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Mass effect Trilogy


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Yanick Roy@YanickRRoy

The quantities may vary, but you can expect the same basic ingredients you found in ME1-3


This was the response from the head guy at BioWare Montreal working on ME to a question on twitter asking whether the new ME will go in a more shooter direction. It sounds rather vague. What exactly does "the quantities may vary" even mean, in regards to what was asked?

I think he's making a cooking analogy. The quantity of ingredients will vary. Instead of 2 tablespoons of oregano, he's using 1.


So yes, it's vague. He's essentially saying "more or less."


Hopefully he doesn’t use cayenne pepper. I never thought cayenne pepper should be used with oregano they just don’t go together. Like oil and water.

Nah, It'll be called Mass Effect 4: Fire in the Hole...

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Tricky question. If the question was what we would like to see *not* in the game the answer would be easier. A: Casey Hudson. :p


I'm pretty sure this was just a joke, but even if one only finds flaw with the ending, the problem is more than Casey Hudson. And that whole "artistic integrity" seems more like an excuse/attempt to calm the storm by justification (made by the public-relation guys, not Hudson or other staff) that failed, not the actual reason the ending was what it was.


The ending would have been seriously flawed no matter what, though it would have bothered some fans less if done differently. As one individual pointed out, an exercise to illuminate this would be to try to make a more satisfying ending that tied up everything, made a justifiable conclusion that fit the lore, did not introduce any new characters, plot elements or other aspects (thus only used those already introduced through the rest of Mass Effect 3 (or earlier)). And you can't change anything previously shown by Mass Effect 3. By most accounts of what a thoroughly good/mostly unflawed ending is, it's virtually impossible to make one for Mass Effect 3 (though it's more possible to make one that's acceptable to some- most fans).


Why does this thread exist? I thought everybody hated Mass Effect after the ME3 ending fiasco.


Well, not everyone. I, for example, started becoming a horrible "purist" (would that be the word?) after being massively disappointed, frustrated, and enraged by Mass Effect 2. I always love how deleting flawed features from a game instead of improving them, and deleting RP aspects in an RPG, was consistently called "refining." I should have told my teacher, when I did half the work I was supposed to, that I "refined" my research paper by deleting half of it - because that half was incorrectly cited.

I'm still amazed that people, after playing through myself, didn't notice the writing was increasingly unplanned and inconsistent with Mass Effect 2 or 3, or (in 2) that it was weird that there was almost no main plot/the main missions were infrequent and small. Or that the maps were terrible. Or that the leveling and dialogue choices were simplified. Or that dialogue and story was minimized so that it could be more "cinematic." Or that the ethics/philosophy/ideas were dumbed down (from Lovecraftian concepts of cosmicism and homage to that mythology (and Star Trek/older sci-fi) to Independence Day/popcorn movies). Didn't even keep the style of scenes or appearance to, again, keep homage to older sci-fi.


I will say Mass Effect was always problematic as an RPG, though - the fact that they picked voice-acting of the PC over more options and variety in the dialogue trees is a kind of unpleasant sign of what Bioware might have started to care about more. It's one of my favorite games because I'm a sucker for sci-fi and the universe is awesome, but it pales (on quality/extent of RPing alone) in comparison to Dragon Age: Origins, New Vegas, Baldur's Gate, maybe Neverwinter Nights, Fallout 1, Fallout 2 (Fallout 3?), some of the Ultima series, etc. etc.


Uh, wait, what, be on-topic? Trilogy? Nah, I'm not buying it - I'm sure that wasn't obvious by this post at all. Even if I loved the last two games, though, I already have them. And the last two don't hold high replay value, so I maybe wouldn't even if I didn't have them and enjoyed them. The first may have replay value for me, but that might just be a result of nostalgia/a need for some happy-medicine-therapy-time from the others. Also, I didn't take some of the teammates with me enough - like Wrex, I should have had Wrex way more. I miss that guy.

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"pales (on quality/extent of RPing alone) in comparison to Dragon Age: Origins, New Vegas, Baldur's Gate, maybe Neverwinter Nights, Fallout 1, Fallout 2 (Fallout 3?), some of the Ultima series, "


BG certainly doesn't fit with the others at all.ME has more RPing in its pinky than BG has in its entire game.


