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I'd would really, really like to know which weapon in Defiance actually works in PVP.  I've literally tried every weapon in my inventory at one time or another, and every time it seems I can hit the opponent 5 times without killing them, then die because all they need is 2 or 3 shots to finish me off.  It's the most frustrating part about this game.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Currently playing New Vegas. Getting lost in the desert is always quite a bit of fun.

Much easier to get lost in the Obsidian cookie cutter interiors than in the desert, atleast for me. They need better world builders, badly. 



Yeah, I would love for Bethesda to get Obz's writing talents and Obsidian to get Beth's world design talent and then Bio's engine stability (at least for me).. mmmmm

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^ I was *never* going to like the comic, Oner, sadly.


But seeing as Abercrombie was a D&D player before he started writing fantasy, you can see how brilliant the characters would be. I also like the relatively low-magic grimdark setting, the Inquisitors and Practicals, the mercenaries and dandies. The Northmen would make a game all of their own.

What's wrong with the comic? Too much cut?

I just linked it to make sure it's the same TFL, since this comic is the first time I heard of it.




The comic is just too different from how I read the books. The Bloody Nine / Logen is a character you picture in a way that is unique to you, and that comic art ain't even close to my imagining of the guy.


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I'd would really, really like to know which weapon in Defiance actually works in PVP.  I've literally tried every weapon in my inventory at one time or another, and every time it seems I can hit the opponent 5 times without killing them, then die because all they need is 2 or 3 shots to finish me off.  It's the most frustrating part about this game.


There is apparently stil quite a bit of cheating going on. I got one-shot by a bunny hopper with a SMG *shrug*


Last Freight Yard I played I got 5/4/2 (kills/deaths/assists). Of those deaths one was to someone using an aim-hack (he repeatedly one-shots me, regardless of weapon used, scoring headshots even while turning in mid-air) and manning the cerberus turret - I was cloacked and rolling into cover and he still managed to one-shot me. Then again, getting cought in the open by a cerberus is supposed to be a death sentence. A second death was to a charge sniper rifle. I expected that to come eventually as I was defending a capture point. Not much you can do but keep moving and hope you are not presenting yourself to the eventual sniper long enough for them to fully charge a shot, line up the shot and take the shot. *shrug* Had I thought quicker I could have avoided another death but hey that's life.

My kills were mostly cheap, but not what attackers shouldn't have expected: VOT Nano-Fragger from cloacked. One person got one-shot that way, two survived and I emptied the clip of my SMG into them. A fourth had just killed someone on my team and was weakened. The last kill was your average shoot-out: two people with automatic weapons firing at each other :p



Charge sniper rifles are currently the flavour of the month in Shadow War. You can oneshot people at extreme range.

Sawed-off shotguns got nerfed, but can still be deadly if you position yourself right and/or enemies allow you to get in close behind them. Nano-Fragger is my weapon of choice, though I hear others prefer Couriers.

Some people now use charge blades. Those can apparently be quite deadly.

A favourid for bunny hoppers are infectors. I think its the Immunizer that has the range of a sniper rifle without the need to aim? Then again that one was up for a nerf. Canker is a favourid of many as it does the highest damage without parasites.

SMGs seem to be the most common backup weapon, though I have been killed by assault rifles ;)

I have heard of people having fully modded BMGs to finish their enemy off. Died to one once.


Perks are important. You need the proper perks for your PvP build: reduced damage, reduced damage when shot in the back so you don't get one-shot by cloackers. From there on a lot can be usefull. Bloodlust (or what its called) to recharge your ego power when you deal damge seems to be popular. I have reduced cloack cooldown, increased cloack duration and decreased cooldown on full reload (that means that at the start of the match I can shoot my sawed-off shotgun three times and the reloads charge up my cloack before we een see the enemy).

A nice perk also is the one that has you take half damage for a (very) short while when your shield breaks.

I currently use bonus damage when attacking from cloack and bonus damage when shooting in the back though.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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I do all that (the perks), and I also have tried all those weapons.  None of them seem to do enough damage to finish guys off.  For instance, the last game I played I had one of those sticky grenade things equipped.  I launched 5 of them and hit the guy with all 5 shots (I saw the hit register icon), but he was alive.  He launched 3 grenades at me, and I died after the third one detonated.


