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I'm pretty sure that a large portion of Japanese people would be just as offended by this game as we are.




I think, keeping things really simple, the Japanese reputation as the nation of perverts amongst internet users & gamers is a bit unfair.


re. MamW: virtual killing is much easier to stomach cause we kill other things all the time, just not humans. But we never really go out and rape.

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Personally I'd ban all manga imports, hentai along with everything else for reasons of being artistically worthless at best, offensive at worst - but that's just me. At least they should ban hentai. European pornographic comics at least have some artistic value: Druuna, Milo Manara's work etc.



I just think there is a really skewed perspective out there that says, Japanese are just screwed up perverts, that really ignores what in fact is a very general and very universal spectrum of sexuality and sexual pleasure that is one of the key components of modern Western media.


straw man. am doubting that most folks here, or else-wheres, believe that the Japanese (all-inclusive) are "screwed up perverts."


nevertheless, compared to the typical westerner's outlook, the Japanese cultural pov regarding rape, incest and pedophilia IS different. the Japanese salaryman recognizes that rape, incest and pedophilia is socially unacceptable, but he is not offended or revolted by their depiction to the degree that Di is. the salaryman will, in public, agree with Di that rape is a reprehensible crime, and pedophilia is abominable, but his genuine/private thoughts on such matters he will not share... just as he will not share with you what he were really doing on his "business" trip to singapore or bangkok.


to ignore the cultural differences o' the folks from Nippon would be no less ignorant than stereotyping 'em as perverts.


HA! Good Fun!




I'm pretty sure that a large portion of Japanese people would be just as offended by this game as we are.


I'm pretty sure they wouldn't cos games and manga like this have been made for at least two decades.

To be offended now would mean that they lived under a rock and had no idea of the huge sex industry their country has.


You're applying your morality to the average Japanese Joe which and its leading you to a broad and inaccurate conclusion.


The fact of the matter is that they're used to this sort of stuff and while they won't support it publicly they certainly aren't going to do anything about it.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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I'm pretty sure that a large portion of Japanese people would be just as offended by this game as we are.




I think, keeping things really simple, the Japanese reputation as the nation of perverts amongst internet users & gamers is a bit unfair.


re. MamW: virtual killing is much easier to stomach cause we kill other things all the time, just not humans. But we never really go out and rape.



In that, you are completely right...


I'm pretty sure that a large portion of Japanese people would be just as offended by this game as we are.


I'm pretty sure they wouldn't cos games and manga like this have been made for at least two decades.

To be offended now would mean that they lived under a rock and had no idea of the huge sex industry their country has.


You're applying your morality to the average Japanese Joe which and its leading you to a broad and inaccurate conclusion.


The fact of the matter is that they're used to this sort of stuff and while they won't support it publicly they certainly aren't going to do anything about it.



Porn industry started in USA in the era of silent/mute films... And yet many americans are still offended when they see boobs in TV...


Your reasoning does not make sense tbh...

Edited by Mamoulian War

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In America we bathe in a sea of blood, but are boob-shy of sex.


In Europe you flaunt nekkid in nirvana, but are gun-shy of violence.


In Japan, they simply combine both desires with none of the inhibitions.

Edited by jaguars4ever
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Mmmm... Sim Concentration Camp. That, while in very bad taste I can accept.


This, I shall never accept.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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I think we are missing the point here: Is it available on Steam? :)


On a more serious note, didn't Japanese goverment induct some sort of ban on these so called rapegames last year?


According to the CNN report this game was removed from store shelves by the publisher amid local protests. Apparently the issue is that its been up on filesharing sites for people around the world to download and its causing further outcry...

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Just to make it known: Just because they have rape games in Japan it doesn't mean all Japanese people like rape. Just like people in the US don't like rape even though there is rape PORN (with flesh-and-blood actors) available.


This article pretty much sums things up nicely.


And no, I'm just as disgusted with rape games as the rest of you, but this CNN report is just unprofessional.

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Lol, all of a sudden a CNN journalist learns about rape games that existed for years and blows it over into an international scandal, while making the genre more popular than ever, gg.


These games existed for ages and didn't hurt anyone much. Now, all of a sudden, everyone is "ashamed" and "disgusted"


I lul hard for this, I do.

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The question is which is worse:


It being done in a game or done in real life?


I have seen the game. Not overly impressed by it. With the right mods for Fallout 3 you can do a lot worse.

Edited by Killian Kalthorne

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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That's a retarded question. I really wish people would stop comparing games to RL.

Stupid question, yes, however a lot of stupid people still compare games to real life. They have been doing that since White Box Dungeons and Dragons.

Edited by Killian Kalthorne

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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*returns from Iowa* Uh, just gonna point out that the CNN report went under the title "gamers rewarded for rape" when the only two real outcomes in RapeLay IIRC are either being thrown under an oncoming train by a girl you've pushed to far (or something) or being killed by a butcher knife to the jugular when you're not looking.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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This story is also big now in Denmark as several major newspapers have reported this; CNN also being their source. Interestingly enough, this news is at least a year, if not 1

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"Considering that your average rapist is a youngish male, often lonely, insecure in his "manhood" and a general failure in life (i.e. no control over their lives). "


I doubt this is true. I'm sure there is no real such thing as your 'average rapist'. Afterall, the most well known group of racists team to be priests who tend to be of the old. Even to simply write off the average rapist as 'male' is pushing. It's betetr to say the aevrage reported rapist is male. I'd also say that many rapists aren't lonely or all that insecure since most rapists are known before hand by their victims (often times a family member in fact). I'd say most lonely and insecure people would even have the guts to rape someone.



