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I hear the only

immersion breaker  is that your companions can be loud, running,... and get away with it?

Either of you bothered by that? I don't think i will be.

Edited by Majek

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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I hate clickers so very much. Around 90% of my deaths so far have come at the hands of clickers. Clickers alone are easy enough to deal with as you can walk right past time as long as you go slow and stay out of their patrol routes, but a clicker or two in the middle of a pack of runners makes them considerably more dangerous as they'll often run up while you are trying to beat back the rest of the horde.


I'm about half way through the game so far right now. Bricks are my number one friend. They've saved my life, or at least a bullet's worth of it more times than I can count. Take care of your brick (by throwing it into the face of an enemy) and it will take care of you (by staggering the enemy for 3 seconds allowing you to beat them down). My number two friend is the shotgun. I am terrible at aiming with a controller. >_<

Yeah, aiming on consoles is a nightmare. I don't see why they bothered to add "sway" when it's hard enough to get a headshot with a joystick to begin with. At any rate, the welcoming committee in Pittsburgh was refreshing because it had zero clickers.


I hear the only

immersion breaker  is that your companions can be loud, running,... and get away with it?

Either of you bothered by that? I don't think i will be.

As long as they're distracting Clickers I have no problem.

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I hear the only

immersion breaker  is that your companions can be loud, running,... and get away with it?

Either of you bothered by that? I don't think i will be.

It's beyond just the noise and running. They can literally stand in the middle of an enemy patrol route, have the enemy walk into them and the enemy will completely ignore them. I am eternally grateful for this as otherwise it would be incredibly annoying trying to stealth any area of the game. Having enemies walk into your allies and not respond is a little immersion breaking, but typically it happens right before a fight breaks out and then you get swept up in the combat and forget all about it so it isn't as big a deal as it might be otherwise.

Edited by Deraldin
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Is the game keyboard friendly? No?

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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I hear the only

immersion breaker  is that your companions can be loud, running,... and get away with it?

Either of you bothered by that? I don't think i will be.

It's beyond just the noise and running. They can literally stand in the middle of an enemy patrol route, have the enemy walk into them and the enemy will completely ignore them. I am eternally grateful for this as otherwise it would be incredibly annoying trying to stealth any area of the game. Having enemies walk into your allies and not respond is a little immersion breaking, but typically it happens right before a fight breaks out and then you get swept up in the combat and forget all about it so it isn't as big a deal as it might be otherwise.


Yeah, if the alternative was Tess and Ellie constantly attracting Clickers in the subway the game would be unplayable without major changes to the mechanics.



Is the game keyboard friendly? No?

A mouse for aiming would be great, four keys for movement wouldn't really work, as movement speed is variable depending on how far you're pushing the stick and movement speed is one of the biggest and most sensitive factors in sneaking, especially when dealing with Clickers. I don't know how it would work out when getting swarmed. Well, when you get swarmed you tend to get Clicked, anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter.

Edited by AGX-17
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I played a game of go outside for a bike ride.  Unbelievable graphics, so lifelike, and the effects?  I mean, you could literally feel the wind in your hair (what little I have left).  Also, the 3D is mind-blowing.

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Would love to play The Last of Us ... would not love to pay $359 for the privilege, now, on a console with 256MB RAM ... am currently playing the very confusing and poorly-written game of Amazon Pre-order: Launch Day PS4 ... can't wait to stream The Last of Us via cloud to a console with 8GB of RAM. :) 

All Stop. On Screen.

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Would love to play The Last of Us ... would not love to pay $359 for the privilege, now, on a console with 256MB RAM ... am currently playing the very confusing and poorly-written game of Amazon Pre-order: Launch Day PS4 ... can't wait to stream The Last of Us via cloud to a console with 8GB of RAM. :)

I hear that's got quite the learning curve.  Good luck and congrats on your future console.


🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Tried to play some more Remember Me. Emphasise on tried. The game is annoying me too much. If there is a way to gift Steam games one has already installed and played, I'd do it...

The things I hate:

Walk speed dictated by the game according to where you are: you slowly wander into the area because the game wants you to... walk really slow? Then you are running for the rest of the street, then turning the corner you have to walk slow again. As you reach the two opponents, combat starts. Just as you try to punch the first of the two, the game freezes and tells you that "Hey why not enter your combo lab to set up your new combo?" Now they could just flash an alert on screen and let you enter the menu at your own leasure, but no, combat can't proceed until you do this the moment they want you to. You set up the combo and think that now you can fight. Noooooo. After a few punches the game freezses again. Now it wants you to do something else.

You'd think after the first couple of fights this ham-fisted hand-holding would be over. Nope. Nearly every combat the game decides to freeze and have you do whatever.

Dear devs. I wanted to actually play your game. I understand now that the idea is anathema to you and you have to stop me once every 5 minutes from doing so. I apologize.

So I watch the cutscene and quit.

Mistake. Loading the game the cutscene has to be watched again. After all, skipping would be wrong. You can't skip cutscenes. And you made the mistake of missing one of the few hidden things? Even though the game is so restrictive in its movement you cant really miss anything? Play the episode again... but rewatch all those cutscenes. This forces you to watch a cutscene for a third or fourth time? Tough. They put work into it. So be gratefull and rewatch that monologue until you know it by heart.


Well. After less than 4 hours I am no longer interested in the story forced down my throat or the gameplay that in so fractured that I can't enjoy it.