I have no trouble at all seeing the enemy first, or even landing the first couple of shots.  My issue is they don't go down, while my guy dies easily.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Feel free to post you actual build and weapon stats . Maybe I can think of something.

I have an arkfall to run to, I'll post you my complete setup for PvP later ;)



ok here goes my current set up:

Bloodlust: 3% ego recharge on dealing damage, cooldown 5sec

Pumped Up: Fully reloading weapon recharges Ego 15%

Failsafe: 12% less damage while shield is recharging

Rear Guard: 30% less damage from behind

Cellular Armor: 6% less damage

Regeneration: 3% HP regen

Shadowed Strike: 30% more damage while cloaked

Shadow's Core: -9 sec recharge on cloak

Infiltrator: +6 sec Cloack duration


I am thinking of replacing bloodlust with Sucker Punch for the 15% damage from behind.


My current shield is a hurricane berserker with +5% fire rate on shield break.

Edited by melkathi

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Was/is the combat in Fallout 1 considered to be "good"? I mean the game came out roughly the same time as Ocarina of Time, yet it plays absolutely ancient by comparison. I really can't even understand how someone would begin to like this combat. People like to say it's more strategic, but that's not it - just put points in whatever skill and wait for the dice roll. Lol @ missing a rat 3 times in a row from behind with a damn knife. This stuff is laughably bad. People actually prefering the combat of Fallout 1 over Fallout 3 are forever lost to nostalgia. I really hope this game isn't filled with combat through most of it - if so, this is going to be a straight chore to play.

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Was/is the combat in Fallout 1 considered to be "good"? I mean the game came out roughly the same time as Ocarina of Time, yet it plays absolutely ancient by comparison. I really can't even understand how someone would begin to like this combat. People like to say it's more strategic, but that's not it - just put points in whatever skill and wait for the dice roll. Lol @ missing a rat 3 times in a row from behind with a damn knife. This stuff is laughably bad. People actually prefering the combat of Fallout 1 over Fallout 3 are forever lost to nostalgia. I really hope this game isn't filled with combat through most of it - if so, this is going to be a straight chore to play.

The only people that say that Fallout 1/2 combat is good are those that haven't accidentally hit someone in the LA Boneyard.


I'm getting ready to play "Ambush the Mailman". He's not getting away without actually delivering my game this time. No more little "You can pick it up at the post office in 8 hours" crap when you could have just come up to the door and knocked because there are people home all day.

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Was/is the combat in Fallout 1 considered to be "good"? I mean the game came out roughly the same time as Ocarina of Time, yet it plays absolutely ancient by comparison. I really can't even understand how someone would begin to like this combat. People like to say it's more strategic, but that's not it - just put points in whatever skill and wait for the dice roll. Lol @ missing a rat 3 times in a row from behind with a damn knife. This stuff is laughably bad. People actually prefering the combat of Fallout 1 over Fallout 3 are forever lost to nostalgia. I really hope this game isn't filled with combat through most of it - if so, this is going to be a straight chore to play.

Um no - that's just gambling. 

Combat has much more dimensions with positioning/aimed attacks/inventory use etc.

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Currently playing New Vegas. Getting lost in the desert is always quite a bit of fun.

Much easier to get lost in the Obsidian cookie cutter interiors than in the desert, atleast for me. They need better world builders, badly. 



Yeah, I would love for Bethesda to get Obz's writing talents and Obsidian to get Beth's world design talent and then Bio's engine stability (at least for me).. mmmmm


Yep, because those metro tunnels were soooo much fun..

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Feel free to post you actual build and weapon stats . Maybe I can think of something.