Anyways, as far as the issue goes, it shouldn't be banned. It should be up to the individual on whether or not to play. No game should ever be banned. For violence or boobies or yes even dispicable rape. Rape games do NOT make people turn into rapists which is what the implication and is the same silly argument for people trying to ban violent games. There's simply no connection whatsoever. Rape and violence have been around well before the invention of video games.


Also, I don't describing the main characetrs in these games as the 'hero' is actually appropriate. Protaganist probably is - ie. the story is focused on them. It's the same with any movie/book that is focused on the bad guys. They're not heroes. They're protaganists.


ie. Tony Soprano was not a hero but he was the protaganist on his show, and those who opposed him weren't neccesarily villains but antagonists.


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"Considering that your average rapist is a youngish male, often lonely, insecure in his "manhood" and a general failure in life (i.e. no control over their lives). "

Well, we all do our own reading and draw our own conclusions:


The effects of psychological inhibitors or lack of (i.e. a few cards short of a full deck)


The kind of research that the Aussie tax payers (hey look, thats me) money goes to


The press (for whatever its worth)


About justification through cognitive distortion Check the section about "Social, interpersonal, and intimacy deficits"


Lots of books available on the subject of what makes tick too :lol:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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That is because I speak broken English when distracted by work :blink:


Silly Life intrudes upon my escapist escapades.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Public transport s'not for canoodling on. That's a sure fire way to get your railcard revoked. Seriously, I've heard tell of this railway rape fetish in Japanese fiction before. Where d'you think it comes from?

Edited by Tel Aviv
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Public transport s'not for canoodling on. That's a sure fire way to get your railcard revoked. Seriously, I've heard tell of this railway rape fetish in Japanese fiction before. Where d'you think it comes from?

I don't know if it's true or not (I'd guess it partially is) but basically it comes from the fact that Japanese train cars are so packed that if you were to start groping somebody, they couldn't really do much about it because they're stuck in place by the mass of people.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Public transport s'not for canoodling on. That's a sure fire way to get your railcard revoked. Seriously, I've heard tell of this railway rape fetish in Japanese fiction before. Where d'you think it comes from?

I don't know if it's true or not (I'd guess it partially is) but basically it comes from the fact that Japanese train cars are so packed that if you were to start groping somebody, they couldn't really do much about it because they're stuck in place by the mass of people.


bs. Gromnir has used trains in tokyo, osaka, hiroshima, nagasaki and a half-dozen other cities in Nippon. trains is packed tight, but not so tight as to prevent a woman from being able to scream at, or lash out at, a would-be assailant. do not think like a westerner. a western woman would scream, and punch/smack/kick her assailant if she were being assaulted on a train. japanese entertainment suggests that the Shame Impulse is so strong that victim will remain meek and quiet during her assault. it is the relative anonymity granted to an assailant by being part o' the faceless mass o' people on trains that supposed leads to the fantastical train-rape scenarios.




haji and mura hachibu is powerful and enduring concepts in modern Nippon.


btw, do not get the wrong idea; Gromnir likes Japan and the Japanese people very much. however, our experience in Japan taught us that you must be willing to let go of your western pov when dealing with fundamentally Japanese issues.




the game in question is Not new. last year, as the result of negative backlash from western media sources and pressure from the UN (yes, THE UN,) rape games were banned... including the aforementioned rapelay. however, the governing body that banned rape content (EOCS) chose to leave the parameters and definitions of the ban unspecified resulting in a ban in name only.

Edited by Gromnir

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Yeah, I've always wondered about this. Gromnir's explanation is the most likely, but how many Japanese women these days (not even, say, 10-20 years ago) would actually do that instead of lashing out? I really have no idea. The mentality doesn't really have a parallel in Korean society, well, nowhere near as much anyway.

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Yeah, I've always wondered about this. Gromnir's explanation is the most likely, but how many Japanese women these days (not even, say, 10-20 years ago) would actually do that instead of lashing out? I really have no idea. The mentality doesn't really have a parallel in Korean society, well, nowhere near as much anyway.


those of you likes to utilize google might wanna try this: find a study conducted by a governmental body in Japan that examines the issue of unreported rape cases.


we could be waiting a long time. you can find that the incidence of reported rapes is very low. you can see that the number of reported rape cases that is actually prosecuted is very low. you can find numbers relating to the number of rape cases that fail 'cause the victim recants. etc. but try to find a japanese study that estimates the number o' unreported rape cases...


is not hard to find such studies in western nations. ugly numbers suggesting that many rapes go unreported here in the United States is easy to locate, but try to find any similar Japanese study and you will discover a void.


ask self: why?

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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