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I've played through The Dark Mod and I'm kinda disappointed. I liked that Saint Lucia demo mission released a while ago, but the three missions currently available aren't very impressive. They're all pretty small and look like higher res versions of stuff that could have been built in Dromed. The lockpicking is interesting, being entirely sound based, but otherwise I think I'd prefer to stick to fan missions for Thief 2.

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Must have mods for System Shock 2:


Straylight ADaoB

This is Straylight's Anomalies, Discrepancies and outright Bugs mod - the most thorough attempt on gameplay-adjustment for System Shock 2.

It fixes and rebalances a huge number of anomalies, discrepancies and bugs, all while staying true to the developers intentions.

This is simply the closest thing you will come to a second patch for SS2 after the official patch.


SHTUP (Shock Texture Update Project)

SHTUP is a mod for System Shock 2 which aims to increase the resolution of all the common (and quite a few of the not-so-common) object textures.



Rebirth is an enemy model and skins update.


SHMUP (Shock Music Update)

April 23rd 2007 "MysteryDev" provided a high quality version of the System Shock 2 soundtrack in a thread on the TTLG forums. With this you can enjoy the high quality music in the game.


I also use other mods found at the same site, like the laser pistol machinin posted, but these are the most important in my opinion.

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Killing Floor as well, tempted to buy it but I think the shine's gone off it after 2 hours.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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*hugs the game box*

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Dragon Age Journeys.


Bioware was kind enough to give me (European PS3 owner) an extra couple of weeks to get the unlocks done over everybody else.



You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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i liked the story in 12, but i hated the gameplay, after a while it just became an awful, seemingly never ending grind that left me wondering why i was even bothering. i finished the game, but really don't relish the idea of replaying it anytime soon.


Did you ever play 11? The combat system is strikingly similar, albeit different features (such as exclusion of chainspell mechanics.) Some of the code was most likely recycled for 12.


FF 6,7,8,9 were an uncommonly great streak of games imo, everything since has been a bit of a let down to me (not saying 10 and 12 were bad, just not as good as the four prior releases)


My personal favorites are 6 & 9, but I'm liking the Ivalice setting more as I get deeper into 12 (never got around to completing it,) the combination of magic, technology, and medieval europe is very interesting to me. I like the fact that they're developing games that use the same world, makes for a better detailed setting.


i am greatly looking forward to 13 in hopes of it recapturing the quality of their golden era


It is looking good and Versus XIII is definitely looking interesting, despite Nomura's obsession with "beautiful boys."

Edited by Syraxis
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I just finished playing a NWN2 mod called 'Live Forever'. It's a very story-heavy, very surreal adventure. Normally, I'm not much into overtly linear and story-heavy games, but this was quite different from anything I've played before. See, this is why I like mods. They can try things which a full-on game developer wouldn't dare try. Sure, sometimes they fall flat on their face, but sometimes you find a real gem. Not perfect but very enjoyable all in all.

But yeah, be aware that it's basically a slightly interactive storybook with some (excellent) battles here and there.


You can find it here if you're interested: http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=NWN2M...tail&id=389

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Speaking of NWN 2, are there any decent camera mods and bug fixes out there? I haven't looked at NWN 2 since a bug prevented me from finishing the prologue and starting the 1st chapter. (I don't care if OC is crap, I want the whole story.)

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1.23 actually (plus a hotfix which removed SecuROM).


As for the camera, I don't know of any mods for it. They did change about the camera options during the course of the patches. With a bit of tweaking I had no problem getting a camera option which worked well for me at least.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Killing Floor as well, tempted to buy it but I think the shine's gone off it after 2 hours.

It entertaining enough, but I don't think its fun enough to buy after the weekend is over. Especially when I've got Borderlands coming on Monday.

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...but I don't think its fun enough to buy after the weekend is over.


So you will not be staying on? Too bad. >_<

Still, you should get on later to make the most of the free game. :thumbsup:

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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I've been playing Windows 7!

So far its been figuring out how to make an ISO, Failed activation and long waits as games download from STEAM. Over all now that I have everything figured, i like it. Ill invest in 4gigs more RAM some day soon, but as of now, I can do everything I want. I even bought a new WD Caviar Black 1TB Hard Drive to put the fresh install on.

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Finished off my second gang in Saints Row 2, now only Sons of Samedi are left. I'm also pulling a major amount of real estate income.


I also played a round of Killing Floor. My internet is too weak to play online, but if I manage to get my DSL up and running soon, I can see this being a pretty neat game. I like some of the leveling and weapon choices much better than L4D.

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just finished uncharted: drake's fortune and went out to get uncharted 2: among thieves. the 2nd one, so far, has more action/gunplay than the first did, and it's a bit harder, but outstanding thus far. it seems like this one has more cut scenes, but they are so well done i kinda like 'em. it's really like watching a loong movie with lots of interactive bits along the way.


we, my son and i, are through 6 or 7 chapters i think - about 4 hours. my son didn't really play any of this one, but he helped me finish the first. he gets to play it tomorrow (recall, he had issues at school back in january and we took violent games away from him).


anyway, i highly recommend both uncharted games. extremely entertaining, and worth the $59.99 plus tax.



comrade taks... just because.

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just finished uncharted: drake's fortune and went out to get uncharted 2: among thieves. the 2nd one, so far, has more action/gunplay than the first did, and it's a bit harder, but outstanding thus far. it seems like this one has more cut scenes, but they are so well done i kinda like 'em. it's really like watching a loong movie with lots of interactive bits along the way.


we, my son and i, are through 6 or 7 chapters i think - about 4 hours. my son didn't really play any of this one, but he helped me finish the first. he gets to play it tomorrow (recall, he had issues at school back in january and we took violent games away from him).


anyway, i highly recommend both uncharted games. extremely entertaining, and worth the $59.99 plus tax.




good for you taks for not shielding him from violent games. some of the stuff they say about games and children is true, but a lot of it is bulls**t. My dad always made the argument i'd see worse stuff on the news than in games soI wasn't ever told I couldn't play somethin.

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Started a replay of Fallout 1. This game always draws me right in when replaying it, probably my fav game ever.


Tagged Science, Repair and Speech. Just fought the deathclaw in the Hub, and just barely made it. Poor Tycho got slaughtered but Ian, Dogmeat and me still live.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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