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I, perhaps paradoxically, think that a KOTOR 3 would have had greater chance of being made had TOR been a runaway success, since it could be viewed as ancillary and complementary to a big TOR machine, with the two feeding off each other in some capacity.  There's a large gap of time between KOTOR 2 and TOR that could have been filled.



I'd certainly like to see Obsidian getting another crack at it, however.  The biggest issue, I would imagine, would be financing.  EA would have to also be interested in ponying up the money, and I am not sure if they'd be keen on a smaller scale game (which I assume is what Obsidian would do, compared to the other bigger budgeted affairs).

I think that after what TOR did to the canon maybe it's better if that game doesn't get made. If it was for me that whole chapter would be struck out and the story resumed from KOTOR 2. Besides we may have avoided the disaster that would be EA giving Ninja Theory the chance to make their first RPG.

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I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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TOR destroying the canon of the KotOR's is just a silly internet myth.  You are either thinking too highly of the lore from the first two, or you are thinking too little about TOR.  All three games range between uneven and good at various times.   

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"the last good thing labelled "star wars" was kotor 2"


Not saying much sicner there's only been 3 good SW games. the KOTORS which are merely average and some older one that I played as a kiddie. TOR don't count since I have not played it.


I wonder if this means a KOTOR by BIO may be in the future... Doubtful but you never know. No doubt EA will want tot ake advantage of the license and since KOTOR series is one of the most successful SW  IPs it would make sense to take advantage of it.



"I, perhaps paradoxically, think that a KOTOR 3 would have had greater chance of being made had TOR been a runaway success, since it could be viewed as ancillary and complementary to a big TOR machine, with the two feeding off each other in some capacity.  There's a large gap of time between KOTOR 2 and TOR that could have been filled."

TOR sold more than either KOTOR. The issue was cost and a preusmed KOTOR3 would be much cheaper. TOR was/is more popualr than either earlier KOTOR.


Then again, does EA/BIO really want to have a ME vs KOTOR War? I'd prefer a more RPGish ME than overrated SW ****.

Edited by Volourn


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Are EA actually publishing games any more in the 'go out and find an external studio to make game x for $$$ y' sense? I thought pretty much everything (exc EA Partners stuff, which may be defunct anyway) was developed by internal studios now.


Not that I know of, but I expect there to be some level of change with JR on the outs (I also don't know exactly what the "EA Partners" is and what it means to be a part of it).  I'm not sure how that will necessarily affect things, though I would expect an Obsidian Star Wars RPG to still be a long shot regardless.  In any case, if Obsidian were interested in making one, at this point they'd have to go through EA, so hopefully an arrangement can be made.

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TOR destroying the canon of the KotOR's is just a silly internet myth.  You are either thinking too highly of the lore from the first two, or you are thinking too little about TOR.  All three games range between uneven and good at various times.   

That's a common thread with BW games, but I overall disliked TOR's treatment of established characters. Probably because I think too highly of KOTOR 2.

  • Like 2
I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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There's already something out there that's good tying in the time between KOTOR2 and TOR:



You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

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TOR destroying the canon of the KotOR's is just a silly internet myth.  You are either thinking too highly of the lore from the first two, or you are thinking too little about TOR.  All three games range between uneven and good at various times.   

That's a common thread with BW games, but I overall disliked TOR's treatment of established characters. Probably because I think too highly of KOTOR 2.


Agreed, TOR by itself has an interesting storyline. But "Meetra Surik" killed it for me.



Edited by NKKKK



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To be honest I was bummed when I saw the video of the Exile booo-ing about is a ghost. Maybe somehow the character is better when you play the game, but then I could just think: Is this the best you could do with a character like that?


And here's hoping Obs can make a deal with EA.

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I'm as big an Obsidian fan as anyone else, if they handled character development and writing for every game that would make me a happy guy.  But TOR is a gigantic universe with a ton of different story threads, and I try not to let the bad ones bother me.  For the most part they are few and far between.


The whole Revanite cult is actually one for my favorite parts of TOR. 

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To be honest I was bummed when I saw the video of the Exile booo-ing about is a ghost. Maybe somehow the character is better when you play the game, but then I could just think: Is this the best you could do with a character like that?


And here's hoping Obs can make a deal with EA.

The Revan book explains exactly why that is, and the importance of it. It tells the Exile's story about as much as it does Revan. Drew (naturally) wrote that part of TOR.

You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

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To be honest I was bummed when I saw the video of the Exile booo-ing about is a ghost. Maybe somehow the character is better when you play the game, but then I could just think: Is this the best you could do with a character like that?


And here's hoping Obs can make a deal with EA.

The Revan book explains exactly why that is, and the importance of it. It tells the Exile's story about as much as it does Revan. Drew (naturally) wrote that part of TOR.

Let me rephrase: My problem is with the Exile floating next to Revan, talking in the style of a stereotypical, lame ghost out of a children's story.

"Beware ~oohoooohhhhh!"

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Anyone else get a Rorscarh and Watchmen vibe from this?

Only from the voice-over, a bit. The cutscene gives me more of an Asimov robots + Skynet future 'bots vibe, or something along those lines.
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Well, the music too - they chose 'All along the Watctower', a Dylan song like in Watchmen.. But funny enough it's basically the Cylon theme song from Battlestar. Guess they are going for as many references as they can.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Well, the music too - they chose 'All along the Watctower', a Dylan song like in Watchmen..

That song has been around and used a lot long before Watchmen ... it could be a reference to something else/I don't personally associate it with a movie. Altho with the narration vibe I'll take your word that it probably is (wouldn't surprise me, media loves to reference, heh). Oddly I never think of it as a Dylan song, even tho I know he wrote it/performs it ... Dylan to me = awesome songwriter of songs for other people to sing. :p

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Anyone else get a Rorscarh and Watchmen vibe from this?

Only from the voice-over, a bit. The cutscene gives me more of an Asimov robots + Skynet future 'bots vibe, or something along those lines.


I kept hoping that it would be robo Hitler.

  • Like 1
I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I think they're still going with the OTT approach.

Never change, Saints Row, never change.  I'll even forgive the liberal use of wub wub in an attempt to appease the unquenchable thirst for dubstep of the Trailer Gods, because of the lunacy, the glorious lunacy.  I'm already looking forward to once again punching people in the ****.


Murica, **** yeah!

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Yeah, I'll be honest its the OTT aspects of Saints Row that got me into the series. I don't think I'd have like 1 has I played it. So looking forward to 4.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I really want to like it but it... looks like any other FPS.


I don't know what's going on with art direction nowadays, but think of all the sheer fun you could have with Nazi 1960's tech. Instead they've got robots with a Balkankreuze that could be robots in any FPS.


I know Dishonored and Bioshock 3 had great art direction, so there are folks out there getting it right.


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That 3rd screen has got to be an homage to Alien. The robot's head/mouth looks like a freaking Alien. :lol:


And I tend to think the majority of FPS tend to look the same, too. Art style differs of course (people and object looks), but there's a general sense of graphical or design similarity about them when you look at screenies. What's different for me is that I'm not sure it was that different in the PC-gaming past. I mean, Doom came out, a lot of games looked like Doom for a while. It happens.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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