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Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Tried playing SWTor on the new server I've moved some of my characters to (Begeren Colony). Ye gods, the technical issues are horrible, to the point of making the game *literally* unplayable. In an hour and a half, I got kick out by the server no less than 8 (yes, EIGHT!) times. Not talking about disconnections, those are easily fixed by logging in and continue where you were, but the game simply *kicks* you of the game, all the way to your desktop. Got kick out from a flashpoint, then twice from a warzone trying to play something of short duration. Ended back up in my ship. Then back to the Aussie server and played 4 hours without a single problem. I foresee my fascination with this game ends at the end of the month (when the local server shuts down for good).

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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The Last of Us. I've never been good with tense games, so I had to take a break after a few hours to read a book.


It's fantastic.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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The Last of Us. I've never been good with tense games, so I had to take a break after a few hours to read a book.


It's fantastic.

The game is really good about interspersing combat areas with non combat areas so that even in the times when there are no enemies around, you still feel like they could show up at any moment.


Spoilers for 70% mark:



I just got to the university and walking through the main outdoor area where there is this group of monkeys just chilling. The moment I saw them I had flashbacks of System Shock 2 and the goddamn psionic monkeys. I spent the rest of the level just waiting for those little bastards to sneak up and attack me. No monkey attacks on my person yet, but you do find out that the fireflies were experimenting with the spore infection on them and at least one person was infected when he was bitten by a monkey.


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I have just finished the latest version of DMC (Devil May Cry) and I loved it. I'm not sure why more people don't rate it more highly. The aspects of the game I really  enjoyed include


  • The  interpretation of the world beset by demonic forces who seek to control humanity. If such things were real that's exactly how they would operate. Controlling the media and financial institutions makes sense
  • There were a huge number of combat moves and ways to make Dante really effective in combat
  • When  you died you weren't sent back too far in the game, so there wasn't this sense of frustration around death
  • The narrative was interesting. I liked the way Vergil recruited Dante and the reasons around who they were and why they opposed Mundus


If you played this game what didn't you enjoy about it?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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If you played this game what didn't you enjoy about it?

The general simplification when it came to weapons/moves/combat score and boss fights.

The latter got so bad with the pull chains that any form of regular movement was undesirable.

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If you played this game what didn't you enjoy about it?

The general simplification when it came to weapons/moves/combat score and boss fights.

The latter got so bad with the pull chains that any form of regular movement was undesirable.



Just so I understand what you mean are you saying that using the chain pull strategy made the boss fights too easy?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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If you played this game what didn't you enjoy about it?

The general simplification when it came to weapons/moves/combat score and boss fights.

The latter got so bad with the pull chains that any form of regular movement was undesirable.



Just so I understand what you mean are you saying that using the chain pull strategy made the boss fights too easy?


It's not so much that they were easy as shallow.

Spamming the same combination of chain pulls allowed you to doge attacks and close distance that would ordinarily require some complex dodging or maneuvering.

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If you played this game what didn't you enjoy about it?

The general simplification when it came to weapons/moves/combat score and boss fights.

The latter got so bad with the pull chains that any form of regular movement was undesirable.



Just so I understand what you mean are you saying that using the chain pull strategy made the boss fights too easy?


It's not so much that they were easy as shallow.

Spamming the same combination of chain pulls allowed you to doge attacks and close distance that would ordinarily require some complex dodging or maneuvering.



Okay I see what you mean, personally for me in these types of games I don't want the end boss fights to be too hard as I don't want to spend hours on one fight. So once I worked out the strategy to beat the various bosses in DMC the repetition suited me. But I can understand your grievance

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Beat Demon's Souls in around 35 hours of game time.


This is the first time I've experienced this sort of a game, I hope more games go to this direction where being a "bullet sponge" and brute-forcing fights is not the proper solution. The report's of the game's difficulty have been somewhat exaggerated, it's just that you need to play it with a very different mind-set compared to most hacky slashy experiences. You can't charge right into a group of enemies and own everyone like Kratos, but,  Kratos can't kill most enemies in 5 seconds either no matter how carefully you plan.


There was only 1 really frustrating bit, and that was blue dragon spamming its sweeping firebreath on stairs in stage 1-4. Right at the end of fighting probably the toughest, craftiest enemies in game, you put a timing puzzle that's insta-death if you fail and has very vague indicator of safe timing. No! Bad Demon's Souls! The first blue dragon timing puzzle was alright because you showed a safe spot by having an enemy stand there and take no damage, but this is too far


If we leave that part out, the game rewards player's carefulness and observation skills extremely well.

Edited by Nordicus
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You might as well try Devil May Cry 3 then, for the PS2 which is absolute torture on the standard difficulty.

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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Nordicus and? You've still got NG+ to play. And trying all the worlds on Pure Black World Tendency. Mwahahaha. 




And in Pure White WT there are not dragons around and other such surprises around the worlds.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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I might try the NG+ that doesn't do anything else but buff numbers some other time :p


I still have Dark Souls sitting on my shelf waiting for its eventual turn. Though right now I'm trying to stay away from Souls series for a short while, unlearn everything about Demon's Souls so Dark Souls will feel that much more brutal.

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Trying out the NWN 2 mod - BG Reloaded. Feels like there are some bugs and it's definitely more difficult, because you can't activate spawns partially :D - not to mention that ECL races (for example Viconia) have much more difficult time there, but it is still fun. A lot of custom classes and some subraces (half celestial with ECL like 5? - you need 15k exp to reach lvl 2) !!!

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Alamur keeps delivering. The Siege of Tel Menshir (or however that's spelled) makes the Battle of Ostagar in Dragon Age look like a schoolyard fight.


The game is great fun in a sort of Saints Row 3-esque way.

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The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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