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Dragon Age Origins


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And VtM is just a personal horror/action movie/you-are-the-demons/redemption story/black humor collection that just happens to have vampires, werewolves, demons, magi and changelings. :p


Oh you are just talking about the RPG, for a moment I thought you were talking about the TV show.

Kindred the Embraced? Hardly VtM, even if the makers meant well.
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Isn't Zevran the name of the evil Vizier in Sands of Time?


That said, I do not want some pansy Elf in my party. Luckily this dark & gritty game obliges by making it possible to slaughter those overly eager to join.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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TenTonHammers interview with Dragon Age's Lead Designer Mike Laidlaw here


Ten Ton Hammer: What drove you to make this game so much darker than Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's Gate? They were D&D based products and you were constrained a bit by the license, but why did you decide to make it so much darker?



Laidlaw: To be quite frank, what we're seeing - and what we recognized in ourselves - is a maturation of the gamer. As a company, we've gone from a bunch of young bucks working in a garage to a group of adults in their 30s with kids. With that in mind, I think there's a shift in thinking where people want something a bit more mature to chew on. They want something challenging in both the gaming and decision-making sense.


So our initial decision was to make this more mature game, but then our next decision was to hone that choice. We wanted something a little more realistic, a little grittier, than just having gore for gore's sake. While there's still magic - and that's not "real" - at the same time it's got themes of betrayal that you might not explore in a happier game. There's so much rich drama there, why should we back away from it?


That ultimately made us challenge ourselves. We wanted to know if we could do it in a respectful and contextual way. We didn't want it to be the arbitrary inclusion of sex and violence; obviously people procreate and obviously people die in wars.

I hope bio will pull that through, but I believe it when I see it.


Yeah, coz nothing screams 'mature' like gratuitous blood splattering and Marilyn Manson, right?

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Personally I'm waiting for a choice between personally baiting the darkspawn to village A or village B and getting the folk slaughtered just so the ten times more populated capital stays safe long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

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Yeah, coz nothing screams 'mature' like gratuitous blood splattering and Marilyn Manson, right?

I'm still confident that the Manson and other stuff in the trailers are there just to get avarage gamers make somersaults. I'm not expecting Torment 2, but I would be glad if DA is atleast taking a step towards it.


Personally I'm waiting for a choice between personally baiting the darkspawn to village A or village B and getting the folk slaughtered just so the ten times more populated capital stays safe long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

For some reason I feel like I have read somewhere that something like this is in DA. I could be very wrong though.

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Personally I'm waiting for a choice between personally baiting the darkspawn to village A or village B and getting the folk slaughtered just so the ten times more populated capital stays safe long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

For some reason I feel like I have read somewhere that something like this is in DA. I could be very wrong though.

Would be nice. Bonus points if the common people start hating you afterwards.
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That be cool. I don't know if I'd choose the option. I don't like the idea of making the active chocie to allow people to die. probably why I couldn't be a ruler. R00fles!


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The point would be not having a choice. The leaders come up with the plan and you have to execute it. You choose which people die, neither less deserving life than the other. The war is lost without this, but you live with the guilt. Or commit suicide when the Blight is stopped.


Yay for black and black morality!

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"The point would be not having a choice. The leaders come up with the plan and you have to execute it. You choose which people die, neither less deserving life than the other."


That's illogical. The leaders make the chocie but you choose who lives and dies? You can't have it both ways. And, it's a RPG, so you should be able to refuse.. and, there should eb cosnequences... ie. getting thrown out of the order. (which won't happen).


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Yeah, coz nothing screams 'mature' like gratuitous blood splattering and Marilyn Manson, right?

I'm still confident that the Manson and other stuff in the trailers are there just to get avarage gamers make somersaults. I'm not expecting Torment 2, but I would be glad if DA is atleast taking a step towards it.


I'm not seeing anyone making somersaults after that trailer. Even the hardcore console-focused NeoGAF didn't really care for much for the trailer.


It's just the marketing people having a huge disconnect not only from the game, but from the average gamers as well.

