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So still better than going to the movies? :)

Yup; cheaper, about the same length of time, and more enjoyable than most movies. I'm certainly not regretting the purchase, just know that it's over rather quickly.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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More Dark Souls.


I think I'm getting addicted. So I've made it through Anor Londo. And I'm looking for a place to farm blue titanite to upgrade my sword. Dark Souls 2 is on my definite pre-order list at this point.

Magic weapons are underpowered in Dark Souls.

My Enchanted Balder Side Sword is more powerful than half my soul spears. It's doing pretty well.


The sword you're talking about requires a higher strength stat than I have an interest in investing in.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Far Cry 3. Finished the main story, thought the game was fantastic, thought the endings were pretty ****, though. Don't know why some people think the game is overrated, then again I never played the first two, so I didn't really know what to expect.


Sexist, not sexism. It's not a subtle analysis of sexism, it's sending a misogynistic message.




"The female characters in Red Dead Redemption are only there to nag and complain before a passing murderer uses her as a knife storage. Every woman lies to you, and most of them try to kill you. It's the first Western based on a passive aggressive letter to some ****'s ex-wife"


"I got scared when I tied a pleading woman to the train tracks, watched her turn into a cloud of chili and then realized that was a secret achievement. It felt like the game was saying, 'Ha! I knew there was as much wrong with you as there is with me!' I suddenly got the feeling that Red Dead Redemption had been keeping track of and masturbating to my long string of whore slayings."


That article was meant as a joke.


The article is comedic commentary on the game's content. He didn't just make it all up, like he did Miguel for Fat Chicks in Party Hats.



As for the writing, the game's early attempts at pathos are comically heavy-handed, but that's well in keeping with the series thus far. Some of the ME2 subplots did exceed this expectation-- particulary Mordin's and Samara's loyalty missions-- but those are exceptions to the rule of ham-handed "you should be sad now" moments, like the one in the prologue with the kid. It's disappointing, but it's a familiar disappointment that I've felt ever since that first chat with the Citadel Council in ME1. I didn't expect that the series would change its stripes this late in the offing, but I do hope that I can find some similar highpoints in subplots later on.


Don't expect this to improve. Expect it to get worse. Expect your "ruthless" reputed renegade Shepard to angst like a JRPG protagonist while everyone else says "Snap out of it Shepard! You have a Galaxy to save!"

Edited by AGX-17
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bouncing around between far cry 3 and FTL


im not really feeling far cry 3 as much as i was expecting, the first couple hours had me hooked, but after taking down the first dozen or so encampments im starting to feel the game become a bit repetitive. will it get better or does it just continue on the same path of "sneak into hostile territory, take out encampment, climb the array, move on to next region"?

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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bouncing around between far cry 3 and FTL


im not really feeling far cry 3 as much as i was expecting, the first couple hours had me hooked, but after taking down the first dozen or so encampments im starting to feel the game become a bit repetitive. will it get better or does it just continue on the same path of "sneak into hostile territory, take out encampment, climb the array, move on to next region"?


There are more mission types and some minigames, and the story missions shake up things a bit, but if you don't enjoy the core shooting gameplay you'll probably keep finding the game repetitive. Personally, while the single mission types could have used more variation, I feel like the game is really smart in offering you enough activities and tools that you keep jumping from one to another, and every single one of them is at the very least enjoyable. The story sickens me, though.

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Guess I missed the "increased drop rates" of rare stuff weekend for Borderlands 2, since I didn't know it existed until this morning. But I would have had to go online for it, so meh...no biggie. Here's hoping the DLC will be awesome chaotic co-op fun. Not sure which chr. pair hubby and I will try it out with yet .. lvl 50's or ones in their mid-30's.


Was disappointed that level cap may not be raised in this one, like I thought. If not, wonder how they're going to implement it. A separate patch someday? That might make sense, so then people aren't forced to have a DLC just to get a small level cap rise.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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bouncing around between far cry 3 and FTL


im not really feeling far cry 3 as much as i was expecting, the first couple hours had me hooked, but after taking down the first dozen or so encampments im starting to feel the game become a bit repetitive. will it get better or does it just continue on the same path of "sneak into hostile territory, take out encampment, climb the array, move on to next region"?


The enemy types change/get more difficult the further along you go. More snipers/heavy weapons guys, that kind of thing. Plus, when you start doing bounties later on, it's two "yellow" targets you have to kill with a knife, instead of just one.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Daily stuff done, time to get my solo Commando to the Bunker. I've been over-leveling him a bit (side quests) so he's 26 already. I think this is the farthest I've gotten with a solo chr. in BL2. Feels weird to do mid-later main quest bosses alone. Usually if not playing with hubby I get bored and stop long before. So one lvl 50, one lvl 37, and a lot of 18 and under. :lol:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I'm playing KotOR 2 right now. I've decided to skip KotOR 1 since I don't feel like going to all the trouble of getting back all the progress I lost a while back.


I've also been messing around in Saints Row 2 and 3 recently. Mostly Saints Row 2, because despite it's incredibly bugginess and lack of optimization, there's a certain charm it has that Saint's Row The Third lost by going all-out crazy.

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"Well, there's many things they have forgotten sitting in their bowls. Friendship. The thrill of discovery. Love. Masturbation. The usual." -Dr. Mobius

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Guess I missed the "increased drop rates" of rare stuff weekend for Borderlands 2, since I didn't know it existed until this morning. But I would have had to go online for it, so meh...no biggie. Here's hoping the DLC will be awesome chaotic co-op fun. Not sure which chr. pair hubby and I will try it out with yet .. lvl 50's or ones in their mid-30's.


