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Put a shortcut to the game in your Startup folder, then you won't have to fire it up.

Real men don't use shortcuts.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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So I got TW1+2 for like 5€ the other day in a GOG sale. Have downloaded TW1 but... can't be arsed to fire it up.


Help me, Obsidianites. You are my only hope!


My girlfriend is playing W1 right now and shes enjoying it. She's also trying to bone anything that has a pulse in the game... so much for misogyny.

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Big RPG. Good production values. A Slavic atmosphere that very few games even try for. Some memorable quest moments (no, not sex-related). Sword fighting which isn't complex by any stretch of imagination but works well and does have its internal logic. Go for it.

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Guest Slinky

Think that one is going to go F2P in under a year. 


Could be, just like any other subscription based game these days, but Wildstar is clearly build from ground up for ex- and current wow players and there was, what, over twelve million of them at it's prime? If Wildstar succeeds luring a good chunk of them over they won't be having to worry about going F2P anytime soon.


But if that doesn't happen and if ESO also starts losing subbers, I wouldn't be surprised if subsciption based games would be a thing of the past soon.

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I think both SW:TOR and The Secret World proved that even if subs are dropped (converted) only a few months after release, you can still get a good chunk of money out of them while the content's 'freshness' lasts (not everyone's a binge MMO player, most adults don't have the time even if they wanted to be one).


So I see ESO's and WildStar's subs based on those examples: wring as much sub-money-juice as they can before they convert to F2P. It's part of the business plan.

The Seven Blunders/Roots of Violence: Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character. Commerce without morality. Science without humanity. Worship without sacrifice. Politics without principle. (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi)


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Big RPG. Good production values. A Slavic atmosphere that very few games even try for. Some memorable quest moments (no, not sex-related). Sword fighting which isn't complex by any stretch of imagination but works well and does have its internal logic. Go for it.


It was the last RPG that brought something new to the table and that I really enjoyed. Funny thing is, I can't seem to bring myself to play Witcher 2. I have a nagging feeling they ruined the spontaneity of the first one and went for hollywood putting production values above everything.

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Think that one is going to go F2P in under a year. 


Could be, just like any other subscription based game these days, but Wildstar is clearly build from ground up for ex- and current wow players and there was, what, over twelve million of them at it's prime? If Wildstar succeeds luring a good chunk of them over they won't be having to worry about going F2P anytime soon.


But if that doesn't happen and if ESO also starts losing subbers, I wouldn't be surprised if subsciption based games would be a thing of the past soon.



I don't think anyone is luring a chunk of players anywhere these days, some of the paint has worn off from MMO's after WoW... especially with subscriptions.


The thing that stuck me first when I was looking at the wildstar website is that the game seemed geared towards younger players.... who may be the last social group to have regular subscription money available. But then, what do I know.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

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Think that one is going to go F2P in under a year.


Could be, just like any other subscription based game these days, but Wildstar is clearly build from ground up for ex- and current wow players and there was, what, over twelve million of them at it's prime? If Wildstar succeeds luring a good chunk of them over they won't be having to worry about going F2P anytime soon.


But if that doesn't happen and if ESO also starts losing subbers, I wouldn't be surprised if subsciption based games would be a thing of the past soon.



I don't think anyone is luring a chunk of players anywhere these days, some of the paint has worn off from MMO's after WoW... especially with subscriptions.


The thing that stuck me first when I was looking at the wildstar website is that the game seemed geared towards younger players.... who may be the last social group to have regular subscription money available. But then, what do I know.


What you can do is trade ingame money for gametime, like in EVE. So younger players, who often do have the luxury of time, can buy their subscription from other, time-poor players. Basically instead of gametime being credited directly to your account when purchase it, it turns into an ingame item that you can either use or trade.


I don't think the game will succeed with it, but theoretically the model is decent enough.



EDIT: http://wildstar-online.com/en/game/features/business-model/

Edited by Humanoid


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Broken Sword 5, after that I dunno what I'll play.  Still have an enormous GOG backlog, so maybe I'll try to finish Ground Control :lol:

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Witcher 2.


I'm in Flotsam now. It seems they had a lot of money to throw around but a dearth of ideas. Inexplicably, W2 makes mistakes the first one didn't, like excessive railroading, borderline unusable inventory system, quicktime events, excessive cutscenes. Its a blockbuster syndrome. Too many characters are introduced then say too little, then they're gone...