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"The point would be not having a choice. The leaders come up with the plan and you have to execute it. You choose which people die, neither less deserving life than the other."


That's illogical. The leaders make the chocie but you choose who lives and dies? You can't have it both ways. And, it's a RPG, so you should be able to refuse.. and, there should eb cosnequences... ie. getting thrown out of the order. (which won't happen).

So it's only an RPG if you get to be hero and every wave of your hand redeems a thousand souls and never have to do anything that has (negative) consequences for you?
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"So it's only an RPG if you get to be hero and every wave of your hand redeems a thousand souls and never have to do anything that has (negative) consequences for you?"


Who said that? I certainly didn't. Don't make stuff, and stop being intellectually dishonest in your posts.


I wrote: "And, it's a RPG, so you should be able to refuse.. and, there should eb cosnequences"


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Says the guy who has a problem with not having a better choice, which would ruin the whole idea.


Besides, I'm intellectually dishonest? I wanna be physically dishonest dammit! ><


Morgoth, you still would be saving the world...just not that one or two village. I mean look at DA, heroic fantasy but you still can kill your party members for fun.

Edited by Oner
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"Well don't forget people that DA is a heroic fantasy game, so making a choice to kill people deliberately is not in the spectrum of what the game has to offer."


Eh? You should be allowed to make that choice. But, like always, there should be consequences - both world spanning and personal.


ie. Choice to allow the town to be destroyed cna lead to one or a handful of villagers surviving. They blame you, and one of them starts to work at destroying you for letting their town being sacrificed.


ie. Choice to NOT sacrifice the town can lead to being kicked out of your order, being branded by extremists, losing party members who think you are a coward for not making the 'tough' choice to sacrifice the few for the many.


Etc., etc. Either choice can lead to lots of interesting consequences. The idea to 'force' the player down either path is weak, and cowardly and can only hurt a game's role-playing.Let the player CHOOSE and then let them face the CONSEQUENCES.




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The point would be not having a choice. The leaders come up with the plan and you have to execute it. You choose which people die, neither less deserving life than the other. The war is lost without this, but you live with the guilt. Or commit suicide when the Blight is stopped.


What about, 'you don't feel guilty about it' because you are a cold bast***'.


Leliana it's bio latest charcter video, warning it contain voilence, blood and fun by the fire.

Edited by Bos_hybrid
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The point is, you can decide your own motives. This needs to be done. Maybe you only want victory and renown. Maybe you weighed the odds. Maybe you just like as much bloodshed as possible. Maybe you're a good guy doing what needs to be done in order to save the most people. The point is, the player can decide how the PC views the decision, not the design team.

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ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Blood-spattered characters are driving me nuts! NUTS I tell you.


As for the NPC, hey it's Imoen (again) one of the devs has a thing about redheads. But a thief with archery skills would be useful. already I can see her, the blonde fighter guy and Morrigan being the vanilla, balanced party of choice for lots of people.


Me, I like the dog. And the comedy dwarf, I bet he likes beer and wenches.





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Leliana it's bio latest charcter video, warning it contain voilence, blood and fun by the fire.

Cool. A character with a dark past... (In before tvtropes link). :sorcerer:


Since I'll probably play as a thief/rogue myself first time, though, she'll most likely have to stay in her nunnery. That is, if there truly are no forced companions in the game.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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What about, 'you don't feel guilty about it' because you are a cold bast***'.


The point is, you can decide your own motives. This needs to be done. Maybe you only want victory and renown. Maybe you weighed the odds. Maybe you just like as much bloodshed as possible. Maybe you're a good guy doing what needs to be done in order to save the most people. The point is, the player can decide how the PC views the decision, not the design team.
Never said you can't/shouldn't, just that a PC mental breakdown would be "funny".


Looked at the Mabari vid.

Sten/Sven/something to Dog: You are a true warrior, and worthy of respect.

Dog: Woof!


Edited by Oner
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ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Blood-spattered characters are driving me nuts! NUTS I tell you.

Those can be turned off in the game. I personally like them. If you hit somebody's face with an axe, it might be little bloody in the immediate vicinity :sorcerer:

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