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Witcher 2

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Hmm. Played about twenty minutes, will play more this evening.


It is really rather beautiful and I can see why it has previewers drooling over it, but I'm badly in need of overclocking/ frame rate tweaking as I'm getting massive fluctuations (10-70fps; from fraps and vsync off so grain of salt; on an e6400/ win7/ 5770 1GB/ 4GB RAM). Think I'll try to go 266 -> 333 on the FSB and see if it helps, else I'll just have to try and work out which options only put load on the gpu.


Got Raven's Armour + Aerondight + another sword which is presumably the Mahakam Rune Blade equivalent imported from my last TW save. Had some comments on other decisions from the first game too. On the negative side I had no idea who the 'Leland' from the framing narrative was until I checked the journal, and it kind of implies that you should know who it was. And I'm apparently a terrible shot with a ballista.


Also Australian Puritanism is apparently no barrier to full frontal nudity.

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Hmm. Played about twenty minutes, will play more this evening.


It is really rather beautiful and I can see why it has previewers drooling over it, but I'm badly in need of overclocking/ frame rate tweaking as I'm getting massive fluctuations (10-70fps; from fraps and vsync off so grain of salt; on an e6400/ win7/ 5770 1GB/ 4GB RAM). Think I'll try to go 266 -> 333 on the FSB and see if it helps, else I'll just have to try and work out which options only put load on the gpu.


Got Raven's Armour + Aerondight + another sword which is presumably the Mahakam Rune Blade equivalent imported from my last TW save. Had some comments on other decisions from the first game too. On the negative side I had no idea who the 'Leland' from the framing narrative was until I checked the journal, and it kind of implies that you should know who it was. And I'm apparently a terrible shot with a ballista.


Also Australian Puritanism is apparently no barrier to full frontal nudity.


We need your specs!


EDIT: Jeez sorry, I'm blind.

Edited by taviow
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On the negative side I had no idea who the 'Leland' from the framing narrative was until I checked the journal, and it kind of implies that you should know who it was.

I'm on Chapter IV of The Witcher and have no idea who he is.

The Witcher wiki has no idea who he is.

Google has no idea who he is.

Witcher wiki doesn't even know anyone past Lel, thinking maybe you misspelled it.


Is it Foltest's first name or something?

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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On the negative side I had no idea who the 'Leland' from the framing narrative was until I checked the journal, and it kind of implies that you should know who it was.

I'm on Chapter IV of The Witcher and have no idea who he is.

The Witcher wiki has no idea who he is.

Google has no idea who he is.

Witcher wiki doesn't even know anyone past Lel, thinking maybe you misspelled it.


Is it Foltest's first name or something?


Maybe he means Vernon Roche?

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I'm badly out of date on specs, can someone tell me how zoraptor's


e6400/ win7/ 5770 1GB/ 4GB RAM


compares with my laptop (intel c2duo p7350 2ghz / win7 / gforce 9600M GT 512mb / 3GB RAM)?

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I'm badly out of date on specs, can someone tell me how zoraptor's


e6400/ win7/ 5770 1GB/ 4GB RAM


compares with my laptop (intel c2duo p7350 2ghz / win7 / gforce 9600M GT 512mb / 3GB RAM)?


The processor is similar, if I'm not mistaken yours is actually better due to a higher amount of cache memory (noob-ish speaking though). I suppose 3GB of RAM wouldn't be too much trouble, it would be nice to know how fast it is, but generally I think you'd be fine with that.


The main problem is the video card, Geforce 9600M. As far as I know, the notebook version of the card (9600M GT) is quite a bit worse than the desktop version of the card, the 9600GT, which is significantly worse than an 8800GT, which is significantly worse than a 5770.


So you see... D:

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Hardware disadvantaged Hulk smash! :)


Well... zoraptor said 10-70 and I assume on pretty decent settings. I'll be happy with low settings and 15fps. :bat:

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Yes. 9600GT = 8800GS and will be even worse given its a mobile component. From the benchmarks I've seen a 5770 is around twice as good as a 8800GT for TW2.


