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Takes a few tries, but once you get a feel where to pop the power ups, you're pretty much 95% guaranteed to always win it next time.

Possibly. It turns it from a small arcade game into a QTE (without the hints). I hate QTE's passionately.


It's kinda like Ilum, variable. I've been able to solo them all so far, but lvl 51's/55's on Hutta/Ord Mantell, so that doesn't say much...

I haven't been to Ilum yet :)


If I get the time today, I'll give it a shot. Worst case scenario, I die ignominously.


The quest gives you a copy clone of the macro binos to finish the quest. And I've yet to see a need for seeker droids yet. So that's either an error, or on a different planet? I assume you get a clone copy too then for those not having them.

Heh, good to know, thanks. I'll check my inventory. Might just have something in the quest inventory tab then :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Seriously, the difficulty balance of Defiance is so out of whack, it's downright silly.


I'm finally over in San Fran, and so I'm constantly stumbling onto those Dark Matter troops.  The in-game dialogue and lore makes them appear "oooohhh so scary", but they give me much, much, MUCH less trouble than the raider blitzers or the elite mutant riflemen, two enemies who are supposed to be "cannon fodder" from the early stages of the game.


I just don't know what Trion was thinking.  It's like making the very first level of enemies the hardest, then 90% of the rest of the game's enemies are a cake walk, instead of the other way around.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Playing Rome Total War right now, to get ready for Rome 2. It's not bad so far. I have exterminated the Gallic and England is under my control. Spain will be exterminated soon and then I'll slowly advance to Egypt. Or maybe I will attack Rome, this could end quite funny. Though, I probably do not have the military power for that right now.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I didn't want to use up like half the monthly download limit getting LA Noire, so I've now got it on Xbox. The system seems to turn off whenever I fall asleep, causing me to lose unsaved progress. Checkpoint-only saving does suck. I spent a bunch of time going around unlocking my hidden cars, only to find out when I turned the game on next, they still had question marks. Not to mention the street crimes I've somehow replayed.


How the heck do you have checkpoint-only saving in what is basically a sandbox game?


Other than that, I've loved it.

You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

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oppressive Danish Rule!


Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.. ;)



The jerks kept embargoing me in Lubeck!  So I often sue for peace with the option "Give me half your trade power" and embargo them as well, just to spite! ^_^


They keep allying with Great Britain, however, which reduces the effectiveness of my fleet >.>


But I did start a lone little colony along the St. Lawrence and in Sierra Leone! :)



Game is absurd fun (EU4).  I formed Prussia, although ended up becoming the Holy Roman Emperor (which is hilarious, actually, as Prussia was formed as the Protestant grouping against the HRE) because of my spreading of Protestantism among the elector states and my vassalizing of a lot of them.  But then I had an event where the Bureaucracy had effectively plotted to turn my nation into a Republic, to which I ran with it just because I don't usually do stuff like that.  So I was the Administrative Republic of Prussia for a little bit!  Until I decided to form Germany outright! :)


Spain inherited Portugal as a a part of a personal union, which basically means Spain owns most of the New World, although Great Britain has the southern Caribbean, France (who's been crushed thoroughly this game) has Newfoundland, and Norway has most of the Maritimes and New England area.  Burgundy has also taken to some colonizing of Africa, along with Spain.


I haven't looked too much out East, though I did notice that Japan was unified and appears to be in Korea as well.  Manchu holds most of China.


Aside from conquering the German states, I am planning on focusing more on my colonial holdings now that I am becoming able to do so.


Sofa king fun.

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oppressive Danish Rule!


Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.. ;)



The jerks kept embargoing me in Lubeck!  So I often sue for peace with the option "Give me half your trade power" and embargo them as well, just to spite! ^_^


They keep allying with Great Britain, however, which reduces the effectiveness of my fleet >.>


But I did start a lone little colony along the St. Lawrence and in Sierra Leone! :)



Game is absurd fun (EU4).  I formed Prussia, although ended up becoming the Holy Roman Emperor (which is hilarious, actually, as Prussia was formed as the Protestant grouping against the HRE) because of my spreading of Protestantism among the elector states and my vassalizing of a lot of them.  But then I had an event where the Bureaucracy had effectively plotted to turn my nation into a Republic, to which I ran with it just because I don't usually do stuff like that.  So I was the Administrative Republic of Prussia for a little bit!  Until I decided to form Germany outright! :)


Spain inherited Portugal as a a part of a personal union, which basically means Spain owns most of the New World, although Great Britain has the southern Caribbean, France (who's been crushed thoroughly this game) has Newfoundland, and Norway has most of the Maritimes and New England area.  Burgundy has also taken to some colonizing of Africa, along with Spain.


I haven't looked too much out East, though I did notice that Japan was unified and appears to be in Korea as well.  Manchu holds most of China.


Aside from conquering the German states, I am planning on focusing more on my colonial holdings now that I am becoming able to do so.


Sofa king fun.


I must say it sounds fun and interesting :)

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Damn, need to start playing EU IV. Finally got it installed on my Steam client. Can't wait.


Slightly tangential, most hilarious game of EU III I ever played had the Empire of Haiti slugging it out with Quebec over who should rule north America, crushing the Kingdom of Lousiana in the process (Spain and England had it all, but then fell apart due to instability and revolts... and my remove the *&^%$ lucky flag from the save game).



It's kinda like Ilum, variable. I've been able to solo them all so far, but lvl 51's/55's on Hutta/Ord Mantell, so that doesn't say much...

I haven't been to Ilum yet :)


Ok, found out how that group thing works for bounties. The hard way actually :)


No idea how you soloed a Kingpin, since they scale to your level and are Elite quality. Maybe if you have 7 pieces or armour with artifact mods (as well as a geared up companion), you may have a fighting chance. Most people, including me, won't have that while leveling up during the "story phase" of the game. Makes sense when you are level 55 though, because advancement then is due to gear, not character.


Since I had started all 3 kingpin bounties and assigned to different toons, I gave up rather quickly with my level 32 juggernaut. Next in line was my level 38 sniper. The latter was how I had the good fortune of discovering the group mechanic. I decided I didn't want to diss the quest, so I though, what the heck, lets go to Hutta and check out the opposition, I could always come back in a few months time (hopefully geared up for the task then).


As luck would have it, I ran across a level 32 mercenary who asked me if I could lend a hand with the very same Kingpin. Sure, we teamed up as a group and he triggered the final battle. Surprise... Suddenly he was fighting a level 38 Kingpin :lol:


If hanging around on the space station makes you lose all faith in humanity, this guy was the exact opposite. Actually had brains. Instead of bull rushing an unbeatable foe, he seemed to realise he couldn't really hurt him, nor the increasingly difficult add summons, so he back pedalled and focused on healing me instead (our two companions long since dead). It was a bit on the hard side and I got close to dying several times, but thanks to the constant healing I managed to stay in the fight until he was down to 10% (I had asked beforehand if he wanted the target dead or alive), so he rushed forward and carbonized him. This is where the second pleasant discovery came, as we prepared to repeat the exercise again (he offered to stay around for my fight) it had solved the Kingpin quest for both of us in one fell swoop :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Might & Magic X - I'm only a short bit into the game, but it feels decidedly old school Might & Magic.  That's a good thing.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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And now to post in the right thread:


Duck Tales WOO-OO!


Beat three levels so far.

You can choose in which order you want to play Amazon, Africa, Transylvania, Himalaya and the Moon, but some are deffinitly harder than others. Especially the boss fights.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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I thought I played that game as a kid, but the levels didn't look familiar at all. Realised that the game I played was actually Ducktales 2 - I didn't know there were two games. Would have been nice to combine the two into one rerelease given the near-identical gameplay. It'd be tricky to sell it standalone later anyhow given that.


Random aside: I thought there was something wrong with my computer graphics. Turns out Firefox just has a new icon. Yeah.

