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Dragon Age III


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Should the gameplay go back to being more akin to Baldur's Gate? or take the new path that Dragon Age II was showing to DA becoming more independent and more or less associated with Baldur's Gate.


What about the story? New protagonist: good? It is probably just another way to make sure that there are less upgrades.


Location, location, location... BioWare only got this right twice: MDK2 and Baldur's Gate

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Should the gameplay go back to being more akin to Baldur's Gate? or take the new path that Dragon Age II was showing to DA becoming more independent and more or less associated with Baldur's Gate.


What about the story? New protagonist: good? It is probably just another way to make sure that there are less upgrades.


Location, location, location... BioWare only got this right twice: MDK2 and Baldur's Gate

Not sure what any of them had to do with the Baldurs Gate franchise to be honest. The only really interesting bit in DA:O was the game mechanics which showed potential as a foundation to build and expand upon. It made a bland setting with mind numbingly boring factions a fairly entertaining game. Of course, the one thing they chucked out of DA2 was the game mechanics...


At the moment my expectation is a 20 hour QTE where you can press the right gamepad button (is there even going to be a PC version?) at the right time to pass the "difficult" parts of the game and successfully romance everybody from your dog to your mother.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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At the moment my expectation is a 20 hour QTE where you can press the right gamepad button (is there even going to be a PC version?) at the right time to pass the "difficult" parts of the game and successfully romance everybody from your dog to your mother.


Dog romance, but no cat romance? I DEMAND EQUALITY, BIOWARE!

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


"It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built." - Kreia


"I thought this forum was for Speculation & Discussion, not Speculation & Calling People Trolls." - lord of flies

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At the moment my expectation is a 20 hour QTE where you can press the right gamepad button (is there even going to be a PC version?) at the right time to pass the "difficult" parts of the game and successfully romance everybody from your dog to your mother.


Dog romance, but no cat romance? I DEMAND EQUALITY, BIOWARE!


I am in favour of caterpillar romance.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Dragon Age brand is damaged goods for players like me so I guess from their perspective it'd make sense to continue where they left with Dragon Age 2. By that I mean try to gather "mythical" dudebro shooter fans who for some unexplained reason want to try action RPG. Quick rip off just like with Dragon Age 2, then bury the brand in the pile of dead EA brands like Wing Commander or Ultima.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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heart attack of joy.



i think they need to keep some of the gameplay elements from DA2, but otherwise, make a game that is more like dragon age 1. and for gods sake, make the world interesting! i haven't been interested in talking to a quest-giver in a bioware game since baldurs gate 2.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Obsidian must do a DA3 spin-off, only for the delicious butthurt it would cause in the BioWare community.


Maybe part of it, but I certainly know there's a good part of the fanbase that enjoys (or at least enjoyed) Obsidian titles, since they are (were?) pretty much the only other developer doing BioWare-style RPGs (very story-driven, emphasis on dialogue and character relationships, etc.). In the US Bethesda does very different stuff, and in Europe p. much every developer does more niche stuff with slightly different styles (I doubt a BioWare fan would be interested in playing, say, Drakensang).

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"Obsidian must do a DA3 spin-off, only for the delicious butthurt it would cause in the BioWare community"


Probably not as butthurt as Obsidian fanboys are over BIO REtaking over the KOTOR series, making it a MMO, and not doing exactly what Obsidian did with KOTOR2. Now, THAT was EPIC butthurt.



Anyways, DA3 shoudl be fun. That's all that matters. DAS2 was fun. It had strengths and weaknesses as did BG which is REALLY, REALLY overrated.

Edited by Volourn


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Obsidian must do a DA3 spin-off, only for the delicious butthurt it would cause in the BioWare community.


Maybe part of it, but I certainly know there's a good part of the fanbase that enjoys (or at least enjoyed) Obsidian titles, since they are (were?) pretty much the only other developer doing BioWare-style RPGs (very story-driven, emphasis on dialogue and character relationships, etc.). In the US Bethesda does very different stuff, and in Europe p. much every developer does more niche stuff with slightly different styles (I doubt a BioWare fan would be interested in playing, say, Drakensang).

I think this absurd Obsidian vs. Bioware setup exists only in the minds of a select few members of this forum. I'm sure it would be another interesting topic for analysis, but I couldn't care less any longer.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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I'll be happy with a game that meets Origins and DA2 somewhere in the middle, bring back the strategy view and spend more time on the characters, I just hope they take their time with it, I can wait a couple of years for another proper Dragon Age game.

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I'll be happy with a game that meets Origins and DA2 somewhere in the middle, bring back the strategy view and spend more time on the characters, I just hope they take their time with it, I can wait a couple of years for another proper Dragon Age game.

Mmh, I think the short dev cycle of DA2 was a result of wanting to spread their releases out a bit more, DAO and ME2 went essentially head to head. Looking at the extra dev time ME3 has gotten (partially as a result of SWTOR, admittedly), there's signs that they've learned their lesson. Remains to be seen to what extent.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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At the moment my expectation is a 20 hour QTE where you can press the right gamepad button (is there even going to be a PC version?) at the right time to pass the "difficult" parts of the game and successfully romance everybody from your dog to your mother.


I don't believe they are going to make an Alpha Protocol clone :shifty: .


Just joking: if you are interested, in that video Laidlaw explains briefly the general direction they are going to take for DA3 in the various areas of design:




The general direction seems interesting. But Laidlaw allready prooved to be unreliable, so make what you think best out of it.

Edited by meomao
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Obsidian must do a DA3 spin-off, only for the delicious butthurt it would cause in the BioWare community.


Honestly, I only read praise and good things about Obsidian in the Bioware forums. I quote Nepenthe on the issue.


PS: After DA2 debalce, there where a lot of people on the BSN who actively requested that Bioware let Obsidian develop DA3.

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Obsidian will never ever work on a EA/Bioware Ip again, unless EA/Bioware wants it -that means, never.


Kotor 2 and NWN2 were tossed to Obsidian when Bioware was still independent.


I'm thinking it is less about Obsidian and more a situation where if Bioware does need an outside developer, they will need to stay within EA. Bioware is also so large at this point that it seems unlikely they will need to outsource again.

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