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After listening to Alanschu talk about it, I decided to pick up NBA2k13.  I'm super impressed, the way they handle the creating of a player is fantastic. Great presentation, great development.  This is definitely going to fit well with my career as a baseball player in MLB The Show.  The only probelm is I'm terrible at basketball.  I watch games now and then, but I never played much competitively and I have no idea what I'm doing.  I managed to get a C- on the second try of the rookie showcase, that's not good.  I was drafted by the Celtics, so hopefully I'll get better.

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Do you have it for 360?  (I picked it up for 360 so I could milk the "virtual currency" from other angles to help make my player better).


If so we should play a game.



There's one thing I would recommend.  I'll find exactly where you go to find them, but I would turn "CPU Plays" on, so the AI coach will call plays, and then turn on "show all plays" for "all players."  I know these last two can be set in the pause menu of a live game.  Not sure about the first one.


It'll put play routes on the floor for you to follow which can be a big help.



I have some issues with the game (sync'd animations can be frustrating), but in general I do enjoy it. 



Some other things:


In the main menu (not in MyCareer), there's a game mode called "Training Camp" which coaches you through various maneuvers and controls for how to play in various situations.  Very helpful.

There's also a setting for "Shot Feedback" which, when you shoot a jump shot, will give you a grade for your shot, and gives a visual indicator for how well your shot is for shot timing, shot range, and defender presence.  Green is good, yellow is average, red is bad.  From there it spits out a letter grade.  For shot timing it'll also show if you're too early, perfect, or too late.



It's a pretty deep game, and it might be intimidating if you aren't too familiar with basketball.  The shot timing thing is huge for the MyCareer.  Take the "shootaround" mode and just practice shooting shots from mid range to get a feel for the timing for your player.  If you have any questions let me know!

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Hard Reset.  Having fun fighting 4 giant insectoid robots that shoot cutting lasers and rockets at me.  I need to get better at shooters.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Started with the DoWII - Retribution campaign. So far, so good.

I think that's the first time I've ever heard someone say something positive about the Retribution campaign. Did you ever play Chaos Rising? If not you should try to pick it up the next time it's on sale because it's campaign blows Retribution out of the water in almost every way.

Edited by Serrano
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trying to find a fun turn based rpg to play


maybe its time to finally replay toee, i haven't played it since it was released, i remember it being pretty ok



Fallout Tactics :) Avernum Saga. Maybe Heroes 6 though not good as previous games.

Also there is a new "indie" coming named Omerta: City of Gangster on gog.com. Seems like a nice game but gonna released end of this month.



Fallout Tactics isn't an RPG. It's also not turn-based by default.

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Played through all of the COD's recently... yes ALLL of them.



Started digging into Killzone 3. Honestly? the game feels like a lot of wasted potential. They have such AMAZING graphics http://www.gaming411.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/killzone-3-20100531000750490.jpg but the story and gameplay are iffy. Basically you're the Space Good Guys (who have faces) against space Nazi's (who are the red-eyed yahoo's you'll see if you so much as google "killz"). Your main protagonists could fit almost all of dialogue into any other wargame and have it fit, and they decided to make "cover" a core mechanics. It's an FPS...


If you gave that graphics fidelity to the people who made Metro or Spec Ops, even Treyarch (Black Ops2? Pretty interesting story and consequence design), and let them run with it? You'd have a game that's AMAZING with unique gameplay, a fantastic story, and a graphics system that just sucks you in.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Finished all 5 episodes of the Spartan Ops campaign.  Apparently the new ones are coming out on Monday?


Playing Halo 4, I'm seeing how BioWare dropped the ball when it came to their desire to include a multiplayer component for Mass Effect 3.  The Spartan Ops campaign would have been a nice touch, especially considering the N7 missions you were given, where players could have played as another Alliance soldier during events that run simultaneous to the SP game.  And I won't even go into the various match types in the MP.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I just completed Dungeon Keeper - Deeper dungeons. I thought about Frapsing it and tossing up a Let's Play of it but didn't get around to it. Not decided what my next will be..

Deeper Dungeons is the best. I love the levels with all the tunnelers. :)


Am still slowly making my way through a solo game of BL2. I failed round 5 of the Ore Chasm arena 3 times (7 waves, only got to 6th wave, grr), so I've been farming the lava dragon for gear and leveling up a bit more. The first 4 rounds of that arena were pretty easy, the last one became crazy. Especially when you're trying to get the critical-hit sub-goal.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I find defense super duper hard.  I tend to NOT use the triggers (Intense D or Turbo) very often, and I turned down the CPU assist (since it made my character move in unpredictable ways.


What position are you playing?


Oh, is there any way to change my guys voice?  He sounds ridiculous.  Maybe I should change my college to an ivy league?

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Played and beat Super Meat Boy (light world)


My fingers hurt like they'd been smashed with a sledgehammer. Apparently Edmund McMillen did not see a reason to include a button configuration option! Thumb on spacebar, ring/little finger on left Shift. Aaagh

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I am currently playing Spellforce: the Order of Dawn, and I am not far from the end (of the first game, without addons). Very interesting, I like how they mixed RTS and RPG, even if there is no pause (so you have to be quick) and even if the whole first campaign seems to be a huge tutorial. I really hope that the addons and the sequel will contain much of story.

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Trying to finish up Outland. I got back into it thinks to a Tsilon challenge around Christmas and I've been playing it off and on since then. Mostly in 15 minute bursts. I'm on the final world area. Having enemies switch affinity on you in the middle of a combo is really annoying, especially when it allows them to survive long enough to counter attack you.

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Played and beat Super Meat Boy (light world)


My fingers hurt like they'd been smashed with a sledgehammer. Apparently Edmund McMillen did not see a reason to include a button configuration option! Thumb on spacebar, ring/little finger on left Shift. Aaagh

I'm pretty sure i remember changing buttons manually in one of the files. Or maybe you should google it.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Played and beat Super Meat Boy (light world)


My fingers hurt like they'd been smashed with a sledgehammer. Apparently Edmund McMillen did not see a reason to include a button configuration option! Thumb on spacebar, ring/little finger on left Shift. Aaagh

I'm pretty sure i remember changing buttons manually in one of the files. Or maybe you should google it.

Yup. Keybindings are kept in buttonmap.cfg. You can go in and manually change them.

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