Bear in mind though that it seems my cpu was very badly bottlenecking as I've overclocked to 2.66 Ghz and the frame rate is up towards 30fps and fairly stable. That's with most settings at medium (some of the gpu ones high but extraneous guff like motion blur off), no AA, 1440x900 and the only other change is that CPU throttling is now off in bios. I'm relatively happy with that given it's still a five and a half year old computer at its core. And it really does look rather pretty even on mainly medium settings.


Maybe he means Vernon Roche?

Yes think that's him. 'Leland' was an Alpha Protocol reference given they seem to have the same framing role and I actually had no idea who he was- initially thought he might be Velerad/ Vincent/ Thaler since just about the first thing said is that we know each other which I thought must mean a returning character.


Might be useful as a comparison:


Edited by Zoraptor
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I'll be interested to see how this performs on my Athlon 64 X2 5200+ 2.61Ghz / XP / 9600GT / 2GB RAM given that this system has done surprisingly well for me so far. I'm not expecting much.

Edited by Hell Kitty
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Also just began playing. On Ultra Setting just without Ubersampling. Smooth as hell^^. (GTX580)


It's so beautiful.


Good to hear, dunno how my 5970 will handle it, technically it should eat the game for breakfast but as usual I'm reading reports of crossfire being unavailable...I'm going back to Nvidia on my next upgrade. :sorcerer:

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Uhm. There's a lot they've done right so far and a LOT they've done wrong. I'm talking about things they did right in the first game, go figure. Will elaborate on this for those who're still on the fence a little later.


Tell us about that. Now.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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Uhm. There's a lot they've done right so far and a LOT they've done wrong. I'm talking about things they did right in the first game, go figure. Will elaborate on this for those who're still on the fence a little later.


Tell us about that. Now.


Save system is extremely stupid (you can't choose to override an old save, it automatically creates a new one). Tutorials are bare-bones and badly realized. Opening is generally too difficult, it doesn't give you the time to get accustomed to the new controls and combat system. I mean, it works story-wise, but gameplay-wise it's.. well, imho it's not the right pacing, but some of you will probably enjoy it. People who didn't like rhythm-based combat system probably won't like this one since it's still rhythm-based for the most part, screw the timing and say bye bye to your chains of attacks. Also, I haven't seen that much mixing between strong and fast attacks, but I'm really just at the beginning. Gotta say, it's a much better iteration compared to the original one, tho'. The game is gorgeous though, the writing is, for the most part, well-done (much more character to people compared to The Witcher 1) and it's been a lot of fun so far.

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Also just began playing. On Ultra Setting just without Ubersampling. Smooth as hell^^. (GTX580)


It's so beautiful.


Good to hear, dunno how my 5970 will handle it, technically it should eat the game for breakfast but as usual I'm reading reports of crossfire being unavailable...I'm going back to Nvidia on my next upgrade. :sorcerer:


I think SLI having issues as well, so it's a lose-lose proposition.



I only have a 5850 and am a bit worried about the 1GB frame buffer struggling at 25x14 res.



EDIT: Looks like compatibility issue is killing performance when nVidia 3D drivers installed.

Edited by Humanoid


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The combat, at least, is much improved over the first game, right? Because the original combat was terrible.


When you have played more say something about mixing and matching of stances.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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The combat, at least, is much improved over the first game, right? Because the original combat was terrible.


When you have played more say something about mixing and matching of stances.


It's definitely improved. I found myself experimenting with all signs (which are available since the beginning) which has made combat considerably more fun. It's also much much harder. But I haven't even finished the prologue yet.


Btw, game runs pretty smooth, though I'm running a custom configuration which is closer to high than Ultra. Not that I care, most of the bells and whistles they threw in IMHO make the game uglier.

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Well, it runs. On the very lowest settings of everything at 1280x800. At 8fps. And the textures are so downgraded half of them look like Morrowind and the other half look like Deus Ex. The first one.


...and the game still manages to be good looking :cry:

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Well, it runs. On the very lowest settings of everything at 1280x800. At 8fps. And the textures are so downgraded half of them look like Morrowind and the other half look like Deus Ex. The first one.


...and the game still manages to be good looking :cry:



"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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