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Received Vanquish for Christmas so I'm running through that now. Having a blast with this game. Movement is fluid, enemies respond to being shot at, giant robots to beat up and I am in love with this shotgun.

Hopefully you're playing on Hard because Normal is far too easy.


Uh yeah. I'm totally playing on hard. >_>


Next time I'll kick it up to hard. Right now I'm trying to get a feel for all the different guns and the controls. I think I'm slowly getting the hang of it although I'm still averaging about 25% cover usage. And I have no idea where half of the statues I've shot were. I've hit 9 of them so far, but I only remember actively noticing 4 of them.

I'll give you a few tips or things you should know ( maybe you know some of them). Grenades into spawn points when the spawn makes your life very very easier. When you use a melee attack that puts you in the air, use slowmo quickly before the bar depletes. Move a lot around!! I also suggest you upgrade at least one gun( the normal assault rifle is godly) to max and keep it around all the time. Also about upgrading. If you don't have a full clip and you see the same gun dropped or spawned, exchange that gun for a different gun and pick the "new" one with full ammo. Then pick up the old one and you have an easy upgrade. Hmm i can't think of anything more right now.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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I'll give you a few tips or things you should know ( maybe you know some of them). Grenades into spawn points when the spawn makes your life very very easier. When you use a melee attack that puts you in the air, use slowmo quickly before the bar depletes. Move a lot around!! I also suggest you upgrade at least one gun( the normal assault rifle is godly) to max and keep it around all the time. Also about upgrading. If you don't have a full clip and you see the same gun dropped or spawned, exchange that gun for a different gun and pick the "new" one with full ammo. Then pick up the old one and you have an easy upgrade. Hmm i can't think of anything more right now.


Grenades at spawn points I've done. Works really well against those excavator things that pop up from underground as they can't get away.

Melee attack to slowmo is a good one that I haven't been doing. I've only really got the hang of the slowmo recently and I'm about half way through chapter 3. Would have taken me much longer to kill the junk robot without it.

I've got the shotgun almost fully upgraded and the assault rifle is only a couple levels from max.

Wouldn't have thought of the exchange upgrade. Thanks for that one.

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Star Wars: Dark Forces


If I ever find the guy who thought DOOM clones and platforming mixed...


Actually the platforming isn't bad. It's not fun, but I don't fall too often.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Star Wars: Dark Forces


If I ever find the guy who thought DOOM clones and platforming mixed...


Actually the platforming isn't bad. It's not fun, but I don't fall too often.


But it did lead us to Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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i like dark forces 1, but good lord it is hard to navigate...

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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SW:TOR and Orcs Must Die!


TOR has some really bad writing (at least when it comes to playing Jedi Knights). My head is starting to hurt from all the facepalming. The Force was with us. Also the recycled lines/gibberish aliens gurgle out is really getting to me. It really takes away from the game when I recognize certain sentences from the last planet I visited, only the subtitles change. And yes, there's way too many aliens speaking in random gibberish.

Hate the living, love the dead.

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I miss 2142 Titans.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. I'll be skipping Battlefield games until they bring something back that interesting. The only modern one I played was Bad Company 2, but that seems sufficient to get all I wanted out of the style.


Finished The Next Big Thing yesterday. Started off okay, got weak in the middle, then ended especially well.


Also finished Dark Forces 1 yesterday. So I'll be trying Dark Forces 2 tonight.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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The Dianogas scared the hell out of me in Dark Forces 1. I should play DF2 again, that game had amazing level design - the fuel station, the aqueducts.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Finally playing Batman: Arkham City. I'm still getting used to the map and the controls. In every fight, I basically just pound on the Y button to counter attacks, with the occasional X thrown in when it's the last opponent standing.


I have to learn things on the fly, though. I don't know if I just got ripped off, or if this is the case for everyone, but there was no actual instructions manual in the box. Anything I've learned, it's been through the in-game tutorials.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Finally playing Batman: Arkham City. I'm still getting used to the map and the controls. In every fight, I basically just pound on the Y button to counter attacks, with the occasional X thrown in when it's the last opponent standing.


I have to learn things on the fly, though. I don't know if I just got ripped off, or if this is the case for everyone, but there was no actual instructions manual in the box. Anything I've learned, it's been through the in-game tutorials.

That sounds like me in Arkham Asylum. There were apparently different combos, throws, takedowns, etc., that I could've been using, but I never really figured any of that out. In the end-boss sequence, I fat-fingered a few keys and somehow managed to pick a dude up to throw him for the first time (ostensibly at other opponents or environment hazards, I guess), and I had no freakin clue what was going on.


Beyond that, the only things I needed to know were: 1) If there are gun-weilding dudes in a brawl-situation, they go down first; 2) Otherwise, take out the defenseless low-threat mooks first, while using the 'roll' function to avoid enemies with knives or a shock prod until you can focus solely on them; 3) if the going gets particularly tough, lay some explosive foam down for them to walk into.



Edit: For my part, still early Chapter 1 in The Witcher 2. I'm at that familiar stage in a new-to-me RPG where there's a whole lot of stuff that I could buy, and I have a fair amount of cash to spend, but I have no idea how I should be prioritizing my purchases, so I'm sitting on all of it. My need to be efficient and to avoid wasting resources on books or recipes that I'm just going to stumble into, or upgrades to equipment that I'm going to find superior replacements for soon, tends to hold me back in games like this. (I also have no freaking clue how to do the arm-wrestling minigame-- none of the buttons I push appear to do anything at all.)