I have an arkfall to run to, I'll post you my complete setup for PvP later ;)



ok here goes my current set up:

Bloodlust: 3% ego recharge on dealing damage, cooldown 5sec

Pumped Up: Fully reloading weapon recharges Ego 15%

Failsafe: 12% less damage while shield is recharging

Rear Guard: 30% less damage from behind

Cellular Armor: 6% less damage

Regeneration: 3% HP regen

Shadowed Strike: 30% more damage while cloaked

Shadow's Core: -9 sec recharge on cloak

Infiltrator: +6 sec Cloack duration


I am thinking of replacing bloodlust with Sucker Punch for the 15% damage from behind.


My current shield is a hurricane berserker with +5% fire rate on shield break.


I can't remember my current setup that I use for online (I'll look it up next time I play), but it's the Cloak one with all the various cloak-related boosts, as well as reduced damage from behind and ... some other reduced damage ones.  I just don't really know which weapon to use.


My latest attempt was a grenade launcher that did something like 1600 x 5 damage, but in the actual game it doesn't do near that much to the opponent since I've hit them with multiple shots and not killed them.  If I could figure out the best gun to use, I'd be golden as I don't die THAT easily (except compared to the guy I'm shooting, but again, that's more my weapon issue).  I can usually take 2 or 3 shots before I die.  It's just I can't find a gun that will finish off the enemy in the same time.


As a side note, I used one of the BMGs (it was an orange one I unlocked) to finally land the kill shot on the Helion.  Now I just need some revives to finish off that pursuit completely.  I've actually been getting quite a few revives lately doing the Dark Matter arkfalls, as a lot of players seem to go down hurt from those aerial strikes.  I went from something like 11 revives to 55 revives in a few days doing the Dark Matter ones.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I'm getting annoyed :p You will finish that pursuit before me...

I have done 69 revives. 31 to go, then I need the killshot on the progenitor. Indeed, Dark Matter Arkfalls should make those last revives happen quite fast.


I don't think I have ever seen anyone use grenade launchers in PvP. Probably the first grenade does full damage, burns through the shield and then the rest all do reduced damage as whatever perks the person is using kick in. I found a huge difference between having rank 1 powers and perks and having them all maxed.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Was/is the combat in Fallout 1 considered to be "good"? I mean the game came out roughly the same time as Ocarina of Time, yet it plays absolutely ancient by comparison. I really can't even understand how someone would begin to like this combat. People like to say it's more strategic, but that's not it - just put points in whatever skill and wait for the dice roll. Lol @ missing a rat 3 times in a row from behind with a damn knife. This stuff is laughably bad. People actually prefering the combat of Fallout 1 over Fallout 3 are forever lost to nostalgia. I really hope this game isn't filled with combat through most of it - if so, this is going to be a straight chore to play.

I consider Fallout:Tactics combat to be good, but no, not Fallout 1 combat. In my dream world Fallout 3 and New Vegas would have used improved Fallout:Tactics engine.

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Was/is the combat in Fallout 1 considered to be "good"? I mean the game came out roughly the same time as Ocarina of Time, yet it plays absolutely ancient by comparison.

Better to compare with best RPG out that year.




The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Was/is the combat in Fallout 1 considered to be "good"? I mean the game came out roughly the same time as Ocarina of Time, yet it plays absolutely ancient by comparison.

Better to compare with best RPG out that year.








Better to compare with best RPG out that year.



Fixed that for ya :-


Fixed it for both of you.  ;)

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Ugh, I swear the mail man is a goddamn ninja. How the hell did he manage to drop off the mail in the 2 minutes that I was focused on something else and then disappear?! Not that it matters since it looks like my game wasn't shipped in time to get it here today. Stupid labour day. >_<

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Tiny Tina's DLC was fun. She is a terrible DM though. That last boss fight was so much effort for pretty much not much reward for the 3 of us as well. :lol:

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I'm getting annoyed :p You will finish that pursuit before me...

I have done 69 revives. 31 to go, then I need the killshot on the progenitor. Indeed, Dark Matter Arkfalls should make those last revives happen quite fast.


I don't think I have ever seen anyone use grenade launchers in PvP. Probably the first grenade does full damage, burns through the shield and then the rest all do reduced damage as whatever perks the person is using kick in. I found a huge difference between having rank 1 powers and perks and having them all maxed.