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Definitely repeated the mistake of the inventory system, while I endured it well, it could have been better.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Definitely repeated the mistake of the inventory system, while I endured it well, it could have been better.


The W1 inventory is a single screen at least... The second one is a case of console list chaos.

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Wonder what they'll do for Witcher 3, then.  I actually should finish the W2 again now that I got the Extended version, think long enough time has passed that I can avoid replay fatigue (reason why I can never touch DA:O again..two playthroughs of that just wore me out)

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Dunno but I hope they keep the sys req reasonable. My laptop can handle W2 on mostly high settings and I'm not buying another one or upgrading any time soon

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Yeah, was somewhat dissapointed in TW2.

I was planning on doing the alternative line, bt after finishing the game once, I never got in the mood to continue on an alt game.


Played some Painkiller: Hell & Damnation (buying the whole Painkiller package on Steam). It's... weird. The levels I know, most the opponents, but there are some new, slight differences. The skeletons look terrible, some levels texturing doesn't look that good either, and the hitsound/deathsound of one opponent is outright horrible, Main Menu lost all it's coolness and uniqueness. Also I didn't recall chapter I being over this soon in Black Edition.

Overall, not that good an impression for a new version. I don't really understand why there need to be remakes of games that still look good anyway.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Played some Remember Me. The visuals are truly amazing, doubly so considering this was made on Unreal 3, setting is interesting, protagonist is cool, combat could've been a simple rip-off of Batman Arkham City but the developers tried to make it different with the custom combos.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Witcher 2.


I'm in Flotsam now. It seems they had a lot of money to throw around but a dearth of ideas. Inexplicably, W2 makes mistakes the first one didn't, like excessive railroading, borderline unusable inventory system, quicktime events, excessive cutscenes. Its a blockbuster syndrome. Too many characters are introduced then say too little, then they're gone...


If I may make one suggestion Mr Emperor, when near the end of chapter one you have to make a binary choice, choose the Elf first time. Far more enjoyable path, though of course it's up to you.

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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Witcher 2.


I'm in Flotsam now. It seems they had a lot of money to throw around but a dearth of ideas. Inexplicably, W2 makes mistakes the first one didn't, like excessive railroading, borderline unusable inventory system, quicktime events, excessive cutscenes. Its a blockbuster syndrome. Too many characters are introduced then say too little, then they're gone...


If I may make one suggestion Mr Emperor, when near the end of chapter one you have to make a binary choice, choose the Elf first time. Far more enjoyable path, though of course it's up to you.


It's been a while since I last played so I might be getting them mixed up, but if I recall the elf path takes on a more "personal journey" tone whereas the ... crap what's his name ... soldier guy path takes on a more "political story" tone.

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"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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^ I just checked. The Gamersgate version has Steamworks listed as its DRM. What the hell? Why bother setting up your own digital distribution service if you are going to force your customers to use the competition's anyway?


The CK franchise didn't interest me all that much (I'm more a Vicky/HoI kind of guy) but the fact that it requires Steam is basically a deal killer. I hope it's not a trend.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Witcher 2.


I'm in Flotsam now. It seems they had a lot of money to throw around but a dearth of ideas. Inexplicably, W2 makes mistakes the first one didn't, like excessive railroading, borderline unusable inventory system, quicktime events, excessive cutscenes. Its a blockbuster syndrome. Too many characters are introduced then say too little, then they're gone...


If I may make one suggestion Mr Emperor, when near the end of chapter one you have to make a binary choice, choose the Elf first time. Far more enjoyable path, though of course it's up to you.



Good timing on your part, I'm at that juncture this very minute

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The Gamersgate version used to be stand alone but a couple patches ago they decided to drop support for it in favor of all Steam everything. Paradox did give Steam keys to everyone who bought the GG version which was nice but Steam sucks for manual version control


I think CK2 was their last game that isn't (or wasn't origianlly) a Steam exclusive 

Free games updated 3/4/21

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I reached Pripyat via the tunnels, full squad intact.  It's not quite as intense a journey when you've been through it several times, but still enjoyable.  The Monolith ambush was quite fun.  I brought Lynx along for the ride (in addition to Strelok's SIG 550 and Predator [i had forgotten you get it for killing the chimera]), so the Monolith snipers never stood a chance.  I can snipe better than you, fellas.


The end game is drawing rapidly near.  Next order of business is getting both sets of calibration tools.

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"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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