Was disappointed that level cap may not be raised in this one, like I thought. If not, wonder how they're going to implement it. A separate patch someday? That might make sense, so then people aren't forced to have a DLC just to get a small level cap rise.


What, like you have 56k and run steam in offline mode? Or you think you have to play with others to get the benefits? Whatever, the game updates automatically, in-game. The last day was sniper rifles, of which I made off with many of superior quality for a rather low level character.


Pitchford has said that they haven't raised the level cap because only about 17% of players have reached it. They've been sniggering and acting very smug about how they've got a super secret non-level cap boost to the level cap for a while now.

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He's "sniggering?" What's the reason for being smug? I think if I was Pitchford, I'd be more concerned that it means BL2 doesn't have the player-interest longevity/replayability that BL1 may have had. It's not like it's that time-consuming to reach lvl50 - one just has to be willing to play the game at least twice with the same character.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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They should do away with all level restrictions on gear and you should be able to level up your guns, or they should just do away with levels altogether. It's not a real RPG, it's a shooter. Only the nuissance elements of an RPG remain for some reason, I dunno why.


Nothing less than that would bring me back to the game.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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I'm a bit stuck in my dragon slaying endevour in BG2...


I could have sworn that once upon a time, there was a spell called lower resistance which lowered the targets magic resistance. It used to be for sale as a scroll at Waukeens Promenade. Yet, now it seems completely gone from the game and the only visible oddity is that another spell is for sale, some silly 'Wraithform' I wonder if the disappearance of one is linked with the occurrence of the other, or if one of the mods has just made a mess of things. One thing is for sure, I'm not going to install Unfinished Business again (I can seriously understand why some some of that stuff was cut).

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Sounds you are using some weird mod that does something to spells.


You can still use the priest spell doom to lower saving throws and hope for the best, unless that has disappeared too.

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Nah, that one is there. I'm tempted to do a 'cleanup' and delete my override folder. I think I have an old zip file just with the Baldurdash fixes from 4-5 years ago. It might wreck my current game in progress though. I think I'm going to cheat and have a look with Shadowkeeper (and add a few of the scrolls if they can be found there).


Edit: Yup, scroll still in game. Just seems gone from the usual stores. Added a handful to my poor party for the reading pleasure :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Finished a very long (like a couple years) epic quest line in LotRO. Volume 2 took me through the mines of Moria into Mirkwood, where I got to climb to the top of the Necromancer's Tower and kill the rather pesky orc Mazog.


So now I'm ready to leave Mirkwood and travel with the Rangers to Rohan, but first I'll probably stop by Isengard and smash some more orc heads.


My weapons are now max level with some pretty sweet runes, so I'm not sure if I will need to replace them as I tackle the new content. They are both 2nd age weapons. I'm at level 66, so still quite a ways to get ready for the level 75 Rohan areas.

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Started playing Serious Sam 3: BFE today. Started off a bit slow, with me going through an urban setting with tight corridor-like spaces and an enemy popping up here and there. I got worried, thinking that they Gears of Duty: Medal of Battlefielded my Sam. Then the area opened up, a massive wave of enemies charged at me, heavy metal music kicked in, I started scrambling like a mad man, squeezing off rounds while bullets whizzed by my head and rampaging baddies tried to rip me apart, and everything was right with the world.


Good times!


Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Right now replaying old hits which was catching dust for some time :biggrin: Armed and Dangerous and Giants Citizen Kabuto, humor in this game will never get old, it's one of kind and I would go as far to dare call their developers Monty Pythons of video games (don't hit me). Also planning to replay Omikron Nomad Soul right afterward along with Dark Earth.

Edited by Ywerion

"Have you ever spoken with the dead? Called to them from this side? Called them from their silent rest? Do you know what it is that they feel?

Pain. Pain, when torn into this wakefulness, this reminder of the chaos from which they had escaped. Pain of having to live! There will be no more pain. There will be... no more chaos."



Kerghan the Terrible,

first of the Necromancers,

voyager in the Lands of the Dead.

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They should do away with all level restrictions on gear and you should be able to level up your guns, or they should just do away with levels altogether. It's not a real RPG, it's a shooter. Only the nuissance elements of an RPG remain for some reason, I dunno why.


Nothing less than that would bring me back to the game.

No. Some of us like the action hybrids, hunting for better loot, and having something to do/think about than just how to kill/outwit enemies. :p

And of course it's not a "real" RPG. It's not trying to be, anymore than, imo, Diablo ever was.


edit: one thing I'm not liking tho, is the seeming trend towards Boderlands wanting to become a bit more online/MMO like. Not in a "it is a MMO" fashion, but ... well, I think it wants to be more than just a fun single-player/co-op game. Which to me, isn't a direction I like. Oh well, I'm an old fogie.

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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im not playing it now, but im looking forward to playing ni no kuni next week


for some reason i had totally forgotten about this game ever coming out, and now it will be out in 7 days! very cool :)

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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No. Some of us like the action hybrids, hunting for better loot, and having something to do/think about than just how to kill/outwit enemies. :p

And of course it's not a "real" RPG. It's not trying to be, anymore than, imo, Diablo ever was.


Pretty much, it's Diablo with guns. I do wish they had kept the guns specialization from the first one, but I guess it was annoying to run out of repeater ammo and then be forced to use assault rifles when you're terrible with them.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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