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FO: NV (Spoilers)

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I never saw the guy who talked about the caps in my first game. He probably got murdered by someone while looking for me.


Heck, when he found me in the second game, he nearly walked into the NCR/Powder Ganger fight.

He found me when I was creeping through the little Coyote Den near Goodsprings. :p

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oh? Just side quests or important ones (or more Boone ones)?

you could say they're important. she actually gives you the whole branch of McCarran quests linked to the Legion spy and Vault 3

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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oh? Just side quests or important ones (or more Boone ones)?

you could say they're important. she actually gives you the whole branch of McCarran quests linked to the Legion spy and Vault 3

I don't care much about the monorail/spy quest (especially since I hear it can bug out on some ppl) and The White Wash/No Not Much isn't a Boone thing.

IIRC have a Vault 3 quest in my log that doesn't seem (yet) to have anything to do with her at all. Hmm.


Edit:Reloaded the game, she's still stuck. Left area, waited 24 hours, went back, still stuck. lol Oh well, don't care. Or rather I kinda do, but I don't want to retrieve the corpse, kill Cook-Cook and all that again right now. My Vault3 quest had to do w/that bounty hunter dude.

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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her quest involves talking to colonel Hsu, who will give you another quest to find a ranger in Vault 3. another quest from her you can get is to find another missing ranger.


EDIT: oh, maybe you can get the quest directly from Hsu once you've found Anderson in Vault 3, tended to his injury and persuaded him to go back to camp McCarran. also, Vault 3 can be really tough if you don't have a high speech skill, I managed to buy the leader's helmet for my bounty, because I didn't want to fight my way outside through. there's gonna be a couple of captives on one of the levels, don't worry and open the cage if you can, they will sneak out on their own and the gang won't attack you.

Edited by sorophx
Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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I never saw the guy who talked about the caps in my first game. He probably got murdered by someone while looking for me.


Heck, when he found me in the second game, he nearly walked into the NCR/Powder Ganger fight.

He found me when I was creeping through the little Coyote Den near Goodsprings. :p


I got a visit on top of the Helios thingie - I was mildly freaked out..

Fortune favors the bald.

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Finished my first play through. I'm not sure why Boone didn't get an epilogue, yet someone like Raul did. I didn't even take Raul into my party, but Boone was my companions the second most amount of time (after Veronica).


I did not enjoy the endless fighting in Hoover Dam (I sided with the NCR), and the damn arrow on the map was difficult to follow inside the dam because of the doors leading to various levels.


I have a couple of questions after playing, but I think a couple of them might be answered on subsequent play throughs if I choose different options, so I won't bother asking them.


Overall, Obsidian should be proud. I had a few minor glitches, and the game froze on me maybe 3 or 4 times total through the countless hours I played. But the sidequests were amazing, the characters fun, and the choices I made actually had an impact.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Definitely agree on the NCR end-game. I think that was actually the worst part of the game for me, the whole "let's kill a load of generic bad dudes because hey... it's the end-game of a RPG!" thing is so old, it felt very uninspired. I also ended up being a bit confused because I didn't know which arrow pointed to which objective. In the end, I ended up not doing the optional objective. I enjoyed that I could talk down the final boss but I have to say I felt it kinda came out of the blue. Maybe I missed significant story-lines that can be found in the game but I really had no good idea whatsoever on who this dude was. At least he looked pretty bad-ass.


Very happy with the actual ending though. I'm sure there are some scripting bugs here due to how many slides there seem to be but I was very pleased by it. While there were some strange omissions (I really expected something on the families of the strip), all in all I think the consequences to my actions in the settlements were very well done and believable.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Anyone know the biggest caliber rifle ammo/gun? I don't want to go all out on buying Boone ammo if there's going to be something w/a bigger ammo type later....


Cause I just bought Boone a .308 Sniper Rifle for 2200caps (ouch). He's loaded for bear (has 15DT nopenalty combat armor too). I ran him to the clump of DeathClaws near the Farm House (still on VH diff.) and he took out the 1st w/one shot and killed two others before the last two took him (and me, now lvl 11) down. :p

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Ok, thanks! I'll look it up. I know nothing about ammo sizes and all that (which is better etc), but am assuming bigger the number the better. I just read in the wiki I could've just picked up a Sniper Rifle off someone's cot but oh well....that one can be mine. I love this game!