Edited by Enoch
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I am still enjoying Skyrim like crazy.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Edit: For my part, still early Chapter 1 in The Witcher 2. I'm at that familiar stage in a new-to-me RPG where there's a whole lot of stuff that I could buy, and I have a fair amount of cash to spend, but I have no idea how I should be prioritizing my purchases, so I'm sitting on all of it. My need to be efficient and to avoid wasting resources on books or recipes that I'm just going to stumble into, or upgrades to equipment that I'm going to find superior replacements for soon, tends to hold me back in games like this. (I also have no freaking clue how to do the arm-wrestling minigame-- none of the buttons I push appear to do anything at all.)


Books give some background and can help you for contracts if you don't want to kill a lot of monsters before having an idea on how to do the contract.

Recipes are scarcelly found, so you may want to buy the one for which you have interest in.


About equipment, normally, you should have enough gold to buy a complete set at the beginning of each chapter. If you are well advanced in chapter one, you'd better wait for chapter 2 now.

Crafting equipment with special ingredients is always a bit better than buying new equipment but can become quite expensive.

The arm wrestling mini game is a bit tedious : there is a bar and a circle, you need to put the circle inside the bar and follow the displacement of the bar (to the right if the circle is inside the bar or to the left otherwise). As time passes, the bar shrinks.

With M/K configuration, you move the circle with the mouse movement alone.

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Books give some background and can help you for contracts if you don't want to kill a lot of monsters before having an idea on how to do the contract.

Recipes are scarcelly found, so you may want to buy the one for which you have interest in.


About equipment, normally, you should have enough gold to buy a complete set at the beginning of each chapter. If you are well advanced in chapter one, you'd better wait for chapter 2 now.

Crafting equipment with special ingredients is always a bit better than buying new equipment but can become quite expensive.

The arm wrestling mini game is a bit tedious : there is a bar and a circle, you need to put the circle inside the bar and follow the displacement of the bar (to the right if the circle is inside the bar or to the left otherwise). As time passes, the bar shrinks.

With M/K configuration, you move the circle with the mouse movement alone.

Thanks for the tips. I'm not very far along in Ch1 (haven't left town much at all). Although I imported my W1 save, so I've started with somewhat better equipment than the default.

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Picked up the Magika bundle for $7 when it was on sale on STEAM. It's rather difficult for a SP game.

So far, the biggest difficulty for me is, that you can't assign favourite spells to quick keys (at least, I haven't found such an option). I've been putting myself on fire while healing goblins and killed myself by spontaneous forcefield creation that catapulted me through the air out into the ocean. Fancy robes or not, wizards swims like rocks :(

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Picked up the Magika bundle for $7 when it was on sale on STEAM. It's rather difficult for a SP game.

So far, the biggest difficulty for me is, that you can't assign favourite spells to quick keys (at least, I haven't found such an option). I've been putting myself on fire while healing goblins and killed myself by spontaneous forcefield creation that catapulted me through the air out into the ocean. Fancy robes or not, wizards swims like rocks :rolleyes:


Have you ever tried to swim in a giant robe? It's tough man!


And yes, there is no way to hotkey spells. You have to hit the proper keys every time. Just playing with one other person makes the game exponentially easier as you can revive yourself. Revive (WA) is pretty much the easiest spell in the game to cast and there is a reason it's the first one you learn. :(

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Picked up the Magika bundle for $7 when it was on sale on STEAM. It's rather difficult for a SP game.

So far, the biggest difficulty for me is, that you can't assign favourite spells to quick keys (at least, I haven't found such an option). I've been putting myself on fire while healing goblins and killed myself by spontaneous forcefield creation that catapulted me through the air out into the ocean. Fancy robes or not, wizards swims like rocks :(

If either of you two are looking for co-op buddies, I might know a guy.


And by "a guy," I mean "I am desperate for people to play this with."

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Picked up the Magika bundle for $7 when it was on sale on STEAM. It's rather difficult for a SP game.

So far, the biggest difficulty for me is, that you can't assign favourite spells to quick keys (at least, I haven't found such an option). I've been putting myself on fire while healing goblins and killed myself by spontaneous forcefield creation that catapulted me through the air out into the ocean. Fancy robes or not, wizards swims like rocks :(

Half the fun of the game are miscasts and friendly fire.

You just need another player to appreciate it and res you afterwards.

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Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2


Hoooooooooo. I like to think of myself as oldschool. "I was there, man!" I mean, I call FPS games DOOM clones.


But... I was not there for this. That whole generation of early 3D enemies around Quake. I missed that whole shebang. And this game makes that abundantly clear. It's completely alien to me. Quake had just come out, but I couldn't play it, then Quake 2, Jedi Knight, even both System Shock games. I only came back to PC gaming in 2000, while Half-Life was still king and Deus Ex was just coming out. And it makes me ashamed. :'(


That four year gap

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Picked up the Magika bundle for $7 when it was on sale on STEAM. It's rather difficult for a SP game.

So far, the biggest difficulty for me is, that you can't assign favourite spells to quick keys (at least, I haven't found such an option). I've been putting myself on fire while healing goblins and killed myself by spontaneous forcefield creation that catapulted me through the air out into the ocean. Fancy robes or not, wizards swims like rocks :(

If either of you two are looking for co-op buddies, I might know a guy.


And by "a guy," I mean "I am desperate for people to play this with."

My schedule is a bit on full side this side of the Weekend, but I might take you up on that offer after Sunday, if we can figure out something with the timezone challenge :rolleyes:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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If any of you wants to play Magicka with a another player and I'm on steam, feel free to ask.. I'm somewhat of a veteran, so I might not be as much as fun as other new players - killing each other and being confused is half the fun.

Fortune favors the bald.

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