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:down: expansion so buggy on PC...

Not true. What bugs are you refering to? I didn't encounter a single one in my playthrough. On PeeCee.


How can you actually state, explicitly that my experience hasn't been buggy.


I knew you was dim but geez.


It's been everything from CTD, to items removing themselves from the inventory, to not recieve'in quest rewards.


This is when I've gone back and played through the original campign after installing the expansion, which wasn't so bad ;).

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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:( expansion so buggy on PC...

Not true. What bugs are you refering to? I didn't encounter a single one in my playthrough. On PeeCee.


How can you actually state, explicitly that my experience hasn't been buggy.


I knew you was dim but geez.


It's been everything from CTD, to items removing themselves from the inventory, to not recieve'in quest rewards.


This is when I've gone back and played through the original campign after installing the expansion, which wasn't so bad ;).

The one that nailed the lid in the coffin for me was getting rather permanently locked out by the treacherous dwarves. So much for trying to complete it as a dwarven commoner. It had its share of minor bugs, but that was the only gamebreaking one I ran into.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I got that too, you can just console yourself in.

My feelings were hurt. Nothing could console me :(

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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What am I doing wrong with Oghren? He keeps getting killed, and from time to time I just totally lose control of him.


Also, for some reason, both the guards and smugglers in that city (of which I can't recall the name atm) don't wish to cooperate with me anymore. I don't even remember having done anything to upset either of 'em.

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What am I doing wrong with Oghren? He keeps getting killed, and from time to time I just totally lose control of him.

Same problem here. Unlike my Arcane Warrior who stays standing, when Low Brow Dwarf gets mobbed by 3 d00ds, he drops like a sack of potatoes. I'm not really into micromanaging during combat, so I managed to set up properly the tactics for Emo Archer with Daddy Issues, & also Sarcastic Reluctant Mage, but Low Brow Dwarf remains a problem.


Also, my game won't progress past the smuggler battles on the streets of Amarantinewhatever since it crashes straight to desktop. Is this the end of my DA:A sojourn or is the game afoot?

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What am I doing wrong with Oghren? He keeps getting killed, and from time to time I just totally lose control of him.

Same problem here. Unlike my Arcane Warrior who stays standing, when Low Brow Dwarf gets mobbed by 3 d00ds, he drops like a sack of potatoes. I'm not really into micromanaging during combat, so I managed to set up properly the tactics for Emo Archer with Daddy Issues, & also Sarcastic Reluctant Mage, but Low Brow Dwarf remains a problem.


Also, my game won't progress past the smuggler battles on the streets of Amarantinewhatever since it crashes straight to desktop. Is this the end of my DA:A sojourn or is the game afoot?


He kept getting killed in the main game as well, so at least he's consistent.


I had similar issues with him, but don't think I managed to get anybody else killed more than once - he might have bitten it 5-6 times. :)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Set his tactics to dual-weapon sweep when surrounded. Two-handed fighters were untouchable in my vanilla game. Unlike that useless piece of crap Alistair that always died five seconds after taunting.


Armour seems to be doing diddly-squat in the game, no matter how high the number. Maybe there's some kind of damage scaling or a random roll on the armour rating. Who knows. One is better off with high dexterity fighter that doesn't get hit.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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"My feelings were hurt. Nothing could console me'


................ LOL




It should be easy to keep Oghren alive. Just play smart.


A is really easy compared to O.


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Sigrun is cool. That is all. Except I made the mistake of thinking she is a warrior, based on her appearance (dwarven armor), and swapped her for Oghren when she joined us. Not wanting two rogues, I had to backtrack quite a ways to an old save. I guess forgetting to save for awhile is a sign that I'm getting into the game, heh. Just experienced my first, and hopefully last, CTD though -

fireball trap while fighting a largish group of darkspawn just inside the side entrance to Kal'Hirok.

. Bah.


