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Witcher 2

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*shrugs* I may just go through with a "clean" playthough, then turn and do Witcher 1 then back into witcher 2

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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*shrugs* I may just go through with a "clean" playthough, then turn and do Witcher 1 then back into witcher 2


Check the first post in the official thread for The Witcher 2 over at neogaf. They have many different The Witcher savegames you can download and import to The Witcher 2.

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*shrugs* I may just go through with a "clean" playthough, then turn and do Witcher 1 then back into witcher 2


Check the first post in the official thread for The Witcher 2 over at neogaf. They have many different The Witcher savegames you can download and import to The Witcher 2.

Also, I just finished the first game (Enhanced Edition, if that matters), and made exactly the decisions you mention. PM me if you'd like me to email the save to you.

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To my knowledge, but having no experience.


Weapons (not strictly, some people have reported getting the "wrong" sword), armor, and which of the three endings you got.


Not sure what else.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Continued playing today in chapter 1. Didn't had much time, but I noticed that the game runs smooth in the forest as well (someone mentioned it kicked down his fps). Loading times are a bit longer there, though.


Got myself a new silver sword and learned how to craft stuff, so I am getting better with the general game controls as well. What I found a bit annoying was a group of bandits very close to an "open" loading zone in the forest. I've been running up to them, new zone loads, I am attacking, they attack me, so I'll run away... into the loading zone, when the loading is done, I noticed that the bandits are walking away again, so I follow them... into the loading zone again. This happened like 3 or 4 times until I've killed them. A bit badly placed, that mobs.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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The A.I. doesn't seem to be the best. If you're in a fight and you get far from your opponents they will walk away to the location they were in, then you can hit them in the back. It doesn't happen often, but it has happened in a few fights.

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I believe I'm pretty far into Chapter 1 so far. Don't want to give spoilers, but believe I'm coming to an understanding of the different components of the game including mutagens, counterattacks, enhancements, potions, crafting, etc. I don't believe the game has the best tutorial for all of these components, but once you learn them, they just sort of click and everything is coming together.


The combat took a little bit of getting used to and I was trying to point my finger on it and feel, after the amount of time I've played, it's the way you have to go into battles. You really need strategy with this game, using everything at your disposal including signs, bombs, potions, and swords, even on normal where as with TW1, you didn't really need to do much besides attack with your sword for most fights if you were good. I believe, this combat brings more fulfillment out of this component of the game though and is certainly more rewarding.


I'd also like to say I'm enjoying the extras including soundtrack and artbook, both pretty superb!

Edited by SadExchange
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Also wanted to add, the game runs beautifully 1t 1920 X 1080 with everything on except motion blur(not big fan of it), ubersampling (just afraid to turn it on), and only high on the two shadow components instead of ulta, but everything else jacked up and not a stutter.

Specs include:

AMD Phenom Quad 3.2

8 GB Ram

Nvidia 275GTX

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Satisfied with performance at this:




Clarksdale 3.3GHz, 5850 as mentioned.



Crossfire fix coming - http://twitter.com/#!/catalystcreator

Edited by Humanoid


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PC Gamer Review


Mostly positive, complains about the combat system and the ending

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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In before "20-30 hours? And they pretend to be an RPG?". Or does that apply only to developers west of the Paris Meridian? ;)


More seriously though, looks like CD Projekt really barged into the top-echelon RPG studios with this release, at the latest. It's not like it's been very crowded, with 1-3 studios there for the past, what, 10 years?

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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In before "20-30 hours? And they pretend to be an RPG?". Or does that apply only to developers west of the Paris Meridian? ;)


More seriously though, looks like CD Projekt really barged into the top-echelon RPG studios with this release, at the latest. It's not like it's been very crowded, with 1-3 studios there for the past, what, 10 years?


In popularity? Because I'd think from a financal/size standpoint they were there before.

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In before "20-30 hours? And they pretend to be an RPG?". Or does that apply only to developers west of the Paris Meridian? ;)


More seriously though, looks like CD Projekt really barged into the top-echelon RPG studios with this release, at the latest. It's not like it's been very crowded, with 1-3 studios there for the past, what, 10 years?


In popularity? Because I'd think from a financal/size standpoint they were there before.

Didn't they almost fold a couple of years ago, what with the canned console port and all?

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Heh, is it true that if you play on easy, the girls in the game ignore Geralt and make mocking comments when his back is turned?

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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That was more to do with their parent company, though.


Just got to say....


is a bloody pissup when you're on 10fps and can't twitch well enough. After 7 tries thinking I might need to bring down to Normal for this one.

Yes, using both sorceress & potion. Just can't dodge tentacles fast enough with the lag.


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In before "20-30 hours? And they pretend to be an RPG?". Or does that apply only to developers west of the Paris Meridian? ;)


More seriously though, looks like CD Projekt really barged into the top-echelon RPG studios with this release, at the latest. It's not like it's been very crowded, with 1-3 studios there for the past, what, 10 years?


In popularity? Because I'd think from a financal/size standpoint they were there before.

Didn't they almost fold a couple of years ago, what with the canned console port and all?



Wasn't that just because they had problems with the external devs?




Also, CD Projekt publishes Witcher 2 themselves in Europe.

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Heh, is it true that if you play on easy, the girls in the game ignore Geralt and make mocking comments when his back is turned?


That'd be pretty funny.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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In popularity? Because I'd think from a financal/size standpoint they were there before.

Which is why I had "at the latest" there. I'm a bit hesitant to give accolades to studios based on one game (see Ion Storm). :)


Of course, I haven't still played either one of these games (well, i did boot Witcher 1 twice), so I'm still going of second hand info. Still, people who's opinions I generally value are quite ecstatic about these, certainly the second one, though I can't help but feel a part of it is related to these rather conservative, married gentlemen in legal professions getting to bang medieval women of loose morale while their uptight wives are planning the next dinner party. ;)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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PC Gamer Review


Mostly positive, complains about the combat system and the ending



I agree slightly. In the beginning I thought the combat was a serious step back, but after playing the game for a good amount of hours, I've actually come to really enjoy the system, using all my assets during many battles. The ending, however, I can't comment on as I've just entered chapter 2.

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