If you're having trouble landing the kill shot, try a BMG.  The continuous stream of fire seems to do the trick.  I got the kill shot on the Hellion literally the very first arkfall I used the BMG.  I've got a secondary character who needs both kill shots yet, so I'm going to test my theory by using that character to see if I can repeat it.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I'm more of a story/character/atmosphere type of person.  For instance, I much preferred Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 3, despite the fact ME3's combat was way, way more engaging.

Yeah, no. I haven't played it after the localization patch that supposedly fixed the awful translation, but even not taking that into account, the story is nothing to write home about. It's a pity, because the setting is interesting in an 80s sci-fi kind of way.



That's too bad.  So there's no real redeeming quality, other than the setting?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Currently playing New Vegas. Getting lost in the desert is always quite a bit of fun.

Much easier to get lost in the Obsidian cookie cutter interiors than in the desert, atleast for me. They need better world builders, badly.


That ship sailed years ago. Also: excuses about Obsidian never having developed an Elder Scrolls-style open world game before (as opposed to Bethesda, for whom such games are their bread and butter,) never having used the Bethesda Gamebryo engine before, the realities of setting a game in what is, in reality, a mostly empty desert.


Anyway, since we're all posting Japanese tactical games whose "RPG" status is questionable, I got Jeanne D'arc to pad my PSP game library, which expanded from two to three games. There's not a lot more comedy value than Japanese re-imaginings of (especially Western) historical events. At least Joan of Arc was actually female so they didn't need to do some bizarre mass-transsexualization of historical figures. Basically just a Tactics Ogre/FFT/Fire Emblem clone. Not bad, not great. Simultaneously cringe-inducing and hilarious (I don't think even South African blacks or Indians could villainize the British in a more blatant, over the top fashion.)

Edited by AGX-17
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If you're having trouble landing the kill shot, try a BMG.  The continuous stream of fire seems to do the trick.  I got the kill shot on the Hellion literally the very first arkfall I used the BMG.  I've got a secondary character who needs both kill shots yet, so I'm going to test my theory by using that character to see if I can repeat it.



BMG depends on the weapons used by everyone else. If you have a number of people with sniper rifles, the damage spike will probably kill it before the next BMG tick. At least whenever I used BMG or infectors I didn't get the killshot.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Was/is the combat in Fallout 1 considered to be "good"? I mean the game came out roughly the same time as Ocarina of Time, yet it plays absolutely ancient by comparison. I really can't even understand how someone would begin to like this combat. People like to say it's more strategic, but that's not it - just put points in whatever skill and wait for the dice roll. Lol @ missing a rat 3 times in a row from behind with a damn knife. This stuff is laughably bad. People actually prefering the combat of Fallout 1 over Fallout 3 are forever lost to nostalgia. I really hope this game isn't filled with combat through most of it - if so, this is going to be a straight chore to play.

Um no - that's just gambling. 

Combat has much more dimensions with positioning/aimed attacks/inventory use etc.


Apparently my positioning still wasn't good enough to stab a rat in the back. That's just a broken system.

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Was/is the combat in Fallout 1 considered to be "good"? I mean the game came out roughly the same time as Ocarina of Time, yet it plays absolutely ancient by comparison.

Better to compare with best RPG out that year.





This actually looks like more fun, combat-wise atleast.

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Was/is the combat in Fallout 1 considered to be "good"? I mean the game came out roughly the same time as Ocarina of Time, yet it plays absolutely ancient by comparison. I really can't even understand how someone would begin to like this combat. People like to say it's more strategic, but that's not it - just put points in whatever skill and wait for the dice roll. Lol @ missing a rat 3 times in a row from behind with a damn knife. This stuff is laughably bad. People actually prefering the combat of Fallout 1 over Fallout 3 are forever lost to nostalgia. I really hope this game isn't filled with combat through most of it - if so, this is going to be a straight chore to play.

I consider Fallout:Tactics combat to be good, but no, not Fallout 1 combat. In my dream world Fallout 3 and New Vegas would have used improved Fallout:Tactics engine.


Sounds good yet many people don't like Tactics. I'll just take it that the people who think Fallout 1 & 2 are the end-all, be-all are extremely picky.

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