Curious:Has anyone tried to seriously go (at least mostly) melee? How's that working out?


I'm not sure why Boone didn't get an epilogue, yet someone like Raul did.

Boone's supposed to...has a few. I don't know what triggers which ones tho....

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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The .308 is cheaper, lighter, and more plentiful IMO.


I kept Boone with a sniper rifle (once I got the .50 cal) and he liked to face stomp with it. I wouldn't worry about min-maxing as he just demolished with the rifle. Loaded him up with 330 or so rounds and he had fun.




Also: Boone did have an epilogue for me :\

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The Laser RCW is officially AWESOME. Against Fiends it will rip through them faster than they can run down hallways. It's like a mini-gatling laser.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Caesar is dead! The Laser Gatling Gun mowed through everyone but his Praetorians. Who died to my Thermal Lance. He, on the other hand, said hello to a Holy Hand Grenade.


Meltdown is almost more trouble than it's worth. It's the entire reason I even have the Thermal Lance. Firing energy weapons into close quarters is a gigantic nono.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Dear Diary:

Boone has become restless & moody over the past few days. More moody than usual, that is. I asked if it was because I had yet to take him to the areas known to be crawling with Legion troops, and if my doing so might help his mood. "Couldn't hurt," he growled back. I reminded him that I'd already promised to do several tasks and I couldn't just abandon my responsibilities quite yet. Boone frowned and turned away, muttering "Bounties are nothing and I weary of people who can't do for themselves;I think you just don't know how to say no. They're not my concern."


There's only so far you can push a man like Boone, dear diary, and I knew it. So I put on my best smile. "All right, but I at least want to explore a couple Vaults, maybe find some new gear before we take on the Legion, and I'm going to need someone big and strong like you to help plumb dark depths." Boone was having none of this flattery and hrumphed in response. "I really don't care about your treasure hunting," he said. "Although I admit that this Pushy contraption you found is a nice little toy...can't wait to try it on some Legionaries..." He grunted and folded his arms. "But I think I'll stay here & wait while you idiotically explore the Vaults, how about that?"


"But I don't know what's down there, and you know I'm terrible in close quarters. I rely on distance and sharp aim. I don't have your strength or stamina - I can barely swing a machete. Just help me explore Vault11 a bit then we'll go kick Legion arse back down into the hell they belong in, I promise. Please?"


He frowned. Then he abruptly nodded. "You helped me back in Novac and I've seen with my own eyes your hatred of the Legion. Killing Silus despite instructions not to was proof of that. You've earned a tiny bit of respect." His eyes scrunched down into narrow slits. "But you had better keep your promise." Then Boone pointed towards ED-E, who as usual was floating in a corner, making soft humming noises. "And tell that junk-metal basketball to stay in the hotel this time. In close quarters it'll just get in my way. Plus his damn cheery combat jingle is driving me nuts and has no place in combat. I wish you could Repair him to make him stop doing that."


So I agreed to leave EDE behind. It's a useful robot when outdoors, with its long radar, but I see no need to bring it with us this time. We leave tomorrow morning.


Dear Diary:

I'm exhausted. We're resting inside Vault11 because I'm still recovering from a bad injury. Boone is standing outside a door, keeping watch. I think that man never sleeps. We had risen early this morning, packed some extra gear, and set off for the Vault. Upon arrival, I told Boone to take the lead, and he quietly sneaked through the many hallways, opening doors and confronting everything in his path. He 'hmm-ed' to himself as he went. I don't think he knows he does that, and it's not a nervous sound, either. More like a tuneless dirge.


I was keeping several feet behind him, letting him do all the killing. As it turns out, there really wasn't too much danger:a lot of mutated, giant bugs and rats mostly. Boone was so efficient that it seemed only a few minutes passed and the first floor and living quarters had been cleared. I was able to safely scrounge through the wreckage for a while. It's amazing how many goodies were still lying around. I even found a Recon Armor suit in a battered storage locker, which I immediately gave to Boone since it was too large and heavy for me. Despite his claims that he didn't care about treasure, Boone seemed pleased by the find. When I was done scavenging, we decided to go further in. As we neared the stairs to another, lower level, Boone paused. "I smell a gas leak. Be careful what you do in here, don't wander and stick close to me. Real close."