Edited by Humanoid


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Good lord, I love old school Bullfrog games (Dungeon Keeper, Theme Park, Populous) but are they hard to get running on newer operating systems! Took me almost two days to get Sim Theme Park (the european release of Theme Park World) running just so I can experience some nostalgia!

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Good lord, I love old school Bullfrog games (Dungeon Keeper, Theme Park, Populous) but are they hard to get running on newer operating systems! Took me almost two days to get Sim Theme Park (the european release of Theme Park World) running just so I can experience some nostalgia!


Hmm. My GoG versions of Dungeon Keeper and Syndicate American Revolt both worked fine without a hitch.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Guest Slinky


Good lord, I love old school Bullfrog games (Dungeon Keeper, Theme Park, Populous) but are they hard to get running on newer operating systems! Took me almost two days to get Sim Theme Park (the european release of Theme Park World) running just so I can experience some nostalgia!


Hmm. My GoG versions of Dungeon Keeper and Syndicate American Revolt both worked fine without a hitch.


GOG doesn't have the American Revolt expansion, you mean the original Syndicate or Syndicate Wars?

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I bought both. I thought it had American Revolt. Then I remember wrong and got confused with voting on the suggestion threads that they should add it.

I'll have to see if I can install my own disc version of american revolt onto the GoG version...

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Good lord, I love old school Bullfrog games (Dungeon Keeper, Theme Park, Populous) but are they hard to get running on newer operating systems! Took me almost two days to get Sim Theme Park (the european release of Theme Park World) running just so I can experience some nostalgia!


Hmm. My GoG versions of Dungeon Keeper and Syndicate American Revolt both worked fine without a hitch.



I plan on buying Dungeon Keeper at some point but I got that the old discs to work (using fan patches) better than the official version - Theme Park World, on the other hand, hasn't been released on GoG and pretty much requires a ton of patches and fixes and even some hex editing to work optimally.

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GoG's version of DK1, last I knew, is not the "Gold" version (no Deeper Dungeons, no editor). Hence I haven't bought it. My DK-Gold still works on my XP system just fine, so I'm still golden. :biggrin:


Today I bought 999x3 Nightmare Lockboxes off the auction house in NWOnline (21 AD per box), because I have too many diamonds and nothing to spend it on, so why not. I figure either I'll slowly (very very slowly) buy the keys, one or two at a time, off the AH as well, and/or sell off the Lockboxes 6-8 months from now when they're not as common (since no more NM boxes after Fey release) and some folk will still be wanting those special horsies or Tene enchants. Or they'll just sit and rot in my Bank stash. Whatever. It's only diamonds. :teehee:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I was thinking of picking up that new XCom game, Declassified or something, but the reviews I've read aren't very glowing.  So I might wait until a few folks that I trust play it before I make the leap.  By then it might even be a lot cheaper.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I bought both. I thought it had American Revolt. Then I remember wrong and got confused with voting on the suggestion threads that they should add it.

I'll have to see if I can install my own disc version of american revolt onto the GoG version...

Judging by hearsay it works fine. 

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Conquering backwards nations in Africa (and taking some Norwegian holdings in North America).  Also finally consolidated the mess that was Bohemia! (it was like a 150 year long process or so, it seemed... haha).  No eying Burgundy, while also focusing on developing my economy more by leveraging my mountains of ducats to build manufactories (which affect both trade and production income, which makes them pretty lucrative).


Of course.... I am spending thousands of ducats simply so that I can.... quickly make thousands of ducats.....



Also, the Danes aren't so bad.  We've dropped embargoes and are now Allies.  In a war to help them conquer some of Kazan.  Although I doubt I help... Too far away.  More in spirit.

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I was thinking of picking up that new XCom game, Declassified or something, but the reviews I've read aren't very glowing.  So I might wait until a few folks that I trust play it before I make the leap.  By then it might even be a lot cheaper.


If I were you and had decided in the end to buy XCOM, I'd definitely wait for the expansion XCOM: Enemy Within and get them together. Replayability was one of the biggest problems with the core-game and the expansion is added a lot of new maps to be cycled for regular missions as well as new research trees, weapons and enemies. 

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