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  virumor said:
It didn't look very fast & dynamic, seemed a bit clunky or maybe things were slowed down delibaretely for the trailer? :lol:


Yes, there is a slow-motion effect. (A reeeeeeealy bad one at that)


Look at the actual gameplay when they fight. It's fluid.


The graphics look great, actually. Better than Diablo 3, for sure.


I think I might be dreaming, Obsidian isn't exactly known for this.


"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"


The more times I see it, the more I like it. Combat/non-combat animations, special effects and vista views are all great. I hope the next video to be released by SE and OEI will be a developer walkthrough which clarifies combat mechanics/stances, cinematic dialogue systems, the causeway and vista views, etc...

Posted (edited)

glad to see some gameplay vids.


however the slowmo is really bad... really bad impression for the game to start with. why release the video trailer if wasn't done right?


the textures i saw was not really top notched. hopefully it's the video and there's in game options to enable hi-res textures. graphically it looks in the mid of realistic and cartoony.


when can we expect a HD commentary gameplay trailer like the one in Diablo 3?




PS. i noticed that the guardian face resemble the look of Elijah Wood (Frodo Baggins in Lord of the Rings). Is this some kind of joke? lol

Edited by Archaven

I don't see the big deal. From the talk here I thought we'd have some terrible slow-mo, as it is, it's just people walking around that's been slowed down 20% or so. Needless and not a good decision, but surely it's a testament to how (over?) sensitive we all are about frame rates these days.


Anyway, the game still looks the same to me as it has always done - a slick, stylish, pretty game in the Diablo genre, but one that seems to do some interesting things in the genre regarding gameplay and story (much like D3 itself is doing). Sounds good to me, especially since the original DS series had nothing realy worth keeping, anyway.


It won't be the beginning of a beautiful franchise but it seems a solid super fun game if done right.

  Oner said:
As always, the stupidity of GT commenters reaches new depths. It's like a microcosmos of possibilities collapsing on itself.

There are no new depths to be reached.


You're better off just ignoring comments under online videos(and articles for that matter).

  Tigranes said:
I don't see the big deal. From the talk here I thought we'd have some terrible slow-mo, as it is, it's just people walking around that's been slowed down 20% or so. Needless and not a good decision, but surely it's a testament to how (over?) sensitive we all are about frame rates these days.


Anyway, the game still looks the same to me as it has always done - a slick, stylish, pretty game in the Diablo genre, but one that seems to do some interesting things in the genre regarding gameplay and story (much like D3 itself is doing). Sounds good to me, especially since the original DS series had nothing realy worth keeping, anyway.


It won't be the beginning of a beautiful franchise but it seems a solid super fun game if done right.


It seems to do the same thing TOO HUMAN attempted with the focus on action game elements bound to stats. Hope they get it right in contrast.

  WorstUsernameEver said:
Rewatching the teaser, the vistas/viewing distance is really impressive. Wondering if Onyx can support an open-world game...

Open-world game running at 10 fps. Reminds me of when I tried to run Morrowind on my Pentium II.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

Posted (edited)
  WorstUsernameEver said:
Rewatching the teaser, the vistas/viewing distance is really impressive. Wondering if Onyx can support an open-world game...


Well, considering that Obsidian announced that like the first two entries this is again one big map the answer would be yes. But then again, there are wide differences.

Edited by C2B
  WorstUsernameEver said:
Rewatching the teaser, the vistas/viewing distance is really impressive. Wondering if Onyx can support an open-world game...
If we weren't told that what we see is an actual in-engine vista I would've hough it's a painted background. A badly painted, murky background, but still.
  Tigranes said:
I don't see the big deal. From the talk here I thought we'd have some terrible slow-mo, as it is, it's just people walking around that's been slowed down 20% or so. Needless and not a good decision, but surely it's a testament to how (over?) sensitive we all are about frame rates these days.

Given how highly a lot of RPG fans rate games with terrible frame rates, I'm not so sure about that.


With regard to this trailer, specifically, even watching a few seconds of the combat gameplay footage should show that the framerate is solid.

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