Things proceeded without event for the next few minutes. Then Boone went down another short flight of stairs and turned a corner, immediately stepping through the first doorway, 'hmm-hmm-ing' all the way. I started to follow, when Boone suddenly stopped mid-hmm and hollered, "Heads Up!!" I saw him dash forward and had time to shout "Crap what did you do?!" just before a massive explosion went off near my feet, which sent me flying back into the hallway. As I lay there groaning, Boone came rushing towards me. "I told you to stay close!" he barked, a look of scowling concern on his face. And I don't mind telling you, dear diary, that even through my pain I felt a small sense of satisfaction.


Boone is a hard & bitter man who doesn't let people in close, but maybe he's finally beginning to see me as something more than just a second gun or occasional useful tool. Not a friend, exactly. I'm not sure Boone knows what that word means anymore. On some days I'm not even sure I still do. But in this wild wasteland, even the smallest sense of being needed or wanted is hard to come by - y'know, that feeling of knowing that someone might actually miss you a little when your head is finally blown off or torn to pieces? - and to see something that almost resembled that, on Boone's face, after all our adventures together...well, I hope it's true, and I hope it lasts. Not much does in this world.


As he was rummaging through his gear for the stimpacks that would save my life, I managed a small grin and forced my burned lips to move. "Your sniper & combat prowess may be legendary, but your trap disarming sucks." Then I apparently fainted.


Dear Diary:

The stimpacks have done their magic and I'm all rested up. We're about to move ahead again...and this time I've told Boone to leave the traps alone & let me handle them. Wish us luck.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I'm level 30 and still haven't encountered one of those veteran rangers with their fancy armour yet.


I also encountered the female Elf voice from Oblivion a couple of times already (Dazzle, Lacey); which is weird, since I don't remember her (conspicuous) voice being present in FO3.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I never saw the guy who talked about the caps in my first game. He probably got murdered by someone while looking for me.


Heck, when he found me in the second game, he nearly walked into the NCR/Powder Ganger fight.


I was walking around Primm and had just found a trail of frag mines I was disarming and taking. I got to the last one, it started going 'beep! beep! beep!' and suddenly I was in a conversation about bottle caps. As soon as the conversation ended, the mine blew off my legs.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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don't wander and stick close to me. Real close."

:lol: get rid of Boone while you still can, grab Arcade, he's weaker and more intelligent - exactly what you need :lol:

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Caesar is dead! The Laser Gatling Gun mowed through everyone but his Praetorians. Who died to my Thermal Lance. He, on the other hand, said hello to a Holy Hand Grenade.

Nobody seemed to mind that I surrounded him and his guard with 20 C-4 Explosives. Then I found myself a nice, quiet place and used the detonator.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I never saw the guy who talked about the caps in my first game. He probably got murdered by someone while looking for me.


Heck, when he found me in the second game, he nearly walked into the NCR/Powder Ganger fight.


I was walking around Primm and had just found a trail of frag mines I was disarming and taking. I got to the last one, it started going 'beep! beep! beep!' and suddenly I was in a conversation about bottle caps. As soon as the conversation ended, the mine blew off my legs.



I was backing away from geckos, fell off a cliff, and he met me halfway on a ledge. He was hanging upside down during the conversation. It was pretty surreal.

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He intercepted me right outside Primm. He was in a gun battle with a Jackle gang member, which he won, then approached me telling me how she joined him then tried to rob him. I then had a chance to rob him myself but I let him go.

That's a different guy.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Huh. Are the stars caps super important to the end game or something?


Ill admit, I ran into a big pile of meh last week and my game has stalled right outside the NCR prison. Im tired of walking 20 minutes real time to get my ass handed to me by something ED-E opened fire on. I know, I know, its me, not FO:NV. I want to like it but it just hasnt grabbed me up yet. Not giving up, just taking an extended break. :-

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Huh. Are the stars caps super important to the end game or something?

There's a big mythos built around them unlocking a great treasure and guarded by an immortal man.



It was a Sunset Sarsparilla promo where the reward was deputy badges. The turnin is a robot/cowboy/puppet. It just got built up over the years until people started thinking it must be something grand and murdering for it.


"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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