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I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite thread on Obsidian


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ME1 is better because it has Wrex as party member. And Wrex is awesome.


Maybe some feel ME1 is better because Shepard is supposed to be badass, and in ME1 Shepard quickly becomes the Terminator on the battlefield with the lack of global cooldown on powers + Immunity/Barrier. In ME2 Shepard dies just as fast as the random mook when standing in the open...

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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ME1 is better because it has Wrex as party member. And Wrex is awesome.

Because he wants to eat everyone? :ermm:


Maybe some feel ME1 is better because Shepard is supposed to be badass, and in ME1 Shepard quickly becomes the Terminator on the battlefield with the lack of global cooldown on powers + Immunity/Barrier. In ME2 Shepard dies just as fast as the random mook when standing in the open...

If that's true, then it's even funnier that people think ME2 dumbed down the combat.

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Agreed that the ME2 battles are much more fun. I'm on my 3rd playthrough of ME2 and I'm still having a blasting running from cover to cover, sniping the bad guys. I dunno how yahtzee could say that wasn't fun. ME was pretty epic though, and very enjoyable at the time. I couldn't get enough of it for a fair while. Can't say that about too many games. Some places got old pretty quick cough Noveria cough. And yes, I'd take the Mako over the planet scanning. Again, like Yahtzee said, for all its flaws the Mako made ME seem bigger. I think they could have removed the need for resources to do upgrade research altogether. Perhaps put the research on a real-time clock instead.


ME2 has better atmosphere - the citadel definitely felt more alive, even if it felt smaller, better missions, better visuals - I love the way bad guys dance around after being hit with incendiary ammo, giving you time to kill 'em, for example. but I'm definitely glad I played ME first. Just like Grunt, I wouldn't feel any reason to care about why I'm doing what I'm doing, if I hadn't.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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ME2 just copied GoW combat. Which isn't a bad thing as GoW is fun and Bio doesn't really have any experience with shooter gameplay. But GoW has co-op. When are we going to get co-op, Bioware?


ME2 is for me the better game, as well.



And yes, I'd take the Mako over the planet scanning.
Personally, I'd take neither. I recently replayed ME to get a Paragon save, and ignored all Mako exploring. And in ME2, I just cheated in all necessary resources to get that out of the way. I'd rather... play the game.


This is space, FFS. The exploration element, if you absolutely need to have one, shouldn't revolve around scanning planets, in person, or from orbit.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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"Hey, does anyone here think that ME1 is better than ME2?"


They're about equal. ME2 combat *is* dumbed. The end sequence espciailly the C&C leading up to it is better. But, the dumbed down combat *and* character system as well. Dunno why people are defending a dumbed down system.



"the citadel definitely felt more alive, even if it felt smaller, better missions, better visuals"


Kiddin' right? The Citedal in ME2 was a waste. They didn't even try with it. Never added to the game. ME Citedal is one of the best 'city' areas in any game.


Also, mako in ME1 is underrated. mako wasn't the problem with exploration, the all bumpy akll the time terrain was. Mako should ahve been twinked not removed.


I don't see why people proclaim the graphics in ME2 as better. the graphics are pretty the same.


Dumbed down combat, dumbed down character system, stupid 'mission set up', end 'boss', and less creative ways to not pick up are ME2's weaknesses. It has better C&C espicially in regards to the end game, and the characters are overall stronger. However, ME2 has better combat, better character system, a better Citedal, a better end boss, the awesomely undrrated mako, and a better story.


Yup. Pretty much equal.



"This is space, FFS. The exploration element, if you absolutely need to have one, shouldn't revolve around scanning planets, in person, or from orbit."


Wrong. It should. FFS

Edited by Volourn


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Hey, does anyone here think that ME1 is better than ME2?


I'm not sure if ME2 is better but I seriously dislike combat mechanics and use of respawn (in order to force player to keep moving). Moving fast, from cover to cover (including middle of the mobs) is just about opposite how I'd like to play a game. I usually take time (unless I'm speedrunning), figure out best position and try to keep enemies in distance. Can't do it in all encounters in ME2. Especially with Insane difficulty I can bareful kill mobs fast enough (with adept) so you have to use really cheesy strategies like destroy every shield / armor so your root powers work (what a stupid change from ME as in that game armor didnt matter). Then root as many mobs as you can (3 max as another stupid change is global cooldowns for powers), run as fast as you can to the respawn reset point and only then kill the mobs. Mobs also have damn good accuracy so your shields are just about gone every time you move (and you can't crouch anymore in ME2 ). I really hate it.


Otherwise I like the game and it really help that world of ME is already familar because of the first game.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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"Hey, does anyone here think that ME1 is better than ME2?"


They're about equal. ME2 combat *is* dumbed. The end sequence espciailly the C&C leading up to it is better. But, the dumbed down combat *and* character system as well. Dunno why people are defending a dumbed down system.


Some people prefer a cut diamond to a raw one.