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And just when I thought you finally got your act together.


Tsk tsk.

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BioWare cares about "cinematic story-telling". Isn't that what they've been calling it since ME1 (or maybe even KotOR)? And that's exactly what the games they've put out over the last 8-10 years have been about. The rules systems en character options have taken a back seat and it's been all about full voice over and cinematic cut scenes. I don't think I've heard them talk about making a good role-playing game for years now -- it's always about "BioWare storytelling". They makes games that are very much like summer blockbuster movies -- all the elements for that level of entertainment are there -- and that's fine, and some of their games are definitely entertaining, but nobody should be expecting depth from them. BG2 was an anomaly in that regard and they haven't made anything that even comes close to it since.

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@ Tick; Don't worry, your not the only one who thinks ME2 is the worst of the 3, exactly for those reasons... too much cut, too little story, super-filler.

They clearly made ME a trilogy without any idea beforehand what to tell as story. Hoping for a Star Wars, they instead got... Mass Effect...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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"And just when I thought you finally got your act together."


You need to think to have a thought. And, the fatc you believe that BG is a betetr RPG than any other BIO game (except MAYBE MDK2 and SS) shows you obviously don't know what rping is. And, it certainly was nowhere near as good as DA2 or the ME series when it comes to role-playing.


P.S. ME2 being attacked? Meh. It has one of the best endings ever in any game and some of the most cool character questsb ever as well. It certainly can't be worse than ME2 which had an awful start.


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"And just when I thought you finally got your act together."


You need to think to have a thought. And, the fatc you believe that BG is a betetr RPG than any other BIO game (except MAYBE MDK2 and SS) shows you obviously don't know what rping is. And, it certainly was nowhere near as good as DA2 or the ME series when it comes to role-playing.


P.S. ME2 being attacked? Meh. It has one of the best endings ever in any game and some of the most cool character questsb ever as well. It certainly can't be worse than ME2 which had an awful start.


What piss es me off about you is not how have ****ty opinions is how you think your ****ty opinions are better than everyone else's "lol no one knows RPGing" seriously, shut up you little troll.



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I have similar feelings towards the me series as I have towards my ex, it has hurt me in a way I can never forgive, but I still have feelings towards it and the acceptance that I've spent some of the best times of my life with it. :p


I wish I could say the same about my ex :p

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What piss es me off about you is not how have ****ty opinions is how you think your ****ty opinions are better than everyone else's "lol no one knows RPGing" seriously


I used to butt heads with Volo all the time. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it is that made him no longer bother me. Seeing your post makes me wonder if in large part I see Volo's hyperbole as being rather satirical.

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What piss es me off about you is not how have ****ty opinions is how you think your ****ty opinions are better than everyone else's "lol no one knows RPGing" seriously


I used to butt heads with Volo all the time. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it is that made him no longer bother me. Seeing your post makes me wonder if in large part I see Volo's hyperbole as being rather satirical.


Reading Volo's posts is a bit like watching a parliamentary debate. You need to peel off several layers of "window dressing" to get to the actual message underneath and then address that instead taking it at surface value.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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"What piss es me off about you is not how have ****ty opinions is how you think your ****ty opinions are better than everyone else's "lol no one knows RPGing" seriously, shut up you little troll. "


You do realize that calling me names isn't going to change either of our opinions right? Don't attack the messenger, attack the message. Listen to the isdom of Gorth and Alanshu, take a deep breath, realize this is message board, and I'm just a lowly poster liek yourself,and in the grand scheme of things the fact i like a game you don't or dislike a game you do won't end the world tomorrow and you will be much happier. :)


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"And just when I thought you finally got your act together."


You need to think to have a thought. And, the fatc you believe that BG is a betetr RPG than any other BIO game (except MAYBE MDK2 and SS) shows you obviously don't know what rping is. And, it certainly was nowhere near as good as DA2 or the ME series when it comes to role-playing.


P.S. ME2 being attacked? Meh. It has one of the best endings ever in any game and some of the most cool character questsb ever as well. It certainly can't be worse than ME2 which had an awful start.


That legitimately made me laugh out loud. "ME2 has one of the best endings ever in any game" is just the cherry topper icing on that cake, puts it really over the top. +10 troll points for that one phrase alone. Current subtotal: 27. Keep up the good work.

