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Which are the classes you want to know about?

What are the classes you want to know about?  

159 members have voted

  1. 1. Initially Released Classes

    • Fighter
    • Priest
    • Rogue
    • Wizard
  2. 2. Kickstarter Goal Classes

    • Druid
    • Ranger
    • Monk
    • Barbarian
    • Cipher
    • Paladin
    • Chanter

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Since we are going to find out more about up to four classes soon, I was wondering which classes are the ones people are the most curious about. On one hand, we have Druids, Monks and Rangers where we have very little information to work off of. On the other hand, we have others classes like the Cipher, Rogue and Paladin where even though there is released information, there are at least some of us who want to know more MORE MORE because it has piqued our interest, or it is our favorite typical class, or some other personal reason out there.


So in short, if you could pick which 4 classes had information released this week, which ones would you pick?


(I will, however, be very amused if they are released before I even finish posting.)

Edited by Somna
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Well. Fighter, Ranger, Rogue and Barbarian always seem to be the same thing from game to game and, while Obsidian might do something different with them, it's pretty much going to be the same stuff as it always is - Hit stuff with axes, hit stuff with arrows, hit stuff with daggers, hit stuff with axes while really angry. There's not a lot that you can do to break the mold with those classes, so I'm not very interested in hearing more. And while Wizards, Ciphers and Paladins have a little more lee-way...



I'm definitely most interested in seeing what they do with Monks, Priests and Chanters, since we have little to no information in how they're going to work.

Edited by Sylvanpyxie
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for the core four? pure roguery all the way is what I'd like to know about.


Only the highest quality RPers, and indeed individuals of superior breeding, play this archetype.


As for the stretchy classes: Cipher without a doubt. Always wanted to play a Psychic badass in a cRPG.

Edited by NerdBoner
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Honestly I want information on all of them, but if I had to pick 4 it would be priest, druid, monk and paladin. I think they're the ones that are crying out for a bit more background and what P:E's specific take on them will be (priest and druid because the heath mechanic in this game will be quite different and they won't have too much healing based magic, monk because people don't think it will "fit" with the medieval vibe and paladin because it resembles the DnD warlord). It would allay fans' fears if nothing else.

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for the core four? pure roguery all the way is what I'd like to know about.


Only the highest quality RPers, and indeed individuals of superior breeding, play this archetype.


As for the stretchy classes: Cipher without a doubt. Always wanted to play a Psychic badass in a cRPG.


^ this is the answer for me

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All of them.


But, if I had to pick just four....

  1. Paladin- because on the d12 roll I made to determine what class I would play, paladin is what I hit
  2. Cipher- because no one has a clear answer about what they are
  3. Fighter- because I want to see if PE focuses more on martial mastery than hitting **** with a sword
  4. Wizard- because I want to see how they are approaching spells

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I basically picked the following:








Rogue and Monk I picked because I am curious how they will implement their ideas for the classes without getting too close to the feared "Specialized Fighter" routine that people worry about.


Wizard, on the other hand, I picked because with what they've given us so far, I suspect that any other information about it is going to require some explanation of the magic system that they are thinking about putting in place, which is one of the main things I am curious about.


Cipher, however, was picked because they just sound awesome so far. And with Cipher in the lead (at the moment), I think quite a few others agree! :D

Edited by Somna
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Rogue. I love playing rogues more than anything, but I want to know what tricks rogues will have and what more interesting things they can do in PE besides just sticking things with sharp pointy objects.


Cipher. Because INTERESTING.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Definitely Monks first and foremost for my part! Strange to hear someone mention there is worry that the class won't fit... punching and/or kicking people in the face has been the bread and butter of violence since the stone ages, and it's still viable today. Punching/kicking people in the face will never go out of style! ;)

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Well, all of them. But the 3 main I wanna know about are Druids, Barbarians and Ciphers (more or less in that order). Also I'd love to know if there is some kind of multi-class system in place as I'd love to make a Barbarian/Cipher. I always loved the idea of a Barbarian and Psion mix. People often view them as opposites but they both work off the same, general principle. That and A LOT of Psionic races are extremely chaotic by nature. Something about a mildly calm Barbarian with Psionic abilities (self oriented not mind-melding stuff) that can go into a rage and teleport to targets (dimension door) always just felt real satisfying to RP.

