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Arcanum and mass Effect 3. Doing stuff in Quintarra in Arcanum. Also doing some side quests that I have left unfinished for some time. In Mass Effect 3, I meet everyone's favourite Turian. He'll be with me as much as possible.

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They're similar enough that you'll enjoy all of them. The main difference is that earlier games have larger, more sprawling levels which is a lot more fun, but I think TDS is also a very good, very fun game.

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I wouldn't have thought the most vitriolic DA2 opinions were from Witcher fanboys anyway, they're far more likely to be Jilted Bioware Fans or Professional EA Haters.


Witcher may get used a bit as a comparison but if you have haters hating they're not going to be reasonable and say "The Witcher has some very good and well designed quests that require some actual thinking, but it does have a fair few kill x or fetch and carry quests as well which often involve trudging over the same areas", they're going to talk about the well designed quests and how DA2 definitely had none of those, nosiree, its quests were all complete asterisks, that nasty Laidlaw chap kept going on about awesome Bhutan too (been there, nice but not awesome so false advertising!!!) and my dog died immediately after playing- coincidence? I think not!

On all the sites I frequented when the two games were released, it was about 70% Witcher fans hurling vitriol at the then-unreleased DA2 and about a 50/50 split between Biodrones claiming DA2 would be the best RPG ever and fans of DAO who were outraged by the sequel's promised changes.


Anyway, about to try "KING'S BOUNTY CROSSWORLDS GOTY." No familiarity with the title, but it was $2.00 and had better review scores than most of the other games in the sale. Now downloading Alan Wake (which flew under my radar completely until about a year ago, since it didn't hit PC until 2 years after its original ecksbawcks release.)





Agx you need to be patient and continue to play Witcher 1, it does get better. If there is anything that confuses you about the plot please ask, you have always been very helpful with sharing insight in other games so don't be embarrassed. Have you had a threesome with the Vampiresses yet? You'll enjoy that  :fdevil:



Now you're just insulting me.
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Actually, I think BruceVC is genuine, and that's what scares me. I've never seen someone talk so consistently like an English textbook on polite speech.

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i think it's refreshing, the internet could use more polite fellows.

Edited by entrerix
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Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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i think it's refreshing, the internet could use more polite fellows.

Oh, go **** yourself you ******* *******!
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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Technicolour bear god or spectral schizophrenic soul devourer, decisions, decisions.

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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Finished HoTS, thumbs up to them for that Gohan vs Cell fight.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Agreed.  I actually felt bad when I was in a sour mood and snapped at him!


Though he didn't seem to acknowledge my PM so I assume he hates me! :sorcerer:



I did respond :) Remember I said my jokes are sometimes misunderstood, I'll resend my PM to you.


Its strange but on the previous website I use to frequent people told me I had a weird style of posting.  I never really understood what they meant. I have a policy when it comes to my posts, " everything I need to say on the Internet am I prepared to say that to the persons face in RL"


I stand by that, I very seldom feel the need to insult people unless they are really rude and I try to treat everyone with respect. I do joke sometimes, but then my jokes should be obvious. I do not Troll, I feel Trolling is waste of intellectual discussion. People do sometimes mistake my jokes with Trolling. Of course like everyone in this world I get annoyed by  some comments like bigotry but I really enjoy interesting debates around possibly  controversial comments like religion or politics :)


"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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The Belial fight in SC2 was pretty funny, less of a pain than it was in D3. Seems like they did a retcon on the Zerg origin, though, but I guess they have to give the Horde treatment (non-evil race corrupted by the Big Bad, now redeeemd).


Kerrigan's interactions being "I don't like killing" or "OBEY ME!" is a bit worn. Abathur is kind of funny in the moments when he wants to analyze Kerrigan.

Heh, I didn't realize that the Belial fight was what they were copying. I knew they were copying SOMETHING from D3 with that, just not exactly what.


And yeah, they did a pretty serious retcon on both the Zerg origins, and Kerrigans relationship with Raynor. I was willing to let the Kerrigan/Raynor thing go in WoL because it seemed more like one of those "Character has a crush so he embarks on a crusade to save the crush". But in HotS they make it into pretty much "these two were passionate lovers prior to her infestation".

