why does it only boost damage when you get a critical, and why by so little?  A world-class strongman is only 9% more damaging on a really good punch than is the prototypical 98 lb. weakling? 


Its primary effect seems to be on HP.  (And, apparently, as an equipment threshold.)  But damage prevention-- by getting them before they get you-- is almost always superior to damage soaking in this kind of game.  So I see where the CI-advocates are coming from.  Much like the more-effective Fallout characters, the END-equivalent is looking like a persistent dump stat. 

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There's discussion in Codex that


(1) Total of STR+SPD+INT provide AP in multiples of 4. 

(2) Combat Initiative is super important, because that gives you more turns than your opponent as well as just starting with your turn

(3) Coordination can be dumped because bonus to hit chance is minimal compared to what you get from skill points


It follows that 


(1) INT and SPD are most important stats, because they give AP, combat initiative, skill points, etc. 

(2) You may want 4/5 STR for some people to wear heavy armour, but higher is not really optimal

(3) Coordination, Luck and Charisma can often be ignored for powergaming purposes

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