Def Con: kills owls dead

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Well, all of them. But the 3 main I wanna know about are Druids, Barbarians and Ciphers (more or less in that order). Also I'd love to know if there is some kind of multi-class system in place as I'd love to make a Barbarian/Cipher. I always loved the idea of a Barbarian and Psion mix. People often view them as opposites but they both work off the same, general principle. That and A LOT of Psionic races are extremely chaotic by nature. Something about a mildly calm Barbarian with Psionic abilities (self oriented not mind-melding stuff) that can go into a rage and teleport to targets (dimension door) always just felt real satisfying to RP.


What I think would be really interesting is if that opened up a limited use ability for a character to be able to repeatedly dimension door as part of his attack. The actual distance traveled wouldn't exceed one regular spell, but it's appealing to be able to attack in a Nightcrawler style.

Edited by Somna
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I voted for Wizard and Cipher.


For Wizard, I really just want to know how many schools of magic are open to the user. For instance, will there be a pryomancer route, a necromancer/summoner build, or or even curses. I know this is probably beating a dead, dead, and dead-er horse.


For Cipher, I really want to know where they would take a psionic class. Someone suggested in the Rogue role thread that CIphers could be akin to Ghosts in Starcraft or the Psi Ops commando. From that angle, the class could be amazing, potentially brain washing or possessing a foe to infiltrate a faction.

Edited by Nixl
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@Somna: Oh hands down I think you should get an attack after a portal. Then again they wont be using 'rounds' like in DnD but a psion's abilities are mental, should be instant, single attack after it would just make sense. Be like an advanced bullrush DnD wise. Just imagine a Barbarian flying into a rage and soon after disappearing only to show up in the middle of everything he aims to murderize.


Just makes me a little gitty to think about being able to do that.... had a character like that in a NWN PW, but sadly Psionics took a whole lot of time to deal with. I mean they where a single turn, not a half, and often times you had to wait, for whatever odd reason a second turn to do anything. Teleport in, attack target, wait 3 seconds aaand... wait 6 more then the attack kicks in. Was an issue with how NWN handled when you attacked and all that, had issues picking up mid-turn. Basically you stop for any reason to do anything you got 6 seconds coming before you'd go into auto-attack. But all that said he was a very fun character to play as, dual wielded bastards too. Good chunk of DR, high HP, whore chainmail. Dark Red cloak, dark red skull helm (literal skull, not a skull cap). Good times.

Def Con: kills owls dead

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Chanter, cipher, monk, druid. Specifically, I'd like to know where they come from in the world of P:E. Are all classes available to all cultures? If not, where do these classes come from? Do different cultures have different palettes of classes to choose from? (Personally I'd find it a bit surprising if a high-Renaissance type culture like the Vailians would also produce barbarians, for example.)


* What the hey is a chanter anyway? Are we talking Norse skalds, Provençal troubadours, Celtic bards, all of the above, none of the above, something else...?

* How do they intend to differentiate ciphers and druids from wizards, in terms of mechanics?

* What's the cultural/religious context monks come from? It's pretty obvious from the Forton art that they have a kung-fu-unarmed-martial-artist archetype in mind. Is there an "Eastern" culture in the world too? If not, where do these types of monks come from in the "Western" cultures we've already seen?

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Chanter - Bards are always interesting

Priest - Since they won't be healers

Ciphers - Because I'm curious about how psionics will work in this game

Paladin - Since they won't be tied to a god


The rest of the classes seem fairly straightforward.

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