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That punch to Cap's shield, dead center to the star by the Winter Soldier feels just like the punch to the gut when you see a glimmer of Bucky trapped inside the Soldier. 


So much kicking of the ass, and cool characters, strong females (Agent 13, Sharon Carter, Peggy's niece, I believe, oh yeah, she kicks-in Steve's front door like a champ), and Natasha straight up hand-to-hand against Winter Soldier. Whew!

All Stop. On Screen.

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Watched Stephen Chow's JOURNEY TO THE WEST (2013) which is a sort of a "origin story" to the classic novel.  Its similar to Chow's Kung Fu Hustle which is alternatively hilarious and serious.  How it plays out is pretty clear to anyone familiar with the story, and the end isn't as satisfying as it could be as it trades on knowledge of the novel story to maintain a satisfactory conclusion.


Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out. :)


I saw Edge of Tomorrow, which wasn't bad but the plot was pretty convoluted. Tom Cruise was actually convincing in the role, surprisingly. I hadn't seen any trailers so I was very surprised with the sci-fi Groundhog Day element.

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Watched the first episode of that new Constantine tv show... and I thought it was bad. I don't know if I will watch more of it. This one certainly wasn't selling it to me.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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"I wish Denzel stopped wasting his time on meaningless action movies like Liam Neeson has taken the habit of doing lately.


You've got what, 5-10 more years before you can't play most roles any more? You're making one movie/year. You've got 5-10 movies left in you, and you're seriously wasting precious time on this ****? Congrats, now it's not 5-10, now it's 4-9 movies left. Great. Just great..."


The movie is fantastic. You are meaningless. This movie? Is very meaningful. Even more meaningful now that someone whines about it.


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Watched the first episode of that new Constantine tv show... and I thought it was bad. I don't know if I will watch more of it. This one certainly wasn't selling it to me.

Supposedly they've already changed the direction of the show, writing out the original female lead and replacing her with someone from the comics with a completely different dynamic. From what I understand, most fans of the comic thought this was a good move.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Isnt there something silly like this version of Constantine doesnt smoke?

From what I understand is either they're setting it after his cancer was cured, or they are going to infer he smokes without showing it.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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"I wish Denzel stopped wasting his time on meaningless action movies like Liam Neeson has taken the habit of doing lately.


You've got what, 5-10 more years before you can't play most roles any more? You're making one movie/year. You've got 5-10 movies left in you, and you're seriously wasting precious time on this ****? Congrats, now it's not 5-10, now it's 4-9 movies left. Great. Just great..."


The movie is fantastic. You are meaningless. This movie? Is very meaningful. Even more meaningful now that someone whines about it.


It's not even out yet. Shows how much your movie opinions are worth.

IE Mod for Pillars of Eternity: link
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Can't believe it, but if The Fifth Element were a person, she would have had a driver license for more than a year, now. An icon, this film. Could be top three, all-time. 

It was one of the things French Marvel fans voted into Cap's notebook in Winter Soldier.

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The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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"It's not even out yet. Shows how much your movie opinions are worth."


Hilarious comment coming from a guy trashing the movie before it comes out. LMAO


Nice try, but I never said it was bad. I said it was meaningless, and all action movies are.

IE Mod for Pillars of Eternity: link
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Yeah, my bad. You rated 4 stars.


\Give me a break. When you call a movie meaningless you are calling it crap. When you claim a movie is a waste of an actor's time you are calling it crap.



Why not just own your nonsense and it is okay for you to pre judge a movie but not me.


Cowardly people are pathetic.



But, hey go on rating a movie  4 stars while calling simultaneously calling it a waste of time all before it even comes out while whining that someone else pre judges it.



P.S. My movie tastes are better than yours. :)



denzel > u

Edited by Volourn


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They're wrong. ALWAYS. Even when I agree with their conclusion, I usually think they are idiots.


The only opinion that matters is your own. Don't be brainwashed.



"Chloe Grace Moretz in it. I find her beyond irritating"


One of the better young actresses out there. She was fantastic as Hit Girl and as that vampire in that remake.


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Watched Stephen Chow's JOURNEY TO THE WEST (2013) which is a sort of a "origin story" to the classic novel.  Its similar to Chow's Kung Fu Hustle which is alternatively hilarious and serious.  How it plays out is pretty clear to anyone familiar with the story, and the end isn't as satisfying as it could be as it trades on knowledge of the novel story to maintain a satisfactory conclusion.


For something called "Journey to the West," the trailer dedicates astoundingly little camera time to the Monkey King.

“Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.”
-Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>>

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."

-Rod Serling


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Watched Stephen Chow's JOURNEY TO THE WEST (2013) which is a sort of a "origin story" to the classic novel. Its similar to Chow's Kung Fu Hustle which is alternatively hilarious and serious. How it plays out is pretty clear to anyone familiar with the story, and the end isn't as satisfying as it could be as it trades on knowledge of the novel story to maintain a satisfactory conclusion.

For something called "Journey to the West," the trailer dedicates astoundingly little camera time to the Monkey King.

Being a Stephen Chow flick, I wasn't expecting it to be as scary as it was. Started watching with the kids around. Stopped at the people pig roast.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Live-action based on the anime , your standard low budget dystopian run-down bleak future city full of corrupt cops and child trafficking gangs. A teenage girl wreaking vengeance for the death of her police parents on the mysterious crime figure known as the Emir.  Samuel L Jackson taking a turn as her father's former partner who has been helping her.


Eh, not too bad, not too great. You kind of expect one of the twists, there aren't that many action sequences so much as sudden moments she kills people by surprise.



Also, I will admit to having caught the film Live Nude Girls on the background the other night.


An incredibly cheesy comedy set in the 80's about a washed up finance guy who suddenly inherits a strip club in LA from his uncle, only to find that it's gone from it's glory days in the 60's and 70's to a washed up dingy joint by '85. So he has to struggle with the battle against bankruptcy, sleazeball customers, and out of control strippers. Along the way he manages to accidentally invent the art of the pole dance and lap dance. It actually pretty much follows all the clichéd points of a classic sports movie, just with strippers instead of baseball.

Most of it was pretty bad, but it had a few lines that just had to be quoted.


"So give me an overview of the situation."

"Well, it's like the Titanic. After it's hit the iceberg. If everything was on fire.  And the water was full of exploding sharks. And everybody has leukemia."

".... Right. So not going well then?"


"Hey, that's my coffee!"

"I need it more."


"Were  you up all night till 45 minutes ago having sex with three drag queens and a rather confused rodeo cowboy? No? Right, now give me the damn coffee!"

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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