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Mass Effect 3


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Hmm i wonder if Shivans could wipe out the Reapers.


Shivans have plot shipyards, they make bigger ships than the biggest ones they used the last time. So definitely. Interesting idea for them killing off the alpha race and in doing so allow others to develop freely. Well until they kill them. Er, anyway..

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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From the AI's point of view it's probably quite logical. Just like from a human point of view (for the majority) eating meat is logical, but you can bet if the meat could do something about being eaten they would.

Oh, I see. So being a "crazy AI" would be totally logical for AI.


How organocentric of you.


Well I am more or less organic so it's not really a suprise.


I once visited a car factory before it was operational. Hundreds of robots were "making" cars only their were no parts. These robots carried on making something that never existied because that is what the program was telling them to do. As long as they had power, they would have continued to do so until they eventually broke down. If they had some sort of self repair mechanism then they would do it for ever even though it would be a completely crazy and pointless task.


That's the way I see the Reapers, they are repeating this cycle over and over adding to their number each time but as far as the story goes there does not seem to be any purpose behind it other than just to do it.

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A few "footnotes" regarding the demo.


Why does deep space vehicles have blaring horns? Seem to remember it from War of the Worlds (the bad version).


Where did they hide the spare Normandy? A copy of the first one or did Shepard get Normandy II as a severance package from Cerberus?

There's a webcomic that ties arrival and me3 together, basically Shepard goes into the brig after nuking the batarian system (with Vega tasked to watch over him), while the Alliance grabs Cerberus's super frigate to experiment with.


I'm pretty sure that there's another Normandy class scout frigate (or several) mentioned in ME2, but I can't find a reference for it.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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i heard a rumor that you don't get to have any of your squadmates from part 2 on your team in part 3. if that's true then fuuuuuuuu i hated the squad mates from ME 1 :(

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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i heard a rumor that you don't get to have any of your squadmates from part 2 on your team in part 3. if that's true then fuuuuuuuu i hated the squad mates from ME 1 :(

Jack is supposedly returning. And a non-squaddie ME2 cast member might be a squaddie now.



However, that is it.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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my team in ME2 was miranda and jack. i liked that they hated eachother, it made the banter more amusing for me. I just assumed that the whole point of keeping your team alive was then you got to keep using them in part 3....

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Can't say I am disappointed, because I expected the worst and I got it.


It's a bit funny to see how 'real' action games have evolved by adding more and more content, story, scripts and narrative while Bioware on the other hand have been cutting more and more choice and action.. There is practically nothing left in ME3. Calling this Role Play that's really quite a stretch. I guess this is what Blueray movies aspire to be.. Semi.. uh, tertiary.. uh, quartely.. uh, barely interactive. It's a bit puzzling why Bioware didn't add a 'Video play' option to those three experience modes. It's also quite weird to think that this is the same company that made Baldurs Gate or even the first Mass Effect.. I guess I should rejoice at the two small improvements, local cool-down of powers and exploding heads.. Think it was exploding heads or maybe it was just that sound of a squashed melon that fooled me.

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There is no way they don't bring Garrus and Tali back as squadmates.



They do. Garrus is even in the demo.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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So pretty much every squadmate from ME1 will turn up in your squad. Surviving members of ME2 squad will turn up in the game, and - potentially - might be squadmates for one or two missions, but won't be part of the fly around the universe, live out of the ship type of squadmates.


Hm,also, if you pay attention ot the comics... apparently Cerberus were able to take over Omega, so Aria is on the run. Why do I get the feeling she's going to turn up in ME3. Either as a full on squadmate, or as a special squadmate....

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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There is no way they don't bring Garrus and Tali back as squadmates.




And bring the rage of the Talifan upon them ? They'd have to be mad.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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So pretty much every squadmate from ME1 will turn up in your squad. Surviving members of ME2 squad will turn up in the game, and - potentially - might be squadmates for one or two missions, but won't be part of the fly around the universe, live out of the ship type of squadmates.


Hm,also, if you pay attention ot the comics... apparently Cerberus were able to take over Omega, so Aria is on the run. Why do I get the feeling she's going to turn up in ME3. Either as a full on squadmate, or as a special squadmate....

Well, she's probably one of the more expensive VAs for Bioware to use for a joinable-NPC-size role. But celebrity voice-casting is all the rage nowadays.

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I looked at the IMDB for Mass Effect 3. Almost every character that you'd expect to show up, does show up.


Here is a minor spoiler:

Remember that couple in ME1 on the Citadel debating whether to have a child or not? If you import' date=' they are in the game![/quote']

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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Heh, Claudia Black is doing two seperate voices.. and they even have Natalia Cigliuti back as Morinth. So they even wrote in that part if you chose to keep her alive in ME2...


And yes, Conrad Verner is back again

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I'd be surprised if IMDB knew any more than we do. They probably just copied the list from the last two games.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I think* it's a guild/ union requirement that accurate cast listings are given to IMDB as it is considered a formal resource, and they're done at time of recording. That's why Grey DeLisle was credited for Alpha Protocol despite her character getting the chop.


*Not 100% sure.

Edited by Zoraptor
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i heard a rumor that you don't get to have any of your squadmates from part 2 on your team in part 3. if that's true then fuuuuuuuu i hated the squad mates from ME 1 :(

Of the new party members in ME2, I liked only Legion and Mordin. All the rest could've been nuked on Virmire for all I care.


Miranda was highly useful in combat, but her character fell apart completely when her ice queen fa

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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That's the way I see the Reapers, they are repeating this cycle over and over adding to their number each time but as far as the story goes there does not seem to be any purpose behind it other than just to do it.


Are humans really that different? Eat and breed and compete. The meaning of life (abridged Gorth version).


A few "footnotes" regarding the demo.

Why does deep space vehicles have blaring horns? Seem to remember it from War of the Worlds (the bad version).

Where did they hide the spare Normandy? A copy of the first one or did Shepard get Normandy II as a severance package from Cerberus?

There's a webcomic that ties arrival and me3 together, basically Shepard goes into the brig after nuking the batarian system (with Vega tasked to watch over him), while the Alliance grabs Cerberus's super frigate to experiment with.

I'm pretty sure that there's another Normandy class scout frigate (or several) mentioned in ME2, but I can't find a reference for it.


Arrival? :huh:


I was probably hoping there would be an in-game explanation :)


Wasn't the original Normandy an experimental prototype? Thats where I got the idea that they would be quite rare.

There is no way they don't bring Garrus and Tali back as squadmates.



I liked having Mordin and Zaeed along :(


Didn't care much for Garrus, the disillusioned cop gone vigilante schtick wasn't convincing. He and Jack spent all their time apart from their loyalty mission on the Normandy while the rest took turns joining Gorth Shepard in saving the galaxy from its own ineptitude.


Edit: I would like to say that I ignored the lizard man too, but I can't remember his name >_

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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