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The problem is a good gfx card runs for 300-400 bucks, add a halfway decent 6 core CPU and 10GB ram plus SSD, case power supply, cooling and you're already above one grand. 

Don't want to mod my old PC, you know, life expectancy of mainbords is so low nowadays.  




What I did: Went cycling. It wasn't so ultra hot but the very high humidity was killing me, it was a terrible chore. 

You don't need very much CPU. expecially with a top end GFX. When you look at overall gains CPUs are a huge potential moneypit. 

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Well, is always nice to change architectures. 


Today am alone on my team so am just riding it out until 1800.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I do 3x70 kilometers per week on my bike, no matter the time of the year.


What the hell is your arse made of? Depleted uranium? =P


I biked roughly 20 km 3 times a week for the past few weeks, and my arse feels like it's gone ten rounds with a jackhammer...

Wish I had enough money to buy a proper saddle.

Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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I biked roughly 20 km 3 times a week for the past few weeks, and my arse feels like it's gone ten rounds with a jackhammer...

Wish I had enough money to buy a proper saddle.

Being butthurt when cycling comes from a saddle that blocks important blood flows due to bad design or suboptimal angle. (which can lead to potency problems!)

A good saddle is important, get one of those that have a long recess that allows your blood to flow where it needs to be. Check the angle of your saddle, it should point down a few degrees, it must not be perfectly flat, unless you want to reenact ''moses parts the water'' but with your balls.Also when climbing hills stand up from time to time, this also helps a great deal.


If you still experience severe ass pain even though you have upgraded your gear get padded cycling shorts, personally I've never used them but I've heard they work like magic.   



With my saddle angle 65% of my weight is on my two arse bones alone, 35% on my triathlon bars. Oh, triathlon bars, they're so great. They dramatically lower and slim your silhouette so you are faster, they shift the weight distribution to the front wheel which helps to stabilize the bike when you reach speeds in excess of 80km/h (No more high speed wobble!), and they're super comfortable. Get those.



Edited by Woldan
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I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Get them if you bike in nature and for more than 30km at a time. Otherwise they won't be much of an improvement. For city bikes it's a lot more important that the frame is light and you have slim wheels.


Today I'm packing for my Baltic sea cruise with the entire (near) family. Should be great..

Fortune favors the bald.

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I haven't had problems with my ass getting sore from riding either.  Usually my first ride or two of the year (usually in late March or early April) I'll get a little sore because my body hasn't ridden in several months, after that there's no problem whatsoever.  I did a nice long bike ride today, about 2 1/2 hours or so.  I would estimate I did about 35 miles (56k), though that's just an educated guess.  I could have gone a lot longer because I felt really good.  I had all types of stamina today and was powering through the last few uphills before getting home like I was just as fresh as I left the house (except significantly sweatier).  That bodes well for tomorrow's bike ride, assuming I can find a suitable gap of decent weather between tomorrow's projected thunderstorms. 


@Woldan - Do you ride with a backpack?  I notice you don't have a bag under the saddle to hold a spare and some tools (like I do).  I would never ride without a spare and some basic tools.  I've had real good luck this year and haven't caught a single flat yet (knock on wood), in fact, I haven't caught a flat in the last 2 years, but I would still never chance it.

Edited by Keyrock
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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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For me too it is the first ride in the new year where it hurts a bit, but usually it's not a problem anymore when I do the next tour a day or two later.


Damn, the weather right now is pretty good, even in the late evening. It's like the best phase of summer has started.


Wondering if I should buy a crossbow. Wanted to get me a new compound bow since 2 years already, but never could get me to... I'd also like to try something like tomahawk throwing. This looks quite fun to me.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I feel like a slug. Covered by a thin film of slime that makes me stick to everything. If I stay too long in one place my arm sticks to the table plate. It's the same sitting inside in my boxers as walking outside. A shower helps for 2 mins.


It's been trying to rain for days and  the thick laden clouds  are just hanging there. keeping in the humidity. 

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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@Woldan - Do you ride with a backpack?  I notice you don't have a bag under the saddle to hold a spare and some tools (like I do).  I would never ride without a spare and some basic tools.  I've had real good luck this year and haven't caught a single flat yet (knock on wood), in fact, I haven't caught a flat in the last 2 years, but I would still never chance it.


Yes, I ride with a green Tasmanian Tiger daypack on my back, thats also where I put the water, the keys and the helmet when I go for a long uphill climb. Never had a flat on my bike in my life, but I don't go off road.

The pack is small enough not to interfere with the aerodynamics:








Wondering if I should buy a crossbow. Wanted to get me a new compound bow since 2 years already, but never could get me to... I'd also like to try something like tomahawk throwing. This looks quite fun to me.


I can recommend spear throwing (at targets), its one of the old original olympics disciplines, people have been throwing spears for tens of thousands of years and its really fun and satisfying. Its also easy to learn. Just be careful with your shoulder, especially as a beginner.

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Then I hope you're doing some other kind of cardio, the human body was designed to run and jump all day long like a damn Super Mario *. 


(* but not to smash crates with the head!)