Still feels like I'm acquiring quests more quickly than I can solve them. I get the feeling I'll be running around like a headless chicken. And I think there are too many new and unnecessary skills/talents etc. It gives the impression that Bio is trying to do too much for one expansion. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm still hoping it all comes together before the end.


Despite that, Awakening is becoming more fun to play as I go along. The - I don't want to say uniqueness, but definitely different appearance - of the different areas I've been through so far helps with the appeal.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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I'm playing through awakenings ATM, on nightmare difficulty, and I'm finding the game far too easy. My PC is a human noble warrior with half and half in two weapon fighting and sword and shield. I just basically start any fight with the two weapon talents that cause damage to multiple foes and then switch to sword and shield for the long run and to avoid getting knocked down.


Oghren stays to the side and uses the VERY useful new two handed weapon skills. I especially like the one where he moves in a straight line swinging his weapon like crazy. I find that he rarely dies. I also gave him lots of constitution boosting items so he has a lot of HP. With some good armor it seems to take forever for enemies to whittle him down to a danger zone, at which time the battle is almost over anyway.


Is there a mod out there that increases enemy AI? I keep finding that the enemy AI works against them. For example, the enemy mages usually lock up my main tank with a crushing prison. I just usually wait until enemies surround the main tank, then have my mage cast forcefield on the crushing prison. This spell combo explodes and stuns all the enemies around the fighter, who is then unaffected and free from the prison. It would be better if the enemies targeted the mage with spells.


My party is two fighters, a mage and an archer. They pretty much kill everything no problem.


Still I am enjoying the game. It's more of Dragon Age, which is good in my book.

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Booted up Awakenings and got the NEW DLC! pop up. What is it? A bizarre April Fool's Day gift pack for my NPCs. WTF?


Honestly, the distance between me and what Bio clearly percieves to be it's customer base gets wider and wider every time they do something like this. It's just craptacular.


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Booted up Awakenings and got the NEW DLC! pop up. What is it? A bizarre April Fool's Day gift pack for my NPCs. WTF?


Honestly, the distance between me and what Bio clearly percieves to be it's customer base gets wider and wider every time they do something like this. It's just craptacular.


What's wrong with a little funnies?

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Yeah! How dare they offer fun downloads!


Why I remember the ire and venom I spewed over the ridiculous Shamrock Annah and Easter Egg Morte downloads for PST...whoops, my bad that was BIS... :shifty:

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Booted up Awakenings and got the NEW DLC! pop up. What is it? A bizarre April Fool's Day gift pack for my NPCs. WTF?


Honestly, the distance between me and what Bio clearly percieves to be it's customer base gets wider and wider every time they do something like this. It's just craptacular.


What's wrong with a little funnies?


The cost.


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Booted up Awakenings and got the NEW DLC! pop up. What is it? A bizarre April Fool's Day gift pack for my NPCs. WTF?


Honestly, the distance between me and what Bio clearly percieves to be it's customer base gets wider and wider every time they do something like this. It's just craptacular.


What's wrong with a little funnies?


The cost.


Not like they forced you to buy it, did they?

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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^ Nerdrage? Hardly. Bemusement, more like.


look at the epic lameness of the product. The Tamagotchi tendency are in the ascendant.


As for the "it's not like they are forcing you to buy it line," OK, that's a fairer comment but it's the sort of thing I expect to see in a fan mod, not a piece of desperate revenue harvesting.


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Alright that's it. I've been sticking my head in the sand until now, but no more. The PC version of Dragon Age if jagficially craptastic. From a memory leak that won't relent to incessant crashes to desktop courtesy of the new epansion pack, this game is borderline unplayable. I consider myself to be fan of Bioware, but this PC version is pure garbage. If it was any other company you lot would be crying bloody murder. But because it's Bio, this shamelessly poor coding is considered an mere eccentricity.


Such a pity my Xbox 360 is currently laboring under the Red Ring of Death. o:)

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