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Looking back at the trilogy, I'm not sure I got the point of ME2.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Learning about your companions, and the suicide mission *was* the point. That's how the entire game was designed and it was designed awesome. One of the best if not best ending sequence ever.

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I really am agreeing with Volourn a lot lately. ME2 was my favorite in the trilogy. Yeah, I would have enjoyed more plot development, but the character development was great, and the suicide mission was rewarding, particularly after hearing how many players didn't get their full team through it alive.

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"What piss es me off about you is not how have ****ty opinions is how you think your ****ty opinions are better than everyone else's "lol no one knows RPGing" seriously, shut up you little troll. "


You do realize that calling me names isn't going to change either of our opinions right? Don't attack the messenger, attack the message. Listen to the isdom of Gorth and Alanshu, take a deep breath, realize this is message board, and I'm just a lowly poster liek yourself,and in the grand scheme of things the fact i like a game you don't or dislike a game you do won't end the world tomorrow and you will be much happier. :)


It's not that you like Dragon Age 2, is that you call everyone else who doesn't like it people that don't seem to comprehend RPGs, because apparently you have a better understanding than all of us.


You can say DA2 wins all you much and debate about it, but trying to discredit 99% of the posters here as stupid simpletons who don't get role playing games is silly on your part and needs to stop.


Also use quotes, not using forum tools doesn't make you a rebel.


Edit: You know what, I think I now just realized what this all is...applauds to you Volourn. You win troll of the century here.

Edited by NKKKK
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I don't mind, really, but a quick point:


You do realize that calling me names isn't going to change either of our opinions right? Don't attack the messenger, attack the message.

You need to think to have a thought. And, the fatc you believe that BG is a betetr RPG than any other BIO game (except MAYBE MDK2 and SS) shows you obviously don't know what rping is. And, it certainly was nowhere near as good as DA2 or the ME series when it comes to role-playing.


One of the best ways to undermine your own argument is to contradict it - within the same day and thread, no less. Of course, maybe that was intentional.


Also, how much you enjoy a game is not the equivalent of how much of an RP it is (unless you like it for having less..or something? and I misunderstood). RP's are my favorite kind of game (as a whole), and Mass Effect (1) and BioShock are among my top favorite games, but I don't get the two confused and think it's because they allow me to RP the most. More choice and freedom in what a player character says, does, thinks, and who they are (including background) are big factors in that sort of thing. Ignoring the very specific background and start BG gives one's self, it provides a lot more choice (at least in what I know and experienced, I haven't -finished- it yet) than ME (mostly in dialog, and ethics and ideas, but also choice a lot of the time). I'm guessing DA2 as well, from what I know and have been told - I wouldn't know for sure, on that one.


Which one is a better game, also, is different than which one is more or better of an RPG.

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"It's not that you like Dragon Age 2, is that you call everyone else who doesn't like it people that don't seem to comprehend RPGs, because apparently you have a better understanding than all of us.


You can say DA2 wins all you much and debate about it, but trying to discredit 99% of the posters here as stupid simpletons who don't get role playing games is silly on your part and needs to stop."


Oh, please. That's whate evryone does. That kind of attitude is directed towards me a lot. Not a big deal.



" Ignoring the very specific background and start BG gives one's self, it provides a lot more choice (at least in what I know and experienced, I haven't -finished- it yet) than ME (mostly in dialog, and ethics and ideas, but also choice a lot of the time). "


BG doesn't give you lots of oppurtunities to role-play at all. You can't really shape anything at all. I used to love BG but I woke up and saw the truf.


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Learning about your companions, and the suicide mission *was* the point. That's how the entire game was designed and it was designed awesome. One of the best if not best ending sequence ever.


Well, meant the point in the overall story of the trilogy - maybe finding out about the 'how to kill Reapers' would have been a better goal in ME2. Granted, memory is a bit fuzzy on what exactly the plan with the Collectors' reaper baby was, so I might be mistaken.


There were a lot of people who didn't have everyone survive the mission ? They must have been trying to do that, it's pretty easy to get everyone alive.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I agree that in terms of overall story arch, ME2 didn't 'fit' with the others but it worked anyways.


Yeha, plenty of players had characters die. I didn't but it is possible. That's what made it awesome. C&C at its best.


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