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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@Woldan - Do you ride with a backpack?  I notice you don't have a bag under the saddle to hold a spare and some tools (like I do).  I would never ride without a spare and some basic tools.  I've had real good luck this year and haven't caught a single flat yet (knock on wood), in fact, I haven't caught a flat in the last 2 years, but I would still never chance it.


Yes, I ride with a green Tasmanian Tiger daypack on my back, thats also where I put the water, the keys and the helmet when I go for a long uphill climb. Never had a flat on my bike in my life, but I don't go off road.

The pack is small enough not to interfere with the aerodynamics:


Fun fact:  I've caught a lot more flats riding on the road than off-road.  Granted, much of that has to do with the fact that I ride a lot more on the road than off-road.  Now I ride exclusively on the road, because I have a road bike, which, obviously, doesn't work too well in rough terrain, but most of my life I've had either a mountain bike or a hybrid, and even then I still rode on the road some 75% of the time.  Most of my problems with flats came when I lived in Torrington, CT.  I swear I caught more flats in the 5 years I lived there than in the entire rest of my life combined, and I've been riding a bike pretty much every year since I was 6.  They did a really ****ty job sweeping the streets in Torrington, I guess.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Second to last full day at this resort. Not looking forward to heading home but I miss me doge. Tommorrow we are ziplining or some such then the next day we check out and head to San Jose and then head back to CO the day after that.

Free games updated 3/4/21

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I feel like a slug. Covered by a thin film of slime that makes me stick to everything. If I stay too long in one place my arm sticks to the table plate. It's the same sitting inside in my boxers as walking outside. A shower helps for 2 mins.


It's been trying to rain for days and  the thick laden clouds  are just hanging there. keeping in the humidity. 


Cripes, it's the same thing here. Mexican monsoonal moisture makes me miserable. Lotta M's just there. 

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All Stop. On Screen.

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Being butthurt when cycling comes from a saddle that blocks important blood flows due to bad design or suboptimal angle. (which can lead to potency problems!)

A good saddle is important, get one of those that have a long recess that allows your blood to flow where it needs to be. Check the angle of your saddle, it should point down a few degrees, it must not be perfectly flat, unless you want to reenact ''moses parts the water'' but with your balls.Also when climbing hills stand up from time to time, this also helps a great deal.


If you still experience severe ass pain even though you have upgraded your gear get padded cycling shorts, personally I've never used them but I've heard they work like magic.   


With my saddle angle 65% of my weight is on my two arse bones alone, 35% on my triathlon bars. Oh, triathlon bars, they're so great. They dramatically lower and slim your silhouette so you are faster, they shift the weight distribution to the front wheel which helps to stabilize the bike when you reach speeds in excess of 80km/h (No more high speed wobble!), and they're super comfortable. Get those.


I'm going to have to try and change that angle then, and see if that helps, buying new parts sadly is'nt really on the table since it's too expensive. The bike is my primary means of transport really, more than an exercise tool. :)


I suppose I have to get used to it aswell. I just wish I had that really nice wide as hell saddle that I had on my scavenged bike when I was young.


A big shower came through jutland.. It only made it much worse.


Yep, had a shower here yesterday aswell that pushed the humidity up. And now we're getting a couple of splashes again, with enough thunder to force me to unplugg again. ****!!!

Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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Must not complain about the heat. Must not think about the boring 7 months of rain and snow you have to look forward to.


I love the heat, it is not making me sweat. Let's blame the humidity because I love the heat.


*sweaty sexy pose*

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*sweaty sexy pose*

Pics, please!  :yes:


Mother nature is currently throwing a monkey wrench into my bike ride plans.  If there is to be any realistic chance of me getting a ride in, it will have to stop raining by about 3 PM so that there are a couple of hours for the giant puddles on the roads to drain away and evaporate.  The forecast says that is unlikely.  :verymad:

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I've never let rain stop me from cycling, in fact, riding a bike during rain can be fun. Its cools you down when its hot and humid, and you don't have to sweat. Try it out, cycling in rain is not even half as bad as you might think. 

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Having a bit of a protein snack, cheese, sliced of salmon and such, along with some juice to prep myself for a good run in an hour. See how well that goes in this heat.

That and seeing how a run shapes up when it hasn't had a full-blown work out occur before the run..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I've never let rain stop me from cycling, in fact, riding a bike during rain can be fun. Its cools you down when its hot and humid, and you don't have to sweat. Try it out, cycling in rain is not even half as bad as you might think. 

I have no problem with riding when it's raining, in fact it rained when I rode yesterday.  I don't ride when there are large standing puddles, though, or when it's downpouring.  I live in the city.  Not only does it suck to ride through a standing puddle (with tons of traffic I can't very well pull out into the middle of the road to go around the puddle), it's quite dangerous when there are cars all around you.


When I write "large standing puddles" here's an example of what I mean:



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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Once last year I got hit by a thunderstorm when I had approx half the way behind me. It was rather hardcore, especially because it became extremely dark in less than 5 minutes and of course I've been in the middle of nowhere. When I was back home, I've been totally done with the day and I was smelling like a dirty ocean. Mudd was to be found even on the back of my helmet.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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