Yeah, the plotholes and retcons are a bit infuriating, really. The most annoying part is where Narud turns out to have control over the Tal'Darim, whereas he spent a significant part of WoL paying Raynor to steal artifacts from them. He was paying him to steal stuff he already owns.

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Finished Game of Thrones season 2, so I'm back to being focused on Wings of Liberty. Also checked out the first map of Heart of the Swarm. Jim's gone creepy on us. Kerrigan a bit too. The drama is too much for me.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Heart of the Swarm also. I wonder if the Zerus missions are optional? Could be interesting if you could skip what happens there. Really love it though, the Zerg going home and seeing where they come from, and how different they've become. Then learning new things from the "old ways".

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Heart of the Swarm reminds of The Frozen Throne: There are more exciting twists to the mission designs, than in the plotline.


But the campaign is too short. It comprises only 20 missions (the evolution "missions" don't count). Compare that with 26 for The Frozen Throne and 28 for Brood War. I knew that the campaign would be shorter than Wings of Liberty's 29 missions, but I was still left disappointed.


I honestly feel that the game should be half the price, and I simply cannot recommend purchasing it based on the campaign.

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I honestly feel that the game should be half the price, and I simply cannot recommend purchasing it based on the campaign.




I also was disappointed that there were no choices in the campaign. I do not mind if the choices in Wings of Liberty result in a canon choice and one that didn't happen come the expansion. I still had fun with those choices. Heart of the Swarm I just watcha  story that isn't very good, knowing that it had been more engaging before.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Started The Witcher last night. It's alright, I guess. I really don't see why it has such a rabid fanboy base. The combat so far has been rather dull and repetetive (maybe this will change with more levelling, but as it stands it's almost like a real-time with pause dumbed-down version of Mario RPG's timed attack system,) the story isn't particularly engrossing and the male-gaze perspective is just obscene. I'll keep playing it until the other 4 GOG.com 80% off games finish downloading, or until it actually becomes really interesting.


The fact that the first three sidequests available are generic MMO fetch quests is not a good sign. When Witcher fanboys started their vitriol campaign against Dragon Age 2, I was ambivalent because the more someone feels the need to denigrate others/another product, it shows they're afraid of it. Thus far, DA2 is still looking to come out on top of The Witcher, despite its massive, myriad flaws. Not a good sign, either.

I'd take the Witcher 1 combat over any of the strict turn based rule sets that rpg fans long for. I mostly can't get into many of these Kickstarters because of that. Yeah, the story elements are nice, but those combat systems are as unappealing as it gets. I almost wish I didn't support the game I did because the combat looks like a joke so far. I'm leaning towards supporting the new Torment though, mainly because the story elements are still better than all of the other titles that it almost won't matter if the combat sucks.

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spent most of the day playing heart of the swarm, it's... ok.


honestly, its probably my nostalgia goggles, but i remember the campaign from warcraft 2 and starcraft being miles better than those in warcraft 3 and starcraft 2

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Was able to get a copy of SimCity for free, so I have been trying it out.  Decidedly addictive I find, and I am enjoying the multiplayer aspect.

Let me know your origin name. Would be nice to build a city with some one from this board. Still learning the game myself.

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Finished Sleeping Hogs. I went into it with quite low expectations, but it turned out a pretty decent sandbox game after all. Not quite up to Yakuza standards (yet), but it's the next best thing.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Strange thing happened a while ago. After I moved to Ukraine, The Origin Shop stopped working, because of the inherent geo-ip locator, which meant that all my payment options were rendered invalid.. After quite a few attempts I finally found a working shop page on EA, which despite being in Russian left me with little doubt about the contents, so I managed to buy 800 biopoints, but after that transaction went through the shop page was suddenly displaying a 1600 bioware point item on that page as well.. Right at that moment I lost every interest in game and I haven't bothered with it since.


Due to some messages on the KoTORII subforums here about the game, like "black screens" and "not working" I started playing it again. It feels really ackward somehow to play a main character without a voice and having dialogue options that are actually spelled out and with all the time in the world to decide on what to select.. Not to mention that I can name my save games.. Big improvements over the now, but sadly that's all in the past.   

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