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InExile is plotting to ruin Torment by making it turn-based


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Just a call to action for any Project Eternity backers who also backed Torment. You better go checkout Torment: Tides of Numenera's Kickstarter page so that you can vote down the hordes of ToEE and Fallout fans who are trying to vote the game into being turn based instead of RTWP.


I know I wouldn't have backed it if I'd thought there were the remotest chance in hell of it being a turn-based game and I suspect a lot of Infinity Engine game lovers will feel the same way.


So I just thought I'd bring it up here on the off chance it helps turn out the vote a bit more. :grin: 







And needless to say, if you actually would want a turn-based system, DON'T VOTE.  (Please?)

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A) This seems pretty off-topic, as it's literally specific to a completely different game that's not even being made by Obsidian. And


B) You can't bash the "Fallout lovers" without bashing inXile, themselves, because they already said that they were internally voting for turn-based. Basically, had they not opted to put it up for discussion and hold a vote, it would've simply been turn-based by default. Just for what it's worth. u_u

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Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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A) This seems pretty off-topic, as it's literally specific to a completely different game that's not even being made by Obsidian. And


B) You can't bash the "Fallout lovers" without bashing inXile, themselves, because they already said that they were internally voting for turn-based. Basically, had they not opted to put it up for discussion and hold a vote, it would've simply been turn-based by default. Just for what it's worth. u_u


I guess it's off topic, but I feel pretty betrayed by turn based even being considered. I know it's my personal preference, but I also (as previously mentioned) I wouldn't have backed if they'd said that up front. I sure don't think it was even hinted at in the original KS info.


Ordinarily I'd know better than to post OT like this, but I'm kind of angry. If they make it turn based I might not even make it through the first combat encounter. So please forgive.

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Well, real-time's currently winning. So there's that.


Also, you never know... it might be unlike any turn-based combat you've ever played before, and you might, at the very least, find it acceptable as opposed to rage-quit-inducing. *shrug*

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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The original KS said that combat type would be determined later. They said it would be between TB, RTwP, and phase based IIRC. My only negative outlook on this is that they should have flat out gone with TB as that is what they wanted. I think many pledged that may not have otherwise and to me that is a bit off putting.


I would like RTwP myself, because PE is the only other game using that type of combat, it (EDIT: Torment) is a successor to a RTwP game, and TB games are much more frequent at the moment. I like both styles and would like variety. However, going from PnP to RTwP has many issues which the IE games had and similar issues would plague TToN.


Either way I am excited, but I love RTwP games and miss them dearly.

Edited by Ganrich
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Eh, I don't really give a ****. Torment will have an inferior combat system to PE no matter what.

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Eh, I don't really give a ****. Torment will have an inferior combat system to PE no matter what.


That's because it'll be a Crisis System, and not a Combat System. :)


Honestly, I don't understand why it's such a big deal, either. I prefer turn-based, for the context of Torment's design. But, if they go with real-time, I trust that they'll do it correctly. It's not like we're voting on how intelligently they should go about designing the combat. Just the basic template.


"Wait... the building's going to be SQUARE instead of CIRCULAR?! I no longer have any faith in whatever business/establishment is going to occupy this building, or its staff, u_u..."

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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Turn based games are the best games. Why would you think that people who are interested in this successor game to the Infinity Engine would be against turn based games?


Did you also petition against Civ and Total War games being turn based? Or Final Fantasy games with turn based combat?

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Frankly, I loved Temple of Elemental Evil's turn based combat. I felt it was intricate, strategic, and made every attack roll gripping. I felt the same way about the Fallout series.


Most people associate turn-based with JRPGs--which is to say all of their negative connotations are richly deserved. Combat in these games is absolutely awful. For Torment: Tides of Numenera, gripping tactical combat wasn't even one of the stated major goals of the game--it was always about narrative, plot, and character depth. I understand the terror in your reflexive emotional response, but try not to embarass yourself. It's a game.

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I'll tend to side on the sensibilities of the developers. To be honest, there does seem to be a dearth of good turn based games, Firaxis aside.

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OP expressed my thoughts exactly. After seeing gameplay footage of Wasteland 2 I can definitely say this is NOT what I ever expected when backing TToN. Looks drawn-out, tedious, unexciting and too "gamey" or immersion breaking. Anyway, if you have an opinion to make, the best place to voice it is at https://torment.uservoice.com/forums/228631-combat-discussion-forum-backer-only-/suggestions/4905338-advantages-of-real-time-with-pause


As the developers will actually read that.

Edited by Zeckul
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Frankly, I loved Temple of Elemental Evil's turn based combat. I felt it was intricate, strategic, and made every attack roll gripping. I felt the same way about the Fallout series.

Considering that this game is not ToEE nor FO, but a spiritual successor to Planescape Torment, which had the RTwP system(what we have) and iirc much less combat oriented; I can understand the concern of the guy in the OP that this wont be the experience he opted for. Edited by Mor
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Ew. Didn't back it, but mayhap won't be purchasing it when it's released, either. Ah well. Other people's problem, not mine. :)

Edited by Bartimaeus

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Players shouldn't be allowed to vote on things like this. Developers should man up and grow the balls to make the game that they envision, rather than catering to the opinion of the casual majority.

Since this is not a mare cosmetic or convenience issue, in this case I agree that the dev's, who are the only ones privy to the type of content featured in the game, should have made this design choice.


p.s. Although in general the opinions of the casual backers majority, usually are misrepresented, since the forums mostly populated by the more invested/vocal backers.

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I suspect this topic will be moved to Computer and Console soon. However, both turn-based and RtwP can be great systems for CRPGs, or bad. Neither is game-breaking per se, and I would argue that both are equally gamey, as they can't compare to RT, unless you turn RTwP into RT by refraining from using pause, which I've done a couple of times in NWN2, for instance.

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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Voted turn based



I voted turn-based.


Hail the RPGCodex.


Screw RTWP Pussies. I do like RTwp but Torment is a story-based game and turn-based combat will be more meaningful and less filler.


I also voted turn-based, stupid question but why wouldn't you want turn-based?


Aren't all classic IE games and the original Planescape turn-based and those really worked well ?


EDIT: Okay I misunderstood the difference. I see where I was wrong :)

Edited by BruceVC

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