"the citadel definitely felt more alive, even if it felt smaller, better missions, better visuals"


Kiddin' right? The Citedal in ME2 was a waste. They didn't even try with it. Never added to the game. ME Citedal is one of the best 'city' areas in any game.


I liked the new Citadel just as much, if not more. Sure, it was smaller, but I liked the design and interactions. Having the ME1 Citadel again would'nt have been as good. Glad to see a different part this time.



Also, mako in ME1 is underrated. mako wasn't the problem with exploration, the all bumpy akll the time terrain was. Mako should ahve been twinked not removed.


True, the main problem was the bad terrain. Not all planets had this and the ones with better terrain had at least some nice views into the eky. But the carbon-copy type of building were another problem.

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There's few places where enemies just keep on coming until you cross some invisible line, no matter what difficulty I guess. I played on medium.


And I didn't like them either.

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"the citadel definitely felt more alive, even if it felt smaller, better missions, better visuals"


Kiddin' right? The Citedal in ME2 was a waste. They didn't even try with it. Never added to the game. ME Citedal is one of the best 'city' areas in any game.

No, not kidding. ME citadel is kinda bland in comparison. I like all the advertisements on the walls, the galactic news kiosks. I liked punching that snotty reporter in the face, and Shepard saying, "I should have done that the first time." The Dark Star Lounge had more atmosphere than Flux and Chora's Den put together. I liked the comments from the used game salesman. I liked giving shopkeepers endorsements to get discounts. Captain Bailey is an infinitely better cop than any smug Turian. I would have liked to revisit some of the people who sent me e-mails, but oh well. The only time it felt like Bioware didn't even try was if you had saved the council in ME. That whole conversation felt like it was just tacked on.


Oh yeah, and ME2 has no elevators. ME2 citadel wins just for that.


Also, mako in ME1 is underrated. mako wasn't the problem with exploration, the all bumpy akll the time terrain was. Mako should ahve been twinked not removed.

Outside of the main missions roaming around planets in the Mako was fun once or twice but most of the time it was just a grind. Maybe the best way to tweak it would be to let us fly the shuttle around the planets.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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Oh yeah, and ME2 has no elevators. ME2 citadel wins just for that.

This... x10. :lol:


ME2's environments all appear unique, unlike having to explore the same cave/shack 100 times in ME1. The only thing that really stands out as better in ME1 was driving around the Mako instead of planet scanning. Its almost like Bioware thought 'Okay, so players think driving the Mako is tedious... we can REALLY give them tedious!", and thus planet scanning was born.

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At least the planet scanning doesn't actively work against you.

Well, I'd prefer that to absolutely no gameplay. Holding down a button and scrolling across a surface is in no way fun. When driving around you at least have some nice scenery, possible enemies to fight and other things to find on the planet.

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There is a respawn in ME2? Maybe it's only in the upper difficulties, I didn't notice any respawn.


Yeah, I have no idea what people are talking about with this. I never once ran into an infinite respawn area. There are a few areas that will respawn a fair number of enemies, but they all stop eventually. For those that have noticed this, would I be correct in saying that Tali's loyalty mission is one of these areas?

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I noticed that the Geth in Tali's recruit mission seemed to keep spawning until you killed all the floating scouts. There are also a couple side missions where mechs keep coming at you, until you do a specific action to effectively end the mission, like shutting down a production line, or reaching your shuttle.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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There's also one with Krogan during the Grunt Recruitment mission. The platform caverny place , if you just hunker down behind cover they keep spawning, it's not until you wind your way through the whole route that they stop turning up.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Idea on how to "fix" the mining system: have it scan planetwide on default, but not detect anything. Then, as you scan a more precise area the sensitivity of the mining sensor goes up until you can clearly make out the exact location of the ressources and send a probe. Makes it less "combing the planet" and slightly more of a puzzle.


As for combat... have defensive and offensive abilities on different cooldowns. Defensive abilities being shield bonuses, pull/singularity powers and ammo powers, and offensive abilities being anything used to deal damage.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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I noticed that the Geth in Tali's recruit mission seemed to keep spawning until you killed all the floating scouts. There are also a couple side missions where mechs keep coming at you, until you do a specific action to effectively end the mission, like shutting down a production line, or reaching your shuttle.

Completely forgot about those ones. The area right after talking with Tali right? Has a geth prime at the end? The floating drones keep respawning, but I think that's it. Now that I think about it, Garrus loyalty mission has a couple areas that will keep dropping groups of three LOKI mechs on you, but I found only the last one had time to do so more than once unless I was taking it really slow and standing around after everyone was dead.


There's also one with Krogan during the Grunt Recruitment mission. The platform caverny place , if you just hunker down behind cover they keep spawning, it's not until you wind your way through the whole route that they stop turning up.

I'm almost positive that those stop eventually. I recall hiding behind the wall on the first platform and knocking each krogan off the ledge as it walked past. :ermm:

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in tali's mission and grunts mission they do eventually stop respawning. you just have to use a LOT of bullets to get to that point.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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